Ewan Mellor ddf5c8fe6a Bug 884527: ajax_console_proxy_port needs to be an integer
Fix declaration of ajax_console_proxy_port flag.

Change-Id: If949878a81339def2be5dba67ad1415180db4715
2011-10-31 17:26:13 -07:00

477 lines
17 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Command-line flag library.
Emulates gflags by wrapping optparse.
The idea is to move to optparse eventually, and this wrapper is a
stepping stone.
import optparse
import os
import socket
import string
import sys
import gflags
class FlagValues(object):
class Flag:
def __init__(self, name, value, update_default=None): = name
self.value = value
self._update_default = update_default
def SetDefault(self, default):
if self._update_default:
self._update_default(, default)
class ErrorCatcher:
def __init__(self, orig_error):
self.orig_error = orig_error
def reset(self):
self._error_msg = None
def catch(self, msg):
if ": --" in msg:
self._error_msg = msg
def get_unknown_arg(self, args):
if not self._error_msg:
return None
# Error message is e.g. "no such option: --runtime_answer"
a = self._error_msg[self._error_msg.rindex(": --") + 2:]
return filter(lambda i: i == a or i.startswith(a + "="), args)[0]
def __init__(self, extra_context=None):
self._parser = optparse.OptionParser()
self._extra_context = extra_context
def _parse(self):
if not self._values is None:
args = gflags.FlagValues().ReadFlagsFromFiles(self._args)
values = extra = None
# This horrendous hack allows us to stop optparse
# exiting when it encounters an unknown option
error_catcher = self.ErrorCatcher(self._parser.error)
self._parser.error = error_catcher.catch
while True:
(values, extra) = self._parser.parse_args(args)
unknown = error_catcher.get_unknown_arg(args)
if not unknown:
self._parser.error = error_catcher.orig_error
(self._values, self._extra) = (values, extra)
def __call__(self, argv):
self._args = argv[1:]
self._values = None
return [argv[0]] + self._extra
def __getattr__(self, name):
val = getattr(self._values, name)
if type(val) is str:
tmpl = string.Template(val)
context = [self, self._extra_context]
return tmpl.substitute(StrWrapper(context))
return val
def get(self, name, default):
value = getattr(self, name)
if value is not None: # value might be '0' or ""
return value
return default
def __contains__(self, name):
return hasattr(self._values, name)
def _update_default(self, name, default):
self._parser.set_default(name, default)
self._values = None
def __iter__(self):
return self.FlagValuesDict().iterkeys()
def __getitem__(self, name):
if not self.__contains__(name):
return None
return self.Flag(name, getattr(self, name), self._update_default)
def Reset(self):
self._args = []
self._values = None
self._extra = None
def ParseNewFlags(self):
def FlagValuesDict(self):
ret = {}
for opt in self._parser.option_list:
if opt.dest:
ret[opt.dest] = getattr(self, opt.dest)
return ret
def _add_option(self, name, default, help, prefix='--', **kwargs):
prefixed_name = prefix + name
for opt in self._parser.option_list:
if prefixed_name == opt.get_opt_string():
self._parser.add_option(prefixed_name, dest=name,
default=default, help=help, **kwargs)
self._values = None
def define_string(self, name, default, help):
self._add_option(name, default, help)
def define_integer(self, name, default, help):
self._add_option(name, default, help, type='int')
def define_float(self, name, default, help):
self._add_option(name, default, help, type='float')
def define_bool(self, name, default, help):
# FIXME(markmc): this doesn't support --boolflag=true/false/t/f/1/0
self._add_option(name, default, help, action='store_true')
self._add_option(name, default, help,
prefix="--no", action='store_false')
def define_list(self, name, default, help):
def parse_list(option, opt, value, parser):
setattr(self._parser.values, name, value.split(','))
self._add_option(name, default, help, type='string',
action='callback', callback=parse_list)
def define_multistring(self, name, default, help):
self._add_option(name, default, help, action='append')
FLAGS = FlagValues()
class StrWrapper(object):
"""Wrapper around FlagValues objects.
