
77 lines
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Executable File

# Copyright 2015 Carnegie Mellon University
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
from kiloeyes.common import alarm_expr_parser as parser
key_set = ['expression',
def is_valid_alarm_definition(alarm_def_json):
alarm_definition = json.loads(alarm_def_json)
for key in key_set:
if key not in alarm_definition:
return False
expression = alarm_definition['expression']
alarm_parser = parser.AlarmExprParser(expression)
if not alarm_parser.parse_result:
return False
return True
def is_valid_update_alarm_definition(ori_alarm_def_json, new_alarm_def_json):
# both should be valid alarm definition
if (not (is_valid_alarm_definition(ori_alarm_def_json)
and is_valid_alarm_definition(new_alarm_def_json))):
return False
ori_alarm_definition = json.loads(ori_alarm_def_json)
new_alarm_definition = json.loads(new_alarm_def_json)
# match_by should not change
if ori_alarm_definition['match_by'] != new_alarm_definition['match_by']:
return False
ori_expression = ori_alarm_definition['expression']
ori_alarm_parser = parser.AlarmExprParser(ori_expression)
ori_sub_expr_list = ori_alarm_parser.sub_expr_list
new_expression = new_alarm_definition['expression']
new_alarm_parser = parser.AlarmExprParser(new_expression)
new_sub_expr_list = new_alarm_parser.sub_expr_list
# should have same number of sub alarm exprs
l = len(ori_sub_expr_list)
if not new_sub_expr_list or l != len(new_sub_expr_list):
return False
for i in range(l):
sub_expr_ori = ori_sub_expr_list[i]
sub_expr_new = new_sub_expr_list[i]
# each metrics in alarm expr should remain the same
if (sub_expr_ori.normalized_metric_name
!= sub_expr_new.normalized_metric_name):
return False
if (sub_expr_ori.dimensions_as_dict
!= sub_expr_new.dimensions_as_dict):
return False
return True