
690 lines
27 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
import ConfigParser
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import ipaddress
import netifaces
import os
import re
import shutil
from socket import inet_ntoa
import stat
from struct import pack
import utils
from utils import HIMN_IP
INT_BRIDGE = 'br-int'
MESH_BRIDGE = 'br-mesh'
AUTO_START_SERVICE = 'mos-vxlan.service'
AUTO_START_SERVICE_TEMPLATE = 'mos-vxlan-template.service'
AUTO_SCRIPT = 'fuel-xs-vxlan.sh'
XS_PLUGIN_ISO = 'xenapi-plugins-mitaka.iso'
LOG = utils.LOG
def get_endpoints(astute):
"""Return the IP addresses of the storage/mgmt endpoints."""
endpoints = astute['network_scheme']['endpoints']
endpoints = dict([(
k.replace('br-', ''),
) for k in endpoints])
LOG.info('storage network: {storage}'.format(**endpoints))
LOG.info('mgmt network: {mgmt}'.format(**endpoints))
return endpoints
def install_xenapi_sdk():
"""Install XenAPI Python SDK"""
utils.execute('cp', 'XenAPI.py', utils.DIST_PACKAGES_DIR)
def create_novacompute_conf(himn, username, password, public_ip, services_ssl):
"""Fill nova-compute.conf with HIMN IP and root password. """
mgmt_if = netifaces.ifaddresses('br-mgmt')
if mgmt_if and mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET) \
and mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET)[0]['addr']:
mgmt_ip = mgmt_if.get(netifaces.AF_INET)[0]['addr']
utils.reportError('Cannot get IP Address on Management Network')
filename = '/etc/nova/nova-compute.conf'
cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
cf.set('DEFAULT', 'compute_driver', 'xenapi.XenAPIDriver')
cf.set('DEFAULT', 'force_config_drive', 'True')
if not cf.has_section('vnc'):
scheme = "https" if services_ssl else "http"
cf.set('vnc', 'novncproxy_base_url',
'%s://%s:6080/vnc_auto.html' % (scheme, public_ip))
cf.set('vnc', 'vncserver_proxyclient_address', mgmt_ip)
if not cf.has_section('xenserver'):
cf.set('xenserver', 'connection_url', 'http://%s' % himn)
cf.set('xenserver', 'connection_username', username)
cf.set('xenserver', 'connection_password', password)
cf.set('xenserver', 'vif_driver',
cf.set('xenserver', 'ovs_integration_bridge', INT_BRIDGE)
cf.set('xenserver', 'cache_images', 'all')
with open(filename, 'w') as configfile:
except Exception:
utils.reportError('Cannot set configurations to %s' % filename)
LOG.info('%s created' % filename)
def route_to_compute(endpoints, himn_xs, himn_local, username):
"""Route storage/mgmt requests to compute nodes. """
def _net(ip):
return '.'.join(ip.split('.')[:-1] + ['0'])
def _mask(cidr):
return inet_ntoa(pack('>I', 0xffffffff ^ (1 << 32 - int(cidr)) - 1))
def _routed(net, mask, gw):
return re.search(r'%s\s+%s\s+%s\s+' % (
net.replace('.', r'\.'),
gw.replace('.', r'\.'),
), out)
out = utils.ssh(himn_xs, username, 'route', '-n')
utils.ssh(himn_xs, username,
('printf "#!/bin/bash\nsleep 5\n" >'
endpoint_names = ['storage', 'mgmt']
for endpoint_name in endpoint_names:
endpoint = endpoints.get(endpoint_name)
if endpoint:
ip, cidr = endpoint.split('/')
net, mask = _net(ip), _mask(cidr)
if not _routed(net, mask, himn_local):
params = ['route', 'add', '-net', '"%s"' % net, 'netmask',
'"%s"' % mask, 'gw', himn_local]
utils.ssh(himn_xs, username, *params)
# Always add the route to the udev, even if it's currently active
cmd = (
"printf 'if !(/sbin/route -n | /bin/grep -q -F \"{net}\"); "
"/sbin/route add -net \"{net}\" netmask "
"\"{mask}\" gw {himn_local};\n"
"fi\n' >> /etc/udev/scripts/reroute.sh"
cmd = cmd.format(net=net, mask=mask, himn_local=himn_local)
utils.ssh(himn_xs, username, cmd)
LOG.info('%s network ip is missing' % endpoint_name)
utils.ssh(himn_xs, username, 'chmod +x /etc/udev/scripts/reroute.sh')
utils.ssh(himn_xs, username,
('echo \'SUBSYSTEM=="net" ACTION=="add" '
'KERNEL=="xenapi" RUN+="/etc/udev/scripts/reroute.sh"\' '
