# Copyright 2017 MDSLAB - University of Messina. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. __author__ = "Nicola Peditto " import errno import json import os import psutil import pyinotify import signal import socket import subprocess import time import copy from datetime import datetime from random import randint from threading import Thread from urllib.parse import urlparse from iotronic_lightningrod.common import utils from iotronic_lightningrod.config import package_path from iotronic_lightningrod.modules import Module from iotronic_lightningrod import lightningrod import iotronic_lightningrod.wampmessage as WM from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) wstun_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'wstun_bin', default='/usr/bin/wstun', help=('WSTUN bin for Services Manager') ), ] CONF = cfg.CONF service_group = cfg.OptGroup( name='services', title='Services options' ) CONF.register_group(service_group) CONF.register_opts(wstun_opts, group=service_group) s_conf_FILE = CONF.lightningrod_home + "/services.json" ws_server_alive = 0 global WS_MON_LIST WS_MON_LIST = {} global WS_LIST WS_LIST = {} global wstun_ip wstun_ip = None global wstun_port wstun_port = None class ServiceManager(Module.Module): def __init__(self, board, session): super(ServiceManager, self).__init__("ServiceManager", board) print("\nWSTUN bin path: " + str(CONF.services.wstun_bin)) self.wstun_ip = urlparse(board.wamp_config["url"])[1].split(':')[0] self.wstun_port = "8080" global wstun_port wstun_port = self.wstun_port global wstun_ip wstun_ip = self.wstun_ip is_wss = False wurl_list = board.wamp_config["url"].split(':') if wurl_list[0] == "wss": is_wss = True self.board_id = board.uuid if is_wss: self.wstun_url = "wss://" + self.wstun_ip + ":" + self.wstun_port else: self.wstun_url = "ws://" + self.wstun_ip + ":" + self.wstun_port def finalize(self): # Clean process table and remove zombies for _ in range(get_zombies()): try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) LOG.debug( " - [finalize] WSTUN zombie " + "process cleaned." ) except Exception as exc: print(" - [finalize] Error cleaning" + " wstun zombie process: " + str(exc)) message = "WSTUN zombie processes cleaned." LOG.debug(message) print(message) LOG.info("Cloud service tunnels to initialization:") # Load services.json configuration file s_conf = self._loadServicesConf() global WS_LIST WS_LIST = copy.deepcopy(s_conf) if s_conf == None: LOG.error(" --> Error loading services.json file: " + "backup is not restorable!") path_services_template = \ package_path + "/templates/services.example.json" if os.path.isfile(path_services_template): LOG.info(" --> restoring services.json template") # Restore services.json template file os.system( 'cp ' + path_services_template + ' ' + s_conf_FILE ) LOG.warn(" --> template restored: services configuration " + "must be injected from Iotronic.") else: LOG.error(" --> services.json template does not exist!") else: print("WSTUN server checks:") sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(4) global ws_server_alive ws_server_alive = sock.connect_ex( (self.wstun_ip, int(self.wstun_port))) if ws_server_alive == 0: print(" - WSTUN server is online!") sock.close() # close check socket if len(s_conf['services']) != 0: wstun_process_list = [] try: for p in psutil.process_iter(): if len(p.cmdline()) != 0: if ((p.name() == "node") and ( "wstun" in p.cmdline()[1] )): wstun_process_list.append(p) except Exception as e: LOG.error( " --> PSUTIL [finalize]: " + "error getting wstun processes info: " + str(e) ) if len(s_conf) != 0: print("\nWSTUN processes:") for s_uuid in s_conf['services']: service_name = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['name'] service_pid = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] LOG.info(" - " + service_name) if len(wstun_process_list) != 0: for wp in wstun_process_list: if service_pid == wp.pid: LOG.info( " --> the tunnel for '" + service_name + "' already exists; killing..." ) # 1. Kill wstun process (if exists) # No zombie alert activation lightningrod.zombie_alert = False LOG.debug( "[WSTUN-RESTORE] - " "on-finalize zombie_alert: " + str(lightningrod.zombie_alert) ) try: os.kill(service_pid, signal.SIGINT) LOG.debug( " - [finalize] WSTUN process [" + str(service_pid) + "] killed" ) print("OLD WSTUN KILLED: " + str(wp)) try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) LOG.warning( " - OLD