Wraps FlagValues objects for string.Template so that we're
sure to return strings.
def __init__(self, context_objs):
self.context_objs = context_objs
def __getitem__(self, name):
for context in self.context_objs:
val = getattr(context, name, False)
if val:
return str(val)
raise KeyError(name)
def DEFINE_string(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS):
flag_values.define_string(name, default, help)
def DEFINE_integer(name, default, help, lower_bound=None, flag_values=FLAGS):
# FIXME(markmc): ignoring lower_bound
flag_values.define_integer(name, default, help)
def DEFINE_bool(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS):
flag_values.define_bool(name, default, help)
def DEFINE_boolean(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS):
DEFINE_bool(name, default, help, flag_values)
def DEFINE_list(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS):
flag_values.define_list(name, default, help)
def DEFINE_float(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS):
flag_values.define_float(name, default, help)
def DEFINE_multistring(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS):
flag_values.define_multistring(name, default, help)
class UnrecognizedFlag(Exception):
def DECLARE(name, module_string, flag_values=FLAGS):
if module_string not in sys.modules:
__import__(module_string, globals(), locals())
if name not in flag_values:
raise UnrecognizedFlag('%s not defined by %s' % (name, module_string))
def DEFINE_flag(flag):
class HelpFlag:
class HelpshortFlag:
class HelpXMLFlag:
def _get_my_ip():
"""Returns the actual ip of the local machine."""
csock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
csock.connect(('', 80))
(addr, port) = csock.getsockname()
return addr
except socket.error as ex:
return ""
# Define any app-specific flags in their own files, docs at:
DEFINE_string('my_ip', _get_my_ip(), 'host ip address')
'list of region=fqdn pairs separated by commas')
DEFINE_string('connection_type', 'libvirt', 'libvirt, xenapi or fake')
DEFINE_string('aws_access_key_id', 'admin', 'AWS Access ID')
DEFINE_string('aws_secret_access_key', 'admin', 'AWS Access Key')
# NOTE(sirp): my_ip interpolation doesn't work within nested structures
DEFINE_string('glance_host', _get_my_ip(), 'default glance host')
DEFINE_integer('glance_port', 9292, 'default glance port')
['%s:%d' % (FLAGS.glance_host, FLAGS.glance_port)],
'list of glance api servers available to nova (host:port)')
DEFINE_integer('glance_num_retries', 0,
'The number of times to retry downloading an image from glance')
DEFINE_integer('s3_port', 3333, 's3 port')
DEFINE_string('s3_host', '$my_ip', 's3 host (for infrastructure)')
DEFINE_string('s3_dmz', '$my_ip', 's3 dmz ip (for instances)')
DEFINE_string('compute_topic', 'compute', 'the topic compute nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('console_topic', 'console',
'the topic console proxy nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('scheduler_topic', 'scheduler',
'the topic scheduler nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('volume_topic', 'volume', 'the topic volume nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('network_topic', 'network', 'the topic network nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('ajax_console_proxy_topic', 'ajax_proxy',
'the topic ajax proxy nodes listen on')
'location of ajax console proxy, \
in the form ""')
8000, 'port that ajax_console_proxy binds')
DEFINE_string('vsa_topic', 'vsa', 'the topic that nova-vsa service listens on')
DEFINE_bool('verbose', False, 'show debug output')
DEFINE_boolean('fake_rabbit', False, 'use a fake rabbit')
DEFINE_bool('fake_network', False,
'should we use fake network devices and addresses')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_host', 'localhost', 'rabbit host')
DEFINE_integer('rabbit_port', 5672, 'rabbit port')
DEFINE_bool('rabbit_use_ssl', False, 'connect over SSL')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_userid', 'guest', 'rabbit userid')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_password', 'guest', 'rabbit password')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_virtual_host', '/', 'rabbit virtual host')
DEFINE_integer('rabbit_retry_interval', 1,
'rabbit connection retry interval to start')
DEFINE_integer('rabbit_retry_backoff', 2,
'rabbit connection retry backoff in seconds')
DEFINE_integer('rabbit_max_retries', 0,
'maximum rabbit connection attempts (0=try forever)')
DEFINE_string('control_exchange', 'nova', 'the main exchange to connect to')
DEFINE_boolean('rabbit_durable_queues', False, 'use durable queues')
DEFINE_list('enabled_apis', ['ec2', 'osapi'],
'list of APIs to enable by default')
DEFINE_string('ec2_host', '$my_ip', 'ip of api server')
DEFINE_string('ec2_dmz_host', '$my_ip', 'internal ip of api server')
DEFINE_integer('ec2_port', 8773, 'cloud controller port')
DEFINE_string('ec2_scheme', 'http', 'prefix for ec2')
DEFINE_string('ec2_path', '/services/Cloud', 'suffix for ec2')
'osapi extension to load')
DEFINE_string('osapi_host', '$my_ip', 'ip of api server')
DEFINE_string('osapi_scheme', 'http', 'prefix for openstack')
DEFINE_integer('osapi_port', 8774, 'OpenStack API port')
DEFINE_string('osapi_path', '/v1.1/', 'suffix for openstack')
DEFINE_integer('osapi_max_limit', 1000,
'max number of items returned in a collection response')
DEFINE_string('default_project', 'openstack', 'default project for openstack')
DEFINE_string('default_image', 'ami-11111',
'default image to use, testing only')
DEFINE_string('default_instance_type', 'm1.small',
'default instance type to use, testing only')
DEFINE_string('null_kernel', 'nokernel',
'kernel image that indicates not to use a kernel,'
' but to use a raw disk image instead')
DEFINE_string('vpn_image_id', '0', 'image id for cloudpipe vpn server')
'Suffix to add to project name for vpn key and secgroups')
DEFINE_integer('auth_token_ttl', 3600, 'Seconds for auth tokens to linger')
DEFINE_string('state_path', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'),
"Top-level directory for maintaining nova's state")
DEFINE_string('lock_path', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'),
'Directory for lock files')
DEFINE_string('logdir', None, 'output to a per-service log file in named '
DEFINE_string('logfile_mode', '0644', 'Default file mode of the logs.')