'> /etc/udev/rules.d/90-reroute.rules'))
def parse_uuid(output):
uuid = None
index = output.strip().find('uuid:')
if index >= 0:
start = index + len('uuid:')
uuid = output[start:].strip()
return uuid
def install_suppack(himn, username, package, xcp_version):
"""Install xapi driver supplemental pack. """
tmp = utils.ssh(himn, username, 'mktemp', '-d')
real_pack = "xcp_%s/%s" % (xcp_version, package)
if not os.path.exists(real_pack):
utils.reportError('Package folder %s not exist' % real_pack)
utils.scp(himn, username, tmp, real_pack)
if LooseVersion(xcp_version) < LooseVersion('2.2.0'):
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'xe-install-supplemental-pack',
tmp + '/' + package, prompt='Y\n')
errcode, uuid, errmsg = \
utils.ssh_detailed(himn, username, 'xe', 'update-upload',
'file-name=' + tmp + '/' + package,
allowed_return_codes=[0, 1])
if errcode == 0:
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'xe', 'update-apply',
'uuid=' + uuid.strip())
LOG.debug("Install supplemental pack failed, err: %s", errmsg)
if "The uploaded update already exists" in errmsg:
uuid = parse_uuid(errmsg)
if uuid is None:
raise utils.ExecutionError(errmsg)
# Check current update is applied already
out = utils.ssh(himn, username, 'xe', 'update-list',
'uuid=' + uuid, '--minimal')
# Apply this update if cannot find it with uuid
if not out:
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'xe', 'update-apply',
'uuid=' + uuid)
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'rm', tmp, '-rf')
def forward_from_himn(eth):
"""Forward packets from HIMN to storage/mgmt network. """
# make change to be persistent
utils.execute('sed', '-i',
# make it to take effective now.
utils.execute('sysctl', 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1')
endpoint_names = ['br-storage', 'br-mgmt']
for endpoint_name in endpoint_names:
utils.execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'POSTROUTING',
'-o', endpoint_name, '-j', 'MASQUERADE')
utils.execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD',
'-i', endpoint_name, '-o', eth,
'-m', 'state', '--state', 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED',
'-j', 'ACCEPT')
utils.execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD',
'-i', eth, '-o', endpoint_name,
'-j', 'ACCEPT')
utils.execute('iptables', '-A', 'INPUT', '-i', eth, '-j', 'ACCEPT')
utils.execute('iptables', '-t', 'filter', '-S', 'FORWARD')
utils.execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-S', 'POSTROUTING')
utils.execute('service', 'iptables-persistent', 'save')
def forward_port(eth_in, eth_out, target_host, target_port):
"""Forward packets from eth_in to eth_out on target_host:target_port. """
utils.execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'PREROUTING',
'-i', eth_in, '-p', 'tcp', '--dport', target_port,
'-j', 'DNAT', '--to', target_host)
utils.execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD',
'-i', eth_out, '-o', eth_in,
'-m', 'state', '--state', 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED',
'-j', 'ACCEPT')
utils.execute('iptables', '-A', 'FORWARD',
'-i', eth_in, '-o', eth_out,
'-j', 'ACCEPT')
utils.execute('iptables', '-t', 'filter', '-S', 'FORWARD')
utils.execute('iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-S', 'POSTROUTING')
utils.execute('service', 'iptables-persistent', 'save')
def install_logrotate_script(himn, username):
"Install console logrotate script"
utils.scp(himn, username, '/root/', 'rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh')
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'mkdir -p /var/log/xen/guest')
utils.ssh(himn, username, '''crontab - << CRONTAB
* * * * * /root/rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
def install_image_cache_cleanup():
tool_path = '/usr/bin/destroy_cached_images'
tool_conf = '/etc/nova/nova-compute.conf'
