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package org.openstack.murano.jenkins_plugins.muranoci.deploy.repository;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.model.Descriptor;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
import org.openstack.murano.jenkins_plugins.muranoci.deploy.AbstractMuranoDeploymentDescriptor;
import org.openstack.murano.jenkins_plugins.muranoci.deploy.Messages;
import org.openstack.murano.jenkins_plugins.muranoci.deploy.MuranoDeployment;
import org.openstack.murano.jenkins_plugins.muranoci.deploy.model.EnvironmentDescription;
public class RepositoryTemplatedDeployment extends MuranoDeployment {
* An environment description name in a config
private final String environment;
* The specific Implemenation of <code>MuranoDeployment</code> that
* gets object model from the file within the repo.
* @param environment The name of the environment within the .murano.yml config
public RepositoryTemplatedDeployment(String environment) {
this.environment = environment;
public String getEnvironment() {
return environment;
* Denotes that this is a cloud deployment plugin.
public static class DescriptorImpl extends AbstractMuranoDeploymentDescriptor {
public DescriptorImpl() {
public DescriptorImpl(Class<? extends RepositoryTemplatedDeployment> clazz) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getDisplayName() {
return Messages.RepositoryTemplatedMuranoDeployment_DisplayName();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isApplicable(Descriptor descriptor) {
return true;
* Read object model from a file pointed at current job param.
* The file should be placed at the repo and th3e repo should be
* fetched before this stage
* @param workspace working dir for a current Jenkins-job
* @throws IOException file reading error
* @throws InterruptedException file reading error
public void readObjectModel(FilePath workspace) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
MuranoCiConfig config =;
EnvironmentDescription description = config.getData().getEnvironments().get(this.environment);
String modelPath = description.getModelFile();
String objectModel = new FilePath(workspace, modelPath).readToString();
this.setObjectModel( objectModel);