Improve gerrit_dash_creator.cmd.creator

* use configparser instead of self written parsing
  (add new method read_dashboard_file)

* remove methods get_title and get_sections

* add requirement six (ConfigParser in Python2,
  configparser in Python3)

* remove import re and fileinput

* check if dashboard file exist and is readable before
  trying to parse it (new imports os and os.path)

* slighly change the output to be more informative

* add new parameter in section dashboard to make the
  base URL configurable

* check if necessary options in the used dashboard
  file are available

* improve exception handling and error output

* rename generate_url to generate_dashboard_url

* use correct exit codes (correct return values in the
  main method)

* rename internal argument name dash to dashboard_file

* add missing doc strings

Change-Id: Ifcaf20f7495b5619db30ac0046909b334672f756
This commit is contained in:
Christian Berendt 2014-08-07 18:23:07 +02:00
parent b2b77d6cd1
commit 63cee294ab
2 changed files with 65 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -13,76 +13,97 @@
# under the License.
import argparse
import fileinput
import re
import os
import os.path
import sys
import urllib
from six.moves import configparser
def escape_comma(buff):
"""Because otherwise Firefox is a sad panda."""
return buff.replace(',', '%2c')
def get_title(fname):
title = ""
foreach = ""
for line in fileinput.input(fname):
m = re.match("title = (.+)", line)
if m:
title =
def generate_dashboard_url(dashboard):
"""Generate a dashboard URL from a given definition."""
title = dashboard.get('dashboard', 'title')
except configparser.NoOptionError:
raise ValueError("option 'title' in section 'dashboard' not set")
m = re.match("foreach = (.+)", line)
if m:
foreach = escape_comma(
return title, foreach
foreach = escape_comma(dashboard.get('dashboard', 'foreach'))
except configparser.NoOptionError:
raise ValueError("option 'foreach' in section 'dashboard' not set")
baseurl = dashboard.get('dashboard', 'baseurl')
except configparser.NoOptionError:
baseurl = ''
def get_sections(fname):
sections = []
sname = None
for line in fileinput.input(fname):
m = re.match('\[section "([^"]+)', line)
if m:
sname =
elif sname:
m = re.match("query = (.+)", line)
if m:
query = escape_comma(
sections.append({'title': sname, 'query': query})
return sections
def gen_url(title, foreach, sections):
base = ''
base = baseurl
base += urllib.urlencode({'title': title, 'foreach': foreach})
base += '&'
encoded = [urllib.urlencode({x['title']: x['query']}) for x in sections]
base += '&'.join(encoded)
for section in dashboard.sections():
if not section.startswith('section'):
query = dashboard.get(section, 'query')
except configparser.NoOptionError:
raise ValueError("option 'query' in '%s' not set" % section)
title = section[9:-1]
encoded = urllib.urlencode({title: query})
base += "&%s" % encoded
return base
def get_options():
"""Parse command line arguments and options."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Create a gerrit dashboard URL from a dashboard '
description='Create a Gerrit dashboard URL from a dashboard '
'definition file')
help="Dashboard file to create url from")
help='Dashboard definition file to create URL from')
return parser.parse_args()
def read_dashboard_file(fname):
"""Read and parse a dashboard definition from a specified file."""
dashboard = configparser.ConfigParser()
return dashboard
def main():
opts = get_options()
title, foreach = get_title(opts.dash)
sections = get_sections(opts.dash)
url = gen_url(title, foreach, sections)
print("URL for %s" % title)
if (not os.path.isfile(opts.dashboard_file) or
not os.access(opts.dashboard_file, os.R_OK)):
print("error: dashboard file '%s' is missing or is not readable" %
return 1
dashboard = read_dashboard_file(opts.dashboard_file)
url = generate_dashboard_url(dashboard)
except ValueError as e:
print("error:\tgenerating dashboard '%s' failed\n\t%s" %
(opts.dashboard_file, e))
return 1
print("Generated URL for the Gerrit dashboard '%s':" % opts.dashboard_file)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

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