wstun zombie " + "process cleaned." ) except Exception as exc: LOG.warning( " - [finalize] " + "Error cleaning old " + "wstun zombie process: " + str(exc) ) LOG.info( " --> service '" + service_name + "' with PID " + str(service_pid) + " was killed; " + "creating new one...") except OSError: LOG.warning( " - WSTUN process already killed, " "creating new one...") break # 2. Create the reverse tunnel public_port = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['public_port'] local_port = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port'] wstun = self._startWstunOnBoot( public_port, local_port, s_uuid, event="boot") if wstun != None: service_pid = wstun.pid # 3. Update services.json file s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = \ service_pid s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') self._updateServiceConf(s_conf, s_uuid, output=True) LOG.info(" --> Cloud service '" + service_name + "' tunnel established.") else: message = "Error spawning " + str(service_name) \ + " service tunnel!" LOG.error(" - " + message) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._zombie_hunter) # Reactivate zombies monitoring if not lightningrod.zombie_alert: lightningrod.zombie_alert = True else: LOG.info(" --> No service tunnels to establish.") signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._zombie_hunter) else: sock.close() # close check socket print(" - WSTUN server is offline!") LOG.error("WSTUN server is offline!") def restore(self): LOG.info("Cloud service tunnels to restore:") # Load services.json configuration file s_conf = self._loadServicesConf() global WS_LIST WS_LIST = copy.deepcopy(s_conf) if s_conf == None: LOG.error(" --> Error loading services.json file: " "backup is not restorable!") else: if len(s_conf['services']) != 0: wstun_process_list = [] # No zombie alert activation lightningrod.zombie_alert = False LOG.debug( "[WSTUN-RESTORE] - Restore zombie_alert: " + str(lightningrod.zombie_alert) ) # Collect all alive WSTUN proccesses try: for p in psutil.process_iter(): if (p.name() == "node"): if (p.status() == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE): LOG.warning("WSTUN ZOMBIE: " + str(p)) wstun_process_list.append(p) elif ("wstun" in p.cmdline()[1]): LOG.warning("WSTUN ALIVE: " + str(p)) wstun_process_list.append(p) try: psutil.Process(p.pid).kill() LOG.warning(" --> PID " + str(p.pid) + " killed!") try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) LOG.debug( " - [restore] WSTUN zombie " + "process cleaned." ) except Exception as exc: LOG.warning( " - [restore] " + "Error cleaning old " + "wstun zombie process: " + str(exc) ) except OSError as err: LOG.warning( " - [restore] WSTUN killing problem: " + str(err) ) except Exception as e: LOG.error( " --> PSUTIL [restore]: " + "error getting wstun processes info: " + str(e) ) LOG.debug("[WSTUN-RESTORE] - WSTUN processes to restore:\n" + str(wstun_process_list)) for s_uuid in s_conf['services']: Thread( target=self._restoreWSTUN, args=(s_conf, s_uuid,) ).start() time.sleep(2) # Reactivate zombies monitoring if not lightningrod.zombie_alert: lightningrod.zombie_alert = True else: LOG.info(" --> No service tunnels to restore.") def _zombie_hunter(self, signum, frame): time.sleep(1) wstun_found = False if (lightningrod.zombie_alert): # print(signum); traceback.print_stack(frame) zombie_list = [] try: for p in psutil.process_iter(): if len(p.cmdline()) == 0: if ((p.name() == "node") and (p.status() == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE)): print(" - process: " + str(p)) zombie_list.append(p.pid) except Exception as e: LOG.error( " --> PSUTIL [_zombie_hunter]: " + "error getting wstun processes info. " + "Please restore manually your services: " + str(e) ) return if len(zombie_list) == 0: # print(" - no action required.") return print("\nCheck killed process...") print(" - Zombies found: " + str(zombie_list)) # Load services.json configuration file s_conf = self._loadServicesConf() if s_conf == None: LOG.error(" --> Error loading services.json file: " "backup is not restorable!") else: for s_uuid in s_conf['services']: # Reload services.json file in order to check # again if the PID was updated in the mean time # by another zombie-hunter instance, before starting # another instance of wstun s_conf = self._loadServicesConf() # service_pid = s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] service_pid = WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] if service_pid in zombie_list: service_public_port = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['public_port'] service_local_port = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port'] service_name = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['name'] message = "WSTUN zombie process ALERT for tunnel '" \ + service_name + "'" print(" - " + str(message)) LOG.debug(" - [WSTUN-RESTORE] - " + str(message)) wstun_found = True print(s_conf['services'][s_uuid]) try: # Clean Zombie wstun process try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) LOG.debug( " - [_zombie_hunter] WSTUN zombie " + "process cleaned." ) print(" - WSTUN zombie process cleaned.") except Exception as exc: print(" - [hunter] Error cleaning wstun " + "zombie process: " + str(exc)) wstun = self._startWstun( service_public_port, service_local_port, s_uuid, event="zombie" ) if wstun != None: service_pid = wstun.pid # UPDATE services.json file s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = \ service_pid s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f' ) self._updateServiceConf( s_conf, s_uuid, output=True ) message = "Zombie service '" \ + str(service_name) \ + "' restored on port " \ + str(service_public_port) \ + " on " + self.wstun_ip LOG.info(" - " + message + " with PID " + str(service_pid)) else: message = "No need to spawn new tunnel for " \ + str(service_local_port) + " port" LOG.debug(message) print(message) except Exception: pass # break if not wstun_found: message = "Tunnel killed by LR" print(" - " + str(message)) # LOG.debug("[WSTUN-RESTORE] --> " + str(message)) else: print("\nWSTUN kill event:") message = "Tunnel killed by LR." print(" - " + str(message)) # Clean zombie processes (no wstun) try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) LOG.debug( "[_zombie_hunter] Generic zombie " + "process cleaned." ) print(" - Generic zombie process cleaned.") except Exception as exc: print(" - [_zombie_hunter] Error cleaning " "generic zombie process: " + str(exc)) # LOG.debug("[WSTUN-RESTORE] --> " + str(message)) # lightningrod.zombie_alert = True def _restoreWSTUN(self, s_conf, s_uuid): service_name = s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['name'] # service_pid = s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] LOG.info(" - " + service_name) # Create the reverse tunnel again public_port = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['public_port'] local_port = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port'] wstun = self._startWstun( public_port, local_port, s_uuid, event="restore" ) if wstun != None: service_pid = wstun.pid # 3. Update services.json file s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = \ service_pid s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') self._updateServiceConf( s_conf, s_uuid, output=True ) LOG.info(" --> Cloud service '" + service_name + "' tunnel restored.") else: message = "Error spawning " + str(service_name) \ + " service tunnel!" LOG.error(" - " + message) def _loadServicesConf(self): """Load services.json JSON configuration. :return: JSON Services configuration """ try: with open(s_conf_FILE) as settings: s_conf = json.load(settings) except Exception as err: LOG.error(" --> Parsing error in " + s_conf_FILE + ": " + str(err)) if os.path.isfile(s_conf_FILE + '.bkp '): LOG.info(" --> restoring services.json file...") # Restore backup json file on error os.system( 'cp ' + s_conf_FILE + '.bkp ' + s_conf_FILE ) try: with open(s_conf_FILE) as settings: s_conf = json.load(settings) except Exception as err: LOG.error(" --> Parsing backup file error in " + s_conf_FILE + ": " + str(err)) s_conf = None else: LOG.error(" --> services.json backup file does not exist!") s_conf = None if s_conf == None: try: LOG.info(" --> loading services.json template file") template_conf = '''{ "services": { } } ''' with open(s_conf_FILE, "w") as text_file: text_file.write("%s" % template_conf) with open(s_conf_FILE) as settings: s_conf = json.load(settings) except Exception as err: LOG.error( " --> Loading template error: \ manual check on device required!" ) s_conf = None return s_conf def _wstunMon(self, wstun, local_port): wfd_check = True while (wfd_check): try: wp = psutil.Process(int(wstun.pid)) wstun_fd = wp.connections()[0].fd if len(wp.connections()) != 0: LOG.debug("WSTUN alive socket: " + str(wp.connections())) wfd_check = False except IndexError as err: # LOG.error(str(err) + " - RETRY...") pass time.sleep(1) class EventProcessor(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): _methods = [ # "IN_CREATE", # "IN_OPEN", # "IN_ACCESS", # "IN_ATTRIB", "IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE", "IN_CLOSE_WRITE", "IN_DELETE", "IN_DELETE_SELF", # "IN_IGNORED", # "IN_MODIFY", # "IN_MOVE_SELF", # "IN_MOVED_FROM", # "IN_MOVED_TO", # "IN_Q_OVERFLOW", # "IN_UNMOUNT", "default" ] def process_generator(cls, method): def _method_name(self, event): if(event.maskname == "IN_CLOSE_WRITE"): LOG.info( "WSTUN fd socket closed [port(" + str(local_port) + ")]: " + str(event.pathname) ) LOG.debug( " - FD change notify for tunnel port " + str(local_port) + ":" + "\nmethod: process_{}()\n" + "file_path: {}\n" + "event: {}\n".format( method, event.pathname, event.maskname ) ) try: os.kill(wstun.pid, signal.SIGKILL) LOG.debug( " - [_wstunMon] WSTUN process " + "[ port(" + str(local_port) + ") | " + "pid(" + str(wstun.pid) + ") ] killed") except OSError as err: LOG.warning( " - [_wstunMon] WSTUN killing error [" + str(local_port) + "]: " + str(err) ) _method_name.__name__ = "process_{}".format(method) setattr(cls, _method_name.__name__, _method_name) for method in EventProcessor._methods: process_generator(EventProcessor, method) watch_manager = pyinotify.WatchManager() event_notifier = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier( watch_manager, EventProcessor() ) event_notifier.setName("TN-" + str(local_port)) WS_MON_LIST[str(local_port)] = event_notifier watch_this = os.path.abspath( "/proc/" + str(wstun.pid) + "/fd/" + str(wstun_fd) ) watch_manager.add_watch(watch_this, pyinotify.ALL_EVENTS) event_notifier.start() def _startWstun(self, public_port, local_port, s_uuid, event="no-set"): count_ws = 0 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(4) global ws_server_alive ws_server_alive = sock.connect_ex( (self.wstun_ip, int(self.wstun_port)) ) while(ws_server_alive != 0 and count_ws < 5): count_ws = count_ws + 1 LOG.warning( "WSTUN server is offline! Retry " + str(count_ws) + "/5..." ) time.sleep(randint(3, 6)) ws_server_alive = sock.connect_ex( (self.wstun_ip, int(self.wstun_port)) ) if ws_server_alive == 0: sock.close() # close check socket opt_reverse = "-r" + str(public_port) + ":" + str( local_port) try: for p in psutil.process_iter(): if len(p.cmdline()) != 0: if ((p.name() == "node") and (str(local_port) in p.cmdline()[2])): old_tun = p.cmdline()[2] if old_tun == opt_reverse: message = "[_startWstun] Tunnel for port " \ + str(local_port) \ + " already established!" print(message) LOG.warning(message) return None except Exception as e: LOG.error( " --> PSUTIL [_startWstun]: " + "error getting wstun processes info: " + str(e) ) try: # subp_cmd = [CONF.services.wstun_bin, opt_reverse, # self.wstun_url, '-u "' + str(self.board_id) + '"'] subp_cmd = [CONF.services.wstun_bin, opt_reverse, self.wstun_url, '-u', '' + str(self.board_id) + ''] wstun = subprocess.Popen( subp_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) if (event != "boot"): print("WSTUN start event:") # cmd_print = 'WSTUN exec: ' + str(CONF.services.wstun_bin) \ # + " " + opt_reverse + ' ' + self.wstun_url cmd_print = 'WSTUN exec: ' + str(subp_cmd) print(" - " + str(cmd_print)) LOG.debug(cmd_print) # WSTUN MON # ############################################################# try: global WS_LIST WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid] = {} WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = wstun.pid WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') print("(add)--> WS_LIST: " + str(WS_LIST)) except Exception as err: LOG.error("Error WS_LIST: " + str(err)) try: if event != "enable": WS_MON_LIST[str(local_port)].stop() except Exception as err: LOG.error("Error stopping WSTUN monitor: " + str(err)) wsmon = Thread( target=self._wstunMon, name="THR-" + str(local_port), args=(wstun, local_port, ) ) wsmon.start() # print(threading.enumerate()) # print(WS_MON_LIST) # ############################################################# except Exception as err: LOG.error("Error spawning WSTUN process: " + str(err)) wstun = None else: LOG.error("Error spawning WSTUN process: WSTUN server is offline!") wstun = None return wstun def _startWstunOnBoot(self, public_port, local_port, s_uuid, event="no-set"): opt_reverse = "-r" + str(public_port) + ":" + str( local_port) try: for p in