Kingbird config file should be generated from tox
Added tox config generator for kingbird parameters from different packages. Removed a duplicate entry from requirements.txt Change-Id: Ib357fa374601e0e20c63886f48e5bd3ce556be62
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
output_file = etc/kingbird/kingbird.conf.sample
wrap_width = 79
namespace = kingbird.common.config
namespace = kingbird.common.manager
namespace = kingbird.db.base
namespace = kingbird.engine.engine_cfg
namespace = kingbird.engine.service
namespace = kingbird.api.apicfg
namespace = kingbird.api.controllers.quota_manager
namespace = keystonemiddleware.auth_token
namespace = oslo.messaging
namespace = oslo.middleware
namespace = oslo.db
namespace = oslo.log
namespace = oslo.policy
namespace = oslo.service.service
namespace = oslo.service.periodic_task
namespace = oslo.service.sslutils
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
configuration sample for the API, JobDaemon and JobWorker service
configuration sample for API service
configuration sample for JobDaemon service
configuration sample for JobWorker service
@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
# Print more verbose output (set logging level to INFO instead of default WARNING level).
# verbose = True
# Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead of default WARNING level).
# debug = False
# Where to store Kingbird state files. This directory must be writable by the
# user executing the agent.
# state_path = /var/lib/kingbird
# log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)8s [%(name)s] %(message)s
# log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# use_syslog -> syslog
# log_file and log_dir -> log_dir/log_file
# (not log_file) and log_dir -> log_dir/{binary_name}.log
# use_stderr -> stderr
# (not user_stderr) and (not log_file) -> stdout
# publish_errors -> notification system
# use_syslog = False
# syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER
# use_stderr = True
# log_file =
# log_dir =
# publish_errors = False
# Address to bind the API server to
# bind_host =
# Port the bind the API server to
# bind_port = 8118
# Paste configuration file
# api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
# (StrOpt) Hostname to be used by the kingbird server, agents and services
# running on this machine. All the agents and services running on this machine
# must use the same host value.
# The default value is hostname of the machine.
# host =
# admin_tenant_name = %SERVICE_TENANT_NAME%
# admin_user = %SERVICE_USER%
# admin_password = %SERVICE_PASSWORD%
# Enable or disable bulk create/update/delete operations
# allow_bulk = True
# Enable or disable pagination
# allow_pagination = False
# Enable or disable sorting
# allow_sorting = False
# Default maximum number of items returned in a single response,
# value == infinite and value < 0 means no max limit, and value must
# be greater than 0. If the number of items requested is greater than
# pagination_max_limit, server will just return pagination_max_limit
# of number of items.
# pagination_max_limit = -1
# =========== WSGI parameters related to the API server ==============
# Number of separate worker processes to spawn. The default, 0, runs the
# worker thread in the current process. Greater than 0 launches that number of
# child processes as workers. The parent process manages them.
# api_workers = 3
# Number of separate RPC worker processes to spawn. The default, 0, runs the
# worker thread in the current process. Greater than 0 launches that number of
# child processes as RPC workers. The parent process manages them.
# This feature is experimental until issues are addressed and testing has been
# enabled for various plugins for compatibility.
# rpc_workers = 0
# Timeout for client connections socket operations. If an
# incoming connection is idle for this number of seconds it
# will be closed. A value of '0' means wait forever. (integer
# value)
# client_socket_timeout = 900
# wsgi keepalive option. Determines if connections are allowed to be held open
# by clients after a request is fulfilled. A value of False will ensure that
# the socket connection will be explicitly closed once a response has been
# sent to the client.
# wsgi_keep_alive = True
# Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds to use for each server socket when
# starting API server. Not supported on OS X.
# tcp_keepidle = 600
# Number of seconds to keep retrying to listen
# retry_until_window = 30
# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with.
