Sumit Naiksatam a9430f0944 [apic] Nested domain extension for networks
Attributes needed to support nesting of container
domains in OpenStack VMs are being added.

A new extension to the network resource which allows providing
the Kubernetes instance and the list of VLANs is being added. The
extension adds the following information:

apic:nested_domain_name - name of the Kubernetes domain; empty string if no nesting
apic:nested_domain_type - specific string used in APIC
apic:nested_domain_infra_vlan - this is 4093 for Kubernetes/OpenShift
apic:nested_domain_service_vlan -
apic:nested_domain_node_network_vlan -
apic:nested_domain_allowed_vlans - {'vlans_list': <[...,...]>,
                                    'vlan_ranges': <[{'start': <>, 'end': <>},
                                                     {'start': <>, 'end': <>},...]>}

The allowed VLANs specify the VLAN IDs used for tagging
Kubernetes pod and node traffic. The vlan_list can be used
for enumerating non-contiguous ranges, and/or the vlan_ranges
can be used for one one or more contiguos ranges.

Example CLI:
neutron net-create nn1 --apic:nested-domain-name kube \
                       --apic:nested-domain-type k8s \
                       --apic:nested_domain_infra_vlan 4093 \
                       --apic:nested_domain_node_network_vlan 3000 \
                       --apic:nested_domain_service_vlan 1000 \
                       --apic:nested_domain_allowed_vlans \
                       "{'vlans_list': [2, 3], \
                       'vlan_ranges': [{'start': 10, 'end': 12}]}"

Any VMs configured for host a nested domain also require
a "nested_host_vlan" configuration specified in the
"aim_mapping" section. This value is set to 4094 by default
but can be overridden to any VLAN that does not overlap
with any other VLAN used in the system. This VLAN is locally
significant and is only used so that the VM's traffic
intended for the neutron network is not dropped by the Opflex
agent configured flows.

Change-Id: Icb4ca8f4addb0f886450393c44c08d81ebfcea3c
(cherry picked from commit 423a06a1ca)
2018-07-10 18:53:28 -07:00

