# Copyright 2017 - Nokia Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import jwt import memcache from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_middleware import base as base_middleware import pprint import requests from six.moves import urllib import webob.dec from glare.common import exception from glare.common import utils from glare.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) keycloak_oidc_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'auth_url', default='', help='Keycloak base url (e.g. https://my.keycloak:8443/auth)' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'user_info_endpoint_url', default='/realms/%s/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo', help='Endpoint against which authorization will be performed' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'certfile', help='Required if identity server requires client certificate' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'keyfile', help='Required if identity server requires client certificate' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'cafile', help='A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying ' 'HTTPs connections. Defaults to system CAs.' ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'insecure', default=False, help='If True, SSL/TLS certificate verification is disabled' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'memcached_server', default=None, help='Url of memcached server to use for caching' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'token_cache_time', default=60, min=0, help='In order to prevent excessive effort spent validating ' 'tokens, the middleware caches previously-seen tokens ' 'for a configurable duration (in seconds).' ), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(keycloak_oidc_opts, group="keycloak_oidc") class KeycloakAuthMiddleware(base_middleware.Middleware): def __init__(self, app): super(KeycloakAuthMiddleware, self).__init__(application=app) mcserv_url = CONF.keycloak_oidc.memcached_server self.mcclient = memcache.Client(mcserv_url) if mcserv_url else None self.certfile = CONF.keycloak_oidc.certfile self.keyfile = CONF.keycloak_oidc.keyfile self.cafile = CONF.keycloak_oidc.cafile or utils.get_system_ca_file() self.insecure = CONF.keycloak_oidc.insecure def authenticate(self, access_token, realm_name): info = None if self.mcclient: info = self.mcclient.get(access_token) user_info_endpoint_url = CONF.keycloak_oidc.user_info_endpoint_url if info is None and user_info_endpoint_url: if user_info_endpoint_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): url = user_info_endpoint_url else: url_template = CONF.keycloak_oidc.auth_url + \ CONF.keycloak_oidc.user_info_endpoint_url url = url_template % realm_name verify = None if urllib.parse.urlparse(url).scheme == "https": verify = False if self.insecure else self.cafile cert = (self.certfile, self.keyfile) \ if self.certfile and self.keyfile else None try: resp = requests.get( url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % access_token}, verify=verify, cert=cert ) except requests.ConnectionError: msg = _("Can't connect to keycloak server with address '%s'." ) % CONF.keycloak_oidc.auth_url LOG.error(msg) raise exception.GlareException(message=msg) if resp.status_code == 400: raise exception.BadRequest(message=resp.text) if resp.status_code == 401: LOG.warning("HTTP response from OIDC provider:" " [%s] with WWW-Authenticate: [%s]", pprint.pformat(resp.text), resp.headers.get("WWW-Authenticate")) raise exception.Unauthorized(message=resp.text) if resp.status_code == 403: raise exception.Forbidden(message=resp.text) elif resp.status_code > 400: raise exception.GlareException(message=resp.text) if self.mcclient: self.mcclient.set(access_token, resp.json(), time=CONF.keycloak_oidc.token_cache_time) info = resp.json() LOG.debug("HTTP response from OIDC provider: %s", pprint.pformat(info)) return info @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, request): if 'X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers: msg = _("Auth token must be provided in 'X-Auth-Token' header.") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized() access_token = request.headers.get('X-Auth-Token') try: decoded = jwt.decode(access_token, algorithms=['RS256'], verify=False) except Exception as e: msg = _("Token can't be decoded because of wrong format %s")\ % str(e) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized() # Get user realm from parsed token # Format is "iss": "http://:/auth/realms/", __, __, realm_name = decoded['iss'].strip().rpartition('/realms/') # Get roles from from parsed token roles = ','.join(decoded['realm_access']['roles']) \ if 'realm_access' in decoded else '' self.authenticate(access_token, realm_name) request.headers["X-Identity-Status"] = "Confirmed" request.headers["X-Project-Id"] = realm_name request.headers["X-Roles"] = roles return request.get_response(self.application)