
53 lines
2.1 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Pull together regular expressions used in multiple places.
# This code is part of the LWN git data miner.
# Copyright 2007-11 Eklektix, Inc.
# Copyright 2007-11 Jonathan Corbet <>
# Copyright 2011 Germán Póo-Caamaño <>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License, version 2.
import re
# Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular
# expressions." Now they have two problems.
# -- Jamie Zawinski
_pemail = r'\s+"?([^<"]+)"?\s<([^>]+)>' # just email addr + name
patterns = {
'tagcommit': re.compile (r'^commit ([\da-f]+) .*tag: (v[23]\.\d(\.\d\d?)?)'),
'commit': re.compile (r'^commit ([0-9a-f ]+)'),
'author': re.compile (r'^Author:' + _pemail + '$'),
'signed-off-by': re.compile (r'^\s+Signed-off-by:' + _pemail + '.*$'),
'merge': re.compile (r'^Merge:.*$'),
'add': re.compile (r'^\+[^+].*$'),
'rem': re.compile (r'^-[^-].*$'),
'date': re.compile (r'^(Commit)?Date:\s+(.*)$'),
# filea, fileb are used only in 'parche mode' (-p)
'filea': re.compile (r'^---\s+(.*)$'),
'fileb': re.compile (r'^\+\+\+\s+(.*)$'),
'reviewed-by': re.compile (r'^\s+Reviewed-by:' + _pemail+ '.*$'),
'tested-by': re.compile (r'^\s+tested-by:' + _pemail + '.*$', re.I),
'reported-by': re.compile (r'^\s+Reported-by:' + _pemail + '.*$'),
'reported-and-tested-by': re.compile (r'^\s+reported-and-tested-by:' + _pemail + '.*$', re.I),
# Merges are described with a variety of lines.
'ExtMerge': re.compile(r'^ +Merge( branch .* of)? ([^ ]+:[^ ]+)\n$'),
'IntMerge': re.compile(r'^ +(Merge|Pull) .* into .*$'),
# PIntMerge2 = re.compile(r"^ +Merge branch(es)? '.*$"),
'IntMerge2': re.compile(r"^ +Merge .*$"),
# Another way to get the statistics (per file).
# It implies --numstat
'numstat': re.compile('^(\d+|-)\s+(\d+|-)\s+(.*)$'),
'rename' : re.compile('(.*)\{(.*) => (.*)\}(.*)'),
# Detect errors on svn conversions
'svn-tag': re.compile("^svn path=/tags/(.*)/?; revision=([0-9]+)$"),