# install this tool.
src_file = 'tools/destroy_cached_images.py'
target_file = tool_path
shutil.copy(src_file, target_file)
os.chown(target_file, 0, 0)
os.chmod(target_file, stat.S_IRWXU)
except Exception:
utils.reportError("Failed to install file %s" % target_file)
# create a daily clean-up cron job
cron_entry = '5 3 * * * {} --config-file={} >/dev/null 2>&1'.format(
user = 'root'
utils.add_cron_job(user, cron_entry)
LOG.info('Added crontab successfully: %s' % cron_entry)
def modify_neutron_rootwrap_conf(himn, username, password):
"""Set xenapi configurations"""
filename = '/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf'
cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
cf.set('xenapi', 'xenapi_connection_url', 'http://%s' % himn)
cf.set('xenapi', 'xenapi_connection_username', username)
cf.set('xenapi', 'xenapi_connection_password', password)
with open(filename, 'w') as configfile:
except Exception:
utils.reportError("Fail to modify file %s", filename)
LOG.info('Modify file %s successfully', filename)
def modify_neutron_ovs_agent_conf(int_br, br_mappings=None, local_ip=None):
filename = '/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini'
cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
cf.set('agent', 'root_helper',
'neutron-rootwrap-xen-dom0 /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf')
cf.set('agent', 'root_helper_daemon', '')
cf.set('agent', 'minimize_polling', False)
cf.set('ovs', 'integration_bridge', int_br)
if br_mappings:
cf.set('ovs', 'bridge_mappings', br_mappings)
if local_ip:
cf.set('ovs', 'local_ip', local_ip)
with open(filename, 'w') as configfile:
except Exception:
utils.reportError("Fail to modify %s", filename)
LOG.info('Modify %s successfully', filename)
def get_network_ethX(bridge_name):
# find out ethX in DomU which connect to private network
# br-aux is the auxiliary bridge and in normal case there will be a patch
# between br-prv and br-aux
values = astute['network_scheme']['transformations']
for item in values:
if item['action'] == 'add-port' and item['bridge'] == bridge_name:
return item['name']
# If cannot find given bridge, the network topo should be public and
# private connecting to the same network and the checkbox
# "Assign public network to all nodes" is checked, we need to use br-ex
# to find ethX in domU
for item in values:
if item['action'] == 'add-port' and item['bridge'] == 'br-ex':
return item['name']
def find_dom0_bridge(himn, username, bridge_name):
ethX = get_network_ethX(bridge_name)
if not ethX:
utils.reportError("Cannot find eth used for private network")
ethX = ethX.split('.')[0]
# find the ethX mac in /sys/class/net/ethX/address
with open('/sys/class/net/%s/address' % ethX, 'r') as fo:
mac = fo.readline()
network_uuid = utils.ssh(himn, username,
('xe vif-list params=network-uuid '
'minimal=true MAC=%s') % mac)
bridge = utils.ssh(himn, username,
('xe network-param-get param-name=bridge '
'uuid=%s') % network_uuid)
return bridge
def find_physical_network_mappings(astute, himn, username):
# find corresponding bridge in Dom0
bridge = find_dom0_bridge(himn, username, 'br-aux')
# find physical network name
phynet_setting = astute['quantum_settings']['L2']['phys_nets']
physnet = phynet_setting.keys()[0]
return physnet + ':' + bridge
def restart_services(service_name):
utils.execute('stop', service_name)
utils.execute('start', service_name)
def enable_linux_bridge(himn, username):
# When using OVS under XS6.5, it will prevent use of Linux bridge in
# Dom0, but neutron-openvswitch-agent in compute node will use Linux
# bridge, so we remove this restriction here
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bridge*')