psutil.process_iter(): if len(p.cmdline()) != 0: if ((p.name() == "node") and (str(local_port) in p.cmdline()[2])): old_tun = p.cmdline()[2] if old_tun == opt_reverse: message = "[_startWstunOnBoot] Tunnel for port " \ + str(local_port) \ + " already established!" print(message) LOG.warning(message) return None except Exception as e: LOG.error( " --> PSUTIL [_startWstunOnBoot]: " + "error getting wstun processes info: " + str(e) ) try: # subp_cmd = [CONF.services.wstun_bin, opt_reverse, self.wstun_url, # '-u "' + str(self.board_id) + '"'] subp_cmd = [CONF.services.wstun_bin, opt_reverse, self.wstun_url, '-u', '' + str(self.board_id) + ''] wstun = subprocess.Popen( subp_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) if (event != "boot"): print("WSTUN start event:") # cmd_print = 'WSTUN exec: ' + str(CONF.services.wstun_bin) + " " \ # + opt_reverse + ' ' + self.wstun_url cmd_print = 'WSTUN exec: ' + str(subp_cmd) print(" - " + str(cmd_print)) LOG.debug(cmd_print) # WSTUN MON # ############################################################# global WS_LIST WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid] = {} WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = wstun.pid WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') print("(add)--> WS_LIST: " + str(WS_LIST)) wsmon = Thread( target=self._wstunMon, name="THR-" + str(local_port), args=(wstun, local_port,) ) wsmon.start() # ############################################################# except Exception as err: LOG.error("Error spawning WSTUN process: " + str(err)) wstun = None return wstun def _updateServiceConf(self, s_conf, s_uuid, output=True): if s_conf == "": LOG.error(" - ERROR new services.json content is empty: " + "Restoring backup.") # Restore backup json file on error os.system( 'cp ' + s_conf_FILE + '.bkp ' + s_conf_FILE ) else: # Apply the changes to services.json with open(s_conf_FILE, 'w') as f: json.dump(s_conf, f, indent=4) # print(s_conf) if output: LOG.info(" - service updated:\n" + json.dumps( s_conf['services'][s_uuid], indent=4, sort_keys=True )) else: LOG.info(" - services.json file updated!") # Backup json file before update os.system( 'cp ' + s_conf_FILE + ' ' + s_conf_FILE + '.bkp' ) # SC async def ServicesStatus(self, req, parameters=None): req_id = req['uuid'] rpc_name = utils.getFuncName() LOG.info("RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED [req_id: " + str(req_id) + "]:") if parameters is not None: LOG.info(" - " + rpc_name + " parameters: " + str(parameters)) tuns = { "sockets": [], "procs": [] } """ LSOF """ res_lsof = subprocess.Popen( "lsof -i -n -P | grep '8080'| grep -v grep", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) sockets = res_lsof.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").split("\n") tuns['sockets'] = sockets[:-1] """ PS """ res_ps = subprocess.Popen( "ps aux | grep 'wstun' | grep -v grep", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) ps_s4t = res_ps.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").split("\n") tuns['procs'] = ps_s4t[:-1] w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(msg=tuns, req_id=req_id) return w_msg.serialize() # SC async def ServiceEnable(self, req, service, public_port, parameters=None): req_id = req['uuid'] rpc_name = utils.getFuncName() service_name = service['name'] s_uuid = service['uuid'] local_port = service['port'] LOG.info("RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED [req_id: " + str(req_id) + "] for '" + service_name + "' (" + s_uuid + ") service:") if parameters is not None: LOG.info(" - " + rpc_name + " parameters: " + str(parameters)) try: wstun = self._startWstun( public_port, local_port, s_uuid, event="enable" ) if wstun != None: service_pid = wstun.pid # Load services.json configuration file s_conf = self._loadServicesConf() if s_conf == None: message = "Error loading services.json file: " \ + "backup is not restorable!" LOG.error(" --> " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) else: # Save plugin settings in services.json if s_uuid not in s_conf['services']: # It is a new plugin s_conf['services'][s_uuid] = {} s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['name'] = \ service_name s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['public_port'] = \ public_port s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port'] = \ local_port s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = \ service_pid