#!/bin/bash set -eu # Script to rotate console logs # # Should be run on Dom0, with cron, every minute: # * * * * * /root/rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh # # Should clear out the guest logs on every boot # because the domain ids may get re-used for a # different tenant after the reboot # # /var/log/xen/guest should be mounted into a # small loopback device to stop any guest being # able to fill dom0 file system log_dir="/var/log/xen/guest" kb=1024 max_size_bytes=$(($kb*$kb)) truncated_size_bytes=$((5*$kb)) syslog_tag='rotate_xen_guest_logs' log_file_base="${log_dir}/console." # Only delete log files older than this number of minutes # to avoid a race where Xen creates the domain and starts # logging before the XAPI VM start returns (and allows us # to preserve the log file using last_dom_id) min_logfile_age=10 # Ensure logging is setup correctly for all domains xenstore-write /local/logconsole/@ "${log_file_base}%d" # Grab the list of logs now to prevent a race where the domain is # started after we get the valid last_dom_ids, but before the logs are # deleted. Add spaces to ensure we can do containment tests below current_logs=$(find "$log_dir" -type f) # Ensure the last_dom_id is set + updated for all running VMs for vm in $(xe vm-list power-state=running --minimal | tr ',' ' '); do xe vm-param-set uuid=$vm other-config:last_dom_id=$(xe vm-param-get uuid=$vm param-name=dom-id) done # Get the last_dom_id for all VMs valid_last_dom_ids=$(xe vm-list params=other-config --minimal | tr ';,' '\n\n' | grep last_dom_id | sed -e 's/last_dom_id: //g' | xargs) echo "Valid dom IDs: $valid_last_dom_ids" | /usr/bin/logger -t $syslog_tag # Remove old console files that do not correspond to valid last_dom_id's allowed_consoles=".*console.\(${valid_last_dom_ids// /\\|}\)$" delete_logs=`find "$log_dir" -type f -mmin +${min_logfile_age} -not -regex "$allowed_consoles"` for log in $delete_logs; do if echo "$current_logs" | grep -q -w "$log"; then echo "Deleting: $log" | /usr/bin/logger -t $syslog_tag rm $log fi done # Truncate all remaining logs for log in `find "$log_dir" -type f -regex '.*console.*' -size +${max_size_bytes}c`; do echo "Truncating log: $log" | /usr/bin/logger -t $syslog_tag tmp="$log.tmp" tail -c $truncated_size_bytes "$log" > "$tmp" mv -f "$tmp" "$log" # Notify xen that it needs to reload the file domid="${log##*.}" xenstore-write /local/logconsole/$domid "$log" xenstore-rm /local/logconsole/$domid done