Chris Behrens bf7b10a09d compute_api create*() and schedulers refactoring
Fixes bug 844160

Makes the servers create API call work with all schedulers, removes
'zone boot', and folds create_instance_helper back into servers

Notable changes:
1) compute API's create_at_all_once has been removed. It was only used
by zone boot.
2) compute API's create() no longer creates Instance DB entries. The
schedulers now do this. This makes sense, as only the schedulers will
know where the instances will be placed. They could be placed locally or
in a child zone. However, this comes at a cost. compute_api.create() now
does a 'call' to the scheduler instead of a 'cast' in most cases (* see
below). This is so it can receive the instance ID(s) that were created
back from the scheduler. Ultimately, we probably need to figure out a
way to generate UUIDs before scheduling and return only the information
we know about an instance before it is actually scheduled and created.
We could then revert this back to a cast. (Or maybe we always return a
reservation ID instead of an instance.)
3) scheduler* calls do not return a host now.  They return a value
that'll be returned if the caller does an  The casts to
hosts are now done by the scheduler drivers themselves.
4) There's been an undocumented feature in the OS API to allow multiple
instances to be built. I've kept it.
5) If compute_api.create() is creating multiple instances, only a single
call is made to the scheduler, vs the old way of sending many casts. All
schedulers now check how many instances have been requested.
6) I've added an undocumented option 'return_reservation_id' when
building. If set to True, only a reservation ID is returned to the API
caller, not the instance. This essentially gives you the old 'nova
zone-boot' functionality.
7) It was requested I create a stub for a zones extension, so you'll see
the empty extension in here. We'll move some code to it later.
8) Fixes an unrelated bug that merged into trunk recently where zones DB
calls were not being done with admin context always, anymore.
9) Scheduler calls were always done with admin context when they should
elevate only when needed.
10) Moved stub_network flag so individual tests can run again.

* Case #6 above doesn't wait for the scheduler response with instance
IDs. It does a 'cast' instead.

