[tox] envlist = py36,py37,pep8 minversion = 3.1.0 skipsdist = True [testenv] # Note the hash seed is set to 0 until heat can be tested with a # random hash seed successfully. basepython = python3 setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} PYTHONWARNINGS=default::DeprecationWarning OS_TEST_PATH=gbpautomation/heat/tests PYTHONHASHSEED=0 usedevelop = True install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} deps = -c{env:TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:https://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/yoga} -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt commands = stestr run '^(?!functionaltests){posargs}' stestr slowest whitelist_externals = bash # to avoid deprecation warning due to 'find' in cover env. find [testenv:functional] commands = python -c "print('TODO: functional tests')" [testenv:pep8] commands = flake8 # Check that .po and .pot files are valid: # bash -c "find gbpautomation -type f -regex '.*\.pot?' -print0|xargs -0 -n 1 msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null" [testenv:venv] commands = {posargs} [testenv:cover] setenv = PYTHON=coverage run --source gbpautomation --parallel-mode commands = coverage erase find {toxinidir} -not -path '{toxinidir}/.tox/*' -not -path '*/__pycache__/*' -name '*.py[c|o]' -delete stestr run {posargs} coverage combine coverage html -d cover coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml coverage report [testenv:docs] deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt commands = rm -rf doc/build sphinx-build -W -b html doc/source doc/build/html [flake8] # H302 import only modules.'bla..' does not import a module # H404 multi line docstring should start with a summary # H803 no full stop at the end of the commit message ignore = H302,H404,H803,,W503,W504 show-source = true builtins = _ exclude=.venv,.git,.tox,dist,*openstack/common*,*lib/python*,*egg,tools,build [testenv:bindep] # Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if # system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system # dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed # separately, outside of the requirements files, and develop mode disabled # explicitly to avoid unnecessarily installing the checked-out repo too (this # further relies on "tox.skipsdist = True" above). deps = bindep commands = bindep test usedevelop = False