Remove unused volume exceptions

part of bp delete-nova-volume

Change-Id: I1285528ef0c2aff0f3dfea9faf2b28c55eb10a51
This commit is contained in:
Joe Gordon 2012-11-09 01:06:27 +00:00
parent 3e4b8e99b9
commit f9cbf0ff80

View File

@ -217,26 +217,14 @@ class Invalid(NovaException):
code = 400
class InvalidSnapshot(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid snapshot") + ": %(reason)s"
class VolumeUnattached(Invalid):
message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s is not attached to anything")
class VolumeAttached(Invalid):
message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s is still attached, detach volume first.")
class InvalidKeypair(Invalid):
message = _("Keypair data is invalid")
class SfJsonEncodeFailure(NovaException):
message = _("Failed to load data into json format")
class InvalidRequest(Invalid):
message = _("The request is invalid.")
@ -245,10 +233,6 @@ class InvalidInput(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid input received") + ": %(reason)s"
class InvalidVolumeType(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid volume type") + ": %(reason)s"
class InvalidVolume(Invalid):
message = _("Invalid volume") + ": %(reason)s"
@ -428,67 +412,18 @@ class NotFound(NovaException):
code = 404
class VirtDriverNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Could not find driver for compute_driver %(name)s")
class PersistentVolumeFileNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s persistence file could not be found.")
class VolumeNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s could not be found.")
class SfAccountNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Unable to locate account %(account_name)s on "
"Solidfire device")
class VolumeMetadataNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s has no metadata with "
"key %(metadata_key)s.")
class VolumeTypeNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Volume type %(volume_type_id)s could not be found.")
class VolumeTypeNotFoundByName(VolumeTypeNotFound):
message = _("Volume type with name %(volume_type_name)s "
"could not be found.")
class VolumeTypeExtraSpecsNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Volume Type %(volume_type_id)s has no extra specs with "
"key %(extra_specs_key)s.")
class SnapshotNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s could not be found.")
class VolumeIsBusy(NovaException):
message = _("deleting volume %(volume_name)s that has snapshot")
class SnapshotIsBusy(NovaException):
message = _("deleting snapshot %(snapshot_name)s that has "
"dependent volumes")
class ISCSITargetNotFoundForVolume(NotFound):
message = _("No target id found for volume %(volume_id)s.")
class ISCSITargetCreateFailed(NovaException):
message = _("Failed to create iscsi target for volume %(volume_id)s.")
class ISCSITargetRemoveFailed(NovaException):
message = _("Failed to remove iscsi target for volume %(volume_id)s.")
class DiskNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("No disk at %(location)s")
@ -561,10 +496,6 @@ class NetworkNotFoundForProject(NotFound):
"is not assigned to the project %(project_id)s.")
class NetworkHostNotSet(NovaException):
message = _("Host is not set to the network (%(network_id)s).")
class DatastoreNotFound(NotFound):
message = _("Could not find the datastore reference(s) which the VM uses.")
@ -904,10 +835,6 @@ class FlavorAccessExists(Duplicate):
"and project %(project_id)s combination.")
class VolumeTypeExists(Duplicate):
message = _("Volume Type %(name)s already exists.")
class InvalidSharedStorage(NovaException):
message = _("%(path)s is not on shared storage: %(reason)s")
@ -978,14 +905,6 @@ class TooManyInstances(QuotaError):
" but already used %(used)d of %(allowed)d %(resource)s")
class VolumeSizeTooLarge(QuotaError):
message = _("Maximum volume size exceeded")
class VolumeLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _("Maximum number of volumes allowed (%(allowed)d) exceeded")
class FloatingIpLimitExceeded(QuotaError):
message = _("Maximum number of floating ips exceeded")
@ -1040,32 +959,6 @@ class AggregateHostExists(Duplicate):
message = _("Aggregate %(aggregate_id)s already has host %(host)s.")
class DuplicateSfVolumeNames(Duplicate):
message = _("Detected more than one volume with name %(vol_name)s")
class VolumeTypeCreateFailed(NovaException):
message = _("Cannot create volume_type with "
"name %(name)s and specs %(extra_specs)s")
class VolumeBackendAPIException(NovaException):
message = _("Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume "
"backend API: %(data)s")
class NfsException(NovaException):
message = _("Unknown NFS exception")
class NfsNoSharesMounted(NotFound):
message = _("No mounted NFS shares found")
class NfsNoSuitableShareFound(NotFound):
message = _("There is no share which can host %(volume_size)sG")
class InstanceTypeCreateFailed(NovaException):
message = _("Unable to create instance type")
@ -1076,14 +969,6 @@ class InstancePasswordSetFailed(NovaException):
safe = True
class SolidFireAPIException(NovaException):
message = _("Bad response from SolidFire API")
class SolidFireAPIDataException(SolidFireAPIException):
message = _("Error in SolidFire API response: data=%(data)s")
class DuplicateVlan(Duplicate):
message = _("Detected existing vlan with id %(vlan)d")