# backlog = 4096
# Max header line to accommodate large tokens
# max_header_line = 16384
# Enable SSL on the API server
# use_ssl = False
# Certificate file to use when starting API server securely
# ssl_cert_file = /path/to/certfile
# Private key file to use when starting API server securely
# ssl_key_file = /path/to/keyfile
# CA certificate file to use when starting API server securely to
# verify connecting clients. This is an optional parameter only required if
# API clients need to authenticate to the API server using SSL certificates
# signed by a trusted CA
# ssl_ca_file = /path/to/cafile
# ======== end of WSGI parameters related to the API server ==========
# The strategy to be used for auth.
# Supported values are 'keystone'(default), 'noauth'.
auth_strategy = noauth
# auth_uri =
# identity_uri =
# admin_tenant_name = service
# admin_user = kingbird
# admin_password = 1234
# auth_version = 3
# This line MUST be changed to actually run the plugin.
# Example:
# connection = mysql://root:pass@
# Replace above with the IP address of the database used by the
# main neutron server. (Leave it as is if the database runs on this host.)
connection = sqlite:///kingbird.db
# NOTE: In deployment the [database] section and its connection attribute may
# be set in the corresponding core plugin '.ini' file. However, it is suggested
# to put the [database] section and its connection attribute in this
# configuration file.
# Database engine for which script will be generated when using offline
# migration
# engine =
# The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the slave database
# slave_connection =
# Database reconnection retry times - in event connectivity is lost
# set to -1 implies an infinite retry count
# max_retries = 10
# Database reconnection interval in seconds - if the initial connection to the
# database fails
# retry_interval = 10
# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
# min_pool_size = 1
# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
# max_pool_size = 10
# Timeout in seconds before idle sql connections are reaped
# idle_timeout = 3600
# If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy
# max_overflow = 20
# Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, 100=Everything
# connection_debug = 0
# Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings
# connection_trace = False
# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with sqlalchemy
# pool_timeout = 10
# Directory to use for lock files. For security, the specified directory should
# only be writable by the user running the processes that need locking.
# Defaults to environment variable OSLO_LOCK_PATH. If external locks are used,
# a lock path must be set.
lock_path = $state_path/lock
# Enables or disables inter-process locks.
# disable_process_locking = False
# The JSON file that defines policies.
# policy_file = policy.json
# Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.
# policy_default_rule = default
# Directories where policy configuration files are stored.
# They can be relative to any directory in the search path defined by the
# config_dir option, or absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file
# must exist for these directories to be searched. Missing or empty
# directories are ignored.
# policy_dirs = policy.d
# From oslo.messaging
# Address prefix used when sending to a specific server (string value)
# server_request_prefix = exclusive
# Address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers (string value)
# broadcast_prefix = broadcast
# Address prefix when sending to any server in group (string value)
# group_request_prefix = unicast
# Name for the AMQP container (string value)
# container_name =
# Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds) (integer value)
# idle_timeout = 0
# Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout (boolean value)
# trace = false
# CA certificate PEM file for verifing server certificate (string value)
# ssl_ca_file =
# Identifying certificate PEM file to present to clients (string value)
# ssl_cert_file =
# Private key PEM file used to sign cert_file certificate (string value)
# ssl_key_file =
# Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted) (string value)
# ssl_key_password =
# Accept clients using either SSL or plain TCP (boolean value)
# allow_insecure_clients = false
# From oslo.messaging
# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# amqp_durable_queues = false
# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# amqp_auto_delete = false
# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
# rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
# Qpid broker hostname. (string value)
# qpid_hostname = localhost
# Qpid broker port. (integer value)
# qpid_port = 5672
# Qpid HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
# qpid_hosts = $qpid_hostname:$qpid_port
# Username for Qpid connection. (string value)
# qpid_username =
# Password for Qpid connection. (string value)
# qpid_password =
# Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth. (string value)
# qpid_sasl_mechanisms =
# Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats. (integer value)
# qpid_heartbeat = 60
# Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'. (string value)
# qpid_protocol = tcp
# Whether to disable the Nagle algorithm. (boolean value)
# qpid_tcp_nodelay = true
# The number of prefetched messages held by receiver. (integer value)
# qpid_receiver_capacity = 1
# The qpid topology version to use. Version 1 is what was originally used by
# impl_qpid. Version 2 includes some backwards-incompatible changes that allow
# broker federation to work. Users should update to version 2 when they are
# able to take everything down, as it requires a clean break. (integer value)
# qpid_topology_version = 1
# From oslo.messaging
# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# amqp_durable_queues = false
# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# amqp_auto_delete = false
# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
# rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and
# SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some
# distributions. (string value)
# kombu_ssl_version =
# SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# kombu_ssl_keyfile =
# SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# kombu_ssl_certfile =
# SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# kombu_ssl_ca_certs =
# How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel
# notification. (floating point value)
# kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0
# The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used. (string value)
# rabbit_host = localhost
# The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used. (integer value)
# rabbit_port = 5672
# RabbitMQ HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
# rabbit_hosts = $rabbit_host:$rabbit_port
# Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ. (boolean value)
