Yichen Wang 5766ff9893 Enhancements to support mixed read/write tests
1. Enhancements to support mixed read/write tests;
2. Add a name field for each storage test cases;
3. Support to run customized storage tests by supplying 'extra_opts';
4. Fixed the get status API error when staging resources;

Change-Id: Iecd4001268757ed24fedbc17813f0c0fb8110c68
2016-02-26 10:50:44 -08:00

401 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
from hdrh.histogram import HdrHistogram
import redis
# Define the version of the KloudBuster agent and VM image
# When VM is up running, the agent will send the READY message to the
# KloudBuster main program, along with its version. The main program
# will check the version to see whether the image meets the minimum
# requirements to run, and stopped with an error if not.
# This version must be incremented if the interface changes or if new features
# are added to the agent VM
__version__ = '5'
# TODO(Logging on Agent)
def get_image_name():
'''Return the versioned VM image name that corresponds to this
agent code. This string must match the way DIB names the kloudbuster image.
the versioned image name without the extension ('.qcow2' is implicit)
return 'kloudbuster_v' + __version__
def get_image_version():
return __version__
def exec_command(cmd, cwd=None):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
return p.returncode
class KB_Instance(object):
# Check whether the HTTP Service is up running
def check_http_service(target_url):
cmd = 'while true; do\n'
cmd += 'curl --head %s --connect-timeout 2 --silent\n' % (target_url)
cmd += 'if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then break; fi\n'
cmd += 'done'
return cmd
# Add static route
def add_static_route(network, next_hop_ip, if_name=None):
debug_msg = "Adding static route %s with next hop %s" % (network, next_hop_ip)
cmd = "sudo ip route add %s via %s" % (network, next_hop_ip)
if if_name:
debug_msg += " and %s" % if_name
cmd += " dev %s" % if_name
print debug_msg
return cmd
# Get static route
def get_static_route(network, next_hop_ip=None, if_name=None):
cmd = "ip route show %s" % network
if next_hop_ip:
cmd += " via %s" % next_hop_ip
if if_name:
cmd += " dev %s" % if_name
return cmd
# Delete static route
def delete_static_route(network, next_hop_ip=None, if_name=None):
debug_msg = "Deleting static route %s" % network
cmd = "sudo ip route del %s" % network
if next_hop_ip:
debug_msg = " with next hop %s" % next_hop_ip
cmd += " via %s" % next_hop_ip
if if_name:
if next_hop_ip:
debug_msg = " and %s" % if_name
debug_msg = "with next hop %s" % if_name
cmd += " dev %s" % if_name
print debug_msg
return cmd
# Run the HTTP benchmarking tool
def run_wrk2(dest_path, target_url, threads, connections,
rate_limit, duration, timeout, connection_type,
if not rate_limit:
rate_limit = 65535
cmd = '%s -t%d -c%d -R%d -d%ds -p%ds --timeout %ds -D2 -e %s' % \
(dest_path, threads, connections, rate_limit, duration,
report_interval, timeout, target_url)
return cmd
# Init volume
def init_volume(size):
cmd = 'if [ ! -e /mnt/volume ]; then\n'
cmd += 'mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb && '
cmd += 'mkdir -p /mnt/volume && '
cmd += 'mount /dev/vdb /mnt/volume && '
cmd += 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/volume/kb_storage_test.bin bs=%s count=1\n' % size
cmd += 'fi'
return cmd
# Run fio
def run_fio(dest_path, name, description, mode, block_size, iodepth, runtime,
rate_iops=None, rate=None, rwmixread=None, status_interval=None, extra_opts=None):
fixed_opt = '--thread --ioengine=libaio --output-format=json+ --direct=1 '
fixed_opt += '--filename=/mnt/volume/kb_storage_test.bin '
required_opt = '--name=%s --rw=%s --bs=%s --iodepth=%s --runtime=%s ' %\
(name, mode, block_size, iodepth, runtime)
optional_opt = ''
optional_opt += '--rate_iops=%s ' % rate_iops if rate_iops else ''
optional_opt += '--rate=%s ' % rate if rate else ''
optional_opt += '--rwmixread=%s ' % rwmixread if rwmixread else ''
optional_opt += '--status-interval=%s ' % status_interval if status_interval else ''
optional_opt += extra_opts if extra_opts else ''
cmd = '%s %s %s %s' % (dest_path, fixed_opt, required_opt, optional_opt)
return cmd
class KBA_Client(object):
def __init__(self, user_data):
host = user_data['redis_server']
port = user_data['redis_server_port']
self.user_data = user_data
self.redis_obj = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port)
self.pubsub = self.redis_obj.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
self.hello_thread = None
self.stop_hello = threading.Event()
self.vm_name = user_data['vm_name']
self.orches_chan_name = "kloudbuster_orches"
self.report_chan_name = "kloudbuster_report"
self.last_cmd = None
self.last_process = None
def setup_channels(self):
# Check for connections to redis server
while (True):
except (redis.exceptions.ConnectionError):
# Subscribe to orchestration channel
def report(self, cmd, client_type, data):
message = {'cmd': cmd, 'sender-id': self.vm_name,
'client-type': client_type, 'data': data}
self.redis_obj.publish(self.report_chan_name, message)
def send_hello(self):
# Sending "hello" message to master node every 2 seconds
while not self.stop_hello.is_set():
self.report('READY', None, __version__)
def post_processing(self, p_output):
