
466 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import multiprocessing
import uuid as pyuuid
from gbpservice.nfp.core import common as nfp_common
from gbpservice.nfp.core import log as nfp_logging
from gbpservice.nfp.core import module as nfp_api
from gbpservice.nfp.core import sequencer as nfp_seq
LOG = nfp_logging.getLogger(__name__)
identify = nfp_common.identify
"""Event Types """
SCHEDULE_EVENT = 'schedule_event'
POLL_EVENT = 'poll_event'
STASH_EVENT = 'stash_event'
EVENT_EXPIRED = 'event_expired'
EVENT_GRAPH = 'event_graph'
"""Event Flag """
EVENT_NEW = 'new_event'
EVENT_COMPLETE = 'event_done'
EVENT_ACK = 'event_ack'
"""Sequencer status. """
SequencerEmpty = nfp_seq.SequencerEmpty
SequencerBusy = nfp_seq.SequencerBusy
deque = collections.deque
class EventGraphNode(object):
def __init__(self, event, p_event=None):
self.p_link = ()
self.c_links = []
self.w_links = []
self.e_links = []
self.event = event
self.result = None
if p_event:
self.p_link = p_event
def __getstate__(self):
return (self.p_link, self.c_links,
self.e_links, self.w_links, self.event, self.result)
def __setstate__(self, state):
(self.p_link, self.c_links, self.e_links,
self.w_links, self.event, self.result) = state
def add_link(self, event):
def remove_link(self, event):
def remove_c_link(self, event):
except ValueError:
def get_c_links(self):
return self.c_links
def get_w_links(self):
return self.w_links
def get_executed_links(self):
return self.e_links
class EventGraph(object):
def __init__(self, event):
self.root_node = EventGraphNode(event.desc.uuid)
self.nodes = {event.desc.uuid: self.root_node}
def __getstate__(self):
return self.root_node, self.nodes
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.root_node, self.nodes = state
def add_node(self, event, p_event):
node = EventGraphNode(event.desc.uuid, p_event.desc.uuid)
self.nodes.update({event.desc.uuid: node})
p_node = self.nodes.get(p_event.desc.uuid)
def remove_node(self, node):
p_node = self.nodes.get(node.p_link)
if p_node:
return p_node
def unlink_node(self, node):
p_node = self.nodes.get(node.p_link)
if p_node:
def get_pending_leaf_nodes(self, node):
c_links = node.get_c_links()
c_nodes = []
for link in c_links:
return c_nodes
def waiting_events(self, node):
return len(node.get_w_links())
def get_leaf_node_results(self, event):
results = []
node = self.nodes[event.desc.uuid]
e_links = node.get_executed_links()
for link in e_links:
node = self.nodes[link]
uuid = node.event
key, id = uuid.split(':')
result = nfp_common.Object()
setattr(result, 'id', id)
setattr(result, 'key', key)
setattr(result, 'result', node.result)
return results
def get_node(self, event):
return self.nodes[event]
"""Defines poll descriptor of an event.
Holds all of the polling information of an
class PollDesc(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Spacing of the event, event will timeout @this spacing.
self.spacing = kwargs.get('spacing')
# Max times event can be polled, is autocancelled after.
self.max_times = kwargs.get('max_times')
# Reference to original event, UUID.
self.ref = kwargs.get('ref')
"""Defines the descriptor of an event.
Holds the metadata for an event. Useful
for event processing. Not exposed to nfp modules.
class EventDesc(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Unique id of the event, use what user passed or
# generate a new unique id.
uuid = kwargs.get('key', pyuuid.uuid4())
id = kwargs.get('id', '')
self.uuid = str(uuid) + ':' + id
# see 'Event Types'
self.type = kwargs.get('type')
# see 'Event Flag'
self.flag = kwargs.get('flag')
# PID of worker which is handling this event
self.worker = kwargs.get('worker')
# Polling descriptor of event
self.poll_desc = kwargs.get('poll_desc')
def from_desc(self, desc):
self.type = desc.type
self.flag = desc.flag
self.worker = desc.worker
self.poll_desc = desc.poll_desc
def to_dict(self):
return {'uuid': self.uuid,
'type': self.type,
'flag': self.flag,
'worker': self.worker,
'poll_desc': self.poll_desc
"""Defines the event structure.
Nfp modules need to create object of the class
to create an event.
class Event(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# ID of event as passed by module = kwargs.get('id')
# Data blob = kwargs.get('data')
# Whether to sequence this event w.r.t
# other related events.
self.sequence = kwargs.get('serialize', False)
# Unique key to be associated with the event
self.key = kwargs.get('key')
# Binding key to define relation between
# different events.
self.binding_key = kwargs.get('binding_key')
# Handler of the event.
self.handler = kwargs.get('handler')
# Lifetime of the event in seconds.
self.lifetime = kwargs.get('lifetime', 0)
# Identifies whether is zipped
self.zipped = False
# Log metadata context
self.context = kwargs.get('context', {})
# Prepare the base descriptor
desc = kwargs.get('desc_dict')
if desc:
desc['key'] = self.key
desc['id'] =
desc = EventDesc(**desc)
elif self.key:
desc = EventDesc(**{'key': self.key,
desc = EventDesc(**{'id':})
self.desc = desc
# Will be set if this event is a event graph
self.graph = kwargs.get('graph', None)
self.result = None
cond = self.sequence is True and self.binding_key is None
assert not cond
def set_fields(self, **kwargs):
if 'graph' in kwargs:
self.graph = kwargs['graph']
def identify(self):
if hasattr(self, 'desc'):
return "uuid=%s,id=%s,type=%s,flag=%s" % (
self.desc.uuid,, self.desc.type, self.desc.flag)
return "id=%s" % (
"""Table of event handler's.