# rabbit_use_ssl = false
# The RabbitMQ userid. (string value)
# rabbit_userid = guest
# The RabbitMQ password. (string value)
# rabbit_password = guest
# The RabbitMQ login method. (string value)
# rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN
# The RabbitMQ virtual host. (string value)
# rabbit_virtual_host = /
# How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ. (integer value)
# rabbit_retry_interval = 1
# How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to RabbitMQ. (integer
# value)
# rabbit_retry_backoff = 2
# Maximum number of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 0 (infinite retry
# count). (integer value)
# rabbit_max_retries = 0
# Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change this option, you
# must wipe the RabbitMQ database. (boolean value)
# rabbit_ha_queues = false
# Deprecated, use rpc_backend=kombu+memory or rpc_backend=fake (boolean value)
# fake_rabbit = false
@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
# Print more verbose output (set logging level to INFO instead of default WARNING level).
# verbose = True
# Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead of default WARNING level).
# debug = True
# log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)8s [%(name)s] %(message)s
# log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# use_syslog -> syslog
# log_file and log_dir -> log_dir/log_file
# (not log_file) and log_dir -> log_dir/{binary_name}.log
# use_stderr -> stderr
# (not user_stderr) and (not log_file) -> stdout
# publish_errors -> notification system
# use_syslog = False
# syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER
# use_stderr = True
# log_file =
# log_dir =
# publish_errors = False
# Address to bind the ENGINE server to
host = kingbird.engine_host
# The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other
# drivers include qpid and zmq. (string value)
# The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be
# overridden by an exchange name specified in the
# transport_url option. (string value)
# control_exchange=openstack
# This line MUST be changed to actually run the plugin.
# Example:
# connection = mysql+pymysql://root:pass@
# Replace above with the IP address of the database used by the
# main neutron server. (Leave it as is if the database runs on this host.)
connection = sqlite:///kingbird.db
# NOTE: In deployment the [database] section and its connection attribute may
# be set in the corresponding core plugin '.ini' file. However, it is suggested
# to put the [database] section and its connection attribute in this
# configuration file.
# Database engine for which script will be generated when using offline
# migration
# engine =
# The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the slave database
# slave_connection =
# Database reconnection retry times - in event connectivity is lost
# set to -1 implies an infinite retry count
# max_retries = 10
# Database reconnection interval in seconds - if the initial connection to the
# database fails
# retry_interval = 10
# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
# min_pool_size = 1
# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
# max_pool_size = 10
# Timeout in seconds before idle sql connections are reaped
# idle_timeout = 3600
# If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy
# max_overflow = 20
# Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, 100=Everything
# connection_debug = 0
# Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings
# connection_trace = False
# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with sqlalchemy
# pool_timeout = 10
# Keystone authentication URL
# auth_url =
# Keystone service URL
# identity_url =
# If set to True, endpoint will be automatically refreshed if timeout
# accessing endpoint.
# auto_refresh_endpoint = False
# Name of top site which client needs to access
# top_site_name =
# Username of admin account for synchronizing endpoint with Keystone
# admin_username =
# Password of admin account for synchronizing endpoint with Keystone
# admin_password =
# Tenant name of admin account for synchronizing endpoint with Keystone
# admin_tenant =
# User domain name of admin account for synchronizing endpoint with Keystone
# admin_user_domain_name = default
# Tenant domain name of admin account for synchronizing endpoint with Keystone
# admin_tenant_domain_name = default
# Directory to use for lock files. For security, the specified directory should
# only be writable by the user running the processes that need locking.
# Defaults to environment variable OSLO_LOCK_PATH. If external locks are used,
# a lock path must be set.
lock_path = $state_path/lock
# Enables or disables inter-process locks.
# disable_process_locking = False
# From oslo.messaging
# Address prefix used when sending to a specific server (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/server_request_prefix
# server_request_prefix = exclusive
# Address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/broadcast_prefix
# broadcast_prefix = broadcast
# Address prefix when sending to any server in group (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/group_request_prefix
# group_request_prefix = unicast
# Name for the AMQP container (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/container_name
# container_name =
# Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds) (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/idle_timeout
# idle_timeout = 0
# Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/trace
