
362 lines
11 KiB

import argparse
import logging
import os
# for API server
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, abort
from flask_restful import Resource, Api
import connect_openstack
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
Stella-OpenStack Conment main file
- by jmlim@os.korea.ac.kr
class VM_info:
_list_vms = {}
# _vm_name = " "
# _instance_name = " "
# _project_id = " "
# _hypervisor_name = " "
# _hypervisor_ip = " "
def print_all(self):
return self._list_vms
def print_num(self):
return len(self._list_vms) + 1
def set_info(self, _vm_name, _instance_name, _project_id, _hypervisor_name, _hypervisor_ip, _sla_option,
# Key for VMs list
num = len(self._list_vms)
# Add to VMs list
# self._list_vms[num] = [_vm_name, _instance_name, _project_id, _hypervisor_name, _hypervisor_ip]
self._list_vms[num] = {'vm_name': _vm_name, 'instance_name': _instance_name, 'project_id': _project_id,
'hypervisor_name': _hypervisor_name, 'hypervisor_ip': _hypervisor_ip,
'SLA_Option': _sla_option, 'SLA_Value': _sla_value}
# _tmp = [ _vm_name, _instance_name, _project_id, _hypervisor_name, _hypervisor_ip]
# self._vm_info.append(_tmp)
return len(self._list_vms)
def print_SLA(self, _name):
count = -1
for tmp in self._list_vms:
# print(self._list_vms[tmp])
if _name in self._list_vms[tmp]["vm_name"]:
count = tmp
# print SLA_option and SLA_Value
# print(self._list_vms[tmp]["vm_name"])
# print(self._list_vms[count]["SLA_Option"])
# print(self._list_vms[count]["SLA_Value"])
# return self._list_vms['vm_name']
def get_instance_name_by_name(self, _name):
count = -1
for count in self._list_vms:
# print(self._list_vms[tmp])
# print(count)
if _name in self._list_vms[count]["vm_name"]:
_instance_name = self._list_vms[count]["instance_name"]
count = count
# print("break")
return _instance_name
def get_sla_option_by_name(self, _name):
count = -1
for count in self._list_vms:
# print(self._list_vms[tmp])
# print(count)
if _name in self._list_vms[count]["vm_name"]:
_sla_option = self._list_vms[count]["SLA_Option"]
count = count
# print("break")
return _sla_option
def get_sla_value_by_name(self, _name):
count = -1
for count in self._list_vms:
# print(self._list_vms[tmp])
# print(count)
if _name in self._list_vms[count]["vm_name"]:
_sla_value = self._list_vms[count]["SLA_Value"]
count = count
# print("break")
return _sla_value
def set_SLA(self, _name, _SLA_Option, _SLA_Value):
count = -1
for count in self._list_vms:
# print(self._list_vms[tmp])
# print(count)
if _name in self._list_vms[count]["vm_name"]:
# print(self._list_vms[count]["vm_name"])
count = count
# print("break")
# print SLA_option and SLA_Value
# print(self._list_vms[count]["vm_name"])
# print(self._list_vms[count]["SLA_Option"])
# self._list_vms[count]['SLA_Option']: _SLA_Option
# print(self._list_vms[count]["SLA_Value"])
return count
# def get_info(self, _vm_name ):
# _tmp =
class hypervisor_info:
_list_hypervisor = {}
def set_data(self, _name, _ip):
self._list_hypervisor[_name] = _ip
def get_data(self, _name):
return self._list_hypervisor[_name]
class Stella_OpenStack(Resource):
def __init__(self, log_file=None):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s')
self.logger = logging.getLogger("Stella-OpenStack START")
self.log_file = log_file
if log_file:
self.log_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.log_file)
self.__stop = False
# self.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.stop)
# self.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.stop)
def main(self):
self.logger.info("STELLA: PID {0}".format(os.getpid()))
def stop(self, signum, frame):
self.__stop = True
self.logger.info("STELLA: Signal {0}".format(signum))
self.logger.info("STELLA: STOP")
# global variables
hypervisors = hypervisor_info
vms = VM_info
# Stella-OpenStack API list
# /stella : Check status of Stella scheduler and Stella-OpenStack
# /stella/vms : Returns the list of VMs and information of each VMs
# /stella/vms/sla: Set SLA for VM. Use instance name in horizon as a Input
# /stella/hypervisor : Returns Hypervisor IP address
@app.route('/stella/', methods=['GET'])
def StellaAPI_Status():
return "Stella-OpenStack is ON"
@app.route('/stella/vms', methods=['GET'])
def StellaAPI_listVMs():
return jsonify(vms.print_all(vms))
@app.route('/stella/vms/sla', methods=['POST'])
def StellaAPI_Set_SLA_VM():
if not request.json or not 'name' in request.json:
