
345 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# NOTE(pas-ha) might not need it when Ansible PullRequest#2971 is accepted
import itertools
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
PARTITION_TYPES = ('primary', 'logical', 'extended')
SUPPORTED_ALIGN = {'optimal', 'minimal', 'cylinder', 'none'}
module: ironic_parted
short_description: Create disk partition tables and partitions
description: uses GNU parted utility
author: Pavlo Shchelokovskyy @pshchelo
version_added: null
- IS NOT IDEMPOTENT! partitions and table (if requested) are created anyway
- does not support all the partition labels parted supports, only msdos and gpt
- does not support units other than % and MiB
- check mode is supported by returning emulated list of created block devices
- makes no validation re if given partitions will actually fit the device
- makes some extra validations for appropriate partition types for msdos label
- Python >= 2.4 (itertools.groupby available) on the managed node
- 'simplejson' for Python < 2.6
- 'parted' utility installed on the managed node
- 'lsblk' available on managed node
- 'udevadm' available on managed node
description: device to pass to parted
required: true
default: null
choices: []
aliases: []
version_added: null
description: |
type of a partition type to create;
to use an existing partition table, omit it or pass null YAML value
required: false
default: none
choices: [null, msdos, gpt]
aliases: []
version_added: null
description: |
if actually to write changes to disk.
If no, simulated partitions will be reported.
required: false
default: no
choices: [yes, no]
aliases: []
version_added: null
list of partitions. each entry is a dictionary in the form
- size: <int>, required, must be positive non-zero
type: [primary, extended, logical], default is primary
format: a format to pass to parted;
does not actually creates filesystems, only sets
partition ID
name: <str> (optional) name of the partition;
only supported for gpt partitions;
if not set will be reported as 'partN'
unit: 'MiB' or '%' are currently supported,
must be the same for all partitions. default is '%'
align: one of 'optimal', 'cylinder', 'minimal' or 'none';
the default is 'optimal'
flags: <dict> of <flag>: <bool> to (un)set partition flags
required: false
default: null
choices: []
aliases: []
version_added: null
{"created": {
"<name-as-provided-to-module>": "<device-handle-without-leading-dev>"
def parse_sizes(module, partitions):
start = 0 if partitions[0]['unit'] == '%' else 1
sizes = {}
for p in partitions:
size = p.get('size')
if not size:
module.fail_json(msg="Partition size must be provided")
p['size'] = int(size)
except ValueError:
module.fail_json(msg="Can not cast partition size to INT.")
if p['size'] <= 0:
module.fail_json(msg="Partition size must be positive.")
end = start + p['size']
sizes[p['name']] = (start, end)
start = end
return sizes
def create_part_args(partition, label, sizes):
parted_args = ['-a', partition['align'],
'--', 'unit', partition['unit'],
if label == 'msdos':
if partition['format']:
parted_args.extend(["%i" % sizes[partition['name']][0],
"%i" % sizes[partition['name']][1]])
return parted_args
def change_part_args(part_number, partition):
parted_args = []
for flag, state in partition['flags'].items():
parted_args.extend(['set', part_number, flag, state])
return parted_args
def parse_lsblk_output(output):
devices = set()
for line in output.splitlines():
device = line.strip().split('=')[1]
return devices
def parse_lsblk_json(output):
def get_names(devices):
names = []
for d in devices:
names.extend(get_names(d.get('children', [])))
return names
return set(get_names(json.loads(output)['blockdevices']))
def parse_parted_output(output):
partitions = set()
for line in output.splitlines():
out_line = line.strip().split()
if out_line:
except ValueError:
return partitions
def parse_partitions(module, partitions):
for ind, partition in enumerate(partitions):
# partition name might be an empty string
partition.setdefault('unit', '%')
partition.setdefault('align', 'optimal')
partition['name'] = partition.get('name') or 'part%i' % (ind + 1)
partition.setdefault('type', 'primary')
if partition['type'] not in PARTITION_TYPES:
module.fail_json(msg="Partition type must be one of "
if partition['align'] not in SUPPORTED_ALIGN:
module.fail_json("Unsupported partition alignmnet option. "
"Supported are %s" % list(SUPPORTED_ALIGN))
partition['format'] = partition.get('format', None)
# validate and convert partition flags
partition['flags'] = {
k: 'on' if module.boolean(v) else 'off'
for k, v in partition.get('flags', {}).items()
# validate name uniqueness
names = [p['name'] for p in partitions]
if len(list(names)) != len(set(names)):
module.fail_json("Partition names must be unique.")