def patch_ceilometer():
"""Add patches which are not merged to upstream
Order of patches applied:
patchfile_list = [
for patch_file in patchfile_list:
utils.patch(utils.DIST_PACKAGES_DIR, patch_file, 1)
def patch_compute_xenapi():
"""Add patches which are not merged to upstream
Order of patches applied:
patchfile_list = [
# Change-Id: I5ebff2c1f7534b06233a4d41d7f5f2e5e3b60b5a
# Change-Id: I359e17d6d5838f4028df0bd47e4825de420eb383
# Change-Id: I0cfc0284e1fcd1a6169d31a7ad410716037e5cc2
# Change-Id: Id9b39aa86558a9f7099caedabd2d517bf8ad3d68
# Change-Id: I88d1d384ab7587c428e517d184258bb517dfb4ab
# Change-Id: I22f3fe52d07100592015007653c7f8c47c25d22c
# Change-Id: I32c66733330bc9877caea7e2a2290c02b3906708
# Change-Id: If0fb5d764011521916fbbe15224f524a220052f3
# TODO(huanxie): below patch isn't merged into upstream yet,
# it only affects XS7.1 and later
# Change-Id: I31850b25e2f32eb65a00fbb824b08646c9ed340a
for patch_file in patchfile_list:
utils.patch(utils.DIST_PACKAGES_DIR, patch_file, 1)
def patch_neutron_ovs_agent():
"""Apply neutron patch
Add conntrack-tools patch to support conntrack in Dom0
utils.patch('/usr/bin', 'fix-xenapi-returncode.patch', 2)
def reconfig_multipath():
"""Ignore local disks for multipathd
Change devnode rule from "^hd[a-z]" to "^(hd|xvd)[a-z]"
multipath_conf = '/etc/multipath.conf'
if os.path.exists(multipath_conf):
utils.execute('sed', '-i', r's/"\^hd\[a-z\]"/"^(hd|xvd)[a-z]"/',
with open(multipath_conf, "w") as f:
f.write('# Generated by %s:\n' % utils.PLUGIN_NAME)
f.write('blacklist {\ndevnode "^(hd|xvd)[a-z]"\n}')
utils.execute('service', 'multipath-tools', 'restart')
def check_and_setup_ceilometer(himn, username, password):
"""Set xenapi configuration for ceilometer service"""
filename = '/etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf'
if not os.path.exists(filename):
utils.reportError("The file: %s doesn't exist" % filename)
cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
cf.set('DEFAULT', 'hypervisor_inspector', 'xenapi')
cf.set('xenapi', 'connection_url', 'http://%s' % himn)
cf.set('xenapi', 'connection_username', username)
cf.set('xenapi', 'connection_password', password)
with open(filename, 'w') as configfile:
LOG.info('Modify file %s successfully', filename)
except Exception:
utils.reportError("Fail to modify file %s", filename)
def enable_conntrack_service(himn, username):
# use conntrack statistic mode, so change conntrackd.conf
errcode, out, err = utils.ssh_detailed(
himn, username, 'ls', '/etc/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf.back',
allowed_return_codes=[0, 2])
if errcode == 2:
# Only make conntrackd.conf.back if it doesn't exist
utils.ssh(himn, username,
utils.ssh(himn, username,
# Rotate log file for conntrack
utils.scp(himn, username,
'/etc/logrotate.d', 'etc/logrotate.d/conntrackd')
# Restart conntrackd service
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'service', 'conntrackd', 'restart')
def configure_dom0_iptables(himn, username):
xs_chain = 'XenServer-Neutron-INPUT'
# Check XenServer specific chain, create if not exist
commands = ('iptables -t filter -L %s' % xs_chain,
'iptables -t filter --new %s' % xs_chain,
'iptables -t filter -I INPUT -j %s' % xs_chain)
execute_iptables_commands(himn, username, commands)
# Check XenServer rule for ovs native mode, create if not exist
commands = ('iptables -t filter -C %s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6640 -j ACCEPT'
% xs_chain,
'iptables -t filter -I %s -p tcp --dport 6640 -j ACCEPT'
% xs_chain)
