ahothan 8f892eaeeb Include VM image in contaimer
add script to build VM image and container, to extract VM image from container
update doc
remove version check with agent
update vm image upload
auto upload VM image from pkg root dir
show simplified version string

Change-Id: I9dc44c52656d81f271c91d6826dc0e128fed980d
2017-07-24 16:32:10 -07:00

156 lines
6.5 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import division
from kb_runner_base import KBException
from kb_runner_base import KBRunner
import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KBMulticastServerUpException(KBException):
class KBMulticastBenchException(KBException):
class KBRunner_Multicast(KBRunner):
Control the testing VMs on the testing cloud
def __init__(self, client_list, config, single_cloud=True):
KBRunner.__init__(self, client_list, config, single_cloud)
def header_formatter(self, stage, nTests, nReceiver, pktsize):
msg = "Stage %d/%d: %d Receiver(s) with a Packet Size of %dkb" %\
(stage, nTests, nReceiver, pktsize)
return msg
def setup_static_route(self, active_range, timeout=30):
func = {'cmd': 'setup_static_route', 'active_range': active_range}
self.send_cmd('EXEC', 'multicast', func)
def check_multicast_service(self, active_range, timeout=30):
func = {'cmd': 'check_multicast_service', 'active_range': active_range}
self.send_cmd('EXEC', 'multicast', func)
def run_multicast_test(self, active_range, opts, timeout):
func = {'cmd': 'run_multicast_test', 'active_range': active_range,
'parameter': opts}
self.send_cmd('EXEC', 'multicast', func)
status = self.polling_vms(timeout)
if status[2] != 0:
LOG.warning("Testing VMs are not returning results within grace period, "
"summary shown below may not be accurate!")
def json_to_csv(jsn):
csv = "Test,receivers,addresses,ports,bitrate,pkt_size,"
firstKey = [x for x in jsn.keys()][0]
keys = jsn[firstKey].keys()
csv += ",".join(keys) + "\r\n"
for obj_k in jsn.keys():
obj = jsn[obj_k]
obj_vals = map(str, obj.values())
csv += '"' + obj_k + '"' + "," + obj_k + "," + ",".join(obj_vals) + "\r\n"
return csv
def single_run(self, active_range=None, multicast_test_only=False, opts={}, timeout=500):
if not multicast_test_only:
if self.single_cloud:
LOG.info("Setting up static route to reach tested cloud...")
LOG.info("Waiting for multicast service to come up...")
if self.config.prompt_before_run:
print "Press enter to start running benchmarking tools..."
LOG.info("Running Multicast Benchmarking...")
self.report = {'seq': 0, 'report': None}
self.result = {}
self.run_multicast_test(active_range, opts, timeout)
# Call the method in corresponding tools to consolidate results
except KBMulticastServerUpException:
raise KBException("multicast service is not up in testing cloud.")
except KBMulticastBenchException:
raise KBException("Error while running multicast benchmarking tool.")
def run(self, test_only=False):
if not test_only:
# Resources are already staged, just re-run the multicast benchmarking tool
self.tool_result = {}
vm_list = self.full_client_dict.keys()
vm_list.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(int(x[x.rfind('I') + 1:]), int(y[y.rfind('I') + 1:])))
self.client_dict = {}
cur_stage = 1
duration = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.duration
receivers = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.receivers
pktsizes = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.pktsizes
bitrates = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.bitrates
address_test_pattern = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.address_test_pattern
port_test_pattern = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.port_test_pattern
multicast_address_start = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.multicast_address_start
server_address = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.external_sender
server_port = self.config.multicast_tool_configs.external_sender_port
timeo = len(bitrates) * len(address_test_pattern) * len(port_test_pattern) * duration + 300
nTests = len(receivers) * len(pktsizes)
if not self.config.multicast_tool_configs.external_sender_test_mode:
server_address = ""
server_port = 5000
for nReceiver in receivers:
for idx in range(0, nReceiver):
self.client_dict[vm_list[0]] = self.full_client_dict[vm_list[0]]
if nReceiver > 1:
# Tests with multiple listeners listen on the second /25.
b = multicast_address_start.split(".")
b[-1] = str(128)
multicast_address_start = ".".join(b)
LOG.info("Starting Multicast Tests")
for pktsize in pktsizes:
desc = "-- %s --" % self.header_formatter(cur_stage, nTests, nReceiver, pktsize)
opts = {"address_pattern": address_test_pattern, 'server_port': server_port,
'receivers': nReceiver, "bitrates": bitrates,
"multicast_address_start": multicast_address_start, "pktsize": pktsize,
'duration': duration, 'server_address': server_address,
"port_pattern": port_test_pattern}
self.single_run(active_range=[0, nReceiver],
cur_stage += 1
yield self.tool_result