# Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import json import multiprocessing import socket import struct import subprocess from subprocess import Popen import sys import syslog import threading import time import traceback from hdrh.histogram import HdrHistogram import redis # Define the version of the KloudBuster agent and VM image # # When VM is up running, the agent will send the READY message to the # KloudBuster main program, along with its version. # # This version is no longer checked starting from release 7 # and can be left constant moving forward. __version__ = '7' # to add later logging on Agent def exec_command(cmd, cwd=None): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (_, stderr) = p.communicate() if p.returncode: syslog.syslog("Command failed: " + ' '.join(cmd)) if stderr: syslog.syslog(stderr) return p.returncode def refresh_clock(clocks, force_sync=False): step = " " if force_sync: step = " -b " command = "sudo ntpdate" + step + clocks exec_command(command.split(" ")) class KB_Instance(): # Check whether the HTTP Service is up running @staticmethod def check_http_service(target_url): cmd = 'while true; do\n' cmd += 'curl --head %s --connect-timeout 2 --silent\n' % (target_url) cmd += 'if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then break; fi\n' cmd += 'done' return cmd # Add static route @staticmethod def add_static_route(network, next_hop_ip, if_name=None): debug_msg = "Adding static route %s with next hop %s" % (network, next_hop_ip) cmd = "sudo ip route add %s via %s" % (network, next_hop_ip) if if_name: debug_msg += " and %s" % if_name cmd += " dev %s" % if_name print(debug_msg) return cmd @staticmethod def add_multicast_route(): cmd = "sudo route add -net dev eth0" return exec_command(cmd.split(" ")) # Get static route @staticmethod def get_static_route(network, next_hop_ip=None, if_name=None): cmd = "ip route show %s" % network if next_hop_ip: cmd += " via %s" % next_hop_ip if if_name: cmd += " dev %s" % if_name return cmd # Delete static route @staticmethod def delete_static_route(network, next_hop_ip=None, if_name=None): debug_msg = "Deleting static route %s" % network cmd = "sudo ip route del %s" % network if next_hop_ip: debug_msg = " with next hop %s" % next_hop_ip cmd += " via %s" % next_hop_ip if if_name: if next_hop_ip: debug_msg = " and %s" % if_name else: debug_msg = "with next hop %s" % if_name cmd += " dev %s" % if_name print(debug_msg) return cmd # Run the HTTP benchmarking tool @staticmethod def run_wrk2(dest_path, target_url, threads, connections, rate_limit, duration, timeout, connection_type, report_interval): if not rate_limit: rate_limit = 65535 cmd = '%s -t%d -c%d -R%d -d%ds -p%ds --timeout %ds -D2 -e %s' % \ (dest_path, threads, connections, rate_limit, duration, report_interval, timeout, target_url) return cmd # Run the multicast benchmarking tool # -p$1:$2 => $1 is the local port, $2 is the multicast port # SOURCE PORT should be the same for any one address that you want to @staticmethod def run_nuttcp(dest_path, target_url, target_port, multicast_addr, multicast_port, bitrate=100, pktsize=1316, report_interval=4, transmit_receive='t'): if bitrate < 1: bitrate = str(bitrate * 1000) + "k" else: bitrate = str(bitrate) + "m" cmd = '%s -%s -fxmitstats -j -o -fparse -m30 -Ri%s/%s -l%i -T%i -i1 -g%s -p%d -P%d %s' % \ (dest_path, transmit_receive, bitrate, bitrate, pktsize, report_interval, multicast_addr, multicast_port, target_port, target_url) return cmd # Init volume @staticmethod def init_volume(dest_path, size, mkfs): cmd = 'if [ ! -e /kb_mnt ]; then\n' cmd += 'mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb && ' if mkfs else '' cmd += 'mkdir -p /kb_mnt && ' cmd += 'mount /dev/vdb /kb_mnt && ' cmd += '%s --name=create_file --filename=/kb_mnt/kb_storage_test.bin '\ '--size=%s --create_only=1\n' % (dest_path, size) cmd += 'fi' return cmd # Run fio @staticmethod def run_fio(dest_path, name, description, mode, block_size, iodepth, runtime, rate_iops=None, rate=None, rwmixread=None, status_interval=None, extra_opts=None): fixed_opt = '--thread --ioengine=libaio --output-format=json+ --direct=1 ' fixed_opt += '--filename=/kb_mnt/kb_storage_test.bin ' required_opt = '--name=%s --rw=%s --bs=%s --iodepth=%s --runtime=%s ' %\ (name, mode, block_size, iodepth, runtime) optional_opt = '' optional_opt += '--rate_iops=%s ' % rate_iops if rate_iops else '' optional_opt += '--rate=%s ' % rate if rate else '' optional_opt += '--rwmixread=%s ' % rwmixread if rwmixread else '' optional_opt += '--status-interval=%s ' % status_interval if status_interval else '' optional_opt += extra_opts if extra_opts else '' cmd = '%s %s %s %s' % (dest_path, fixed_opt, required_opt, optional_opt) return cmd class KBA_Client(): def __init__(self, user_data): host = user_data['redis_server'] port = user_data['redis_server_port'] self.user_data = user_data self.redis_obj = redis.Redis(host=host, port=port) self.pubsub = self.redis_obj.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True) self.hello_thread = None self.stop_hello = threading.Event() self.vm_name = user_data['vm_name'] self.orches_chan_name = "kloudbuster_orches" self.report_chan_name = "kloudbuster_report" self.last_cmd = None self.last_process = None def setup_channels(self): # Check for connections to redis server while True: try: self.redis_obj.get("test") except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: time.sleep(1) continue break # Subscribe to orchestration channel self.pubsub.subscribe(self.orches_chan_name) def report(self, cmd, client_type, data): message = {'cmd': cmd, 'sender-id': self.vm_name, 'client-type': client_type, 'data': data} self.redis_obj.publish(self.report_chan_name, str(message)) def send_hello(self): # Sending "hello" message to master node every 2 seconds while not self.stop_hello.is_set(): self.report('READY', None, __version__) time.sleep(2) def post_processing(self, p_out): return p_out def exec_command(self, cmd): # Execute the command, and returns the outputs cmds = ['bash', '-c'] cmds.append(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.last_process = p (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() return (p.returncode, stdout, stderr) def exec_command_report(self, cmd): # Execute the command, reporting periodically, and returns the outputs cmd_res_dict = None cmds = ['bash', '-c'] cmds.append(cmd) p_output = '' p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.last_process = p lines_iterator = iter(p.stdout.readline, b"") for line in lines_iterator: # line is bytes, so need to make it a str line = line.decode('utf-8') # One exception, if this is the very last report, we will send it # through "DONE" command, not "REPORT". So what's happening here # is to determine whether this is the last report. if cmd_res_dict: self.report('REPORT', 'http', cmd_res_dict) cmd_res_dict = None p_output = line else: p_output += line if line.rstrip() == "}": p_output = self.post_processing(p_output) cmd_res_dict = dict(zip(("status", "stdout", "stderr"), (0, p_output, ''))) stderr = p.communicate()[1] return (p.returncode, p_output, stderr) def work(self): for item in self.pubsub.listen(): if item['type'] != 'message': continue # Convert the string representation of dict to real dict obj message = eval(item['data']) if message['cmd'] == 'ABORT': try: self.last_process.kill() except Exception: pass else: work_thread = threading.Thread(target=agent.process_cmd, args=[message]) work_thread.daemon = True work_thread.start() def process_cmd(self, message): if message['cmd'] == 'ACK': # When 'ACK' is received, means the master node # acknowledged the current VM. So stopped sending more # "hello" packet to the master node. self.stop_hello.set() elif message['cmd'] == 'EXEC': self.last_cmd = "" arange = message['data']['active_range'] my_id = int(self.vm_name[self.vm_name.rindex('I') + 1:]) if (not arange) or (arange[0] <= my_id <= arange[1]): try: par = message['data'].get('parameter', '') str_par = 'par' if par else '' cmd = message['data']['cmd'] if isinstance(cmd, bytes): cmd = cmd.decode('utf-8') cmd_res_tuple = eval('self.exec_%s(%s)' % (cmd, str_par)) cmd_res_dict = dict(zip(("status", "stdout", "stderr"), cmd_res_tuple)) except Exception: cmd_res_dict = { "status": 1, "stdout": self.last_cmd, "stderr": traceback.format_exc() + '\nmessage: ' + str(message['data']) } if self.