#!/bin/bash -e #Parameters to configure SERVICE_USERNAME=gceapi SERVICE_PASSWORD=gceapi SERVICE_TENANT=service CONNECTION="mysql://gceapi:gceapi@" LOG_DIR=/var/log/gceapi CONF_DIR=/etc/gceapi SIGNING_DIR=/var/cache/gceapi #this default values are for devstack. change it for real cloud (NETWORK_API=nova for example) NETWORK_API=quantum REGION=RegionOne #Check for environment if [[ -z "$OS_AUTH_URL" || -z "$OS_USERNAME" || -z "$OS_PASSWORD" || -z "$OS_TENANT_NAME" ]]; then echo "Please set OS_AUTH_URL, OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD and OS_TENANT_NAME" exit 1 fi #### utilities functions merged from devstack to check required parameter is not empty # Prints line number and "message" in error format # err $LINENO "message" function err() { local exitcode=$? errXTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace local msg="[ERROR] ${BASH_SOURCE[2]}:$1 $2" echo $msg 1>&2; if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then echo $msg >> "${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/error.log" fi $errXTRACE return $exitcode } # Prints backtrace info # filename:lineno:function function backtrace { local level=$1 local deep=$((${#BASH_SOURCE[@]} - 1)) echo "[Call Trace]" while [ $level -le $deep ]; do echo "${BASH_SOURCE[$deep]}:${BASH_LINENO[$deep-1]}:${FUNCNAME[$deep-1]}" deep=$((deep - 1)) done } # Prints line number and "message" then exits # die $LINENO "message" function die() { local exitcode=$? set +o xtrace local line=$1; shift if [ $exitcode == 0 ]; then exitcode=1 fi backtrace 2 err $line "$*" exit $exitcode } # Checks an environment variable is not set or has length 0 OR if the # exit code is non-zero and prints "message" and exits # NOTE: env-var is the variable name without a '$' # die_if_not_set $LINENO env-var "message" function die_if_not_set() { local exitcode=$? FXTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace local line=$1; shift local evar=$1; shift if ! is_set $evar || [ $exitcode != 0 ]; then die $line "$*" fi $FXTRACE } # Test if the named environment variable is set and not zero length # is_set env-var function is_set() { local var=\$"$1" eval "[ -n \"$var\" ]" # For ex.: sh -c "[ -n \"$var\" ]" would be better, but several exercises depends on this } ####################################### get_data() { local match_column=$(($1 + 1)) local regex="$2" local output_column=$(($3 + 1)) shift 3 output=$("$@" | \ awk -F'|' \ "! /^\+/ && \$${match_column} ~ \"^ *${regex} *\$\" \ { print \$${output_column} }") echo "$output" } get_id () { get_data 1 id 2 "$@" } get_user() { local username=$1 local user_id=$(get_data 2 $username 1 keystone user-list) if [ -n "$user_id" ]; then echo "Found existing $username user" >&2 echo $user_id else echo "Creating $username user..." >&2 get_id keystone user-create --name=$username \ --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" \ --tenant $SERVICE_TENANT \ --email=$username@example.com fi } add_role() { local user_id=$1 local tenant=$2 local role_id=$3 local username=$4 user_roles=$(keystone user-role-list \ --user_id $user_id\ --tenant $tenant 2>/dev/null) die_if_not_set $LINENO user_roles "Fail to get user_roles for tenant($tenant) and user_id($user_id)" existing_role=$(get_data 1 $role_id 1 echo "$user_roles") if [ -n "$existing_role" ] then echo "User $username already has role $role_id" >&2 return fi keystone user-role-add --tenant $tenant \ --user_id $user_id \ --role_id $role_id } # Determines if the given option is present in the INI file # ini_has_option config-file section option function ini_has_option() { local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local line line=$(sudo sed -ne "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[.*\]/ { /^$option[ \t]*=/ p; }" "$file") [ -n "$line" ] } # Set an option in an INI file # iniset config-file section option value function iniset() { local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local value=$4 if ! sudo grep -q "^\[$section\]" "$file"; then # Add section at the end sudo bash -c "echo -e \"\n[$section]\" >>\"$file\"" fi if ! ini_has_option "$file" "$section" "$option"; then # Add it sudo sed -i -e "/^\[$section\]/ a\\ $option = $value " "$file" else # Replace it sudo sed -i -e "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[.*\]/ s|^\($option[ \t]*=[ \t]*\).*$|\1$value|" "$file" fi } #create keystone user with admin privileges ADMIN_ROLE=$(get_data 2 admin 1 keystone role-list) die_if_not_set $LINENO ADMIN_ROLE "Fail to get ADMIN_ROLE by 'keystone role-list' " SERVICE_TENANT_ID=$(get_data 2 service 1 keystone tenant-list) die_if_not_set $LINENO SERVICE_TENANT_ID "Fail to get service tenant 'keystone tenant-list' " echo ADMIN_ROLE $ADMIN_ROLE echo SERVICE_TENANT $SERVICE_TENANT SERVICE_USERID=$(get_user $SERVICE_USERNAME) die_if_not_set $LINENO SERVICE_USERID "Fail to get user for $SERVICE_USERNAME" echo SERVICE_USERID $SERVICE_USERID add_role $SERVICE_USERID $SERVICE_TENANT $ADMIN_ROLE $SERVICE_USERNAME #create log dir echo Creating log dir sudo install -d $LOG_DIR CONF_FILE=$CONF_DIR/gceapi.conf APIPASTE_FILE=$CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini #copy conf files (do not override it) echo Creating configs sudo mkdir -p /etc/gceapi > /dev/null if [ ! -s $CONF_FILE ]; then sudo cp etc/gceapi/gceapi.conf.sample $CONF_FILE fi if [ ! -s $APIPASTE_FILE ]; then sudo cp etc/gceapi/api-paste.ini $APIPASTE_FILE fi sudo cp -nR etc/gceapi/protocols $CONF_DIR AUTH_CACHE_DIR=${AUTH_CACHE_DIR:-/var/cache/gceapi} PUBLIC_URL=${OS_AUTH_URL%:*}:8787/ #update default config with some values iniset $CONF_FILE DEFAULT api_paste_config $APIPASTE_FILE iniset $CONF_FILE DEFAULT logging_context_format_string "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_name)s %(project_name)s] %(instance)s%(message)s" iniset $CONF_FILE DEFAULT verbose True iniset $CONF_FILE DEFAULT network_api "$NETWORK_API" iniset $CONF_FILE DEFAULT region "$REGION" iniset $CONF_FILE DEFAULT protocol_dir "$CONF_DIR/protocols" iniset $CONF_FILE DEFAULT keystone_url "$OS_AUTH_URL" iniset $CONF_FILE database connection "$CONNECTION" iniset $CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken signing_dir $SIGNING_DIR iniset $CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken admin_user $SERVICE_USERNAME iniset $CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken admin_password $SERVICE_PASSWORD iniset $CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken admin_tenant_name $SERVICE_TENANT iniset $CONF_FILE keystone_authtoken identity_uri "$OS_AUTH_URL" #init cache dir echo Creating signing dir sudo mkdir -p $AUTH_CACHE_DIR sudo chown $USER $AUTH_CACHE_DIR sudo rm -f $AUTH_CACHE_DIR/* #install it echo Installing package sudo python setup.py install sudo rm -rf build gce_api.egg-info #recreate database echo Setuping database sudo tools/db/gceapi-db-setup deb