Remove outdated views, forms and urls from Mistral

Change-Id: I2bf9073e0bfcadc6cf2f309dfd8eaa4c1dcc01fb
This commit is contained in:
Timur Sufiev 2015-03-11 16:48:31 +03:00
parent a849faa7a9
commit f9bb5fa11a
8 changed files with 3 additions and 1427 deletions

View File

@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
* Created by tsufiev on 12/29/14.
(function() {
function isObject(obj) {
return === '[object Object]'
function isArray(obj) {
return === '[object Array]'
.controller('workbookCtrl', function($scope, workbook, $filter) {
$scope.workbook = workbook;
$scope.defaults = {
'actions': {
name: 'Action1',
base: 'nova.create_server',
baseInput: {
flavorId: {
title: 'Flavor Id',
type: 'string'
imageId: {
title: 'Image Id',
type: 'string'
input: [],
output: []
$ = {
actions: [{
id: 'action1',
name: 'Action1',
base: 'nova.create_server',
baseInput: {
flavorId: {
title: 'Flavor Id',
type: 'string'
imageId: {
title: 'Image Id',
type: 'string'
input: [''],
output: [{
id: 'varlist1',
type: 'string',
value: ''
}, {
id: 'varlist2',
type: 'dictionary',
value: {
key1: '',
key2: ''
}, {
id: 'varlist3',
type: 'list',
value: ['', '']
workflows: [{
id: 'workflow1',
name: 'Workflow1',
base: '', // FIXME
input: [''],
output: [{
id: 'varlist1',
type: 'string',
value: ''
taskDefaults: {
onError: {
type: 'list',
value: ['', '']
onSuccess: {
type: 'list',
value: ['']
onComplete: {
type: 'list',
value: ['', '']
$scope.schema = {
name: {
type: 'string',
index: 0,
panelIndex: 0,
row: 0
description: {
type: 'text',
index: 1,
panelIndex: 0,
row: 0
actions: {
index: 2,
type: 'panel',
multiple: true,
value: {
name: {
type: 'string',
row: 0,
index: 0
base: {
type: 'string',
row: 0,
index: 1
baseInput: {
type: 'frozendict',
title: 'Base Input',
index: 2
input: {
type: 'list',
index: 3
output: {
type: 'varlist',
index: 4
workflows: {
index: 3,
type: 'panel',
multiple: true,
value: {
name: {
type: 'string',
index: 0,
row: 0
base: {
type: 'string',
index: 1,
row: 0
input: {
type: 'list',
index: 2
output: {
type: 'varlist',
index: 3
taskDefaults: {
type: 'group',
title: 'Task defaults',
additive: false,
index: 4,
value: {
onError: {
type: 'yaqllist',
title: 'On error',
index: 0
onSuccess: {
type: 'yaqllist',
title: 'On success',
index: 1
onComplete: {
type: 'yaqllist',
title: 'On complete',
index: 2
tasks: {
type: 'group',
index: 5,
value: {
task: {
type: 'group',
additive: false,
multiple: true,
index: 0,
value: {
name: {
type: 'string',
index: 0,
row: 0
type: {
type: 'string',
index: 1,
row: 0
action: {
type: 'string',
index: 2,
row: 1
input: {
type: 'dictionary',
index: 3
publish: {
type: 'dictionary',
index: 4
onError: {
type: 'yaqllist',
title: 'On error',
index: 5
onSuccess: {
type: 'yaqllist',
title: 'On success',
index: 6
onComplete: {
type: 'yaqllist',
title: 'On complete',
index: 7
policies: {
type: 'group',
additive: false,
index: 8,
value: {
waitBefore: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Wait before',
index: 0,
row: 0
waitAfter: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Wait after',
index: 1,
row: 0
timeout: {
type: 'string',
index: 2,
row: 1
retryCount: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Retry count',
index: 3,
row: 2
retryDelay: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Retry delay',
index: 4,
row: 2
retryBreakOn: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Retry break on',
index: 5,
row: 3
$scope.makeTitle = function(str) {
if ( !str ) {
return '';
var firstLetter = str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase();
return firstLetter + str.substr(1);
$scope.getKeys = function(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj);
$scope.isAtomic = function(type) {
return ['string', 'text', 'number'].indexOf(type) > -1;
$scope.remove = function(parent, item) {
if ( angular.isString(parent) ) {
parent = $[parent];
var index = parent.indexOf(item);
parent.splice(index, 1);
return parent.length;
$scope.removeKey = function(parent, key) {
if ( angular.isString(parent) ) {
parent = $[parent];
if ( !angular.isObject(parent) ) {
delete parent[key];
return $scope.getKeys(parent).length;
$scope.addAutoKey = function(parent) {
if ( angular.isString(parent) ) {
parent = $[parent];
if ( !angular.isObject(parent) ) {
var maxNumber = $scope.getKeys(parent).map(function(key) {
var match = /[Kk]ey(\d+)/.exec(key);
if ( match ) {
return +match[1];
} else {
return null;
}).filter(function(value) {
return value;
}).reduce(function(prevValue, curValue) {
return prevValue > curValue ? prevValue : curValue;
}, 0),
newKey = 'key' + (maxNumber+1);
parent[newKey] = '';
$scope.add = function(parent, value) {
var defaultValue, key;
if ( angular.isString(parent) ) {
key = parent;
defaultValue = angular.copy($scope.defaults[key]);
parent = $[key]; = key + parent.length;
parent.push(value || defaultValue);
.controller('actionCtrl', function($scope) {
var actionBase = null,
baseTypes = {
'nova.create_server': {
flavorId: {
title: 'Flavor Id',
type: 'string'
imageId: {
title: 'Image Id',
type: 'string'
.controller('dictionaryCtrl', function($scope) {
if ( !isObject($scope.subItem.value) ) {
$scope.subItem.value = {'Key1': ''};
.controller('listCtrl', function($scope) {
if ( !isArray($scope.subItem.value) ) {
$scope.subItem.value = [''];
.controller('workflowsCtrl', function() {

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
(function() {
.factory('workbook', function() {
var types = {
Mistral: {},
base: {},
OpenStack: {
// TODO: obtain list of predefined OpenStack actions from Mistral server-side
// for now a stubbed list of predefined actions suffices
actions: ['createInstance', 'terminateInstance']
getOpenStackActions: function() {
return this.OpenStack.actions.slice();
//types.base.AcceptsMixin = Barricade.Blueprint.create(function (acceptsList) {
// acceptsList = acceptsList || [];
// this.getLabels = function() {
// return {
// return item.label;
// })
// };
// this.getValue = function(label) {
// for ( var i = 0; i < acceptsList.length; i++ ) {
// if ( acceptsList[i].label === label ) {
// return acceptsList[i].value;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
//types.Mistral.Task = Barricade.create({
// '@class': types.Mistral.dictionary,
// 'name': {'@type': String},
// 'input': {
// '@type': Array,
// '*': {
// '@class': Barricade.Primitive.extend({
// 'name': 'Parameter'
// }, {
// '@type': String
// })
// }
// },
// 'publish': {
// '@type': String,
// '@required': false
// },
// 'policies': {
// '@class': types.Mistral.Policy,
// '@required': false
// }
//types.Mistral.Tasks = Barricade.MutableObject.extend({
// create: function(json, parameters) {
// var self =;
// function getParentWorkflowType() {
// var container = self._container,
// workflow;
// while ( container ) {
// if ( container.instanceof(types.Mistral.Workflow) ) {
// workflow = container;
// break;
// }
// container = container._container;
// }
// return workflow && workflow.get('type').get();
// }
// var directSpecificData = {
// 'on-complete': {
// '@type': String,
// '@required': false
// },
// 'on-success': {
// '@type': String,
// '@required': false
// },
// 'on-error': {
// '@type': String,
// '@required': false
// }
// },
// reverseSpecificData = {
// 'requires': {
// '@type': Array,
// '*': {
// '@class': Barricade.Primitive.extend({
// 'name': 'Action'
// }, {
// '@type': String,
// '@enum': function() {
// var container = this._container,
// workflow, task;
// while ( container ) {
// if ( container.instanceof(types.Mistral.Task) ) {
// task = container;
// }
// if ( container.instanceof(types.Mistral.Workflow) ) {
// workflow = container;
// break;
// }
// container = container._container;
// }
// if ( workflow && task ) {
// return workflow.get('tasks').toArray().filter(function(taskItem) {
// return !(taskItem === task) && taskItem.get('name').get();
// }).map(function(taskItem) {
// return taskItem.get('name').get();
// });
// } else {
// return [];
// }
// }
// })
// }
// }
// };
//, [
// {
// label: 'Action-based',
// value: function() {
// var workflowType = getParentWorkflowType();
// if ( workflowType === 'direct' ) {
// return types.Mistral.ActionTask.extend({}, directSpecificData);
// } else if ( workflowType === 'reverse' ) {
// return types.Mistral.ActionTask.extend({}, reverseSpecificData);
// } else {
// return types.Mistral.ActionTask;
// }
// }
// }, {
// label: 'Workflow-based',
// value: function() {
// var workflowType = getParentWorkflowType();
// if ( workflowType === 'direct' ) {
// return types.Mistral.WorkflowTask.extend({}, directSpecificData);
// } else if ( workflowType === 'reverse' ) {
// return types.Mistral.WorkflowTask.extend({}, reverseSpecificData);
// } else {
// return types.Mistral.WorkflowTask;
// }
// }
// }
// ]);
// return self;
// }
//}, {
// '@type': Object,
// '?': {'@class': types.Mistral.Task}
//types.Mistral.WorkflowTask = types.Mistral.Task.extend({},
// {
// 'workflow': {
// '@type': String,
// '@enum': function() {
// var workflows = workbook.get('workflows').toArray();
// return {
// return workflowItem.get('name').get();
// }).filter(function (name) {
// return name;
// });
// }
// }
// });
//types.Mistral.ActionTask = types.Mistral.Task.extend({},
// {
// 'action': {
// '@type': String,
// '@enum': function() {
// var predefinedActions = types.getOpenStackActions(),
// actions = workbook.get('actions').toArray();
// return predefinedActions.concat( {
// return actionItem.get('name').get();
// }).filter(function(name) {
// return name; }
// ));
// }
// }
// });
return types.Mistral.Workbook.create();

