diff --git a/doc/source/drivers/ansible.rst b/doc/source/drivers/ansible.rst
index e269834..f7700c5 100644
--- a/doc/source/drivers/ansible.rst
+++ b/doc/source/drivers/ansible.rst
@@ -82,8 +82,11 @@ and partition images, on both ``msdos`` and ``GPT`` labeled disks.
 Root device hints
-Root device hints are currently not supported (first device returned as
-``ansible_devices`` fact is used), but support for them is planned.
+Root device hints are currently supported in their basic form only
+(with exact matches, without oslo.utils operators).
+If no root device hint is provided for the node, first device returned as
+part of ``ansible_devices`` fact is used as root device to create partitions
+on or write the whole disk image to.
 Node cleaning
diff --git a/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/deploy.py b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/deploy.py
index 95d624e..239c608 100644
--- a/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/deploy.py
+++ b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/deploy.py
@@ -302,6 +302,38 @@ def _parse_partitioning_info(node):
     return {'partition_info': i_info}
+def _parse_root_device_hints(node):
+    """Convert string with hints to dict. """
+    root_device = node.properties.get('root_device')
+    if not root_device:
+        return {}
+    try:
+        parsed_hints = irlib_utils.parse_root_device_hints(root_device)
+    except ValueError as e:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+            _('Failed to validate the root device hints for node %(node)s. '
+              'Error: %(error)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'error': e})
+    root_device_hints = {}
+    advanced = {}
+    for hint, value in parsed_hints.items():
+        if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
+            if value.startswith('== '):
+                root_device_hints[hint] = int(value[3:])
+            elif value.startswith('s== '):
+                root_device_hints[hint] = urlparse.unquote(value[4:])
+            else:
+                advanced[hint] = value
+        else:
+            root_device_hints[hint] = value
+    if advanced:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+            _('Ansible-deploy does not support advanced root device hints '
+              'based on oslo.utils operators. '
+              'Present advanced hints for node %(node)s are %(hints)s.') % {
+                  'node': node.uuid, 'hints': advanced})
+    return root_device_hints
 def _prepare_variables(task):
     node = task.node
     i_info = node.instance_info
@@ -333,6 +365,11 @@ def _prepare_variables(task):
             cfgdrv_type = 'file'
         variables['configdrive'] = {'type': cfgdrv_type,
                                     'location': cfgdrv_location}
+    root_device_hints = _parse_root_device_hints(node)
+    if root_device_hints:
+        variables['root_device_hints'] = root_device_hints
     return variables
@@ -441,6 +478,8 @@ class AnsibleDeploy(agent_base.HeartbeatMixin, base.DeployInterface):
         error_msg = _('Node %s failed to validate deploy image info. Some '
                       'parameters were missing') % node.uuid
         deploy_utils.check_for_missing_params(params, error_msg)
+        # validate root device hints, proper exceptions are raised from there
+        _parse_root_device_hints(node)
     def _ansible_deploy(self, task, node_address):
         """Internal function for deployment to a node."""
