
133 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of the LWN git data miner.
# Copyright 2007-11 Eklektix, Inc.
# Copyright 2007-11 Jonathan Corbet <>
# Copyright 2011 Germán Póo-Caamaño <>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License, version 2.
import database, ConfigFile, reports
import getopt, datetime
import sys
Today =
# Control options.
MapUnknown = 0
DevReports = 1
DumpDB = 0
CFName = 'gitdm.config'
DirName = ''
# Options:
# -b dir Specify the base directory to fetch the configuration files
# -c cfile Specify a configuration file
# -d Output individual developer stats
# -h hfile HTML output to hfile
# -l count Maximum length for output lists
# -o file File for text output
# -p prefix Prefix for CSV output
# -s Ignore author SOB lines
# -u Map unknown employers to '(Unknown)'
# -z Dump out the hacker database at completion
def ParseOpts ():
global MapUnknown, DevReports
global DumpDB
global CFName, DirName, Aggregate
opts, rest = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], 'b:dc:h:l:o:uz')
for opt in opts:
if opt[0] == '-b':
DirName = opt[1]
elif opt[0] == '-c':
CFName = opt[1]
elif opt[0] == '-d':
DevReports = 0
elif opt[0] == '-h':
reports.SetHTMLOutput (open (opt[1], 'w'))
elif opt[0] == '-l':
reports.SetMaxList (int (opt[1]))
elif opt[0] == '-o':
reports.SetOutput (open (opt[1], 'w'))
elif opt[0] == '-u':
MapUnknown = 1
elif opt[0] == '-z':
DumpDB = 1
def LookupStoreHacker (name, email):
email = database.RemapEmail (email)
h = database.LookupEmail (email)
if h: # already there
return h
elist = database.LookupEmployer (email, MapUnknown)
h = database.LookupName (name)
if h: # new email
h.addemail (email, elist)
return h
return database.StoreHacker(name, elist, email)
class Bug:
def __init__(self, id, owner, date, emails): = id
self.owner = LookupStoreHacker('Unknown hacker', '') = date
for email in emails:
self.owner = LookupStoreHacker(owner, email)
def parse(cls, line):
split = line.split()
return cls(split[0], split[1], split[2], split[3:])
# Here starts the real program.
ParseOpts ()
# Read the config files.
ConfigFile.ConfigFile (CFName, DirName)
bugs = [Bug.parse(l) for l in sys.stdin]
for bug in bugs:
empl = bug.owner.emailemployer([0], ConfigFile.ParseDate(
if DumpDB:
database.DumpDB ()
database.MixVirtuals ()
# Say something
hlist = database.AllHackers ()
elist = database.AllEmployers ()
ndev = nempl = 0
for h in hlist:
if len (h.bugsfixed) > 0:
ndev += 1
for e in elist:
if len(e.bugsfixed) > 0:
nempl += 1
reports.Write ('Processed %d bugs from %d developers\n' % (len(bugs), ndev))
reports.Write ('%d employers found\n' % (nempl))
if DevReports:
reports.DevBugReports (hlist, len(bugs))
reports.EmplBugReports (elist, len(bugs))