DEFINE_string('sqlite_db', 'nova.sqlite', 'file name for sqlite')
DEFINE_bool('sqlite_synchronous', True, 'Synchronous mode for sqlite')
'connection string for sql database')
'timeout for idle sql database connections')
DEFINE_integer('sql_max_retries', 12, 'sql connection attempts')
DEFINE_integer('sql_retry_interval', 10, 'sql connection retry interval')
DEFINE_string('compute_manager', 'nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager',
'Manager for compute')
DEFINE_string('console_manager', 'nova.console.manager.ConsoleProxyManager',
'Manager for console proxy')
DEFINE_string('network_manager', '',
'Manager for network')
DEFINE_string('volume_manager', 'nova.volume.manager.VolumeManager',
'Manager for volume')
DEFINE_string('scheduler_manager', 'nova.scheduler.manager.SchedulerManager',
'Manager for scheduler')
DEFINE_string('vsa_manager', 'nova.vsa.manager.VsaManager',
'Manager for vsa')
DEFINE_string('vc_image_name', 'vc_image',
'the VC image ID (for a VC image that exists in DB Glance)')
# VSA constants and enums
DEFINE_string('default_vsa_instance_type', 'm1.small',
'default instance type for VSA instances')
DEFINE_integer('max_vcs_in_vsa', 32,
'maxinum VCs in a VSA')
DEFINE_integer('vsa_part_size_gb', 100,
'default partition size for shared capacity')
# The service to use for image search and retrieval
DEFINE_string('image_service', 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
'The service to use for retrieving and searching for images.')
DEFINE_string('host', socket.gethostname(),
'name of this node')
DEFINE_string('node_availability_zone', 'nova',
'availability zone of this node')
'Default driver for sending notifications')
DEFINE_list('memcached_servers', None,
'Memcached servers or None for in process cache.')
DEFINE_string('zone_name', 'nova', 'name of this zone')
['hypervisor=xenserver;kvm', 'os=linux;windows'],
'Key/Multi-value list representng capabilities of this zone')
DEFINE_string('build_plan_encryption_key', None,
'128bit (hex) encryption key for scheduler build plans.')
DEFINE_string('instance_usage_audit_period', 'month',
'time period to generate instance usages for.')
DEFINE_integer('bandwith_poll_interval', 600,
'interval to pull bandwidth usage info')
DEFINE_bool('start_guests_on_host_boot', False,
'Whether to restart guests when the host reboots')
DEFINE_bool('resume_guests_state_on_host_boot', False,
'Whether to start guests, that was running before the host reboot')
DEFINE_string('root_helper', 'sudo',
'Command prefix to use for running commands as root')
DEFINE_string('network_driver', '',
'Driver to use for network creation')
DEFINE_bool('use_ipv6', False, 'use ipv6')
DEFINE_integer('password_length', 12,
'Length of generated instance admin passwords')
DEFINE_bool('monkey_patch', False,
'Whether to log monkey patching')
'Module list representing monkey '
'patched module and decorator')
DEFINE_bool('allow_resize_to_same_host', False,
'Allow destination machine to match source for resize. Useful'
' when testing in environments with only one host machine.')
DEFINE_string('stub_network', False,
'Stub network related code')
DEFINE_integer('reclaim_instance_interval', 0,
'Interval in seconds for reclaiming deleted instances')
DEFINE_integer('zombie_instance_updated_at_window', 172800,
'Limit in seconds that a zombie instance can exist before '
'being cleaned up.')