diff --git a/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/library/facts_wwn.py b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/library/facts_wwn.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d40c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/library/facts_wwn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+    import pyudev
+    HAS_PYUDEV = True
+except ImportError:
+    HAS_PYUDEV = False
+from ironic_staging_drivers.common.i18n import _LW
+COLLECT_INFO = (('wwn', 'WWN'), ('serial', 'SERIAL_SHORT'),
+                ('wwn_with_extension', 'WWN_WITH_EXTENSION'),
+                ('wwn_vendor_extension', 'WWN_VENDOR_EXTENSION'))
+def get_devices_wwn(devices):
+    if not HAS_PYUDEV:
+        LOG.warning(_LW('Can not collect "wwn", "wwn_with_extension", '
+                        '"wwn_vendor_extension" and "serial" when using '
+                        'root device hints because there\'s no UDEV python '
+                        'binds installed'))
+        return
+    dev_dict = {}
+    context = pyudev.Context()
+    for device in devices:
+        name = '/dev/' + device
+        try:
+            udev = pyudev.Device.from_device_file(context, name)
+        except (ValueError, EnvironmentError, pyudev.DeviceNotFoundError) as e:
+            LOG.warning(_LW('Device %(dev)s is inaccessible, skipping... '
+                            'Error: %(error)s'), {'dev': name, 'error': e})
+            continue
+        dev_dict[device] = {}
+        for key, udev_key in COLLECT_INFO:
+            dev_dict[device][key] = udev.get('ID_%s' % udev_key)
+    return {"ansible_facts": {"devices_wwn": dev_dict}}
+def main():
+    module = AnsibleModule(
+        argument_spec=dict(
+            devices=dict(required=True, type='list'),
+        ),
+        supports_check_mode=True,
+    )
+    devices = module.params['devices']
+    data = get_devices_wwn(devices)
+    module.exit_json(**data)
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *  # noqa
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/library/root_hints.py b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/library/root_hints.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fc6569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/library/root_hints.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+GIB = 1 << 30
+EXTRA_PARAMS = set(['wwn', 'serial', 'wwn_with_extension',
+                    'wwn_vendor_extension'])
+# NOTE: ansible calculates device size as float with 2-digits precision,
+# Ironic requires size in GiB, if we will use ansible size parameter
+# a bug is possible for devices > 1 TB
+def size_gib(device_info):
+    sectors = device_info.get('sectors')
+    sectorsize = device_info.get('sectorsize')
+    if sectors is None or sectorsize is None:
+        return '0'
+    return str((int(sectors) * int(sectorsize)) // GIB)
+def merge_devices_info(devices, devices_wwn):
+    merged_info = devices.copy()
+    for device in merged_info:
+        if device in devices_wwn:
+            merged_info[device].update(devices_wwn[device])
+        # replace size
+        merged_info[device]['size'] = size_gib(merged_info[device])
+    return merged_info
+def root_hint(hints, devices):
+    hint = None
+    name = hints.pop('name', None)
+    for device in devices:
+        for key in hints:
+            if hints[key] != devices[device].get(key):
+                break
+        else:
+            # If multiple hints are specified, a device must satisfy all
+            # the hints
+            dev_name = '/dev/' + device
+            if name is None or name == dev_name:
+                hint = dev_name
+                break
+    return hint
+def main():
+    module = AnsibleModule(
+        argument_spec=dict(
+            root_device_hints=dict(required=True, type='dict'),
+            ansible_devices=dict(required=True, type='dict'),
+            ansible_devices_wwn=dict(required=True, type='dict')
+        ),
+        supports_check_mode=True)
+    hints = module.params['root_device_hints']
+    devices = module.params['ansible_devices']
+    devices_wwn = module.params['ansible_devices_wwn']
+    if devices_wwn is None:
+        extra = set(hints) & EXTRA_PARAMS
+        if extra:
+            module.fail_json(msg='Extra hints (supported by additional ansible'
+                             ' module) are set but this information can not be'
+                             ' collected. Extra hints: %s' % ', '.join(extra))
+    devices_info = merge_devices_info(devices, devices_wwn or {})
+    hint = root_hint(hints, devices_info)
+    if hint is None:
+        module.fail_json(msg='Root device hints are set, but none of the '
+                         'devices satisfy them. Collected devices info: %s'
+                         % devices_info)
+    ret_data = {'ansible_facts': {'ironic_root_device': hint}}
+    module.exit_json(**ret_data)
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *  # noqa