__class__.__name__ == "KBA_Multicast_Client": self.report('DONE_MC', message['client-type'], cmd_res_dict) else: self.report('DONE', message['client-type'], cmd_res_dict) else: # Unexpected print('ERROR: Unexpected command received!') class KBA_HTTP_Client(KBA_Client): def exec_setup_static_route(self): self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.get_static_route(self.user_data['target_subnet_ip']) result = self.exec_command(self.last_cmd) if self.user_data['target_subnet_ip'] not in result[1]: self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.add_static_route( self.user_data['target_subnet_ip'], self.user_data['target_shared_interface_ip']) return self.exec_command(self.last_cmd) else: return (0, '', '') def exec_check_http_service(self): self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.check_http_service(self.user_data['target_url']) return self.exec_command(self.last_cmd) def exec_run_http_test(self, http_tool_configs): self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.run_wrk2( dest_path='/usr/local/bin/wrk2', target_url=self.user_data['target_url'], **http_tool_configs) return self.exec_command_report(self.last_cmd) class KBA_Multicast_Client(KBA_Client): def exec_setup_static_route(self): self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.get_static_route(self.user_data['target_subnet_ip']) result = self.exec_command(self.last_cmd) if self.user_data['target_subnet_ip'] not in result[1]: self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.add_static_route( self.user_data['target_subnet_ip'], self.user_data['target_shared_interface_ip']) return self.exec_command(self.last_cmd) else: return (0, '', '') def exec_check_nuttcp_service(self): return 0 def post_processing(self, p_out): # Converts form: 'msmaxjitter=59.6045 ms...' into: {'jitter' : 59.6045, 'la'...} kmap = {'pkt': 'packets_recv', 'data_loss': 'data_loss', 'drop': 'packets_dropped', 'megabytes': 'megabytes', 'rate_Mbps': 'mbps', 'msmaxjitter': 'jitter', 'msavgOWD': 'latency'} # Format/Include Keys try: return { kmap[k]: abs(float(v)) for (k, v) in [c.split("=") for c in p_out.split(" ")] if k in kmap } except Exception: return {'error': '0'} def exec_multicast_commands_report_helper(self, cmds, timeout=20, trans_recv=0): """Start len(cmds) threads to test""" queue = multiprocessing.Queue() cmd_index = 0 j = 0 output = {} # Function for Process # def spawn(cmd, queue): p = Popen(cmds[cmd][1].split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = p.communicate()[0] out = out.replace("\n\n", "\n").split("\n") out = out[len(out) / 2] queue.put([cmds[cmd][0], out]) # End Function # for _ in cmds: multiprocessing.Process(target=spawn, args=(cmd_index, queue)).start() cmd_index += 1 p_err = "" try: while j < len(cmds): out = queue.get(True, timeout) key = out[0] j += 1 p_out = self.post_processing(out[1].rstrip()) if key in output: for k in output[key]: output[key][k] += abs(p_out[k]) else: output[key] = p_out except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() p_err = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) return (output, str(p_err)) def exec_mulitcast_commands_report(self, cmds, timeout=20, trans_recv=0): """For each batch, pass it off to the helper to start threads. exec_multicast_commands_report_helper is blocking. """ j_output = {} n_err = 0 r_err = "" for cmd_list in cmds: try: refresh_clock(self.user_data['ntp_clocks']) round_output, err = self.exec_multicast_commands_report_helper(cmd_list, timeout, trans_recv) output_key = round_output.keys()[0] for key in round_output[output_key]: round_output[output_key][key] /= float(len(cmd_list)) j_output.update(round_output) except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() err = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) finally: if err != "": n_err += 1 r_err = err return (0, json.dumps(j_output), r_err) def exec_run_multicast_test(self, nutt_tool_configs): """Tests varying nAddresses/ports/bandwidths for a constant packet size. Creates Batches of tests to run. One batch of commands is of size nAddresses * nPorts. Sends off len(bitrates) list of Batches to exec_mulitcast_commands_report """ commands_list = [] startAddr = nutt_tool_configs['multicast_address_start'].split(".") offset = int(startAddr[-1]) startAddr = startAddr[:-1] startPort = 12000 max_nAddr = nutt_tool_configs['address_pattern'][-1] max_nPort = nutt_tool_configs['port_pattern'][-1] duration = nutt_tool_configs['duration'] server_address = nutt_tool_configs['server_address'] target_url = self.user_data['target_url'] if server_address == '' else server_address transmit_receive = 't' if server_address == '' else 'r' target_port = 5000 if server_address == '' else nutt_tool_configs['server_port'] if transmit_receive == 'r': # Manually join multicast group... for addr_i in range(0, max_nAddr): for port_i in range(0, max_nPort): m_port = startPort + ((addr_i) * max_nPort) + (port_i) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) m_addr = ".".join(startAddr + [str(offset + addr_i)]) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) mreq = struct.pack("4sl", socket.inet_aton(m_addr), socket.INADDR_ANY) s.bind((m_addr, m_port)) s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) # Run this garbage test to ensure the listener is in the multicast group. comm = KB_Instance.run_nuttcp(dest_path='/usr/local/bin/nuttcp', target_url=target_url, target_port=target_port, multicast_port=12000, multicast_addr='', bitrate=100, pktsize=1316, report_interval=60, transmit_receive='r') exec_command(comm.split(" ")) nReceivers = nutt_tool_configs['receivers'] pkt_s = nutt_tool_configs['pktsize'] for index in range(0, len(nutt_tool_configs['address_pattern'])): nAddresses = nutt_tool_configs['address_pattern'][index] nPorts = nutt_tool_configs['port_pattern'][index] for bitrate in nutt_tool_configs['bitrates']: commands = [] for addr_i in range(0, nAddresses): for port_i in range(0, nPorts): m_addr = ".".join(startAddr + [str(addr_i + offset)]) m_port = startPort + (addr_i * max_nPort) + (port_i) comm = KB_Instance.run_nuttcp(dest_path='/usr/local/bin/nuttcp', target_url=target_url, target_port=target_port, multicast_port=m_port, multicast_addr=m_addr, bitrate=bitrate, pktsize=pkt_s, report_interval=duration, transmit_receive=transmit_receive) key = "%d,%d,%d,%f,%d" % (nReceivers, nAddresses, nPorts, bitrate, pkt_s) commands.append([key, comm]) commands_list.append(commands) self.last_cmd = commands_list[-1][-1] t_r = 0 if transmit_receive == 't' else duration return self.exec_mulitcast_commands_report(commands_list, trans_recv=t_r) class KBA_Storage_Client(KBA_Client): def encode_bins(self, p_output): p_output = json.loads(p_output) p_output['jobs'][0].pop('trim') test_list = ['read', 'write'] for test in test_list: histogram = HdrHistogram(1, 5 * 3600 * 1000, 3) clat = p_output['jobs'][0][test]['clat']['bins'] total_buckets = clat['FIO_IO_U_PLAT_NR'] grp_msb_bits = clat['FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS'] buckets_per_grp = clat['FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL'] for bucket in range(total_buckets): if clat[str(bucket)]: grp = bucket / buckets_per_grp subbucket = bucket % buckets_per_grp if grp == 0: val = subbucket - 1 else: base = 2 ** (grp_msb_bits + grp - 1) val = int(base + (base / buckets_per_grp) * (subbucket - 0.5)) histogram.record_value(val, clat[str(bucket)]) # histogram.encode() returns a base64 compressed histogram as bytes p_output['jobs'][0][test]['clat']['hist'] = histogram.encode().decode('utf-8') p_output['jobs'][0][test]['clat'].pop('bins') p_output['jobs'][0][test]['clat'].pop('percentile') return json.dumps(p_output) def