IoTronic Lightning-rod installation guide for Raspberry Pi 3 ============================================================ We tested this procedure on a Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian). Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * OS requirement :: apt install python3 python3-setuptools python3-pip gdb lsof libssl-dev libffi-dev * NodeJS :: curl -sL | sudo -E bash - apt-get install -y nodejs npm install -g npm echo "NODE_PATH=/usr/lib/node_modules" | tee -a /etc/environment source /etc/environment > /dev/null * WSTUN: :: npm install -g --unsafe @mdslab/wstun * NGINX: :: apt install -y nginx sed -i 's/# server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;/server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;/g' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf sed -i "s|listen 80 default_server;|listen 50000 default_server;|g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/default sed -i "s|80 default_server;|50000 default_server;|g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/default * Certbot: :: apt-get install python-certbot-nginx Install Lightning-rod ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: pip3 install iotronic-lightningrod Iotronic deployment ''''''''''''''''''' :: lr_install Execution ~~~~~~~~~ :: systemctl start lightning-rod.service tail -f /var/log/iotronic/lightning-rod.log Iotronic setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Web-UI url:** :: http://:1474/config There you need to provide the following information: - **Registration Agent URL:** ws(s)://:/ It is the url used to reach Iotronic registration agent (provided by the infrastructure): you have specify the IP address/domain name followed by the port (crossbar listening port, e.g. 8181) - **Registration Code:** It is the code specified during the device registration to identify it (the first time). Troubleshooting: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **cbor error:** "Connection failed: RuntimeError: could not create serializer for "cbor" It is a dependency of Autobahn package **Solution:** pip3 install cbor