Change-Id: Ic040780a2e86d7330e225f14056dadbaa9fb3c7e
2011-09-27 05:32:24 +00:00

402 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011 Openstack, LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Handles all requests relating to schedulers.
import functools
from novaclient import v1_1 as novaclient
from novaclient import exceptions as novaclient_exceptions
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import rpc
from nova import utils
from eventlet import greenpool
'When True, routing to child zones will occur.')
LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.scheduler.api')
def _call_scheduler(method, context, params=None):
"""Generic handler for RPC calls to the scheduler.
:param params: Optional dictionary of arguments to be passed to the
scheduler worker
:retval: Result returned by scheduler worker
if not params:
params = {}
queue = FLAGS.scheduler_topic
kwargs = {'method': method, 'args': params}
return, queue, kwargs)
def get_host_list(context):
"""Return a list of hosts associated with this zone."""
return _call_scheduler('get_host_list', context)
def get_zone_list(context):
"""Return a list of zones assoicated with this zone."""
items = _call_scheduler('get_zone_list', context)
for item in items:
item['api_url'] = item['api_url'].replace('\\/', '/')
if not items:
items = db.zone_get_all(context.elevated())
return items
def zone_get(context, zone_id):
return db.zone_get(context, zone_id)
def zone_delete(context, zone_id):
return db.zone_delete(context, zone_id)
def zone_create(context, data):
return db.zone_create(context, data)
def zone_update(context, zone_id, data):
return db.zone_update(context, zone_id, data)
def get_zone_capabilities(context):
"""Returns a dict of key, value capabilities for this zone."""
return _call_scheduler('get_zone_capabilities', context=context)
def select(context, specs=None):
"""Returns a list of hosts."""
return _call_scheduler('select', context=context,
params={"request_spec": specs})
def update_service_capabilities(context, service_name, host, capabilities):
"""Send an update to all the scheduler services informing them
of the capabilities of this service."""
kwargs = dict(method='update_service_capabilities',
args=dict(service_name=service_name, host=host,
return rpc.fanout_cast(context, 'scheduler', kwargs)
def call_zone_method(context, method_name, errors_to_ignore=None,
novaclient_collection_name='zones', zones=None,
*args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a list of (zone, call_result) objects."""
if not isinstance(errors_to_ignore, (list, tuple)):
# This will also handle the default None
errors_to_ignore = [errors_to_ignore]
pool = greenpool.GreenPool()
results = []
if zones is None:
zones = db.zone_get_all(context.elevated())
for zone in zones:
# Do this on behalf of the user ...
nova = novaclient.Client(zone.username, zone.password, None,
except novaclient_exceptions.BadRequest, e:
url = zone.api_url
name =
LOG.warn(_("Authentication failed to zone "
"'%(name)s' URL=%(url)s: %(e)s") % locals())
#TODO (dabo) - add logic for failure counts per zone,
# with escalation after a given number of failures.
novaclient_collection = getattr(nova, novaclient_collection_name)
collection_method = getattr(novaclient_collection, method_name)
def _error_trap(*args, **kwargs):
return collection_method(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
if type(e) in errors_to_ignore:
return None
res = pool.spawn(_error_trap, *args, **kwargs)
results.append((zone, res))
return [(, res.wait()) for zone, res in results]
def child_zone_helper(context, zone_list, func):
"""Fire off a command to each zone in the list.
The return is [novaclient return objects] from each child zone.
For example, if you are calling server.pause(), the list will
be whatever the response from server.pause() is. One entry
per child zone called."""
def _process(func, context, zone):
"""Worker stub for green thread pool. Give the worker
an authenticated nova client and zone info."""
nova = novaclient.Client(zone.username, zone.password, None,
except novaclient_exceptions.BadRequest, e:
url = zone.api_url
LOG.warn(_("Failed request to zone; URL=%(url)s: %(e)s")
% locals())
# This is being returned instead of raised, so that when
# results are processed in unmarshal_result() after the
# greenpool.imap completes, the exception can be raised
# there if no other zones had a response.
return exception.ZoneRequestError()
answer = func(nova, zone)
return answer
except Exception, e:
return e
green_pool = greenpool.GreenPool()
return [result for result in green_pool.imap(
functools.partial(_process, func, context), zone_list)]
def _issue_novaclient_command(nova, zone, collection,
method_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Use novaclient to issue command to a single child zone.
One of these will be run in parallel for each child zone.
manager = getattr(nova, collection)
# NOTE(comstud): This is not ideal, but we have to do this based on
# how novaclient is implemented right now.
# 'find' is special cased as novaclient requires kwargs for it to
# filter on a 'get_all'.
# Every other method first needs to do a 'get' on the first argument
# passed, which should be a UUID. If it's 'get' itself that we want,
# we just return the result. Otherwise, we next call the real method
# that's wanted... passing other arguments that may or may not exist.
if method_name in ['find', 'findall']:
return getattr(manager, method_name)(**kwargs)
except novaclient_exceptions.NotFound:
url = zone.api_url
LOG.debug(_("%(collection)s.%(method_name)s didn't find "