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/roles/discover/tasks/main.yaml b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/roles/discover/tasks/main.yaml
index 6f88623..8b4d2c3 100644
--- a/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/roles/discover/tasks/main.yaml
+++ b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/roles/discover/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+- include: roothints.yaml
+  when: ironic.root_device_hints is defined
 - set_fact:
     ironic_root_device: /dev/{{ ansible_devices.keys()[0] }}
   when: ironic_root_device is undefined
diff --git a/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/roles/discover/tasks/roothints.yaml b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/roles/discover/tasks/roothints.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03ed582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic_staging_drivers/ansible/playbooks/roles/discover/tasks/roothints.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- name: get devices wwn facts
+  facts_wwn:
+    devices: "{{ ansible_devices.keys() }}"
+- name: calculate root hint
+  root_hints:
+    root_device_hints: "{{ ironic.root_device_hints }}"
+    ansible_devices: "{{ ansible_devices }}"
+    ansible_devices_wwn: "{{ devices_wwn | default(None) }}"
diff --git a/ironic_staging_drivers/tests/unit/ansible/test_deploy.py b/ironic_staging_drivers/tests/unit/ansible/test_deploy.py
index a02c29c..d73d123 100644
--- a/ironic_staging_drivers/tests/unit/ansible/test_deploy.py
+++ b/ironic_staging_drivers/tests/unit/ansible/test_deploy.py
@@ -296,6 +296,37 @@ class TestAnsibleMethods(db_base.DbTestCase):
                 "foo": "bar"},
             ansible_deploy._prepare_extra_vars(host_list, ansible_vars))
+    def test__parse_root_device_hints(self):
+        hints = {"wwn": "fake wwn", "size": "12345", "rotational": True}
+        expected = {"wwn": "fake wwn", "size": 12345, "rotational": True}
+        props = self.node.properties
+        props['root_device'] = hints
+        self.node.properties = props
+        self.node.save()
+        with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid) as task:
+            self.assertEqual(
+                expected, ansible_deploy._parse_root_device_hints(task.node))
+    def test__parse_root_device_hints_fail_advanced(self):
+        hints = {"wwn": "s!= fake wwn",
+                 "size": ">= 12345",
+                 "name": "<or> spam <or> ham",
+                 "rotational": True}
+        expected = {"wwn": "s!= fake%20wwn",
+                    "name": "<or> spam <or> ham",
+                    "size": ">= 12345"}
+        props = self.node.properties
+        props['root_device'] = hints
+        self.node.properties = props
+        self.node.save()
+        with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid) as task:
+            exc = self.assertRaises(
+                exception.InvalidParameterValue,
+                ansible_deploy._parse_root_device_hints, task.node)
+            for key, value in expected.items():
+                self.assertIn(six.text_type(key), six.text_type(exc))
+                self.assertIn(six.text_type(value), six.text_type(exc))
     @mock.patch.object(ansible_deploy, '_calculate_memory_req', autospec=True,
     def test__prepare_variables(self, mem_req_mock):
@@ -308,6 +339,23 @@ class TestAnsibleMethods(db_base.DbTestCase):
+    @mock.patch.object(ansible_deploy, '_calculate_memory_req', autospec=True,
+                       return_value=2000)
+    def test__prepare_variables_root_device_hints(self, mem_req_mock):
+        props = self.node.properties
+        props['root_device'] = {"wwn": "fake-wwn"}
+        self.node.properties = props
+        self.node.save()
+        expected = {"image": {"url": "http://image",
+                              "source": "fake-image",
+                              "mem_req": 2000,
+                              "disk_format": "qcow2",
+                              "checksum": "md5:checksum"},
+                    "root_device_hints": {"wwn": "fake-wwn"}}
+        with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid) as task:
+            self.assertEqual(expected,
+                             ansible_deploy._prepare_variables(task))
     @mock.patch.object(ansible_deploy, '_calculate_memory_req', autospec=True,
     def test__prepare_variables_noglance(self, mem_req_mock):
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/ansible-driver-root-hints-f5ba5796f238e0a9.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/ansible-driver-root-hints-f5ba5796f238e0a9.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1934538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/ansible-driver-root-hints-f5ba5796f238e0a9.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - Support for basic root device hints added to ansible deploy driver.
+    Only exact matches are supported for now, advanced hints based on
+    oslo.utils operators are not supported yet.