if not request.json or not 'SLA_Option' in request.json:
if not request.json or not 'SLA_Value' in request.json:
_name = request.json['name']
_SLA_option = request.json['SLA_Option']
_SLA_value = request.json['SLA_Value']
count = vms.set_SLA(vms, _name, _SLA_option, _SLA_value)
instance_name = vms.get_instance_name_by_name(vms, _name)
sla_option = vms.get_sla_option_by_name(vms, _name)
sla_value = vms.get_sla_value_by_name(vms, _name)
# print(instance_name)
# get_ROOT privilege
olduid = 0
if os.geteuid() != 0:
# running as normal user
olduid = os.geteuid()
# execute SLA setting script
cmd_str = './insert_sla.sh' + ' ' + instance_name + ' ' + sla_option + ' ' + sla_value
# reset user privilege
if olduid != 0:
if (count < 0):
return jsonify({'message': 'error'})
return jsonify(vms.print_all(vms))
@app.route('/stella/hypervisor', methods=['POST'])
def StellaAPI_SearchHypervisorsByName():
if not request.json or not 'name' in request.json:
_name = request.json['name']
hypervisors.get_data(hypervisors, _name)
return jsonify({'hypervisor_ip': hypervisors.get_data(hypervisors, _name)})
# Stella-OpenStack API list end
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--log", help="log filename", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--pid", help="pid filename", default='/tmp/stella.pid')
args = parser.parse_args()
# fork to make deamin process
# pid = os.fork()
# if pid > 0:
# for parent process
# exit(0)
# else:
# For children process
# os.chdir('/')
# os.setsid()
# os.umask(0)
# pid = os.fork()
# if pid > 0:
# exit(0)
# else:
# sys.stdout.flush()
# sys.stderr.flush()
# si = open(os.devnull, 'r')
# so = open(os.devnull, 'a+')
# se = open(os.devnull, 'a+')
# os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
# os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
# os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
# with open(args.pid, "w") as pid_file:
# pid_file.write(str(os.getpid()))
# Stella = Stella_OpenStack(args.log)
# code = Stella.main()
# exit(code)
Stella = Stella_OpenStack(args.log)
code = Stella.main()
Stella.logger.info("STELLA: connect to Stella-cloud")
conn = connect_openstack.Opts.create_connection_from_config()
Stella.logger.info("STELLA: listing hypervisor")
list_hypervisor_name = []
list_hypervisor_ip = []
# list_hypervisor = {}
for HYPERVISOR in conn.compute.hypervisors():
for HYPERVISOR in conn.compute.hypervisors(list_hypervisor_name):
# Make key-value storage for hypervisor
# e.g. hypervisor name: hypervisor ip
#hypervisors = hypervisor_info
# print(hypervisors.print_num(hypervisors))
count = 0
for index in list_hypervisor_name:
list_hypervisor = {list_hypervisor_name[count]: list_hypervisor_ip[count]}
hypervisors.set_data(hypervisors, list_hypervisor_name[count], list_hypervisor_ip[count])
count = count + 1
# for debugging
# hypervisors.print_all(hypervisors)
# print(hypervisors.print_num(hypervisors))
# Storing VM information
print("VM information")
for VM in conn.compute.servers():
# print("VM_NAME: " + VM.name)
# print("INSTANCE_NAME: " + VM.instance_name)
# print("PROJECT_ID: " + VM.project_id)
# print("HYPERVISOR_HOST: " + VM.hypervisor_hostname)
# print("HOST_ID: " + VM.host_id)
# print(vms.print_num(vms))
ip = hypervisors.get_data(hypervisors, VM.hypervisor_hostname)
vms.set_info(vms, VM.name, VM.instance_name, VM.project_id, VM.hypervisor_hostname, ip, '-', '-')
# vms.print_SLA(vms, "stella_test-3")
# vms.set_SLA(vms, "stella_test-3", 'b_bw', '100000')
# print(VM)
# hypervisor_list_name = " "
# hypervisor_list_ip = " "
# Get hypervisor list AND ip address
# for HYPERVISOR in conn.compute.hypervisors():
# tmp_hypervisor['name'] = HYPERVISOR.name
# hypervisor_list_name =
# for HYPERVISOR in conn.compute.hypervisors(hypervisor_list_name):
# hypervisor_list_ip = HYPERVISOR.host_ip
# for Debugging
# print(hypervisor_list_name)
# print(hypervisor_list_ip)
# print("VM information")
# for VM in conn.compute.servers():
# print("VM_NAME: " + VM.name)
# print("INSTANCE_NAME: " + VM.instance_name)
# print("PROJECT_ID: " + VM.project_id)
# print("HYPERVISOR_HOST: " + VM.hypervisor_hostname)
# print("HOST_ID: " + VM.host_id)
# print(VM)
# for HYPERVISOR in conn.compute.hypervisors("DevStack"):
# print("tenant information: ")
# for HYPERVISOR in conn.identity.projects():
# VM_info = VM_info.set_info()
# print(VM_info)
# run API server