306 lines
9.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from neutron.api import extensions
from gbpservice.neutron.plugins.ml2plus import extension_overrides
# Monkeypatch Neutron to allow overriding its own extension
# descriptors. Note that extension descriptor classes cannot be
# monkeypatched directly because they are loaded explicitly by file
# name and then used immediately.
_real_get_extensions_path = extensions.get_extensions_path
def get_extensions_path(service_plugins=None):
path = _real_get_extensions_path(service_plugins)
return extension_overrides.__path__[0] + ':' + path
extensions.get_extensions_path = get_extensions_path
from gbpservice.common import utils as gbp_utils
def get_current_session():
return gbp_utils.get_current_session()
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import ovo_rpc
# The following reduces the ERROR log level for a message
# which is seen when a port_update even is sent. The
# port_update is intentionally sent in the pre_commit
# phase by the apic_aim mechanism driver, but is not
# what neutron expects and hence it flags it.
ovo_rpc.LOG.error = ovo_rpc.LOG.debug
from neutron.callbacks import registry
from import local_api
def notify(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
if 'context' in kwargs:
session = kwargs['context'].session
session = get_current_session()
txn = None
if session:
txn = local_api.get_outer_transaction(session.transaction)
session, txn, resource, event, trigger, **kwargs)
registry.notify = notify
from neutron._i18n import _LE
from neutron.callbacks import events
from neutron.callbacks import exceptions
from oslo_log import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _notify_loop(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""The notification loop."""
errors = []
callbacks = kwargs.pop('callbacks', None)
if not callbacks:
callbacks = list(registry._get_callback_manager()._callbacks[
resource].get(event, {}).items())
LOG.debug("Notify callbacks %s for %s, %s", callbacks, resource, event)
for callback_id, callback in callbacks:
callback(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
abortable_event = (
event.startswith(events.BEFORE) or
if not abortable_event:
LOG.exception(_LE("Error during notification for "
"%(callback)s %(resource)s, %(event)s"),
{'callback': callback_id,
'resource': resource, 'event': event})
LOG.error(_LE("Callback %(callback)s raised %(error)s"),
{'callback': callback_id, 'error': e})
errors.append(exceptions.NotificationError(callback_id, e))
return errors
original_notify_loop = registry._get_callback_manager()._notify_loop
from inspect import isclass
from inspect import isfunction
from inspect import ismethod
# The undecorated() and looks_like_a_decorator() functions have been
# borrowed from the undecorated python library since RPM or Debian
# packages are not readily available.
def looks_like_a_decorator(a):
return (
isfunction(a) or ismethod(a) or isclass(a)
def undecorated(o):
"""Remove all decorators from a function, method or class"""
# class decorator
if type(o) is type:
return o
# python2
closure = o.func_closure
except AttributeError:
# python3
closure = o.__closure__
except AttributeError:
if closure:
for cell in closure:
# avoid infinite recursion
if cell.cell_contents is o:
# check if the contents looks like a decorator; in that case
# we need to go one level down into the dream, otherwise it
# might just be a different closed-over variable, which we
# can ignore.
# Note: this favors supporting decorators defined without
# @wraps to the detriment of function/method/class closures
if looks_like_a_decorator(cell.cell_contents):
undecd = undecorated(cell.cell_contents)
if undecd:
return undecd
return o
return o
from neutron.db import common_db_mixin as common_db_api
from neutron.db.quota import api as quota_api
from neutron.db.quota import driver # noqa
from neutron.db.quota import models as quota_models
from neutron import quota
from neutron.quota import resource_registry as res_reg
from oslo_config import cfg
f = quota_api.remove_reservation
quota_api.commit_reservation = undecorated(f)
def commit_reservation(context, reservation_id):
quota_api.commit_reservation(context, reservation_id, set_dirty=False)
quota.QUOTAS.get_driver().commit_reservation = commit_reservation
def patched_set_resources_dirty(context):
if not cfg.CONF.QUOTAS.track_quota_usage:
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
for res in res_reg.get_all_resources().values():
if res_reg.is_tracked( and res.dirty:
dirty_tenants_snap = res._dirty_tenants.copy()
for tenant_id in dirty_tenants_snap:
query = common_db_api.model_query(
context, quota_models.QuotaUsage)
query = query.filter_by(
usage_data = query.first()
# Set dirty if not set already. This effectively
# patches the inner notify method:
# neutron/api/v2/
# to avoid updating the QuotaUsages table outside
# from that method (which starts a new transaction).
# The dirty marking would have been already done
# in the ml2plus manager at the end of the pre_commit
# stage (and prior to the plugin initiated transaction
# completing).
if usage_data and not usage_data.dirty:
quota.resource_registry.set_resources_dirty = patched_set_resources_dirty
from neutron._i18n import _LI
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import exc_filters
exc_filters._LE = _LI
exc_filters.LOG.exception = exc_filters.LOG.debug
from neutron_lib.api import validators
if not hasattr(validators, '_collect_duplicates'):
# This is from neutron-lib 1.5.0 since Ocata package
# might come with a lower release which has a bug in
# _validate_list_of_items
def _collect_duplicates(data_list):
"""Collects duplicate items from a list and returns them.
:param data_list: A list of items to check for duplicates. The list may
include dict items.
:returns: A set of items that are duplicates in data_list. If no
duplicates are found, the returned set is empty.
seen = []
dups = set()
for datum in data_list:
if datum in seen:
return dups
def new_validate_list_of_items(item_validator, data, *args, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("'%s' is not a list") % data
return msg
dups = _collect_duplicates(data)
if dups:
msg = _("Duplicate items in the list: '%s'") % ', '.join(
[str(d) for d in dups])
return msg
for item in data:
msg = item_validator(item, *args, **kwargs)
if msg:
return msg
validators._validate_list_of_items = new_validate_list_of_items
from neutron.db import models_v2
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import db as ml2_db
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import models
from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
# REVISIT: This method gets decorated in Pike for removal in Queens. So this
# patching might need to be changed in Pike and removed in Queens.
def patched_get_locked_port_and_binding(context, port_id):
"""Get port and port binding records for update within transaction."""
LOG.debug("Using patched_get_locked_port_and_binding")
port = (context.session.query(models_v2.Port).
binding = (context.session.query(models.PortBinding).
return port, binding
except exc.NoResultFound:
return None, None
ml2_db.get_locked_port_and_binding = patched_get_locked_port_and_binding
from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2