# trace = false
# CA certificate PEM file for verifing server certificate (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_ca_file
# ssl_ca_file =
# Identifying certificate PEM file to present to clients (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_cert_file
# ssl_cert_file =
# Private key PEM file used to sign cert_file certificate (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_key_file
# ssl_key_file =
# Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted) (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_key_password
# ssl_key_password =
# Accept clients using either SSL or plain TCP (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/allow_insecure_clients
# allow_insecure_clients = false
# From oslo.messaging
# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_durable_queues
# amqp_durable_queues = false
# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/amqp_auto_delete
# amqp_auto_delete = false
# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rpc_conn_pool_size
# rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
# Qpid broker hostname. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_hostname
# qpid_hostname = localhost
# Qpid broker port. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_port
# qpid_port = 5672
# Qpid HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_hosts
# qpid_hosts = $qpid_hostname:$qpid_port
# Username for Qpid connection. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_username
# qpid_username =
# Password for Qpid connection. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_password
# qpid_password =
# Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_sasl_mechanisms
# qpid_sasl_mechanisms =
# Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_heartbeat
# qpid_heartbeat = 60
# Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_protocol
# qpid_protocol = tcp
# Whether to disable the Nagle algorithm. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_tcp_nodelay
# qpid_tcp_nodelay = true
# The number of prefetched messages held by receiver. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_receiver_capacity
# qpid_receiver_capacity = 1
# The qpid topology version to use. Version 1 is what was originally used by
# impl_qpid. Version 2 includes some backwards-incompatible changes that allow
# broker federation to work. Users should update to version 2 when they are
# able to take everything down, as it requires a clean break. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_topology_version
# qpid_topology_version = 1
# From oslo.messaging
# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_durable_queues
# amqp_durable_queues = false
# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/amqp_auto_delete
# amqp_auto_delete = false
# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rpc_conn_pool_size
# rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and
# SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some
# distributions. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_version
# kombu_ssl_version =
# SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_keyfile
# kombu_ssl_keyfile =
# SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_certfile
# kombu_ssl_certfile =
# SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_ca_certs
# kombu_ssl_ca_certs =
# How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel
# notification. (floating point value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_reconnect_delay
# kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0
# The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_host
rabbit_host = localhost
# The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used. (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_port
rabbit_port = 5672
# RabbitMQ HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_hosts
rabbit_hosts = $rabbit_host:$rabbit_port
# Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_use_ssl
# rabbit_use_ssl = false
# The RabbitMQ userid. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_userid
rabbit_userid = guest
# The RabbitMQ password. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_password
rabbit_password = guest
# The RabbitMQ login method. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_login_method
# rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN
# The RabbitMQ virtual host. (string value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_virtual_host
# rabbit_virtual_host = /
# How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ. (integer value)
# rabbit_retry_interval = 1
# How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to RabbitMQ. (integer
# value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_retry_backoff
# rabbit_retry_backoff = 2
# Maximum number of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 0 (infinite retry
# count). (integer value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_max_retries
# rabbit_max_retries = 0
# Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change this option, you
# must wipe the RabbitMQ database. (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_ha_queues
# rabbit_ha_queues = false
# Deprecated, use rpc_backend=kombu+memory or rpc_backend=fake (boolean value)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/fake_rabbit
# fake_rabbit = false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
To generate the sample kingbird.conf file, run the following
command from the top level of the kingbird directory:
tox -egenconfig
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
"admin_or_owner": "is_admin:True or project_id:%(project_id)s",
"default": "rule:admin_or_owner",
"kingbird:create_quota": "rule:admin_or_owner",
"kingbird:update_quota": "rule:admin_or_owner"
"kingbird:create_quota": "rule:admin",
"kingbird:update_quota": "rule:admin"
@ -102,3 +102,7 @@ def test_init():
def list_opts():
yield None, common_opts
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from kingbird.common import topics
rpcapi_cap_opt = cfg.StrOpt('kb-engine',
rpc_api_cap_opt = cfg.StrOpt('kb-engine',
