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1. Adding official Openstack Kilo PPA repository.
It's needed because some marshal dependencies available only from it.

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-cloud-keyring
echo "deb" \
     "trusty-updates/kilo main" \
     | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudarchive-kilo.list

2. Update index of system packages.

sudo apt-get update

3. Install build tools and Marshal dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential debhelper fakeroot git python-setuptools python-pbr python-all

4. Clone fresh Marshal repo

git clone
cd marshal

5. Build deb package

dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

6. Install package to the target system

sudo dpkg -i ../marshal_*_all.deb   # Errors on this step are normal, next step fixes them.
sudo apt-get -f install             # (Optional) This installs broken marshal dependencies.

7. And try to use it

sudo marshal --help
sudo -h