# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Nova base exception handling. Includes decorator for re-raising Nova-type exceptions. SHOULD include dedicated exception logging. """ from functools import wraps import sys from novaclient import exceptions as novaclient_exceptions from nova import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.exception') def novaclient_converter(f): """Convert novaclient ClientException HTTP codes to webob exceptions. Has to be the outer-most decorator. """ def new_f(*args, **kwargs): try: ret = f(*args, **kwargs) return ret except novaclient_exceptions.ClientException, e: raise ConvertedException(e.code, e.message, e.details) return new_f class ProcessExecutionError(IOError): def __init__(self, stdout=None, stderr=None, exit_code=None, cmd=None, description=None): if description is None: description = _('Unexpected error while running command.') if exit_code is None: exit_code = '-' message = _('%(description)s\nCommand: %(cmd)s\n' 'Exit code: %(exit_code)s\nStdout: %(stdout)r\n' 'Stderr: %(stderr)r') % locals() IOError.__init__(self, message) class Error(Exception): def __init__(self, message=None): super(Error, self).__init__(message) class ApiError(Error): def __init__(self, message='Unknown', code=None): self.msg = message self.code = code if code: outstr = '%s: %s' % (code, message) else: outstr = '%s' % message super(ApiError, self).__init__(outstr) class RebuildRequiresActiveInstance(Error): pass class DBError(Error): """Wraps an implementation specific exception.""" def __init__(self, inner_exception=None): self.inner_exception = inner_exception super(DBError, self).__init__(str(inner_exception)) def wrap_db_error(f): def _wrap(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: LOG.exception(_('DB exception wrapped.')) raise DBError(e) _wrap.func_name = f.func_name return _wrap def wrap_exception(notifier=None, publisher_id=None, event_type=None, level=None): """This decorator wraps a method to catch any exceptions that may get thrown. It logs the exception as well as optionally sending it to the notification system. """ # TODO(sandy): Find a way to import nova.notifier.api so we don't have # to pass it in as a parameter. Otherwise we get a cyclic import of # nova.notifier.api -> nova.utils -> nova.exception :( def inner(f): def wrapped(*args, **kw): try: return f(*args, **kw) except Exception, e: # Save exception since it can be clobbered during processing # below before we can re-raise exc_info = sys.exc_info() if notifier: payload = dict(args=args, exception=e) payload.update(kw) # Use a temp vars so we don't shadow # our outer definitions. temp_level = level if not temp_level: temp_level = notifier.ERROR temp_type = event_type if not temp_type: # If f has multiple decorators, they must use # functools.wraps to ensure the name is # propagated. temp_type = f.__name__ notifier.notify(publisher_id, temp_type, temp_level, payload) # re-raise original exception since it may have been clobbered raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] return wraps(f)(wrapped) return inner class NovaException(Exception): """Base Nova Exception To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. """ message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs if not message: try: message = self.message % kwargs except Exception as e: # at least get the core message out if something happened message = self.message super(NovaException, self).__init__(message) class ImagePaginationFailed(NovaException): message = _("Failed to paginate through images from image service") class VirtualInterfaceCreateException(NovaException): message = _("Virtual Interface creation failed") class VirtualInterfaceMacAddressException(NovaException): message = _("5 attempts to create virtual interface" "with unique mac address failed") class NotAuthorized(NovaException): message = _("Not authorized.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NotAuthorized, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class AdminRequired(NotAuthorized): message = _("User does not have admin privileges") class InstanceBusy(NovaException): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s is busy. (%(task_state)s)") class InstanceSnapshotting(InstanceBusy): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s is currently snapshotting.") class InstanceBackingUp(InstanceBusy): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s is currently being backed up.") class Invalid(NovaException): message = _("Unacceptable parameters.") class InvalidSignature(Invalid): message = _("Invalid signature %(signature)s for user %(user)s.") class InvalidInput(Invalid): message = _("Invalid input received") + ": %(reason)s" class InvalidInstanceType(Invalid): message = _("Invalid instance type %(instance_type)s.") class InvalidVolumeType(Invalid): message = _("Invalid volume type %(volume_type)s.") class InvalidPortRange(Invalid): message = _("Invalid port range %(from_port)s:%(to_port)s.") class InvalidIpProtocol(Invalid): message = _("Invalid IP protocol %(protocol)s.") class InvalidContentType(Invalid): message = _("Invalid content type %(content_type)s.") class InvalidCidr(Invalid): message = _("Invalid cidr %(cidr)s.") # Cannot be templated as the error syntax varies. # msg needs to be constructed when raised. class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid): message = _("%(err)s") class InstanceNotRunning(Invalid): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s