View File

@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
var types = {
Mistral: {},
base: {},
OpenStack: {
// TODO: obtain list of predefined OpenStack actions from Mistral server-side
// for now a stubbed list of predefined actions suffices
actions: ['createInstance', 'terminateInstance']
getOpenStackActions: function() {
return this.OpenStack.actions.slice();
types.base.AcceptsMixin = Barricade.Blueprint.create(function (acceptsList) {
acceptsList = acceptsList || [];
this.getLabels = function() {
return {
return item.label;
this.getValue = function(label) {
for ( var i = 0; i < acceptsList.length; i++ ) {
if ( acceptsList[i].label === label ) {
return acceptsList[i].value;
return null;
types.Mistral.Action = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'@meta': {'groups': ['panel2']},
'name': {'@type': String},
'base': {
'@type': String,
'@enum': function() {
var predefinedActions = types.getOpenStackActions(),
actions = workbook.get('actions'),
currentItemIndex = actions.length() - 1;
actions.each(function(index, actionItem) {
var name = actionItem.get('name');
if ( index < currentItemIndex && !name.isEmpty() ) {
predefinedActions = predefinedActions.concat(name.get())
return predefinedActions;
'@default': types.getOpenStackActions()[0]
'base-input': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
'?': {'@type': String}
types.Mistral.Policy = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'wait-before': {
'@type': Number,
'@required': false
'wait-after': {
'@type': Number,
'@required': false
'retry': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
'count': {'@type': Number},
'delay': {'@type': Number},
'break-on': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'timeout': {
'@type': Number,
'@required': false
types.Mistral.Task = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'name': {'@type': String},
'input': {
'@type': Array,
'*': {
'@class': Barricade.Primitive.extend({
'name': 'Parameter'
}, {
'@type': String
'publish': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'policies': {
'@class': types.Mistral.Policy,
'@required': false
types.Mistral.Tasks = Barricade.MutableObject.extend({
create: function(json, parameters) {
var self =;
function getParentWorkflowType() {
var container = self._container,
while ( container ) {
if ( container.instanceof(types.Mistral.Workflow) ) {
workflow = container;
container = container._container;
return workflow && workflow.get('type').get();
var directSpecificData = {
'on-complete': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'on-success': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'on-error': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
reverseSpecificData = {
'requires': {
'@type': Array,
'*': {
'@class': Barricade.Primitive.extend({
'name': 'Action'
}, {
'@type': String,
'@enum': function() {
var container = this._container,
workflow, task;
while ( container ) {
if ( container.instanceof(types.Mistral.Task) ) {
task = container;
if ( container.instanceof(types.Mistral.Workflow) ) {
workflow = container;
container = container._container;
if ( workflow && task ) {
return workflow.get('tasks').toArray().filter(function(taskItem) {
return !(taskItem === task) && taskItem.get('name').get();
}).map(function(taskItem) {
return taskItem.get('name').get();
} else {
return [];
};, [
label: 'Action-based',
value: function() {
var workflowType = getParentWorkflowType();
if ( workflowType === 'direct' ) {
return types.Mistral.ActionTask.extend({}, directSpecificData);
} else if ( workflowType === 'reverse' ) {
return types.Mistral.ActionTask.extend({}, reverseSpecificData);
} else {
return types.Mistral.ActionTask;
}, {
label: 'Workflow-based',
value: function() {
var workflowType = getParentWorkflowType();
if ( workflowType === 'direct' ) {
return types.Mistral.WorkflowTask.extend({}, directSpecificData);
} else if ( workflowType === 'reverse' ) {
return types.Mistral.WorkflowTask.extend({}, reverseSpecificData);
} else {
return types.Mistral.WorkflowTask;
return self;
}, {
'@type': Object,
'?': {'@class': types.Mistral.Task}
types.Mistral.WorkflowTask = types.Mistral.Task.extend({},
'workflow': {
'@type': String,
'@enum': function() {
var workflows = workbook.get('workflows').toArray();
return {
return workflowItem.get('name').get();
}).filter(function (name) {
return name;
types.Mistral.ActionTask = types.Mistral.Task.extend({},
'action': {
'@type': String,
'@enum': function() {
var predefinedActions = types.getOpenStackActions(),
actions = workbook.get('actions').toArray();
return predefinedActions.concat( {
return actionItem.get('name').get();
}).filter(function(name) {
return name; }
types.Mistral.Workflow = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'@meta': {'groups': 'panel3'},
'name': {'@type': String},
'type': {
'@type': String,
'@enum': ['reverse', 'direct'],
'@default': 'direct'
'input': {
'@type': Array,
'@required': false,
'*': {
'@class': Barricade.Primitive.extend({
'name': 'Primitive'
}, {
'@type': String
'output': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'task-defaults': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
'on-error': {'@type': String},
'on-success': {'@type': String},
'on-complete': {'@type': String},
'policies': {'@class': types.Mistral.Policy}
'tasks': {
'@class': types.Mistral.Tasks
types.Mistral.Workbook = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'version': {
'@type': Number,
'@enum': function() { return [2]; },
'@meta': {
'index': 2,
'panelIndex': 0,
'row': 1
'@default': 2
'name': {
'@type': String,
'@meta': {
'index': 0,
'panelIndex': 0,
'row': 0
'description': {
'@type': String,
'@meta': {
'index': 1,
'panelIndex': 0,
'row': 0
'@required': false
'actions': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
'?': {
'@class': types.Mistral.Action
'workflows': {
'@type': Object,
'?': {
'@class': types.Mistral.Workflow