# If the result is coming from storage testing tool (FIO), compress
# the buckets from the output using HdrHistogram, and send it back
# to kb-master node.
if self.__class__.__name__ == 'KBA_Storage_Client':
return self.encode_bins(p_output)
return p_output
def exec_command(self, cmd):
# Execute the command, and returns the outputs
cmds = ['bash', '-c']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
self.last_process = p
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
return (p.returncode, stdout, stderr)
def exec_command_report(self, cmd):
# Execute the command, reporting periodically, and returns the outputs
cmd_res_dict = None
cmds = ['bash', '-c']
p_output = ''
p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
self.last_process = p
lines_iterator = iter(p.stdout.readline, b"")
for line in lines_iterator:
# One exception, if this is the very last report, we will send it
# through "DONE" command, not "REPORT". So what's happening here
# is to determine whether this is the last report.
if cmd_res_dict:
self.report('REPORT', 'http', cmd_res_dict)
cmd_res_dict = None
p_output = line
p_output += line
if line.rstrip() == "}":
p_output = self.post_processing(p_output)
cmd_res_dict = dict(zip(("status", "stdout", "stderr"), (0, p_output, '')))
stderr = p.communicate()[1]
return (p.returncode, p_output, stderr)
def work(self):
for item in self.pubsub.listen():
if item['type'] != 'message':
# Convert the string representation of dict to real dict obj
message = eval(item['data'])
if message['cmd'] == 'ABORT':
except Exception:
work_thread = threading.Thread(target=agent.process_cmd, args=[message])
work_thread.daemon = True
def process_cmd(self, message):
if message['cmd'] == 'ACK':
# When 'ACK' is received, means the master node
# acknowledged the current VM. So stopped sending more
# "hello" packet to the master node.
# Unfortunately, there is no thread.stop() in Python 2.x
elif message['cmd'] == 'EXEC':
self.last_cmd = ""
arange = message['data']['active_range']
my_id = int(self.vm_name[self.vm_name.rindex('I') + 1:])
if (not arange) or (my_id >= arange[0] and my_id <= arange[1]):
par = message['data'].get('parameter', '')
str_par = 'par' if par else ''
cmd_res_tuple = eval('self.exec_%s(%s)' % (message['data']['cmd'], str_par))
cmd_res_dict = dict(zip(("status", "stdout", "stderr"), cmd_res_tuple))
except Exception as exc:
cmd_res_dict = {
"status": 1,
"stdout": self.last_cmd,
"stderr": str(exc)
self.report('DONE', message['client-type'], cmd_res_dict)
# Unexpected
print 'ERROR: Unexpected command received!'
class KBA_HTTP_Client(KBA_Client):
def exec_setup_static_route(self):
self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.get_static_route(self.user_data['target_subnet_ip'])
result = self.exec_command(self.last_cmd)
if (self.user_data['target_subnet_ip'] not in result[1]):
self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.add_static_route(
return self.exec_command(self.last_cmd)
return (0, '', '')
def exec_check_http_service(self):
self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.check_http_service(self.user_data['target_url'])
return self.exec_command(self.last_cmd)
def exec_run_http_test(self, http_tool_configs):
self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.run_wrk2(
return self.exec_command_report(self.last_cmd)
class KBA_Storage_Client(KBA_Client):
def encode_bins(self, p_output):
p_output = json.loads(p_output)
test_list = ['read', 'write', 'trim']
for test in test_list:
histogram = HdrHistogram(1, 5 * 3600 * 1000, 3)
clat = p_output['jobs'][0][test]['clat']['bins']
total_buckets = clat['FIO_IO_U_PLAT_NR']
grp_msb_bits = clat['FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS']
buckets_per_grp = clat['FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL']
for bucket in xrange(total_buckets):
if clat[str(bucket)]:
grp = bucket / buckets_per_grp
subbucket = bucket % buckets_per_grp
if grp == 0:
val = subbucket - 1
base = 2 ** (grp_msb_bits + grp - 1)
val = int(base + (base / buckets_per_grp) * (subbucket - 0.5))
histogram.record_value(val, clat[str(bucket)])
p_output['jobs'][0][test]['clat']['hist'] = histogram.encode()
return json.dumps(p_output)
def exec_init_volume(self, size):
self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.init_volume(size)
return self.exec_command(self.last_cmd)
def exec_run_storage_test(self, fio_configs):
self.last_cmd = KB_Instance.run_fio(
return self.exec_command_report(self.last_cmd)
class KBA_Server(object):
def __init__(self, user_data):
self.user_data = user_data
def config_nginx_server(self):
# Generate the HTML file with specified size
html_size = self.user_data['http_server_configs']['html_size']
cmd_str = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/www/index.html bs=%s count=1' % html_size
cmd = cmd_str.split()
return False if exec_command(cmd) else True
def start_nginx_server(self):
cmd = ['sudo', 'service', 'nginx', 'start']
return exec_command(cmd)
# def start_nuttcp_server(self):
# cmd = ['/usr/bin/nuttcp', '-P5002', '-S', '--single-threaded']
# return exec_command(cmd)
class KBA_Proxy(object):
def start_redis_server(self):
cmd = ['sudo', 'service', 'redis-server', 'start']
return exec_command(cmd)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open('user-data', 'r') as f:
user_data = dict(eval(f.read()))
except Exception as e:
# KloudBuster starts without user-data
cwd = 'kloudbuster/kb_server'
cmd = ['python', 'setup.py', 'develop']
rc = exec_command(cmd, cwd=cwd)
if not rc:
cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/pecan', 'serve', 'config.py']
sys.exit(exec_command(cmd, cwd=cwd))
if user_data.get('role') == 'KB-PROXY':
agent = KBA_Proxy()
if user_data.get('role') == 'Server':
agent = KBA_Server(user_data)
if agent.config_nginx_server():
elif user_data.get('role')[-6:] == 'Client':
agent = KBA_HTTP_Client(user_data) if user_data['role'][:-7] == 'HTTP'\
else KBA_Storage_Client(user_data)
agent.hello_thread = threading.Thread(target=agent.send_hello)
agent.hello_thread.daemon = True