execute_iptables_commands(himn, username, commands)
# Check XenServer rule for vxlan, create if not exist
commands = ('iptables -t filter -C %s -p udp -m multiport --dports 4789 '
'-j ACCEPT' % xs_chain,
'iptables -t filter -I %s -p udp -m multiport --dport 4789 -j '
'ACCEPT' % xs_chain)
execute_iptables_commands(himn, username, commands)
# Persist iptables rules
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'service', 'iptables', 'save')
def execute_iptables_commands(himn, username, command_list):
# Execute first command and continue based on first command result
exitcode, _, _ = utils.ssh_detailed(
himn, username, command_list[0], allowed_return_codes=[0, 1])
if exitcode == 1:
for command in command_list[1:]:
LOG.info('Execute iptables command %s', command)
utils.ssh(himn, username, command)
def create_dom0_mesh_bridge(himn, username, dom0_bridge, mesh_info):
# Create br-mesh and veth pair if not exist in Dom0
exitcode, out, _ = utils.ssh_detailed(himn, username,
'ip', 'addr', 'show', MESH_BRIDGE,
allowed_return_codes=[0, 1])
if exitcode == 1:
# create mesh bridge if it not exist in Dom0
create_mesh_bridge = True
# if mesh bridge exist in Dom0, check its ip, re-configure ip if
# it's not the same as what we want to set
bridge_info = out.split()
index_inet = bridge_info.index('inet')
# get inet info like ''
ipaddr = bridge_info[index_inet + 1].split('/')[0]
current_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(ipaddr))
configured_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(mesh_info['ipaddr']))
if current_ip == configured_ip:
LOG.info('Bridge %s already exist in Dom0' % MESH_BRIDGE)
create_mesh_bridge = True
remove_old_mesh_bridge(himn, username, MESH_BRIDGE)
except ValueError:
create_mesh_bridge = True
remove_old_mesh_bridge(himn, username, MESH_BRIDGE)
if create_mesh_bridge:
LOG.debug("Create mesh bridge in Dom0")
utils.scp(himn, username, '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/',
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'chmod', '+x',
'/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/%s' % AUTO_SCRIPT)
start_param = '%(bridge)s %(ip)s %(netmask)s %(broadcast)s %(tag)s' \
% {'bridge': dom0_bridge,
'ip': mesh_info['ipaddr'],
'netmask': mesh_info['netmask'],
'broadcast': mesh_info['broadcast'],
'tag': mesh_info['tag']}
contents = f.read()
contents = contents.replace('@MESH_INFO@', start_param)
with open(AUTO_START_SERVICE, 'w') as f:
utils.scp(himn, username, '/etc/systemd/system', AUTO_START_SERVICE)
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'systemctl', 'daemon-reload')
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'systemctl', 'enable', AUTO_START_SERVICE)
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'systemctl', 'start', AUTO_START_SERVICE)
def disable_local_mesh_bridge(bridge):
iface_list = netifaces.interfaces()
if bridge in iface_list:
utils.execute('ifconfig', bridge, '')
utils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', bridge, 'down')
filename = '/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-%s' % bridge
if os.path.isfile(filename):
utils.execute('rm', '-f', filename)
def get_mesh_info(astute, bridge):
mesh_nets = astute['network_scheme']['endpoints'][bridge]['IP'][0]
mesh_ip = mesh_nets.split('/')[0]
ipv4_net = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(mesh_nets), strict=False)
mesh_broadcast = str(ipv4_net.broadcast_address)
network_netmask = str(ipv4_net.with_netmask).split('/')
mesh_netmask = network_netmask[1]
mesh_network = network_netmask[0]
mesh_eth = get_network_ethX(bridge)
mesh_tag = "''"
index = mesh_eth.index('.')
