--- - name: Download a wordpress theme copy: src: files/wptheme.zip dest: /tmp/wptheme.zip force: no - name: Install the theme shell: sudo -u www-data unzip -o -q /tmp/wptheme.zip -d /var/www/html/wp-content/themes args: warn: no - name: Install wordpress command: > wp core install --path=/var/www/html --url="http://{{ hostvars.cloud.balancer.openstack.public_v4 }}" --title='OpenStack Interop Challenge' --admin_user=wpuser --admin_password="{{ db_pass }}" --admin_email='interop@openstack.org' --allow-root when: hostvars.cloud.balancer.openstack.public_v4 != "" - name: Install wordpress command: > wp core install --path=/var/www/html --url="http://{{ hostvars.cloud.balancer.openstack.private_v4 }}" --title='OpenStack Interop Challenge' --admin_user=wpuser --admin_password="{{ db_pass }}" --admin_email='interop@openstack.org' --allow-root when: hostvars.cloud.balancer.openstack.public_v4 == "" - name: Install package for automated plugin activation shell: > wp package install itspriddle/wp-cli-tgmpa-plugin --allow-root - name: Make an initial request, so that later switch-theme hooks work. shell: > sudo -u www-data wp --path=/var/www/html cron test - name: Activate wordpress theme command: > wp --path=/var/www/html theme activate superuser --allow-root - name: Install and activate required plugins shell: > sudo -u www-data wp --path=/var/www/html tgmpa-plugin install --all-required --activate args: warn: no - name: Download wordpress importer plugin get_url: url: "{{ app_env.wp_importer | default('http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wordpress-importer.0.6.3.zip') }}" dest: "/tmp/wordpress-importer.zip" force: "yes" - name: Install wordpress importer plugin command: > sudo -u www-data wp --path=/var/www/html plugin install /tmp/wordpress-importer.zip --activate args: warn: "no" - name: Create temporary post directory file: path: /tmp/posts state: directory mode: "u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx" - name: Unpack the posts unarchive: src: files/wpposts.zip dest: /tmp/posts remote_src: no - name: Wait for the posts to be unpacked wait_for: path: /tmp/posts state: present - name: Import wordpress posts command: > wp --path=/var/www/html import /tmp/posts/superuser_content.xml --authors=create --quiet --allow-root - name: Regenerate thumbnails for the imported posts shell: > sudo -u www-data wp --path=/var/www/html media regenerate --yes --quiet - name: Trigger post-activation hooks shell: > sudo -u www-data wp --path=/var/www/html cron test - name: Flush rewrite rules, setup htaccess for nice permalinks shell: > sudo -u www-data WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH=/var/www/html/wp-content/themes/superuser/wp-cli.yml wp --path=/var/www/html rewrite flush --hard