def validate_units(module, partitions):
has_units = set(p['unit'] for p in partitions)
if not has_units.issubset(SUPPORTED_UNITS):
module.fail_json("Unsupported partition size unit. Supported units "
"are %s" % list(SUPPORTED_UNITS))
if len(has_units) > 1:
module.fail_json("All partitions must have the same size unit. "
"Requested units are %s" % list(has_units))
def validate_msdos(module, partitions):
"""Validate limitations of MSDOS partition table"""
p_types = [p['type'] for p in partitions]
# NOTE(pas-ha) no more than 4 primary
if p_types.count('primary') > 4:
module.fail_json("Can not create more than 4 primary partitions "
"on a MSDOS partition table.")
if 'extended' in p_types:
# NOTE(pas-ha) only single extended
if p_types.count('extended') > 1:
module.fail_json("Can not create more than single extended "
"partition on a MSDOS partition table.")
allowed = ['primary', 'extended']
if 'logical' in p_types:
# NOTE(pas-ha) this produces list with subsequent duplicates
# removed
if [k for k, g in itertools.groupby(p_types)] != allowed:
module.fail_json("Incorrect partitions order: for MSDOS, "
"all primary, single extended, all logical")
elif 'logical' in p_types:
# NOTE(pas-ha) logical has sense only with extended
module.fail_json("Logical partition w/o extended one on MSDOS "
"partition table")
# TODO(pas-ha) add more validation, e.g.
# - add idempotency: first check the already existing partitions
# and do not run anything unless really needed, and only what's needed
# - if only change tags - use specific command
# - allow fuzziness in partition sizes when alligment is 'optimal'
# - estimate and validate available space
# - support more units
# - support negative units?
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
device=dict(required=True, type='str'),
label=dict(requred=False, default=None, choices=[None,
dry_run=dict(required=False, type='bool', default=False),
partitions=dict(required=False, type='list')
device = module.params['device']
label = module.params['label']
partitions = module.params['partitions'] or []
dry_run = module.params['dry_run']
if partitions:
parse_partitions(module, partitions)
if label == 'msdos':
validate_msdos(module, partitions)
validate_units(module, partitions)
sizes = parse_sizes(module, partitions)
sizes = {}
if module.check_mode or dry_run:
short_dev = device.split('/')[-1]
created_partitions = {}
for i, p in enumerate(partitions):
created_partitions[p['name']] = '%s%s' % (short_dev, i + 1)
module.exit_json(changed=dry_run, created=created_partitions)
parted_bin = module.get_bin_path('parted', required=True)
lsblk_bin = module.get_bin_path('lsblk', required=True)
udevadm_bin = module.get_bin_path('udevadm', required=True)
parted = [parted_bin, '-s', device]
# lsblk = [lsblk_bin, '-o', 'NAME', '-P', device]
lsblk = [lsblk_bin, '-J', device]
if label:
module.run_command(parted + ['mklabel', label], check_rc=True)
rc, part_output, err = module.run_command(parted + ['print'],
rc, lsblk_output, err = module.run_command(lsblk,
part_cache = parse_parted_output(part_output)
dev_cache = parse_lsblk_json(lsblk_output)
created_partitions = {}
for partition in partitions:
# create partition
parted_args = create_part_args(partition, label, sizes)
module.run_command(parted + parted_args, check_rc=True)
rc, part_output, err = module.run_command(parted + ['print'],
# get created partition number
part_current = parse_parted_output(part_output)
part_created = part_current - part_cache
part_cache = part_current
# set partition flags
parted_args = change_part_args(part_created.pop(),
if parted_args:
module.run_command(parted + parted_args, check_rc=True)
# get created block device name
rc, lsblk_output, err = module.run_command(lsblk, check_rc=True)
dev_current = parse_lsblk_json(lsblk_output)
dev_created = dev_current - dev_cache
dev_cache = dev_current
created_partitions[partition['name']] = dev_created.pop()
# NOTE(pas-ha) wait for all partitions to become available for write
for dev_name in created_partitions.values():
'--exit-if-exists=/dev/%s' % dev_name])
module.exit_json(changed=True, created=created_partitions)
from ansible.module_utils.basic import * # noqa
if __name__ == '__main__':