Fabio Verboso 5a373e7941 WebServices and New Wamp Agent routing
Wamp RPCs are forwarding using the correct server and topic
Introduced the new WebServices core feature with its REST APIs and models.
Designate and Nginx are required for this new feature.

Change-Id: Ia172654fbaf5502e3b9325a862a4e986fa27ee35
2018-12-06 18:48:32 +01:00

398 lines
16 KiB

# coding=utf-8
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Client side of the conductor RPC API.
from iotronic.common import rpc
from iotronic.conductor import manager
from iotronic.objects import base
import oslo_messaging
class ConductorAPI(object):
"""Client side of the conductor RPC API.
API version history:
| 1.0 - Initial version.
def __init__(self, topic=None):
super(ConductorAPI, self).__init__()
self.topic = topic
if self.topic is None:
self.topic = manager.MANAGER_TOPIC
target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=self.topic,
serializer = base.IotronicObjectSerializer()
self.client = rpc.get_client(target,
def echo(self, context, data, topic=None):
:param context: request context.
:param data: board id or uuid.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'echo', data=data)
def registration(self, context, code, session_num, topic=None):
"""Registration of a board.
:param context: request context.
:param code: token used for the first registration
:param session_num: wamp session number
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'registration',
code=code, session_num=session_num)
def connection(self, context, uuid, session_num, topic=None):
"""Connection of a board.
:param context: request context.
:param uuid: uuid board
:param session_num: wamp session number
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'connection',
uuid=uuid, session_num=session_num)
def create_board(self, context, board_obj, location_obj, topic=None):
"""Add a board on the cloud
:param context: request context.
:param board_obj: a changed (but not saved) board object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: created board object
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'create_board',
board_obj=board_obj, location_obj=location_obj)
def update_board(self, context, board_obj, topic=None):
"""Synchronously, have a conductor update the board's information.
Update the board's information in the database and return
a board object.
Note that power_state should not be passed via this method.
Use change_board_power_state for initiating driver actions.
:param context: request context.
:param board_obj: a changed (but not saved) board object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: updated board object, including all fields.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'update_board', board_obj=board_obj)
def destroy_board(self, context, board_id, topic=None):
"""Delete a board.
:param context: request context.
:param board_id: board id or uuid.
:raises: BoardLocked if board is locked by another conductor.
:raises: BoardAssociated if the board contains an instance
associated with it.
:raises: InvalidState if the board is in the wrong provision
state to perform deletion.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'destroy_board', board_id=board_id)
def execute_on_board(self, context, board_uuid, wamp_rpc_call,
wamp_rpc_args=None, topic=None):
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'execute_on_board', board_uuid=board_uuid,
def create_plugin(self, context, plugin_obj, topic=None):
"""Add a plugin on the cloud
:param context: request context.
:param plugin_obj: a changed (but not saved) plugin object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: created plugin object
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'create_plugin',
def update_plugin(self, context, plugin_obj, topic=None):
"""Synchronously, have a conductor update the plugin's information.
Update the plugin's information in the database and
return a plugin object.
:param context: request context.
:param plugin_obj: a changed (but not saved) plugin object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: updated plugin object, including all fields.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'update_plugin', plugin_obj=plugin_obj)
def destroy_plugin(self, context, plugin_id, topic=None):
"""Delete a plugin.
:param context: request context.
:param plugin_id: plugin id or uuid.
:raises: PluginLocked if plugin is locked by another conductor.
:raises: PluginAssociated if the plugin contains an instance
associated with it.
:raises: InvalidState if the plugin is in the wrong provision
state to perform deletion.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'destroy_plugin', plugin_id=plugin_id)
def inject_plugin(self, context, plugin_uuid,
board_uuid, onboot=False, topic=None):
"""inject a plugin into a board.
:param context: request context.
:param plugin_uuid: plugin id or uuid.
:param board_uuid: board id or uuid.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'inject_plugin', plugin_uuid=plugin_uuid,
board_uuid=board_uuid, onboot=onboot)
def remove_plugin(self, context, plugin_uuid, board_uuid, topic=None):
"""inject a plugin into a board.
:param context: request context.
:param plugin_uuid: plugin id or uuid.
:param board_uuid: board id or uuid.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'remove_plugin', plugin_uuid=plugin_uuid,
def action_plugin(self, context, plugin_uuid,
board_uuid, action, params, topic=None):
"""Action on a plugin into a board.
:param context: request context.
:param plugin_uuid: plugin id or uuid.
