[dashboard] title = Kolla-Ansible Review Dashboard description = Summary of Kolla-Ansible patches to review foreach = project:openstack/kolla-ansible status:open NOT label:Workflow<=-1 NOT label:Code-Review<=-2 [section "My Patches Requiring Attention"] query = owner:self (label:Verified-1,zuul OR label:Code-Review-1 OR label:Workflow<=-1) [section "High priority changes"] query = label:Review-Priority=2 [section "Priority changes"] query = label:Review-Priority=1 [section "Feature freeze"] query = label:Review-Priority=-1 [section "Stable branch backports"] query = branch:^stable/.* status:open NOT label:Review-Priority=-1 [section "Needs Reverify"] query = label:Workflow>=1 NOT label:Workflow<=-1 label:Verified<=-1,zuul NOT label:Review-Priority=-1 [section "Needs Final Approval (to land on master)"] query = NOT label:Workflow>=1 NOT label:Workflow<=-1 NOT owner:self label:Code-Review>=2 label:Verified>=1,zuul branch:master NOT label:Review-Priority=-1 [section "Newer (<1wk) Open Patches (limit 100)"] query = -age:1week limit:100 branch:master NOT label:Workflow>=1 label:Verified>=1,zuul NOT label:Code-Review>=2 NOT label:Review-Priority=-1 [section "Older (>1wk) Open Patches Passing Zuul Tests (limit 100)"] query = age:1week limit:50 NOT label:Workflow>=1 NOT label:Code-Review<=-1 NOT label:Code-Review>=1 age:1week NOT label:Verified>=1,zuul NOT label:Review-Priority=-1