#!/bin/bash # This script will build the kloudbuster VM image and the container image under the ./build directory # Check we are in a virtual environment function check_in_venv { IN_VENV=$(python -c 'import sys; print hasattr(sys, "real_prefix")') echo $IN_VENV } function cleanup_qcow2 { echo echo "Error: found unrelated qcow2 files that would make the container image too large." echo "Cleanup qcow2 files before re-running:" ls -l *.qcow2 exit 3 } # build the VM image first function build_vm { kb_image_name=kloudbuster-$KB_TAG qcow_count=$(find . -name '*qcow2' | wc -l) if [ ! -f $kb_image_name.qcow2 ]; then if [ $qcow_count -gt 0 ]; then cleanup_qcow2 fi echo "Building $kb_image_name.qcow2..." pip install diskimage-builder cd ./kb_dib # Add the kloudbuster elements directory to the DIB elements path export ELEMENTS_PATH=./elements # Install Ubuntu 16.04 export DIB_RELEASE=xenial time disk-image-create -o $kb_image_name ubuntu kloudbuster rm -rf venv $kb_image_name.d mv $kb_image_name.qcow2 .. cd .. else if [ $qcow_count -gt 1 ]; then cleanup_qcow2 fi echo "Reusing $kb_image_name.qcow2" fi ls -l $kb_image_name.qcow2 } # Build container function build_container { echo "docker build --tag=berrypatch/kloudbuster:$KB_TAG ." sudo docker build --tag=berrypatch/kloudbuster:$KB_TAG . echo "sudo docker build --tag=berrypatch/kloudbuster:latest ." sudo docker build --tag=berrypatch/kloudbuster:latest . } function help { echo echo "Usage: bash build.sh " echo " --vm-only to only build the KloudBuster VM qcow2 image" echo echo "Builds the KloudBuster VM and Docker container images" echo "The Docker container image will include the VM image for easier upload" echo echo "Must run in a virtual environment and must be called from the root of the repository" exit 1 } build_vm_only=0 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case "$key" in --vm-only) build_vm_only=1 ;; -h|--help|*) help ;; esac # Shift after checking all the cases to get the next option shift done in_venv=$(check_in_venv) if [ $in_venv != "True" ]; then echo "Error: Must be in a virtual environment to run!" exit 2 fi # check we're at the root of the kloudbuster repo if [ ! -d kloudbuster -o ! -f Dockerfile ]; then echo "Error: Must be called from the root of the kloudbuster repository to run!" exit 2 fi # Install kloudbuster in the virtual env pip install -q -U setuptools pip install -q -e . # Get the kloudbuster version (must be retrieved from stderr) KB_TAG=$(kloudbuster --version 2>&1) if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Error retrieving kloudbuster version:" echo kloudbuster --version exit 2 fi echo echo "Building KloudBuster with tag $KB_TAG" build_vm if [ $build_vm_only = 0 ]; then build_container fi