:param board_uuid: board id or uuid.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'action_plugin', plugin_uuid=plugin_uuid,
board_uuid=board_uuid, action=action, params=params)
def create_service(self, context, service_obj, topic=None):
"""Add a service on the cloud
:param context: request context.
:param service_obj: a changed (but not saved) service object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: created service object
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'create_service',
def destroy_service(self, context, service_id, topic=None):
"""Delete a service.
:param context: request context.
:param service_id: service id or uuid.
:raises: ServiceLocked if service is locked by another conductor.
:raises: ServiceAssociated if the service contains an instance
associated with it.
:raises: InvalidState if the service is in the wrong provision
state to perform deletion.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'destroy_service', service_id=service_id)
def update_service(self, context, service_obj, topic=None):
"""Synchronously, have a conductor update the service's information.
Update the service's information in the database and
return a service object.
:param context: request context.
:param service_obj: a changed (but not saved) service object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: updated service object, including all fields.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'update_service', service_obj=service_obj)
def action_service(self, context, service_uuid,
board_uuid, action, topic=None):
"""Action on a service into a board.
:param context: request context.
:param service_uuid: service id or uuid.
:param board_uuid: board id or uuid.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'action_service', service_uuid=service_uuid,
board_uuid=board_uuid, action=action)
def restore_services_on_board(self, context,
board_uuid, topic=None):
"""Restore all the services on a board.
:param context: request context.
:param board_uuid: board id or uuid.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'restore_services_on_board',
def create_port_on_board(self, context, board_uuid, network,
subnet, sec_groups, topic=None):
"""Add a port on a Board
:param context: request context.
:param board_uuid: the uuid of the board.
:param network: the network uuid where the port will be created.
:param subnet: the subnet uuid where the port will be created.
:param sec_groups: security groups associated to the port.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: created port object
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'create_port_on_board',
board_uuid=board_uuid, network_uuid=network,
subnet_uuid=subnet, security_groups=sec_groups)
def remove_port_from_board(self, context, board_uuid,
port_uuid, topic=None):
"""remove a port from a Board
:param context: request context.
:param board_uuid: the board uuid where the port resides.
:param port_uuid: the UUID of the port.
:returns: delete port object
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'remove_VIF_from_board',
def create_fleet(self, context, fleet_obj, topic=None):
"""Add a fleet on the cloud
:param context: request context.
:param fleet_obj: a changed (but not saved) fleet object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: created fleet object
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'create_fleet',
def destroy_fleet(self, context, fleet_id, topic=None):
"""Delete a fleet.
:param context: request context.
:param fleet_id: fleet id or uuid.
:raises: FleetLocked if fleet is locked by another conductor.
:raises: FleetAssociated if the fleet contains an instance
associated with it.
:raises: InvalidState if the fleet is in the wrong provision
state to perform deletion.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'destroy_fleet', fleet_id=fleet_id)
def update_fleet(self, context, fleet_obj, topic=None):
"""Synchronously, have a conductor update the fleet's information.
Update the fleet's information in the database and
return a fleet object.
:param context: request context.
:param fleet_obj: a changed (but not saved) fleet object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: updated fleet object, including all fields.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'update_fleet', fleet_obj=fleet_obj)
def create_webservice(self, context, webservice_obj, topic=None):
"""Add a webservice on the cloud
:param context: request context.
:param webservice_obj: a changed (but not saved) webservice object.
:param topic: RPC topic. Defaults to self.topic.
:returns: created webservice object
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'create_webservice',
def destroy_webservice(self, context, webservice_id, topic=None):
"""Delete a webservice.
:param context: request context.
:param webservice_id: webservice id or uuid.
:raises: WebserviceLocked if webservice is locked by another conductor.
:raises: WebserviceAssociated if the webservice contains an instance
associated with it.
:raises: InvalidState if the webservice is in the wrong provision
state to perform deletion.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'destroy_webservice',
def enable_webservice(self, context, dns, zone, email, board, topic=None):
"""Eneble a webservice on the board
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'enable_webservice',
dns=dns, zone=zone, email=email, board_uuid=board)
def disable_webservice(self, context, board_uuid, topic=None):
"""Disable webservice manager.
cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=topic or self.topic, version='1.0')
return, 'disable_webservice',