if index > 0:
mesh_tag = mesh_eth[index+1:]
mesh_info = {'ipaddr': mesh_ip, 'network': mesh_network,
'netmask': mesh_netmask, 'broadcast': mesh_broadcast,
'tag': mesh_tag}
return mesh_info
def remove_old_mesh_bridge(himn, username, bridge):
exitcode, _, _ = utils.ssh_detailed(himn, username, 'ip', 'link', 'show',
bridge, allowed_return_codes=[0, 1])
if exitcode == 0:
# Allow return code 5 to make sure it won't fail when
# mos-vxlan.service isn't exist
utils.ssh_detailed(himn, username, 'systemctl', 'stop',
AUTO_START_SERVICE, allowed_return_codes=[0, 5])
utils.ssh_detailed(himn, username, 'systemctl', 'disable',
AUTO_START_SERVICE, allowed_return_codes=[0, 1])
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'rm', '-f',
'/etc/systemd/system/%s' % AUTO_START_SERVICE)
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'rm', '-f',
'/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/%s' % AUTO_SCRIPT)
utils.ssh(himn, username, 'systemctl', 'daemon-reload')
if __name__ == '__main__':
astute = utils.get_astute()
if astute:
username, password, install_xapi = utils.get_options(astute)
endpoints = get_endpoints(astute)
himn_eth, himn_local = utils.init_eth()
public_ip = utils.astute_get(
astute, ('network_metadata', 'vips', 'public', 'ipaddr'))
services_ssl = utils.astute_get(
astute, ('public_ssl', 'services'))
if username and password and endpoints and himn_local:
route_to_compute(endpoints, HIMN_IP, himn_local, username)
xcp_version = utils.get_xcp_version(HIMN_IP, username)
if install_xapi:
install_suppack(HIMN_IP, username, XS_PLUGIN_ISO, xcp_version)
enable_linux_bridge(HIMN_IP, username)
# port forwarding for novnc
forward_port('br-mgmt', himn_eth, HIMN_IP, '80')
create_novacompute_conf(HIMN_IP, username, password, public_ip,
install_logrotate_script(HIMN_IP, username)
# enable conntrackd service in Dom0
enable_conntrack_service(HIMN_IP, username)
# configure iptables in Dom0 to support ovs native mode and VxLAN
configure_dom0_iptables(HIMN_IP, username)
# neutron-l2-agent in compute node
modify_neutron_rootwrap_conf(HIMN_IP, username, password)
l2_net_type = astute['quantum_settings']['predefined_networks'][
br_mappings = None
if l2_net_type == 'vlan':
br_mappings = find_physical_network_mappings(astute, HIMN_IP,
remove_old_mesh_bridge(HIMN_IP, username, MESH_BRIDGE)
ip = None
if l2_net_type == 'tun':
dom0_priv_bridge = find_dom0_bridge(HIMN_IP, username,
mesh_info = get_mesh_info(astute, MESH_BRIDGE)
ip = mesh_info['ipaddr']
create_dom0_mesh_bridge(HIMN_IP, username, dom0_priv_bridge,
modify_neutron_ovs_agent_conf(INT_BRIDGE, br_mappings=br_mappings,
# Add xenapi specific setup for ceilometer if service is enabled.
is_ceilometer_enabled = utils.astute_get(astute,
('ceilometer', 'enabled'))
if is_ceilometer_enabled:
check_and_setup_ceilometer(HIMN_IP, username, password)
LOG.info('Skip ceilomter setup as this service is '