is not running.") class InstanceNotSuspended(Invalid): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s is not suspended.") class InstanceNotInRescueMode(Invalid): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s is not in rescue mode") class InstanceSuspendFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to suspend instance") + ": %(reason)s" class InstanceResumeFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to resume server") + ": %(reason)s." class InstanceRebootFailure(Invalid): message = _("Failed to reboot instance") + ": %(reason)s" class ServiceUnavailable(Invalid): message = _("Service is unavailable at this time.") class VolumeServiceUnavailable(ServiceUnavailable): message = _("Volume service is unavailable at this time.") class ComputeServiceUnavailable(ServiceUnavailable): message = _("Compute service is unavailable at this time.") class UnableToMigrateToSelf(Invalid): message = _("Unable to migrate instance (%(instance_id)s) " "to current host (%(host)s).") class SourceHostUnavailable(Invalid): message = _("Original compute host is unavailable at this time.") class InvalidHypervisorType(Invalid): message = _("The supplied hypervisor type of is invalid.") class DestinationHypervisorTooOld(Invalid): message = _("The instance requires a newer hypervisor version than " "has been provided.") class DestinationDiskExists(Invalid): message = _("The supplied disk path (%(path)s) already exists, " "it is expected not to exist.") class InvalidDevicePath(Invalid): message = _("The supplied device path (%(path)s) is invalid.") class InvalidCPUInfo(Invalid): message = _("Unacceptable CPU info") + ": %(reason)s" class InvalidVLANTag(Invalid): message = _("VLAN tag is not appropriate for the port group " "%(bridge)s. Expected VLAN tag is %(tag)s, " "but the one associated with the port group is %(pgroup)s.") class InvalidVLANPortGroup(Invalid): message = _("vSwitch which contains the port group %(bridge)s is " "not associated with the desired physical adapter. " "Expected vSwitch is %(expected)s, but the one associated " "is %(actual)s.") class InvalidDiskFormat(Invalid): message = _("Disk format %(disk_format)s is not acceptable") class ImageUnacceptable(Invalid): message = _("Image %(image_id)s is unacceptable") + ": %(reason)s" class InstanceUnacceptable(Invalid): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s is unacceptable") + ": %(reason)s" class InvalidEc2Id(Invalid): message = _("Ec2 id %(ec2_id)s is unacceptable.") class NotFound(NovaException): message = _("Resource could not be found.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NotFound, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class FlagNotSet(NotFound): message = _("Required flag %(flag)s not set.") class InstanceNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s could not be found.") class VolumeNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s could not be found.") class VolumeNotFoundForInstance(VolumeNotFound): message = _("Volume not found for instance %(instance_id)s.") class VolumeMetadataNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s has no metadata with " "key %(metadata_key)s.") class NoVolumeTypesFound(NotFound): message = _("Zero volume types found.") class VolumeTypeNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume type %(volume_type_id)s could not be found.") class VolumeTypeNotFoundByName(VolumeTypeNotFound): message = _("Volume type with name %(volume_type_name)s " "could not be found.") class VolumeTypeExtraSpecsNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Volume Type %(volume_type_id)s has no extra specs with " "key %(extra_specs_key)s.") class SnapshotNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Snapshot %(snapshot_id)s could not be found.") class VolumeIsBusy(Error): message = _("deleting volume %(volume_name)s that has snapshot") class ISCSITargetNotFoundForVolume(NotFound): message = _("No target id found for volume %(volume_id)s.") class DiskNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No disk at %(location)s") class VolumeDriverNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not find a handler for %(driver_type)s volume.") class InvalidImageRef(Invalid): message = _("Invalid image href %(image_href)s.") class ListingImageRefsNotSupported(Invalid): message = _("Some images have been stored via hrefs." + " This version of the api does not support displaying image hrefs.") class ImageNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Image %(image_id)s could not be found.") class KernelNotFoundForImage(ImageNotFound): message = _("Kernel not found for image %(image_id)s.") class UserNotFound(NotFound): message = _("User %(user_id)s could not be found.") class ProjectNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Project %(project_id)s could not be found.") class ProjectMembershipNotFound(NotFound): message = _("User %(user_id)s is not a member of project %(project_id)s.") class UserRoleNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Role %(role_id)s could not be found.") class StorageRepositoryNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Cannot find SR to read/write VDI.") class NetworkNotCreated(NovaException): message = _("%(req)s is required to create a network.") class NetworkNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Network %(network_id)s could not be found.") class NetworkNotFoundForBridge(NetworkNotFound): message = _("Network could not be found for bridge %(bridge)s") class NetworkNotFoundForUUID(NetworkNotFound): message = _("Network could not be found for uuid %(uuid)s") class NetworkNotFoundForCidr(NetworkNotFound): message = _("Network could not be found with cidr %(cidr)s.") class NetworkNotFoundForInstance(NetworkNotFound): message = _("Network could not be found for instance %(instance_id)s.") class NoNetworksFound(NotFound): message = _("No networks defined.") class NetworkNotFoundForProject(NotFound): message = _("Either Network uuid %(network_uuid)s is not present or " "is not assigned to the project %(project_id)s.") class NetworkHostNotSet(NovaException): message = _("Host is not set to the network (%(network_id)s).") class DatastoreNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not find the datastore reference(s) which the VM uses.") class FixedIpNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No fixed IP associated with id %(id)s.") class FixedIpNotFoundForAddress(FixedIpNotFound): message = _("Fixed ip not found for address %(address)s.") class FixedIpNotFoundForInstance(FixedIpNotFound): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s has zero fixed ips.") class FixedIpNotFoundForNetworkHost(FixedIpNotFound): message = _("Network host %(host)s has zero fixed ips " "in network %(network_id)s.") class FixedIpNotFoundForSpecificInstance(FixedIpNotFound): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s doesn't have fixed ip '%(ip)s'.") class FixedIpNotFoundForVirtualInterface(FixedIpNotFound): message = _("Virtual interface %(vif_id)s has zero associated fixed ips.") class FixedIpNotFoundForHost(FixedIpNotFound): message = _("Host %(host)s has zero fixed ips.") class FixedIpNotFoundForNetwork(FixedIpNotFound): message = _("Fixed IP address (%(address)s) does not exist in " "network (%(network_uuid)s).") class FixedIpAlreadyInUse(NovaException): message = _("Fixed IP address %(address)s is already in use.") class FixedIpInvalid(Invalid): message = _("Fixed IP address %(address)s is invalid.") class NoMoreFixedIps(NovaException): message = _("Zero fixed ips available.") class NoFixedIpsDefined(NotFound): message = _("Zero fixed ips could be found.") class FloatingIpNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Floating ip not found for id %(id)s.") class FloatingIpNotFoundForAddress(FloatingIpNotFound): message = _("Floating ip not found for address %(address)s.") class FloatingIpNotFoundForProject(FloatingIpNotFound): message = _("Floating ip not found for project %(project_id)s.") class FloatingIpNotFoundForHost(FloatingIpNotFound): message = _("Floating ip not found for host %(host)s.") class NoMoreFloatingIps(FloatingIpNotFound): message = _("Zero floating ips available.") class FloatingIpAssociated(NovaException): message = _("Floating ip %(address)s is associated.") class FloatingIpNotAssociated(NovaException): message = _("Floating ip %(address)s is not associated.") class NoFloatingIpsDefined(NotFound): message = _("Zero floating ips exist.") class KeypairNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Keypair %(keypair_name)s not found for user %(user_id)s") class CertificateNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Certificate %(certificate_id)s not found.") class ServiceNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Service %(service_id)s could not be found.") class HostNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Host %(host)s could not be found.") class ComputeHostNotFound(HostNotFound): message = _("Compute host %(host)s could not be found.") class HostBinaryNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not find binary %(binary)s on host %(host)s.") class AuthTokenNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Auth token %(token)s could not be found.") class AccessKeyNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Access Key %(access_key)s could not be found.") class QuotaNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Quota could not be found") class ProjectQuotaNotFound(QuotaNotFound): message = _("Quota for project %(project_id)s could not be found.") class SecurityGroupNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Security group %(security_group_id)s not found.") class SecurityGroupNotFoundForProject(SecurityGroupNotFound): message = _("Security group %(security_group_id)s not found " "for project %(project_id)s.") class SecurityGroupNotFoundForRule(SecurityGroupNotFound): message = _("Security group with rule %(rule_id)s not found.") class SecurityGroupExistsForInstance(Invalid): message = _("Security group %(security_group_id)s is already associated" " with the instance %(instance_id)s") class SecurityGroupNotExistsForInstance(Invalid): message = _("Security group %(security_group_id)s is not associated with" " the instance %(instance_id)s") class MigrationNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Migration %(migration_id)s could not be found.") class MigrationNotFoundByStatus(MigrationNotFound): message = _("Migration not found for instance %(instance_id)s " "with status %(status)s.") class ConsolePoolNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Console pool %(pool_id)s could not be found.") class ConsolePoolNotFoundForHostType(NotFound): message = _("Console pool of type %(console_type)s " "for compute host %(compute_host)s " "on proxy host %(host)s not found.") class ConsoleNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Console %(console_id)s could not be found.") class ConsoleNotFoundForInstance(ConsoleNotFound): message = _("Console for instance %(instance_id)s could not be found.") class ConsoleNotFoundInPoolForInstance(ConsoleNotFound): message = _("Console for instance %(instance_id)s " "in pool %(pool_id)s could not be found.") class NoInstanceTypesFound(NotFound): message = _("Zero instance types found.") class InstanceTypeNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Instance type %(instance_type_id)s could not be found.") class InstanceTypeNotFoundByName(InstanceTypeNotFound): message = _("Instance type with name %(instance_type_name)s " "could not be found.") class FlavorNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Flavor %(flavor_id)s could not be found.") class ZoneNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Zone %(zone_id)s could not be found.") class SchedulerHostFilterNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Scheduler Host Filter %(filter_name)s could not be found.") class SchedulerCostFunctionNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Scheduler cost function %(cost_fn_str)s could" " not be found.") class SchedulerWeightFlagNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Scheduler weight flag not found: %(flag_name)s") class InstanceMetadataNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Instance %(instance_id)s has no metadata with " "key %(metadata_key)s.") class InstanceTypeExtraSpecsNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Instance Type %(instance_type_id)s has no extra specs with " "key %(extra_specs_key)s.") class LDAPObjectNotFound(NotFound): message = _("LDAP object could not be found") class LDAPUserNotFound(LDAPObjectNotFound): message = _("LDAP user %(user_id)s could not be found.") class LDAPGroupNotFound(LDAPObjectNotFound): message = _("LDAP group %(group_id)s could not be found.") class LDAPGroupMembershipNotFound(NotFound): message = _("LDAP user %(user_id)s is not a member of group %(group_id)s.") class FileNotFound(NotFound): message = _("File %(file_path)s could not be found.") class NoFilesFound(NotFound): message = _("Zero files could be found.") class SwitchNotFoundForNetworkAdapter(NotFound): message = _("Virtual switch associated with the " "network adapter %(adapter)s not found.") class NetworkAdapterNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Network adapter %(adapter)s could not be found.") class ClassNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Class %(class_name)s could not be found: %(exception)s") class NotAllowed(NovaException): message = _("Action not allowed.") class GlobalRoleNotAllowed(NotAllowed): message = _("Unable to use global role %(role_id)s") class ImageRotationNotAllowed(NovaException): message = _("Rotation is not allowed for snapshots") class RotationRequiredForBackup(NovaException): message = _("Rotation param is required for backup image_type") #TODO(bcwaldon): EOL this exception! class Duplicate(NovaException): pass class KeyPairExists(Duplicate): message = _("Key pair %(key_name)s already exists.") class UserExists(Duplicate): message = _("User %(user)s already exists.") class LDAPUserExists(UserExists): message = _("LDAP user %(user)s already exists.") class LDAPGroupExists(Duplicate): message = _("LDAP group %(group)s already exists.") class LDAPMembershipExists(Duplicate): message = _("User %(uid)s is already a member of " "the group %(group_dn)s") class ProjectExists(Duplicate): message = _("Project %(project)s already exists.") class InstanceExists(Duplicate): message = _("Instance %(name)s already exists.") class InvalidSharedStorage(NovaException): message = _("%(path)s is on shared storage: %(reason)s") class MigrationError(NovaException): message = _("Migration error") + ": %(reason)s" class MalformedRequestBody(NovaException): message = _("Malformed message body: %(reason)s") class PasteConfigNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not find paste config at %(path)s") class PasteAppNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Could not load paste app '%(name)s' from %(path)s") class VSANovaAccessParamNotFound(Invalid): message = _("Nova access parameters were not specified.") class VirtualStorageArrayNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Virtual Storage Array %(id)d could not be found.") class VirtualStorageArrayNotFoundByName(NotFound): message = _("Virtual Storage Array %(name)s could not be found.") class CannotResizeToSameSize(NovaException): message = _("When resizing, instances must change size!") class CannotResizeToSmallerSize(NovaException): message = _("Resizing to a smaller size is not supported.") class ImageTooLarge(NovaException): message = _("Image is larger than instance type allows") class ZoneRequestError(Error): def __init__(self, message=None): if message is None: message = _("1 or more Zones could not complete the request") super(ZoneRequestError, self).__init__(message=message) class InstanceTypeMemoryTooSmall(NovaException): message = _("Instance type's memory is too small for requested image.") class InstanceTypeDiskTooSmall(NovaException): message = _("Instance type's disk is too small for requested image.") class InsufficientFreeMemory(NovaException): message = _("Insufficient free memory on compute node to start %(uuid)s.") class CouldNotFetchMetrics(NovaException): message = _("Could not fetch bandwidth/cpu/disk metrics for this host.")