exec_init_volume(self, vol_init_configs): self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.init_volume( dest_path='/usr/local/bin/fio', **vol_init_configs) return self.exec_command(self.last_cmd) def exec_run_storage_test(self, fio_configs): self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.run_fio( dest_path='/usr/local/bin/fio', name='kb_storage_test', **fio_configs) return self.exec_command_report(self.last_cmd) def post_processing(self, p_out): return self.encode_bins(p_out) class KBA_Server(): def __init__(self, user_data): self.user_data = user_data def config_nginx_server(self): # Generate the HTML file with specified size html_size = self.user_data['http_server_configs']['html_size'] cmd_str = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/www/index.html bs=%s count=1' % html_size cmd = cmd_str.split() return not bool(exec_command(cmd)) def start_nginx_server(self): cmd = ['sudo', 'service', 'nginx', 'start'] return exec_command(cmd) def start_nuttcp_server(self): cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/nuttcp', '-S', '-P5000'] return exec_command(cmd) def start_multicast_listener(self, mc_addrs, multicast_ports, start_address=""): '''Starts Listeners at second /25 (.128). These listeners are created when nReceivers > 1. ''' startPort = 12000 startAddr = start_address.split(".")[:-1] start_offset = int(start_address.split(".")[-1]) # Thread Function # def spawn_mcl(addr_i, port): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) m_addr = ".".join(startAddr + [str(addr_i)]) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) ttl = struct.pack('B', 150) s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl) mreq = struct.pack("4sl", socket.inet_aton(m_addr), socket.INADDR_ANY) s.bind((m_addr, port)) s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) while True: s.recvfrom(10240) # End Function # for addr_i in range(0, mc_addrs): for port_i in range(0, multicast_ports): m_port = startPort + ((addr_i) * multicast_ports) + (port_i) multiprocessing.Process(target=spawn_mcl, args=(start_offset + addr_i, m_port,)).start() while True: continue class KBA_Proxy(): def start_redis_server(self): cmd = ['sudo', 'service', 'redis-server', 'start'] return exec_command(cmd) if __name__ == "__main__": try: with open('user_data', 'r') as f: user_data = dict(eval(f.read())) except Exception as e: # KloudBuster starts without user-data cwd = 'kloudbuster/kb_server' cmd = ['python3', 'setup.py', 'develop'] rc = exec_command(cmd, cwd=cwd) if not rc: syslog.syslog("Starting kloudbuster HTTP server") cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/pecan', 'serve', 'config.py'] sys.exit(exec_command(cmd, cwd=cwd)) role = user_data.get('role') if role == 'KB-PROXY': agent = KBA_Proxy() syslog.syslog("Starting kloudbuster proxy server") sys.exit(agent.start_redis_server()) if role.endswith('Server'): agent = KBA_Server(user_data) if user_data['role'].startswith('Multicast'): KB_Instance.add_multicast_route() if user_data['n_id'] == 0: refresh_clock(user_data.get('ntp_clocks'), force_sync=True) agent.start_nuttcp_server() while True: refresh_clock(user_data.get('ntp_clocks')) time.sleep(10) sys.exit(0) else: agent.start_multicast_listener(user_data.get('multicast_addresses'), user_data.get('multicast_ports'), user_data.get('multicast_listener_address_start')) if agent.config_nginx_server(): syslog.syslog("Starting kloudbuster nginx server") sys.exit(agent.start_nginx_server()) else: sys.exit(1) elif role.endswith('Client'): if role.startswith('HTTP'): syslog.syslog("Starting kloudbuster HTTP client") agent = KBA_HTTP_Client(user_data) elif role.startswith('Multicast'): KB_Instance.add_multicast_route() refresh_clock(user_data.get('ntp_clocks'), force_sync=True) agent = KBA_Multicast_Client(user_data) else: syslog.syslog("Starting kloudbuster storage client") agent = KBA_Storage_Client(user_data) agent.setup_channels() agent.hello_thread = threading.Thread(target=agent.send_hello) agent.hello_thread.daemon = True agent.hello_thread.start() agent.work() else: sys.exit(1)