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
* Created by tsufiev on 12/29/14.
(function() {
.factory('defaultSetter', function($parse) {
return function(attrs, attrName, defaultValue) {
if ( attrs[attrName] === undefined ) {
attrs[attrName] = defaultValue;
} else {
attrs[attrName] = $parse(attrs[attrName])();
.run(function($http, $templateCache) {
var fields = ['dictionary', 'frozendict', 'list', 'string',
'varlist', 'text', 'group', 'yaqllist', 'number'
fields.forEach(function(field) {
var base = '/static/mistral/js/templates-templates/fields/';
$http.get(base + field + '.html').success(function(templateContent) {
$templateCache.put(field, templateContent);
.filter('prepareSchema', function($filter) {
var toArray = $filter('toArray'),
orderBy = $filter('orderBy');
function schemaToArray(schema) {
return angular.isArray(schema) ? schema : orderBy(
toArray(schema, true), 'index').map(function(item) { = item.$key;
if ( item.type === 'panel' ) {
item.panelIndex = item.index;
if ( item.type === 'panel' || item.type === 'group' ) {
item.value = schemaToArray(item.value);
return item;
return schemaToArray;
.filter('normalizePanels', function() {
return function(collection) {
return {
if ( panelSpec[0].type === 'panel' ) {
var data = panelSpec[0];
panelSpec.length = data.value.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < panelSpec.length; i++ ) {
panelSpec[i] = data.value[i];
panelSpec.multiple = data.multiple; =;
return panelSpec;
.filter('getPanels', function($filter) {
var orderBy = $filter('orderBy'),
groupBy = $filter('groupBy'),
toArray = $filter('toArray');
return function(container) {
var seq = groupBy(container, 'getMeta().panelIndex');
console.log('seq', seq);
var seq1 = toArray(seq, true);
console.log('seq1', seq1);
var seq2 = orderBy(seq1, '$key');
console.log('seq2', seq2);
// var seq = orderBy(
// toArray(, true),
// '$key');
return seq2;
function sign(x) {
if ( x > 0 ) {
return 1;
} else {
return x < 0 ? -1 : 0;
function comparePanelIndices(item1, item2) {
var index1 = item1.getMeta().panelIndex,
index2 = item2.getMeta().panelIndex;
if ( index1 === undefined || index2 === undefined ) {
return -1;
} else {
return sign(index1-index2);

View File

@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
var workbook;
$(function() {
var __counter = 0;
var current_workbook_id;
function getNextCounter() {
return __counter;
function drawBaseNode($label, item, type, converter) {
var $item = $('<div></div>'),
$input = $('<input>');
converter = converter || function(x) { return x;};
$input.change(function() {
$item.append($input.attr('type', type));
return $item;
function drawSelectElement(labels, values, selected) {
var $input = $('<select>');
values.forEach(function(value, index) {
var $opt = $('<option></option>').val(value).text(labels[index]);
return $input;
function drawSelectNode($label, item) {
var $item = $('<div></div>'),
$select = drawSelectElement(item.getEnumLabels(), item.getEnumValues(), item.get());
$select.change(function() {
return $item;
function drawTextNode($label, item) {
return drawBaseNode($label, item, 'text');
function drawNumberNode($label, item) {
return drawBaseNode($label, item, 'number', Number);
function drawBooleanNode($label, item) {
return drawBaseNode($label, item, 'checkbox');
function createNewLabel(text) {
var labelId = 'label-' + getNextCounter(),
$label = $('<label></label>').text(text);
return $('<span></span>').append($label).attr('id', labelId);
function drawArrayNode($label, item) {
var $item = $('<div class="inner-node"></div>'),
$addAction = $('<button>').text('Add').toggleClass('container-action'),
$container = $('<div></div>').hide();
drawArray($container, item);
$ {
if ( $label.hasClass('expanded') ) {
} else {
$ {
var $removeAction = $('<button>').text('Remove').toggleClass('container-action'),
var length = item.length(),
subItem = item.get(length-1),
nameEntity = extractNameSubItem(subItem),
label = extractBaseName(subItem, 'Element') + '#' + length,
$childLabel = createNewLabel(label).append($removeAction);
if ( nameEntity ) {
nameEntity.on('change', function() {
var newName = this.get();
$node = drawTypedNode($container, $childLabel, subItem);
// make sure newly added item will be immediately shown
if ( !$label.hasClass('expanded') ) {
$ {
return $item;
function drawContainerNode($label, item) {
var $item = $('<div class="inner-node"></div>'),
labelId = $label.attr('id'),
containerId = 'container-' + labelId,
$container = $('<div></div>').attr('id', containerId).hide();
drawContainer($container, item);
$ {
if ( $label.hasClass('expanded') ) {
} else {
return $item;
function extractNameSubItem(item) {
return item.instanceof(Barricade.Container) && item.get('name');
function extractBaseName(item, defaultBaseName) {
defaultBaseName = defaultBaseName || 'Element';
return || defaultBaseName;
function drawFluidContainerNode($label, item) {
var $item = $('<div class="inner-node"></div>'),
labelId = $label.attr('id'),
containerId = 'container-' + labelId,
$keyName = $('<input>'),
$addAction = $('<button>').text('Add').attr('disabled', true),
$container = $('<div></div>').attr('id', containerId).hide(),
if ( item.instanceof(types.base.AcceptsMixin) ) {
var labels = item.getLabels();
$typeSelector = drawSelectElement(labels, labels, labels[0]);
drawContainer($container, item);
$keyName.keyup(function() {
var value = $(this).val();
if ( !value ) {
$addAction.attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$addAction.attr('disabled', false);
$ {
var key = $keyName.val(),
$removeAction = $('<button>').text('Remove').toggleClass('container-action'),
$childLabel = createNewLabel(key).append($removeAction),
child, cls, $node;
if ( item.instanceof(types.base.AcceptsMixin) ) {
cls = item.getValue($typeSelector.val())();
child = cls.create(undefined, {id: key});
} else {
child = item._elementClass.create(undefined, {id: key});
item.push(child, {id: key});
var nameEntity = extractNameSubItem(child);
if ( nameEntity ) {
nameEntity.on('change', function() {
var newName = this.get();
$node = drawTypedNode($container, $childLabel, child);
// make sure newly added item will be immediately shown
if ( !$label.hasClass('expanded') ) {
$ {
$ {
if ( $label.hasClass('expanded') ) {
} else {
return $item;
function isPrimitiveType(item, primitiveType) {
return item.instanceof(Barricade.Primitive) && Barricade.getType(item.get()) === primitiveType;
function drawArray($canvas, array) {
array.each(function(index, item) {
drawTypedNode($canvas, 'Element #'+index, item);
function drawTypedNode($canvas, $label, item) {
var $node;
if ( item.instanceof(Barricade.Enumerated) ) {
$node = drawSelectNode($label, item);
} else if ( isPrimitiveType(item, Number) ) {
$node = drawNumberNode($label, item);
} else if ( isPrimitiveType(item, String) ) {
$node = drawTextNode($label, item);
} else if ( isPrimitiveType(item, Boolean) ) {
$node = drawBooleanNode($label, item);
} else if ( item.instanceof(Barricade.Array) ) {
$node = drawArrayNode($label, item);
} else if ( item.instanceof(Barricade.MutableObject) ) {
$node = drawFluidContainerNode($label, item);
} else if ( item.instanceof(Barricade.Container) ) {
$node = drawContainerNode($label, item);
} else {
$node = $('<label></label>').text('Unknown elt');
return $node;
function drawContainer($canvas, container) {
container.each(function(key, item) {
var $label = createNewLabel(key);
drawTypedNode($canvas, $label, item);
function initWorkbook(recreate) {
var $controls = $('div#controls'),
$label = createNewLabel('Mistral Workbook'),
json = jsyaml.load($('#json-output').val());
if ( json === undefined ) {
current_workbook_id = null
} else {
current_workbook_id =;
if (recreate) {
workbook = types.Mistral.Workbook.create();
} else {
workbook = types.Mistral.Workbook.create(json);
drawTypedNode($controls, $label, workbook).find('label').click();
$(function() {
$('button#create-workbook').click(function(evt) {
function saveWorkbook() {
var json = workbook.toJSON(),
if ( current_workbook_id !== null ) { = current_workbook_id;
text = jsyaml.dump(json);
$('.right pre').text(text);
$('button#save-workbook').click(function(evt) {
// to prevent modal form submit
$('div#controls').click(function(evt) {

View File

@ -23,24 +23,9 @@ class CreateWorkbook(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'create'
verbose_name = _('Create Workbook')
url = 'horizon:project:mistral:create'
classes = ('ajax-modal',)
icon = 'plus'
class CreateWorkbook1(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'create1'
verbose_name = _('Create Workbook1')
url = 'horizon:project:mistral:create1'
icon = 'plus'
class EditWorkbook(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'edit'
verbose_name = _('Edit Workbook')
url = 'horizon:project:mistral:edit'
classes = ('ajax-modal',)
class RemoveWorkbook(tables.DeleteAction):
name = 'remove'
verbose_name = _('Remove Workbook')
@ -56,6 +41,5 @@ class WorkbooksTable(tables.DataTable):
class Meta:
table_actions = (CreateWorkbook, CreateWorkbook1, RemoveWorkbook)
table_actions = (CreateWorkbook,)
name = 'workbooks'
row_actions = (EditWorkbook, RemoveWorkbook)

View File

@ -20,7 +20,4 @@ from mistral import views
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', views.IndexView.as_view(), name='index'),
url(r'^create$', views.CreateWorkbookView.as_view(), name='create'),
url(r'^create1$', views.CreateWorkbookView1.as_view(), name='create1'),
url(r'^edit/(?P<workbook_id>[^/]+)$', views.EditWorkbookView.as_view(),

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
# under the License.
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
from django import views
from horizon import tables
from horizon.forms import views
from horizon.views import APIView
import yaml
@ -23,29 +23,8 @@ from mistral import forms as mistral_forms
from mistral import tables as mistral_tables
class CreateWorkbookView(views.ModalFormView):
form_class = mistral_forms.CreateWorkbookForm
class CreateWorkbookView(APIView):
template_name = 'project/mistral/create.html'
success_url = reverse_lazy('horizon:project:mistral:index')
class CreateWorkbookView1(APIView):
template_name = 'project/mistral/create.html'
class EditWorkbookView(views.ModalFormView):
form_class = mistral_forms.EditWorkbookForm
template_name = 'project/mistral/create.html'
success_url = reverse_lazy('horizon:project:mistral:index')
def get_initial(self):
workbook_id = self.kwargs['workbook_id']
workbook = api.get_workbook(self.request, workbook_id)
if workbook:
return {'workbook': yaml.dump(workbook),
'workbook_id': workbook_id}
return {}
class IndexView(tables.DataTableView):