--- - name: Ensure we have a working directory to save runtime files file: "path={{ playbook_dir }}/run state=directory" - name: Setup host couple variables set_fact: target_interpreter: "/home/core/bin/python" wgroups: "cworkers" mgroups: "cmasters" when: app_env.target_os == "coreos" - name: Setup couple variables set_fact: target_interpreter: "python" wgroups: "uworkers" mgroups: "umasters" when: app_env.target_os == "ubuntu" - name: Retrieve specified flavor os_flavor_facts: auth: "{{ auth }}" region_name: "{{ app_env.region_name }}" availability_zone: "{{ app_env.availability_zone }}" validate_certs: "{{ app_env.validate_certs }}" name: "{{ app_env.flavor_name }}" - name: Create a key-pair os_keypair: state: "present" auth: "{{ auth }}" region_name: "{{ app_env.region_name }}" availability_zone: "{{ app_env.availability_zone }}" validate_certs: "{{ app_env.validate_certs }}" name: "k8s" public_key_file: "{{ app_env.public_key_file }}" - name: Create security group os_security_group: state: present auth: "{{ auth }}" region_name: "{{ app_env.region_name }}" availability_zone: "{{ app_env.availability_zone }}" validate_certs: "{{ app_env.validate_certs }}" name: k8s_sg description: security group for kubernetes cluster - name: Add security rules os_security_group_rule: state: present auth: "{{ auth }}" region_name: "{{ app_env.region_name }}" availability_zone: "{{ app_env.availability_zone }}" validate_certs: "{{ app_env.validate_certs }}" security_group: k8s_sg protocol: "{{ item.protocol }}" direction: "{{ item.dir }}" port_range_min: "{{ item.p_min }}" port_range_max: "{{ item.p_max }}" remote_ip_prefix: with_items: - { p_min: 22, p_max: 22, dir: ingress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: 80, p_max: 80, dir: ingress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: 53, p_max: 53, dir: ingress, protocol: udp } - { p_min: 53, p_max: 53, dir: egress, protocol: udp } - { p_min: 8080, p_max: 8080, dir: ingress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: 8090, p_max: 8090, dir: ingress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: 8285, p_max: 8285, dir: ingress, protocol: udp } - { p_min: 2379, p_max: 2380, dir: ingress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: 2379, p_max: 2380, dir: egress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: 10250, p_max: 10250, dir: ingress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: 20000, p_max: 32767, dir: ingress, protocol: tcp } - { p_min: -1, p_max: -1, dir: ingress, protocol: icmp } - { p_min: -1, p_max: -1, dir: egress, protocol: icmp } - name: Add provisioning host group add_host: name: "worker-{{ item }}" targetgroup: "{{ wgroups }}" ansible_host: "" ansible_python_interpreter: "python" groups: "prohosts" with_sequence: count={{ app_env.stack_size - 1 }} no_log: True - name: Add provisioning host group add_host: name: "master" targetgroup: "{{ mgroups }}" ansible_host: "" ansible_python_interpreter: "python" groups: "prohosts" no_log: True