
158 lines
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Executable File

# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import falcon
import mock
from oslo_config import fixture as fixture_config
from oslotest import base
import requests
from kiloeyes.v2.elasticsearch import samples
import ujson as json
except ImportError:
import json
class TestCeilometerSampleDispatcher(base.BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestCeilometerSampleDispatcher, self).setUp()
self.CONF = self.useFixture(fixture_config.Config()).conf
self.CONF.set_override('uri', 'fake_url', group='kafka_opts')
self.CONF.set_override('topic', 'fake', group='samples')
self.CONF.set_override('doc_type', 'fake', group='samples')
self.CONF.set_override('index_prefix', 'also_fake', group='samples')
self.CONF.set_override('index_template', 'etc/metrics.template',
self.CONF.set_override('uri', 'http://fake_es_uri', group='es_conn')
res = mock.Mock()
res.status_code = 200
res.json.return_value = {"data": {"mappings": {"fake": {
"properties": {
"dimensions": {"properties": {
"key1": {"type": "long"}, "key2": {"type": "long"},
"rkey0": {"type": "long"}, "rkey1": {"type": "long"},
"rkey2": {"type": "long"}, "rkey3": {"type": "long"}}},
"name": {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"timestamp": {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"value": {"type": "double"}}}}}}
put_res = mock.Mock()
put_res.status_code = '200'
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'get',
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'put', return_value=put_res):
self.dispatcher = samples.CeilometerSampleDispatcher({})
self.response_str = """
"by_dim":{"buckets":[{"key": "64e6ce08b3b8547b7c32e5cfa5b7d81f",
"doc_count":300,"samples":{"hits":{"hits":[{ "_type": "metrics",
"_id": "AVOziWmP6-pxt0dRmr7j", "_index": "data_20160401000000",
"_source":{"name":"BABMGD", "value": 4,
"timestamp": 1461337094000,
"dimensions_hash": "0afdb86f508962bb5d8af52df07ef35a",
"project_id": "35b17138-b364-4e6a-a131-8f3099c5be68",
"tenant_id": "bd9431c1-8d69-4ad3-803a-8d4a6b89fd36",
"user_agent": "openstack", "dimensions": null,
"user": "admin", "value_meta": null, "tenant": "admin",
"user_id": "efd87807-12d2-4b38-9c70-5f5c2ac427ff"}}]}}}]}}]}}}
def test_initialization(self):
# test that the kafka connection uri should be 'fake' as it was passed
# in from configuration
self.assertEqual(self.dispatcher._kafka_conn.uri, 'fake_url')
# test that the topic is samples as it was passed into dispatcher
self.assertEqual(self.dispatcher._kafka_conn.topic, 'fake')
# test that the doc type of the es connection is fake
self.assertEqual(self.dispatcher._es_conn.doc_type, 'fake')
self.assertEqual(self.dispatcher._es_conn.uri, 'http://fake_es_uri/')
# test that the query url is correctly formed
self.assertEqual(self.dispatcher._query_url, (
def test_get_samples(self):
res = mock.Mock()
req = mock.Mock()
def _side_effect(arg):
if arg == 'name':
return 'tongli'
elif arg == 'dimensions':
return 'key1:100, key2:200'
req.get_param.side_effect = _side_effect
req_result = mock.Mock()
req_result.json.return_value = json.loads(self.response_str)
req_result.status_code = 200
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'post', return_value=req_result):
self.dispatcher.get_samples(req, res)
# test that the response code is 200
self.assertEqual(res.status, getattr(falcon, 'HTTP_200'))
obj = json.loads(res.body)
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['meter'], 'BABMGD')
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['id'], 'AVOziWmP6-pxt0dRmr7j')
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['type'], 'metrics')
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['timestamp'], 1461337094000)
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['volume'], 4)
self.assertEqual(len(obj), 1)
def test_get_sample_byid(self):
res = mock.Mock()
req = mock.Mock()
def _side_effect(arg):
if arg == 'name':
return 'tongli'
elif arg == 'dimensions':
return 'key1:100, key2:200'
req.get_param.side_effect = _side_effect
req_result = mock.Mock()
req_result.json.return_value = json.loads(self.response_str)
req_result.status_code = 200
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'post', return_value=req_result):
self.dispatcher.get_sample_byid(req, res, "AVOziWmP6-pxt0dRmr7j")
# test that the response code is 200
self.assertEqual(res.status, getattr(falcon, 'HTTP_200'))
obj = json.loads(res.body)
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['meter'], 'BABMGD')
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['id'], 'AVOziWmP6-pxt0dRmr7j')
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['type'], 'metrics')
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['timestamp'], 1461337094000)
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['volume'], 4)
self.assertEqual(len(obj), 1)