Maintains cache of every module's event handlers.
Also, maintains the polling against event_id
which are provided as decorators.
class NfpEventHandlers(object):
def __init__(self):
# {'': [(event_handler, poll_handler, spacing)]
self._event_desc_table = {}
def _log_meta(self, event_id, event_handler=None):
if event_handler:
return "(event_id - %s) - (event_handler - %s)" % (
event_id, identify(event_handler))
return "(event_id - %s) - (event_handler - None)" % (event_id)
def register(self, event_id, event_handler):
"""Registers a handler for event_id.
Also fetches the decorated poll handlers if any
for the event and caches it.
if not isinstance(event_handler, nfp_api.NfpEventHandler):
message = "%s - Handler is not instance of NfpEventHandler" % (
self._log_meta(event_id, event_handler))
poll_desc_table = event_handler.get_poll_desc_table()
poll_handler = poll_desc_table[event_id]
spacing = poll_handler._spacing
except KeyError:
# Default the poll handler and spacing values
poll_handler = event_handler.handle_poll_event
spacing = 0
(event_handler, poll_handler, spacing))
except KeyError:
self._event_desc_table[event_id] = [
(event_handler, poll_handler, spacing)]
message = "%s - Registered handler" % (
self._log_meta(event_id, event_handler))
def get_event_handler(self, event_id):
"""Get the handler for the event_id. """
eh = None
eh = self._event_desc_table[event_id][0][0]
message = "%s - Returning event handler" % (
self._log_meta(event_id, eh))
return eh
def get_poll_handler(self, event_id):
"""Get the poll handler for event_id. """
ph = None
ph = self._event_desc_table[event_id][0][1]
message = "%s - Returning poll handler" % (
self._log_meta(event_id, ph))
return ph
def get_poll_spacing(self, event_id):
"""Return the spacing for event_id. """
spacing = 0
spacing = self._event_desc_table[event_id][0][2]
message = "%s - Poll spacing %d" % (
self._log_meta(event_id), spacing)
return spacing
"""Manages the lifecycle of event of a process.
Each process (worker/distributor) is associated
with a event manager. Event manager pulls events
from the pipe, caches it, sequences & dispatches
the events.
class NfpEventManager(object):
def __init__(self, conf, controller, sequencer, pipe=None, pid=-1):
self._conf = conf
self._controller = controller
# PID of process to which this event manager is associated
self._pid = pid
# Duplex pipe to read & write events
self._pipe = pipe
# Cache of UUIDs of events which are dispatched to
# the worker which is handled by this em.
self._cache = deque()
# Load on this event manager - num of events pending to be completed
self._load = 0
def _log_meta(self, event=None):
if event:
return "(event - %s) - (event_manager - %d)" % (
event.identify(), self._pid)
return "(event_manager - %d" % (self._pid)
def _wait_for_events(self, pipe, timeout=0.01):
"""Wait & pull event from the pipe.
Wait till timeout for the first event and then
pull as many as available.
Returns: Events[] pulled from pipe.
events = []
while pipe.poll(timeout):
timeout = 0
event = self._controller.pipe_recv(pipe)
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError as err:
message = "%s" % (err)
return events
def init_from_event_manager(self, em):
"""Initialize from existing event manager.
Invoked when an event manager has to take over
existing event manager.
Whole cache is replaced and events are replayed.
This is used in case where a worker dies, dead
workers event manager is assigned to new worker.
# Replay all the events from cache.
self._cache = em._cache
def get_pending_events(self):
return list(self._cache)
def get_load(self):
"""Return current load on the manager."""
return self._load
def pop_event(self, event):
"""Pop the passed event from cache.
Is called when an event is complete/cancelled.
If the event was sequenced, then sequencer is
released to schedule next event.
Removes event from cache.
message = "%s - pop event" % (self._log_meta(event))
self._load -= 1
except ValueError as verr:
verr = verr
message = "%s - event not in cache" % (
def dispatch_event(self, event, event_type=None,
inc_load=True, cache=True):
"""Dispatch event to the worker.
Sends the event to worker through pipe.
Increments load if event_type is SCHEDULED event,
poll_event does not contribute to load.
message = "%s - Dispatching to worker %d" % (
self._log_meta(event), self._pid)
# Update the worker information in the event.
event.desc.worker = self._pid
# Update the event with passed type
if event_type:
event.desc.type = event_type
# Send to the worker
self._controller.pipe_send(self._pipe, event)
self._load = (self._load + 1) if inc_load else self._load
# Add to the cache
if cache:
def event_watcher(self, timeout=0.01):
"""Watch for events. """
return self._wait_for_events(self._pipe, timeout=timeout)