s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['enabled_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = "" else: # The service was already added and we are updating it s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') LOG.info(" - services.json file updated!") # Apply the changes to services.json self._updateServiceConf(s_conf, s_uuid, output=True) message = "Cloud service '" + str(service_name) \ + "' exposed on port " \ + str(public_port) + " on " + self.wstun_ip LOG.info(" - " + message + " with PID " + str(service_pid)) w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(msg=message, req_id=req_id) else: message = "Error spawning '" + str(service_name) \ + "' service tunnel!" LOG.error(" - " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) except Exception as err: message = "Error exposing " + str(service_name) \ + " service: " + str(err) LOG.error(" - " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) return w_msg.serialize() # SC async def ServiceDisable(self, req, service, parameters=None): req_id = req['uuid'] rpc_name = utils.getFuncName() service_name = service['name'] s_uuid = service['uuid'] LOG.info("RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED [req_id: " + str(req_id) + "] for '" + service_name + "' (" + s_uuid + ") service:") if parameters is not None: LOG.info(" - " + rpc_name + " parameters: " + str(parameters)) # Remove from services.json file try: # Load services.json configuration file s_conf = self._loadServicesConf() if s_conf == None: LOG.error(" --> Error loading services.json file: " "backup is not restorable!") message = "Error loading services.json file: " \ + "backup is not restorable!" LOG.error(" --> " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) else: if s_uuid in s_conf['services']: service_pid = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] try: # No zombie alert activation lightningrod.zombie_alert = False os.kill(service_pid, signal.SIGKILL) LOG.info(" - [ServiceDisable] WSTUN process " + "[" + str(service_pid) + "] killed") try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) LOG.debug( " - [ServiceDisable] WSTUN zombie " + "process cleaned." ) except Exception as exc: print( " - [ServiceDisable] " + "Error cleaning old " + "wstun zombie process: " + str(exc) ) message = "Cloud service '" \ + str(service_name) + "' tunnel disabled." del s_conf['services'][s_uuid] self._updateServiceConf(s_conf, s_uuid, output=False) global WS_LIST del WS_LIST['services'][s_uuid] print("(del)--> WS_LIST: " + str(WS_LIST)) LOG.info(" - " + message) # Reactivate zombies monitoring if not lightningrod.zombie_alert: lightningrod.zombie_alert = True w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(msg=message, req_id=req_id) except Exception as err: if err.errno == errno.ESRCH: # No such process message = "Service '" + str(service_name) \ + "' WSTUN process is not running!" LOG.warning(" - " + message) del s_conf['services'][s_uuid] self._updateServiceConf( s_conf, s_uuid, output=False ) # Reactivate zombies monitoring if not lightningrod.zombie_alert: lightningrod.zombie_alert = True w_msg = WM.WampWarning( msg=message, req_id=req_id ) else: message = "Error disabling '" + str( service_name) + "' service tunnel: " + str(err) LOG.error(" - " + message) # Reactivate zombies monitoring if not lightningrod.zombie_alert: lightningrod.zombie_alert = True w_msg = WM.WampError( msg=message, req_id=req_id ) else: message = rpc_name + " result: " + s_uuid \ + " already removed!" LOG.warning(" - " + message) w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(msg=message, req_id=req_id) except Exception as err: message = "Updating services.json error: " + str(err) LOG.error(" - " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) return w_msg.serialize() # SC async def ServiceRestore(self, req, service, public_port, parameters=None): req_id = req['uuid'] rpc_name = utils.getFuncName() service_name = service['name'] s_uuid = service['uuid'] LOG.info("RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED [req_id: " + str(req_id) + "] for '" + service_name + "' (" + s_uuid + ") service:") if parameters is not None: LOG.info(" - " + rpc_name + " parameters: " + str(parameters)) # Load services.json configuration file s_conf = self._loadServicesConf() if s_conf == None: message = "Error loading services.json file: " \ + "backup is not restorable!" LOG.error(" --> " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) else: if s_uuid in s_conf['services']: local_port = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port'] service_pid = \ s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] try: # No zombie alert activation lightningrod.zombie_alert = False # 1. Kill wstun process (if exists) try: os.kill(service_pid, signal.SIGKILL) LOG.info(" - service '" + service_name + "' with PID " + str(service_pid) + " was killed.") try: os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) LOG.debug( " - [ServiceRestore] WSTUN zombie " + "process cleaned." ) except Exception as exc: print( " - [ServiceRestore] " + "Error cleaning old " + "wstun zombie process: " + str(exc) ) except OSError: LOG.warning(" - WSTUN process already killed: " "creating new one...") # 2. Create the reverse tunnel wstun = self._startWstun( public_port, local_port, s_uuid, event="kill-restore" ) if wstun != None: service_pid = wstun.pid # UPDATE services.json file s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = \ service_pid s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') self._updateServiceConf(s_conf, s_uuid, output=True) message = "service " + str(service_name) \ + " restored on port " \ + str(public_port) + " on " + self.wstun_ip LOG.info(" - " + message + " with PID " + str(service_pid)) # Reactivate zombies monitoring if not lightningrod.zombie_alert: lightningrod.zombie_alert = True w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(msg=message, req_id=req_id) else: message = "Error spawning " + str(service_name) \ + " service tunnel!" LOG.error(" - " + message) # Reactivate zombies monitoring if not lightningrod.zombie_alert: lightningrod.zombie_alert = True w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) except Exception as err: message = "Error restoring '" + str(service_name) \ + "' service tunnel: " + str(err) LOG.error(" - " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) else: local_port = service['port'] wstun = self._startWstun( public_port, local_port, s_uuid, event="clean-restore" ) if wstun != None: service_pid = wstun.pid s_conf['services'][s_uuid] = {} s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['name'] = \ service_name s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['public_port'] = \ public_port s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port'] = \ local_port s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['pid'] = \ service_pid s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['enabled_at'] = \ datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['updated_at'] = "" self._updateServiceConf(s_conf, s_uuid, output=True) message = "service " + str(service_name) \ + " restored on port " \ + str(public_port) + " on " + self.wstun_ip LOG.info(" - " + message + " with PID " + str(service_pid)) w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(msg=message, req_id=req_id) else: message = "Error spawning " + str(service_name) \ + " service tunnel!" LOG.error(" - " + message) w_msg = WM.WampError(msg=message, req_id=req_id) return w_msg.serialize() def get_zombies(): # NOTE: don't use Popen() here output = os.popen(r"ps aux | grep ' Z' | grep -v grep").read() nzombies = len(output.splitlines()) return nzombies def services_list(format_l="list"): try: with open(s_conf_FILE) as settings: s_conf = json.load(settings) if format_l == "html": s_list = "" for s_uuid in s_conf['services']: s_service = str(s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['name']) \ + " - " + str(s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['public_port']) \ + " - " + str(s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port']) s_list = s_list + "
  • " + s_service + "
  • " else: s_list = [] for s_uuid in s_conf['services']: s_service = str(s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['name']) \ + " - " + str(s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['public_port']) \ + " - " + str(s_conf['services'][s_uuid]['local_port']) s_list.append(s_service) except Exception as err: LOG.error("Error getting services list: " + str(err)) s_list = str(err) return s_list def wstun_status(): if(wstun_ip != None) and (wstun_port != None): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(4) global ws_server_alive ws_server_alive = sock.connect_ex((wstun_ip, int(wstun_port))) sock.close() # close check socket else: ws_server_alive = "N/A" return ws_server_alive