help='Set a version cap for messages sent to'
'kb-engine services. If you plan to do a'
'live upgrade from an old version to a'
@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ rpcapi_cap_opt = cfg.StrOpt('kb-engine',
'to the next version is supported, so you'
'cannot skip a release for the live upgrade'
CONF.register_opt(rpcapi_cap_opt, 'upgrade_levels')
CONF.register_opt(rpc_api_cap_opt, 'upgrade_levels')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class QuotaManagerController(rest.RestController):
'mitaka': '1.0',
@ -118,3 +117,7 @@ class QuotaManagerController(rest.RestController):
context = context
return {'cast example': 'check the log produced by engine'
+ 'and no value returned here'}
def list_opts():
yield None, rpc_api_cap_opt
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
Scripts to start the API, JobDaemon and JobWorker service
Scripts to start the Kingbird API and Engine services
start API service
python --config-file=../etc/api.conf
python --config-file=/etc/kingbird.conf
start Engine service
python --config-file=../etc/engine.conf
python --config-file=/etc/kingbird.conf
CLI interface for kingbird management
kingbird-manage --config-file ../../etc/api.conf db_sync
kingbird-manage --config-file ../../etc/api.conf db_version
kingbird-manage --config-file /etc/kingbird.conf db_sync
kingbird-manage --config-file /etc/kingbird.conf db_version
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from oslo_service import wsgi
import logging as std_logging
from kingbird.api import apicfg
from kingbird.api import api_config
from kingbird.api import app
from kingbird.common import config
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ from kingbird.common.i18n import _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOG = logging.getLogger('kingbird.api')
def main():
application = app.setup_app()
host = CONF.bind_host
@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ import logging as std_logging
from kingbird.common import config
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from kingbird.common.i18n import _LI
from kingbird.common.i18n import _LW
from kingbird.engine import engine_cfg
from kingbird.engine import engine_config
from kingbird.engine import service
LOG = logging.getLogger('kingbird.engine')
def main():
host =
workers = CONF.workers
@ -25,18 +25,16 @@ from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from kingbird.common import rpc
rpcapi_cap_opt = cfg.StrOpt('baseclientapi',
rpc_api_cap_opt = cfg.StrOpt('base_client_api',
help='Set a version cap for messages sent to the'
'base api in any service')
CONF.register_opt(rpcapi_cap_opt, 'upgrade_levels')
CONF.register_opt(rpc_api_cap_opt, 'upgrade_levels')
_NAMESPACE = 'baseclientapi'
_NAMESPACE = 'base_client_api'
class BaseClientAPI(object):
"""Client side of the base rpc API.
API version history:
@ -73,3 +71,7 @@ class BaseServerRPCAPI(object):
def ping(self, context, arg):
resp = {'service': self.service_name, 'arg': arg}
return jsonutils.to_primitive(resp)
def list_opts():
yield None, rpc_api_cap_opt
@ -36,3 +36,7 @@ class Base(object):
if not db_driver:
db_driver = CONF.db_driver
self.db = importutils.import_module(db_driver)
def list_opts():
yield None, db_driver_opt
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from kingbird.common import version
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
common_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('host', default='kingbird.serivcehost',
cfg.StrOpt('host', default='',
help=_("The host name for RPC server")),
cfg.IntOpt('workers', default=2,
help=_("number of workers")),
@ -75,3 +75,7 @@ def reset_service():
# TODO(joehuang) enforce policy later
# policy.refresh()
def list_opts():
yield None, common_opts
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from oslo_config import fixture as fixture_config
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from kingbird.api import apicfg
from kingbird.api import api_config
from kingbird.api.controllers import quota_manager
from kingbird.common import rpc
from kingbird.tests import base
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class KBFunctionalTest(base.KingbirdTestCase):
self.addCleanup(set_config, {}, overwrite=True)
self.CONF = self.useFixture(fixture_config.Config()).conf
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class TestKeystoneAuth(KBFunctionalTest):
self.addCleanup(set_config, {}, overwrite=True)
self.CONF = self.useFixture(fixture_config.Config()).conf
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 # BSD
retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 # Apache-2.0
SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 # MIT
WebOb>=1.2.3 # MIT
python-keystoneclient!=1.8.0,!=2.1.0,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
alembic>=0.8.0 # MIT
six>=1.9.0 # MIT
stevedore>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ console_scripts =
oslo.config.opts =
kingbird.common.config = kingbird.common.config:list_opts
kingbird.common.engine.engine_config = kingbird.engine.engine_config:list_opts
kingbird.common.api.api_config = kingbird.api.api_config:list_opts
kingbird.db.base= kingbird.db.base:list_opts
kingbird.common.baserpc= kingbird.common.baserpc:list_opts
kingbird.api.controllers.quota_manage= kingbird.api.controllers.quota_manage:list_opts
source-dir = doc/source
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -U --force-reinstall {opts} {packages}
setenv =
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands = python testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
whitelist_externals = rm
@ -35,3 +36,10 @@ show-source = True
ignore = E123,E125
builtins = _
commands =
oslo-config-generator --config-file=config-generator.conf
import_exceptions = kingbird.common.i18n
Reference in New Issue
Block a user