"anything matching '%(kwargs)s' on '%(url)s'" %
return None
args = list(args)
# pop off the UUID to look up
item = args.pop(0)
result = manager.get(item)
except novaclient_exceptions.NotFound, e:
url = zone.api_url
LOG.debug(_("%(collection)s '%(item)s' not found on '%(url)s'" %
raise e
if method_name.lower() != 'get':
# if we're doing something other than 'get', call it passing args.
result = getattr(result, method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
return result
def wrap_novaclient_function(f, collection, method_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Appends collection, method_name and arguments to the incoming
(nova, zone) call from child_zone_helper."""
def inner(nova, zone):
return f(nova, zone, collection, method_name, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
class RedirectResult(exception.Error):
"""Used to the HTTP API know that these results are pre-cooked
and they can be returned to the caller directly."""
def __init__(self, results):
self.results = results
super(RedirectResult, self).__init__(
message=_("Uncaught Zone redirection exception"))
class reroute_compute(object):
reroute_compute is responsible for trying to lookup a resource in the
current zone and if it's not found there, delegating the call to the
child zones.
Since reroute_compute will be making 'cross-zone' calls, the ID for the
object must come in as a UUID-- if we receive an integer ID, we bail.
The steps involved are:
1. Validate that item_id is UUID like
2. Lookup item by UUID in the zone local database
3. If the item was found, then extract integer ID, and pass that to
the wrapped method. (This ensures that zone-local code can
continue to use integer IDs).
4. If the item was not found, we delegate the call to a child zone
using the UUID.
def __init__(self, method_name):
self.method_name = method_name
def _route_to_child_zones(self, context, collection, item_uuid):
if not FLAGS.enable_zone_routing:
raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=item_uuid)
self.item_uuid = item_uuid
zones = db.zone_get_all(context)
if not zones:
raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=item_uuid)
# Ask the children to provide an answer ...
LOG.debug(_("Asking child zones ..."))
result = self._call_child_zones(context, zones,
collection, self.method_name, item_uuid))
# Scrub the results and raise another exception
# so the API layers can bail out gracefully ...
raise RedirectResult(self.unmarshall_result(result))
def __call__(self, f):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
collection, context, item_id_or_uuid = \
self.get_collection_context_and_id(args, kwargs)
attempt_reroute = False
if utils.is_uuid_like(item_id_or_uuid):
item_uuid = item_id_or_uuid
instance = db.instance_get_by_uuid(context, item_uuid)
except exception.InstanceNotFound, e:
# NOTE(sirp): since a UUID was passed in, we can attempt
# to reroute to a child zone
attempt_reroute = True
LOG.debug(_("Instance %(item_uuid)s not found "
"locally: '%(e)s'" % locals()))
# NOTE(sirp): since we're not re-routing in this case, and
# we we were passed a UUID, we need to replace that UUID
# with an integer ID in the argument list so that the
# zone-local code can continue to use integer IDs.
item_id = instance['id']
args = list(args) # needs to be mutable to replace
self.replace_uuid_with_id(args, kwargs, item_id)
if attempt_reroute:
return self._route_to_child_zones(context, collection,
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped_f
def _call_child_zones(self, context, zones, function):
"""Ask the child zones to perform this operation.
Broken out for testing."""
return child_zone_helper(context, zones, function)
def get_collection_context_and_id(self, args, kwargs):
"""Returns a tuple of (novaclient collection name, security
context and resource id. Derived class should override this."""
context = kwargs.get('context', None)
instance_id = kwargs.get('instance_id', None)
if len(args) > 0 and not context:
context = args[1]
if len(args) > 1 and not instance_id:
instance_id = args[2]
return ("servers", context, instance_id)
def replace_uuid_with_id(args, kwargs, replacement_id):
Extracts the UUID parameter from the arg or kwarg list and replaces
it with an integer ID.
if 'instance_id' in kwargs:
kwargs['instance_id'] = replacement_id
elif len(args) > 1:
args.insert(2, replacement_id)
def unmarshall_result(self, zone_responses):
"""Result is a list of responses from each child zone.
Each decorator derivation is responsible to turning this
into a format expected by the calling method. For
example, this one is expected to return a single Server
dict {'server':{k:v}}. Others may return a list of them, like
reduced_response = []
found_exception = None
for zone_response in zone_responses:
if not zone_response:
if isinstance(zone_response, BaseException):
found_exception = zone_response
server = zone_response.__dict__
for k in server.keys():
if k[0] == '_' or k == 'manager':
del server[k]
# Boil the responses down to a single response.
# If we get a happy response use that, ignore all the
# complaint repsonses ...
if reduced_response:
return reduced_response[0] # first for now.
elif found_exception:
return found_exception
# Some operations, like delete(), don't send back any results
# on success. We'll do the same.
return None
def redirect_handler(f):
def new_f(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except RedirectResult, e:
# Remember: exceptions are returned, not thrown, in the decorator.
# At this point it's safe to throw it.
if isinstance(e.results, BaseException):
raise e.results
return e.results
return new_f