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<title>KloudBuster Report</title>
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color: #000000;
text-align: center;
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
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<li><a href="#">[[time]]</a></li>
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<div class="my-chart" style="height: 400px;margin-bottom: 10%">
<linechart data="data" options="options"></linechart>
<table ng-table="tableParams" class="table table-responsive table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
<tr ng-repeat="row in tableParams.data" style="text-align:center;">
<td title="cols[0].title" ng-if="cols[0].show" style="margin:0 auto;padding:0;">
<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs {{row.seq}}" ng-click=""
style="height: 22px;width: 24px;"></button>
<td title="cols[1].title" data-sortable="cols[1].field" ng-if="cols[1].show">{{row.connection}}</td>
<td title="cols[2].title" data-sortable="cols[2].field" ng-if="cols[2].show">{{row.server_vms}}</td>
<td title="cols[3].title" data-sortable="cols[3].field" ng-if="cols[3].show">{{row.requests}}</td>
<td title="cols[4].title" data-sortable="cols[4].field" ng-if="cols[4].show">{{row.sock_err}}</td>
<td title="cols[5].title" data-sortable="cols[5].field" ng-if="cols[5].show">{{row.rps}}</td>
<td title="cols[6].title" data-sortable="cols[6].field" ng-if="cols[6].show">{{row.rate_limit}}</td>
<td title="cols[7].title" data-sortable="cols[7].field" ng-if="cols[7].show">{{row.throughput}} Gbps</td>
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module("app", ["n3-line-chart", "ngTable"]).controller("MainCtrl", function ($scope, color, ngTableParams) {
$scope.result = [[result]];
var countRep = $scope.result.length;
$scope.data = {dataset0: [{x: 0}, {x: 10}, {x: 20}, {x: 30}, {x: 40}, {x: 50}, {x: 60}]};
$scope.options = {
series: [], axes: {
x: {
key: "x", type: "linear", tickFormat: function (value) {
if (value === 0) {
return "50%"
} else if (value === 10) {
return "75%"
} else if (value === 20) {
return "90%"
} else if (value === 30) {
return "99%"
} else if (value === 40) {
return "99.9%"
} else if (value === 50) {
return "99.99%"
} else if (value === 60) {
return "99.999%"
}, y: {
type: "log", ticksFormat: "d", ticks: 10, tickFormat: function (value, index) {
return value
}, margin: {top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 20, left: 30}, grid: {x: false, y: true}
$scope.tabledata = [];
$scope.cols = [{field: "seq", title: "SEQ", sortable: "seq", show: true}, {
field: "connection",
title: "Connection",
sortable: "connection",
show: true
}, {field: "server_vms", title: "Server VMs", sortable: "server_vms", show: true}, {
field: "requests",
title: "Requests",
sortable: "requests",
show: true
}, {field: "sock_err", title: "Error", sortable: "sock_err", show: true}, {
field: "rps",
title: "RPS measured",
sortable: "rps",
show: true
}, {field: "rate_limit", title: "RPS requested", sortable: "rate_limit", show: true}, {
field: "throughput",
title: "Throughput",
sortable: "throughput",
show: true
$scope.tableParams = new ngTableParams({sorting: {name: "asc"}, "count": 10}, {
counts: [],
data: $scope.tabledata
$scope.pushTableData = function (taName, taData, pickColor) {
var temThrou = (taData.http_throughput_kbytes * 8) / (1000 * 1000);
"seq": taName,
"connection": taData.total_connections,
"server_vms": taData.total_server_vms,
"requests": taData.http_total_req,
"sock_err": taData.http_sock_err + taData.http_sock_timeout,
"rps": taData.http_rps,
"rate_limit": taData.http_rate_limit,
"throughput": temThrou.toFixed(2),
"description": taData.description,
"color": pickColor
$("<style>button." + taName + " {background-color: " + pickColor + ";</style>").appendTo("head");
for (var i = 0; i < countRep; i++) {
$scope.perrow = $scope.result[i];
var pickColor = color.getColor();
if (1) {
chName = "Connection-" + $scope.perrow.total_connections;
label: chName,
color: pickColor,
dotSize: "3",
thickness: "2px",
axis: "y",
dataset: "dataset0",
key: chName,
type: ["line", "dot"],
id: chName,
interpolation: {mode: "cardinal", tension: 0.8}
for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
$scope.data.dataset0[j][chName] = $scope.perrow.latency_stats[j][1] / 1000
$scope.pushTableData("Connection-" + $scope.perrow.total_connections, $scope.perrow, pickColor)
}).service("color", function () {
var self = this;
var num = -1;
var colorList = ["#F44336", "#673AB7", "#03A9F4", "#4CAF50", "#FFEB3B", "#BF360C", "#795548", "#E91E63", "#3F51B5", "#00BCD4", "#CDDC39", "#FF9800", "#9E9E9E", "#9C27B0", "#009688"];
var length = colorList.length;
this.getColor = function () {
num = (num + 1) % length;
return colorList[num]
this.reset = function () {
num = -1