Add support for ussuri

This adds support for the stable ussuri branch.

Change-Id: I7ac5ddb6a9a4e3fb31b420e81007136c8ef87b93
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Bachman 2020-09-03 00:07:25 +00:00
parent 2cd3843b90
commit baced0c1c4
5 changed files with 36 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -14,26 +14,34 @@
- openstack-tox-pep8:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/train
override-checkout: stable/ussuri
- openstack-tox-py27:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/train
- openstack-tox-py35:
override-checkout: stable/ussuri
- openstack-tox-py36:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/train
override-checkout: stable/ussuri
- openstack-tox-py37:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/ussuri
- openstack-tox-pep8:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/train
override-checkout: stable/ussuri
- openstack-tox-py27:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/train
- openstack-tox-py35:
override-checkout: stable/ussuri
- openstack-tox-py36:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/train
override-checkout: stable/ussuri
- openstack-tox-py37:
- name: openstack/requirements
override-checkout: stable/ussuri

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ classifier =
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
Programming Language :: Python
Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4

View File

@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
# Hacking already pins down pep8, pyflakes and flake8
hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0 # Apache-2.0
hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0;python_version=='2.7' # Apache-2.0
hacking>=3.0.1,<3.1.0; python_version!='2.7' # Apache-2.0
bandit!=1.6.0,>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
coverage!=4.4,>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
flake8-import-order==0.12 # LGPLv3
@ -13,7 +14,6 @@ kombu!=4.0.2,>=4.0.0 # BSD
PyMySQL>=0.7.6 # MIT License
os-testr>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
oslotest>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
qpid-python>=0.26;python_version=='2.7' # Apache-2.0
psycopg2>=2.7 # LGPL/ZPL
stestr>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
testrepository>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
envlist = py27,py35,py36,pep8
minversion = 1.6
envlist = py36,py37,py27,pep8
minversion = 3.1.0
skipsdist = True
# Note the hash seed is set to 0 until heat can be tested with a
# random hash seed successfully.
basepython = python3
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
deps =
commands =
@ -30,18 +31,15 @@ commands =
python -c "print('TODO: functional tests')"
basepython = python3
commands =
# Check that .po and .pot files are valid:
# bash -c "find gbpautomation -type f -regex '.*\.pot?' -print0|xargs -0 -n 1 msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null"
basepython = python3
commands = {posargs}
basepython = python3
setenv =
PYTHON=coverage run --source gbpautomation --parallel-mode
commands =
@ -54,7 +52,6 @@ commands =
coverage report
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands =
rm -rf doc/build
@ -64,13 +61,12 @@ commands =
# H302 import only modules.'bla..' does not import a module
# H404 multi line docstring should start with a summary
# H803 no full stop at the end of the commit message
ignore = H302,H404,H803
ignore = H302,H404,H803,,W503,W504
show-source = true
builtins = _
basepython = python3
# Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if
# system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system
# dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed