
1128 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright 2014 Rackspace
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
.factory('ModelsService', ModelsService);
ModelsService.$inject = ['merlin.field.models', 'merlin.utils'];
function ModelsService(fields, utils) {
var hot = {};
var elementSchema,
primitiveExtension = {
create: function (json, parameters) {
var self =, json,
return self;
hot.Primitive = Barricade.Blueprint.create(function () {});
hot.Primitive._schema = {}; // QUICK HACK
hot.Primitive.Factory = function (json, parameters) {
var type = Barricade.getType(json);
if (json === undefined || type === String) {
return hot.Primitive.string.create(json, parameters);
} else if (type === Boolean) {
return hot.Primitive.bool.create(json, parameters);
} else if (type === Number) {
return hot.Primitive.number.create(json, parameters);
} else if (type === Array) {
return hot.Primitive.array.create(json, parameters);
} else if (type === Object) {
return hot.Primitive.object.create(json, parameters);
elementSchema = {
'@class': hot.Primitive,
'@factory': hot.Primitive.Factory
hot.Primitive.string = Barricade.Primitive.extend(primitiveExtension,
{'@type': String});
hot.Primitive.bool = Barricade.Primitive.extend(primitiveExtension,
{'@type': Boolean});
hot.Primitive.number = Barricade.Primitive.extend(primitiveExtension,
{'@type': Number});
hot.Primitive.array = Barricade.Array.extend({
create: function (json, parameters) {
var self =, json, parameters);;
return self;
}, {
'@type': Array,
'*': elementSchema
hot.Primitive.object = Barricade.MutableObject.extend({
create: function (json, parameters) {
var self = Barricade.MutableObject, json, parameters);;
return self;
}, {
'@type': Object,
'?': elementSchema
hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper = Barricade.Base.extend({
create: function (json, parameters) {
var self = this.extend({}),
value = hot.IntrinsicFunctionFactory(json, parameters);
if (!parameters) {
parameters = {};
if (value) {
} else {
self.setValue(json, parameters);
return self;
getValue: function () {
return this._value;
setValue: function (newValue, newParameters) {
var self = this;
function onChange() { self.emit('change', this); }
function onChildChange() { self.emit('childChange', this); }
function onReplace(newVal) { self.setValue(newVal); }
if (this._value) {
this._value.emit('removeFrom', this);
if (this._safeInstanceof(newValue, hot.IntrinsicFunction) ||
this._safeInstanceof(newValue, this._innerClass)) {
this._value = newValue;
} else {
this._value = this._innerClass.create(newValue,
this._value.on('change', onChange);
this._value.on('childChange', onChildChange);
this._value.on('replace', onReplace);
this._value.on('removeFrom', function (container) {'change', onChange);'childChange', onChildChange);'replace', onReplace);
this.emit('change', 'set', this._value);
toNormal: function () {
toIntrinsicFunction: function () {
hasDescription: function () {
return ('_description' in this) && !this._description.isEmpty();
getDescription: function () {
return this._description.get();
hasDependency: function () {
return this._value.hasDependency();
resolveWith: function (obj) {
return this.getValue().resolveWith(obj);
isEmpty: function () {
return !!this._value;
isUsed: function () {
return this.isRequired() || this._value.isUsed();
setIsUsed: function (isUsed) {
return this._value.setIsUsed(isUsed);
getIntrinsicFunctions: function () {
function searchValue(value) {
var intrinsics = [];
if (value.instanceof(hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper)) {
return value.getIntrinsicFunctions();
} else if (value.instanceof(hot.IntrinsicFunction)) {
if (value.instanceof(hot.StringReplace)) {
return [value].concat(value.getIntrinsicFunctions());
return [value];
} else if (value.instanceof(Barricade.Container)) {
value.each(function (i, element) {
intrinsics = intrinsics.concat(searchValue(element));
return intrinsics;
return [];
return searchValue(this.getValue());
toJSON: function (options) {
return this._value.toJSON(options);
// Extension for Resource properties that have schemaless containers
hot.Primitive.FactoryForResourceProperty = function (json, parameters) {
var type = Barricade.getType(json);
function getInnerClass() {
if (json === undefined || type === String) {
return hot.Primitive.string;
} else if (type === Boolean) {
return hot.Primitive.bool;
} else if (type === Number) {
return hot.Primitive.number;
} else if (type === Array) {
return hot.Primitive.arrayOfRP;
} else if (type === Object) {
return hot.Primitive.objectOfRP;
return hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper.extend({
_innerClass: getInnerClass()
}, {}).create(json, parameters);
rpElementSchema = {
'@class': hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper,
'@factory': hot.Primitive.FactoryForResourceProperty
hot.Primitive.arrayOfRP = hot.Primitive.array.extend({}, {
'*': rpElementSchema
hot.Primitive.objectOfRP = hot.Primitive.object.extend({}, {
'?': rpElementSchema
function constraintFactory(constraintObj) {
var types = {
'range': function (constraint) {
var min = constraint.min,
max = constraint.max;
function getMessage() {
if (min === undefined) {
return 'Value must be less than ' + max;
} else if (max === undefined) {
return 'Value must be greater than ' + min;
return 'Value must be between ' +
min + ' and ' + max;
return function (val) {
return ((min === undefined || val >= min) &&
(max === undefined || val <= max)) ||
'length': function (constraint) {
var min = constraint.min,
max = constraint.max;
function getMessage() {
if (min === undefined) {
return 'Must have fewer than ' +
max + ' letters';
} else if (max === undefined) {
return 'Must have more than ' +
min + ' letters';
return 'Must have between ' +
min + ' and ' + max + ' letters';
return function (val) {
return ((min === undefined || val.length >= min) &&
(max === undefined || val.length <= max)) ||
'allowed_values': function (constraint) {
return function (val) {
return (constraint.indexOf(val) > -1) ||
('Value must be one of ' + constraint.join(', '));
'allowed_pattern': function (constraint) {
var regex = new RegExp(constraint);
return function (val) {
return regex.test(val) ||
('Must match pattern: ' + constraint);
'custom_constraint': function () {
return function () { return true; };
for (var t in types) {
if (constraintObj.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
return types[t](constraintObj[t]);
console.log('Constraint type not found: ', constraintObj);
return function () { return true; };
hot.ResourcePropertyFactory = function (json, parameters) {
if (!json.hasOwnProperty('schema')) {
if (json.type === 'list') {
return hot.ResourceProperty_list2.create(json, parameters);
} else if (json.type === 'map') {
return hot.ResourceProperty_map2.create(json, parameters);
return hot['ResourceProperty_' + json.type].create(json, parameters);
hot.ResourceProperty = Barricade.ImmutableObject.extend({
getSchema: function () {
var schema = {},
wrapperSchema = {},
types = {
'map': Object,
'list': Array,
'string': String,
'number': Number,
'integer': Number,
'boolean': Boolean
wrapperSchema['@required'] = this.get('required').get();
schema['@type'] = types[this.get('type').get()];
schema['@required'] = this.get('required').get();
schema['@constraints'] =
if (schema['@type'] === Object) {
if (this.get('schema')) {
this.get('schema').each(function (i, prop) {
schema[prop.getID()] = prop.getSchema();
} else {
schema['?'] = rpElementSchema;
} else if (schema['@type'] === Array) {
if (this.get('schema')) {
schema['*'] = this.get('schema').get('*').getSchema();
} else {
schema['*'] = rpElementSchema;
return {
'@class': hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper.extend({
_innerClass: Barricade.create(schema),
_description: this.get('description')
}, wrapperSchema)
}, {
'@type': Object,
'type': {'@type': String},
'description': {'@type': String},
'required': {'@type': Boolean},
'constraints': {'@type': Array},
'update_allowed': {'@type': Boolean}
hot.ResourceProperty_map = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': Object},
'schema': {
'@type': Object,
'?': {
'@class': hot.ResourceProperty,
'@factory': hot.ResourcePropertyFactory
hot.ResourceProperty_list = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': Array},
'schema': {
'@type': Object,
'*': {
'@class': hot.ResourceProperty,
'@factory': hot.ResourcePropertyFactory
hot.ResourceProperty_list2 = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': Array}});
hot.ResourceProperty_map2 = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': Object}});
hot.ResourceProperty_string = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': String}});
hot.ResourceProperty_number = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': Number}});
hot.ResourceProperty_integer = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': Number}});
hot.ResourceProperty_boolean = hot.ResourceProperty.extend({}, {
'default': {'@type': Boolean}});
hot.ResourceAttribute = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'description': {'@type': String}
hot.ResourceType = Barricade.ImmutableObject.extend({
getSchema: function () {
var propertySchema = {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false
this.get('properties').each(function (i, self) {
propertySchema[self.getID()] = self.getSchema();
if (this.getID() === 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup') {
propertySchema.resource_def = {
'@type': Object,
'type': {
'@class': hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper.extend({
_innerClass: Barricade.create({'@type': String})
}, {'@required': true})
'properties': {
'@type': Object,
'@ref': {
to: hot.ResourceProperties,
needs: function () {
return hot.ResourceProperties;
getter: function (data) {
var type = data.needed.get('resource_def')
if (type.instanceof(hot.GetParameter)) {
type = type.get('get_param');
return type;
processor: function (data) {
var type = data.val;
if (type.instanceof(hot.Parameter)) {
type = type.get('default');
return hot.ResourcePropertiesFactory(
data.standIn.get(), undefined, type.get());
return propertySchema;
}, {
'@type': Object,
'attributes': {
'@type': Object,
'?': {'@class': hot.ResourceAttribute}
'properties': {
'@type': Object,
'?': {
'@class': hot.ResourceProperty,
'@factory': hot.ResourcePropertyFactory
hot.ResourceTypes = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'?': {'@class': hot.ResourceType}
hot.IntrinsicFunctionFactory = function (json, parameters) {
if (Barricade.getType(json) === Object) {
if (json.hasOwnProperty('get_resource')) {
return hot.GetResource.create(json, parameters);
} else if (json.hasOwnProperty('get_attr')) {
return hot.GetAttribute.create(json, parameters);
} else if (json.hasOwnProperty('get_param')) {
if (json.get_param === 'OS::stack_name' ||
json.get_param === 'OS::stack_id' ||
json.get_param === 'OS::project_id') {
return hot.GetParameterSpecial.create(json, parameters);
return hot.GetParameter.create(json, parameters);
} else if (json.hasOwnProperty('get_file')) {
return hot.GetFile.create(json, parameters);
} else if (json.hasOwnProperty('str_replace')) {
return hot.StringReplace.create(json, parameters);
} else if (json.hasOwnProperty('resource_facade')) {
return hot.ResourceFacade.create(json, parameters);
return false;
hot.IntrinsicFunction = Barricade.ImmutableObject.extend({}, {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false
hot.GetResource = hot.IntrinsicFunction.extend({}, {
'@toJSON': function () {
if (this.get('get_resource').getPrimitiveType() === String) {
console.error('Resource was not available');
return {get_resource: ''};
} else {
return {get_resource: this.get('get_resource').getID()};
'get_resource': {
'@type': String,
'@ref': {
to: function () { return hot.Resource; },
needs: function () { return hot.Template; },
getter: function (data) {
return data.needed.get('resources')
hot.GetAttribute = hot.IntrinsicFunction.extend({}, {
'get_attr': {
// handle a nicely-formatted object instead of
// an array with different types in it, the first
// two of which should really be references
'@type': Object,
'@inputMassager': function (json) {
if (!json) {
json = ['', ''];
return {
resource: json[0],
attribute: json[1],
value: json.slice(2)
'@toJSON': function () {
var resourceID;
if (this.get('resource').getPrimitiveType() === String) {
resourceID = '';
console.error('Resource was not available');
} else {
resourceID = this.get('resource').getID();
return [
'resource': {
'@type': String,
'@ref': {
to: function () { return hot.Resource; },
needs: function () { return hot.Template; },
getter: function (data) {
return data.needed.get('resources')
'attribute': {'@type': String},
'value': {'@type': Array}
hot.GetParameter = hot.IntrinsicFunction.extend({}, {
'@toJSON': function () {
if (this.get('get_param').getPrimitiveType() === String) {
console.error('Parameter was not available');
return {get_param: ''};
} else {
return {get_param: this.get('get_param').getID()};
'get_param': {
'@type': String,
'@ref': {
to: function () { return hot.Parameter; },
needs: function () { return hot.Template; },
getter: function (data) {
return data.needed.get('parameters')
// For OS::stack_name, OS::stack_id, and OS::project_id pseudo parameters
hot.GetParameterSpecial = hot.IntrinsicFunction.extend({}, {
'get_param': {'@type': String}
hot.GetFile = hot.IntrinsicFunction.extend({}, {
'get_file': {'@type': String}
hot.StringReplace = hot.IntrinsicFunction.extend({
getParams: function () {
return this.get('str_replace').get('params');
getTemplate: function () {
return this.get('str_replace').get('template');
getIntrinsicFunctions: function () {
return this.getParams().toArray().reduce(function (arr, current) {
return arr.concat(current.getIntrinsicFunctions());
}, []);
}, {
'str_replace': {
'@type': Object,
'template': {'@type': String},
'params': {
'@type': Object,
'?': {
'@class': hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper.extend({
_innerClass: Barricade.create({'@type': String})
}, {})
hot.ResourceFacade = hot.IntrinsicFunction.extend({}, {
'resource_facade': {'@type': String}
hot.ResourceProperties = Barricade.ImmutableObject.extend({
canConnectTo: function (typeName) {
return typeName in this._automaticConnections;
getConnector: function (typeName) {
return this._automaticConnections[typeName];
hot.ResourcePropertiesFactory = function (json, parameters, type) {
var propertyClass = hot.ResourceProperties.Normal[type] ||
hot.ResourceProperties.Custom[type] ||
return propertyClass.create(json, parameters);
hot.Resource = Barricade.ImmutableObject.extend({
_endsWith: function (str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
_getTypeValue: function (typeObj) {
return typeObj.getValue().instanceof(hot.GetParameter)
? typeObj.getValue().get('get_param').get('default').get()
: typeObj.getValue().get();
getProperties: function () {
return this.get('properties');
getProperty: function (property) {
return this.getProperties().get(property);
isResourceGroup: function () {
return this._getTypeValue(this.get('type')) ===
isProviderResource: function () {
var type = this.getType();
return this._endsWith(type, '.yaml') ||
this._endsWith(type, '.template');
getType: function () {
return this._getTypeValue(this.isResourceGroup()
? this.getProperty('resource_def').get('type')
: this.get('type'));
getShortType: function () {
var type = this.getType();
if (this.isProviderResource()) {
return type.split('/').pop().split('.')[0];
return type.split('::')[2];
getAttributes: function () {
var attributes = this.getProperties().getBackingType()
if (this.isResourceGroup()) {
return attributes.concat(
return attributes;
getAttributeNames: function () {
return this.getAttributes().map(function (attribute) {
return attribute.getID();
getIntrinsicFunctions: function () {
function getIntrinsics(value) {
var intrinsics = [];
if (value.instanceof(hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper)) {
return value.getIntrinsicFunctions();
} else if (value.instanceof(Barricade.Container)) {
value.each(function (i, element) {
intrinsics = intrinsics.concat(getIntrinsics(element));
return intrinsics;
return [];
return getIntrinsics(this.getProperties());
canConnectTo: function (resource, checkBothWays) {
return this.getProperties().canConnectTo(resource.getType()) ||
(checkBothWays !== false && resource.canConnectTo(this, false));
connectTo: function (res, tryBothWays) {
var connector = this.getProperties().getConnector(res.getType());
if (connector) {
connector(this, res);
} else if (tryBothWays !== false) {
res.connectTo(this, false);
_docsBaseURL: "",
getDocsLink: function () {
var resourceType = this.getType(),
nameTokens = resourceType.split('::'),
if (nameTokens[0] === 'OS') {
resourceBase = "openstack";
} else if (nameTokens[0] === 'Rackspace') {
resourceBase = "rackspace";
} else {
console.warn("Resource type not found: %s", nameTokens[0]);
return this._docsBaseURL;
return this._docsBaseURL + resourceBase + '.html#' +
}, {
'@type': Object,
'type': {
'@class': hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper.extend({
_innerClass: Barricade.create({'@type': String})
}, {'@required': true})
'properties': {
'@type': Object,
'@ref': {
to: hot.ResourceProperties,
needs: function () { return hot.Resource; },
getter: function (data) {
var type = data.needed.get('type').getValue();
if (type.instanceof(hot.GetParameter)) {
type = type.get('get_param');
return type;
processor: function (data) {
var type = data.val;
if (type.instanceof(hot.Parameter)) {
type = type.get('default');
return hot.ResourcePropertiesFactory(
data.standIn.get(), undefined, type.get());
'metadata': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'depends_on': {
'@type': Array,
'@required': false,
'@inputMassager': function (json) {
if (typeof json === "string") {
return [json];
} else {
return json;
'@toJSON': function (options) {
if (this.toArray().length === 1) {
return this.get(0).toJSON(options);
return, options);
'*': {'@type': String}
'update_policy': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
'?': {'@type': String}
'deletion_policy': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
hot.ParameterDefault = Barricade.Primitive.extend({}, {
'@required': false
(function () {
var pd = hot.ParameterDefault;
hot.StringParameterDefault = pd.extend({}, {'@type': String});
hot.NumberParameterDefault = pd.extend({}, {'@type': Number});
hot.ArrayParameterDefault = pd.extend({}, {'@type': Array});
hot.ObjectParameterDefault = pd.extend({}, {'@type': Object});
hot.BooleanParameterDefault = pd.extend({}, {'@type': Boolean});
hot.ParameterConstraintFactory = function (json, parameters) {
var key,
types = {
'length': hot.LengthParameterConstraint,
'range': hot.RangeParameterConstraint,
'allowed_values': hot.AllowedValuesParameterConstraint,
'allowed_pattern': hot.AllowedPatternParameterConstraint,
'custom_constraint': hot.CustomParameterConstraint,
if (!json) {
return hot.LengthParameterConstraint.create(json, parameters);
for (key in types) {
if (types.hasOwnProperty(key) && json.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return types[key].create(json, parameters);
console.error('unknown constraint type');
hot.ParameterConstraint = Barricade.ImmutableObject.extend({}, {
'@type': Object,
'description': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
hot.LengthParameterConstraint = hot.ParameterConstraint.extend({}, {
'length': {
'@type': Object,
'min': {
'@type': Number,
'@required': false
'max': {
'@type': Number,
'@required': false
hot.RangeParameterConstraint = hot.ParameterConstraint.extend({}, {
'range': {
'@type': Object,
'min': {
'@type': Number,
'@required': false
'max': {
'@type': Number,
'@required': false
hot.AllowedValuesParameterConstraint = hot.ParameterConstraint.extend({}, {
'allowed_values': {'@type': Array}});
hot.AllowedPatternParameterConstraint = hot.ParameterConstraint.extend({}, {
'allowed_pattern': {'@type': String}});
hot.CustomParameterConstraint = hot.ParameterConstraint.extend({}, {
'custom_constraint': {'@type': String}});
hot.Parameter = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'type': {'@type': String},
'label': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'description': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'default': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
// default can be various types, so wrap it in an object to
// make Barricade happy
'@inputMassager': function (json) {
return {value: json};
'@ref': {
to: hot.ParameterDefault,
needs: function () { return hot.Parameter; },
getter: function (data) {
return data.needed.get('type');
processor: function (data) {
var types = {
'string': hot.StringParameterDefault,
'': hot.StringParameterDefault,
'number': hot.NumberParameterDefault,
'json': hot.ObjectParameterDefault,
'boolean': hot.BooleanParameterDefault,
type = data.val.get();
return types[type].create(data.standIn.get().value);
'hidden': {
'@type': Boolean,
'@required': false,
'constraints': {
'@type': Array,
'@required': false,
'*': {
'@class': hot.ParameterConstraint,
'@factory': hot.ParameterConstraintFactory
hot.ParameterGroup = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'label': {'@type': String},
'description': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'parameters': {
'@type': Array,
'@toJSON': function () {
return this.toArray().map(function (param) {
return param.getID();
'*': {
'@type': String,
'@ref': {
to: hot.Parameter,
needs: function () { return hot.Template; },
getter: function (data) {
return data.needed.get('parameters')
hot.Output = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'description': {'@type': String},
'value': {
'@class': hot.ResourcePropertyWrapper.extend({
_innerClass: Barricade.create({'@type': String})
}, {})
hot.Template = Barricade.create({
'@type': Object,
'heat_template_version': {'@type': String},
'description': {
'@type': String,
'@required': false
'parameter_groups': {
'@type': Array,
'@required': false,
'*': {'@class': hot.ParameterGroup}
'parameters': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
'?': {'@class': hot.Parameter}
'resources': {
'@type': Object,
'?': {'@class': hot.Resource}
'outputs': {
'@type': Object,
'@required': false,
'?': {'@class': hot.Output}
//hot.ProviderTemplate = Barricade.ImmutableObject.extend({
// getSchema: function () {
// function getActualType(type) {
// var types = {
// json: 'map',
// comma_delimited_list: 'list'
// };
// return types[type] || type;
// }
// return {
// properties: this.get('parameters').toArray().reduce(
// function (objOut, param) {
// objOut[param.getID()] = {
// description: param.get('description').get(),
// type: getActualType(param.get('type').get())
// };
// return objOut;
// }, {}),
// attributes: this.get('outputs').toArray().reduce(
// function (objOut, output) {
// objOut[output.getID()] = {
// description: output.get('description').get()
// };
// return objOut;
// }, {})
// };
// }
//}, {
// '@type': Object,
// 'heat_template_version': {'@type': String},
// 'description': {'@type': String, '@required': false},
// 'parameter_groups': {'@type': Array, '@required': false},
// 'resources': {'@type': Object},
// 'parameters': {
// '@type': Object,
// '?': {'@class': hot.Parameter}
// },
// 'outputs': {
// '@type': Object,
// '@required': false,
// '?': {
// '@class': hot.Output.extend({}, {
// 'value': {
// '@class': hot.Primitive,
// '@factory': hot.Primitive.Factory
// }
// })
// }
// }
//// Used to find URLs of templates to load and turn into child templates
//hot.ProviderTemplateHelper = hot.Template.extend({
// getProviderTemplateURLs: function () {
// return this.get('resources').toArray().filter(function (res) {
// return res.isProviderResource();
// }).map(function (res) {
// return res.getType();
// });
// }
//}, {
// // Essentially, remove any unncessary reference resolving
// '@type': Object,
// 'parameter_groups': {'@type': Array, '@required': false},
// 'resources': {
// '@type': Object,
// '?': {
// '@class': hot.Resource.extend({}, {
// 'properties': {'@type': Object, '@required': false},
// 'depends_on': {
// '@type': Array,
// '@required': false,
// '@inputMassager': function (json) {
// return json instanceof Array ? json : [json];
// }
// }
// })
// }
// },
// 'outputs': {'@type': Object, '@required': false}
hot.createResourceClass = function (resourceType) {
return hot.ResourceProperties.extend({
getBackingType: function () {
return resourceType;
HOTUI_RESOURCE_CONNECTIONS[resourceType.getID()] || {}
//hot.createProviderResourceClass = function (providerTemplateJSON) {
// var pTemplate = hot.ProviderTemplate.create(providerTemplateJSON),
// resType = hot.ResourceType.create(pTemplate.getSchema());
// return hot.createResourceClass(resType);
return hot;