# NFV Ansible deployments on OpenStack Cloud This ansible playbook will install an OPEN-O first then deploy Clearwater vIMS by OPEN-O. Once the script finishes, a vIMS is ready to be used. ## Status Complete ## Requirements - [Install Ansible](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_installation.html) - [Install docker-py 1.9.0](https://github.com/docker/docker-py) - Make sure there is a VM to be used to install OPEN-O. It should meet the requirements below - at least 4 CPUs, 64G RAM, 100G Disk - Make sure the OpenStack cloud is able to deploy at least 7 nodes. Each node requires resources as below - 1 CPU, 2G RAM, 2G RAM, 20G Disk - Clone this project into a directory to the VM ## Ansible Ansible will be used to orchestrate the whole process ### Prep #### General OpenStack Settings Before running the script, cloud environment authentication needs to be provided. Please update the file under group_vars/all There is one example for your reference ##### group_vars/all:: os_project_domain_name: default os_user_domain_name: default os_username: admin os_password: password os_project_name: admin os_auth_url: os_identity_api_version: 3 os_region_name: RegionOne ## Run the script to deploy vIMS with the help of OPEN-O With your cloud environment set, you should be able to run the script:: tox -e nfv The above command will firstly install Ansible and other required packages. Then, it will deploy OPEN-O, and a vIMS will be set up by OPEN-O. This step is done by OPNFV Opera Project. [OPNFV Opera Project](https://github.com/opnfv/opera) Also, OPNFV Functest is leveraged to test the vIMS to make sure it is working. [OPNFV Functest Project](https://github.com/opnfv/functest) ## The results of the work load successful run If everything goes well, it will accomplish the following:: 1. Deploy OPEN-O docker containers 2. Create security group 3. Add security rules to allow icmp, tcp and ucp ports 4. Deploy a VM on OpenStack and install Juju 5. Connect Juju with OPEN-O and OpenStack 6. Configure OPEN-O with vIMS topology definition 7. Deploy vIMS Clearwater via OPEN-O 8. Test the vIMS Clearwater by leveraging OPNFV Functest 9. Create user on Ellis of vIMS Clearwater 10. Create calling number on Ellis of vIMS Clearwater ### Environment Information - OPEN-O can be accessed through http://VM_host_IP/openoui/common/default.html - Calling information is put under {{ playbook_dir }}/run/results/ellis.info - Log is put under {{ playbook_dir }}/run/results/opera.log ## Execution Duration The process involves pulling 20+ docker images and downloading about nearly 4G OpenStack images. The time it takes can be impacted by the network enormously. Thus the duration varies from lab to lab. If this step is once run, it will be skipped in the future round of execution. One suggestion is to run this step in advance to decrease the whole execution duration. The deployment and configuration of OPEN-O takes approximately 30~40 minutes. The deployment of vIMS Clearwater takes about 30~40 minutes. It also depends on the network as vIMS downloads quite a number of packages. ## Next Steps ### Make a call via SIP client Install the SIP client, e.g. jitsi and configure the client with calling information. ### Cleanup Script is needed to clean up the environment.