diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 85679df..14ae0a4 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ prime/ snap/.snapcraft stage/ dump.tar.gz +squashfs-root # Emacs *~ diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b28f3ec..0a2df47 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ At this time you can install from the `--beta` or `--edge` snap channels: sudo snap install microstack --classic --beta +The edge channel is moving toward a strictly confined snap. At this time, it +must be installed in devmode: + + sudo snap install microstack --devmode --edge + ## Initialisation Initialisation will set up databases, networks, flavors, an SSH keypair, a diff --git a/patches/upper-constraints.txt b/patches/upper-constraints.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3e330d --- /dev/null +++ b/patches/upper-constraints.txt @@ -0,0 +1,573 @@ +ntlm-auth===1.2.0 +voluptuous===0.11.5 +chardet===3.0.4 +rsa===4.0 +restructuredtext-lint===1.2.2 +netmiko===2.3.0 +instack-undercloud===9.4.0 +PasteDeploy===2.0.1 +typing===3.6.6 +python-saharaclient===2.2.1 +python-hnvclient===0.1.0 +Routes===2.4.1 +rtslib-fb===2.1.66 +XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap=== +paunch===4.5.2 +WebOb===1.8.5 +sphinxcontrib-actdiag===0.8.5 +docopt===0.6.2 +pecan===1.3.2 +ryu===4.30 +os-api-ref===1.6.0 +python-ldap===3.1.0 +oslo.concurrency===3.29.1 +websocket-client===0.55.0 +osprofiler===2.6.1 +os-resource-classes===0.3.0 +python-ironic-inspector-client===3.5.0 +lxml===4.3.2 +python-kingbirdclient===0.2.1 +setproctitle===1.1.10 +pytest===4.3.0 +python-etcd===0.4.5 +raven===6.10.0 +cursive===0.2.2 +oslo.service===1.38.1 +django-appconf===1.0.3 +pykerberos===1.2.1 +certifi===2018.11.29 +sphinxcontrib-nwdiag===0.9.5 +requests-aws===0.1.8 +alabaster===0.7.12 +pbr===5.1.3 +munch===2.3.2 +attrs===19.1.0 +microversion-parse===0.2.1 +Pint===0.9 +oslo.i18n===3.23.1 +jsonpath-rw-ext===1.2.0 +python-mistralclient===3.8.1 +oslo.context===2.22.1 +python-senlinclient===1.10.1 +rcssmin===1.0.6 +pycadf===2.9.0 +grpcio===1.15.0 +skydive-client===0.5.0 +pysendfile===2.0.1 +fixtures===3.0.0 +neutron-lib===1.25.1 +XStatic-FileSaver=== +pystache===0.5.4 +XStatic-Font-Awesome=== +nose===1.3.7 +nosehtmloutput===0.0.5 +waitress===1.2.1 +os-refresh-config===10.2.2 +pysnmp===4.4.9 +sphinxcontrib-websupport===1.1.0 +Mako===1.0.7 +XStatic-angular-ui-router=== +pyScss===1.3.4 +XStatic-jQuery=== +jsonmodels===2.4 +ddt===1.2.1 +pyserial===3.4 +ipaddress===1.0.22;python_version=='2.7' +python-freezerclient===2.1.0 +os-xenapi===0.3.4 +python-vitrageclient===2.7.0 +nosexcover===1.0.11 +krest===1.3.1 +psycopg2===2.7.7 +networkx===2.2 +bashate===0.6.0 +XStatic-Angular=== +pyngus===2.3.0 +Pillow===5.4.1 +zuul-sphinx===0.3.0 +python-mimeparse===1.6.0 +tripleo-common===10.8.2 +Tempita===0.5.2 +ply===3.11 +requests-toolbelt===0.9.1 +simplejson===3.16.0 +suds-jurko===0.6 +python-swiftclient===3.7.1 +pyOpenSSL===19.0.0 +monasca-common===2.13.0 +scipy===1.2.1 +mypy-extensions===0.4.1;python_version=='3.4' +mypy-extensions===0.4.1;python_version=='3.5' +mypy-extensions===0.4.1;python_version=='3.6' +rsd-lib===0.4.0 +XStatic-Jasmine=== +python-glanceclient===2.16.0 +pyinotify===0.9.6 +debtcollector===1.21.0 +requests-unixsocket===0.1.5 +asn1crypto===0.24.0 +croniter===0.3.29 +octavia-lib===1.1.1 +python-watcherclient===2.2.0 +MarkupSafe===1.1.1 +pypowervm===1.1.20 +doc8===0.8.0 +pymongo===3.7.2 +soupsieve===1.8 +sqlparse===0.2.4 +oslotest===3.7.1 +jsonpointer===2.0 +defusedxml===0.5.0 +relativetimebuilder===0.2.0 +netaddr===0.7.19 +pyghmi===1.2.16 +sphinxcontrib-blockdiag===1.5.5 +thrift===0.11.0 +gnocchiclient===7.0.5 +wcwidth===0.1.7 +sphinxcontrib.datatemplates===0.1.0 +jsonpath-rw===1.4.0 +prettytable===0.7.2 +vine===1.2.0 +taskflow===3.5.0 +traceback2===1.4.0 +semantic-version===2.6.0 +virtualbmc===1.4.0 +deprecation===2.0.6 +SQLAlchemy===1.2.18 +pyroute2===0.5.4 +google-auth===1.6.3 +kazoo===2.6.1 +XStatic-roboto-fontface=== +pyudev===0.21.0 +eventlet===0.24.1 +openstack-doc-tools===1.8.0 +frozendict===1.2 +oslo.messaging===9.5.1 +jira===2.0.0 +extras===1.0.0 +PyJWT===1.7.1 +zVMCloudConnector===1.4.0 +paramiko===2.4.2 +reno===2.11.2 +unicodecsv===0.14.1;python_version=='2.7' +imagesize===1.1.0 +pydot===1.4.1 +pathlib===1.0.1;python_version=='2.7' +urllib3===1.24.1 +graphviz===0.10.1 +PyKMIP===0.8.0 +whereto===0.4.0 +python-subunit===1.3.0 +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='3.4' +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='3.5' +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='3.6' +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='2.7' +pycparser===2.19 +mock===2.0.0 +PyYAML===3.13 +beautifulsoup4===4.7.1 +os-net-config===10.4.2 +ovs===2.10.0 +cryptography===2.6.1 +adal===1.2.1 +backports.ssl-match-hostname===;python_version=='2.7' +openstack-release-test===1.4.2 +pylxd===2.2.9 +ruamel.ordereddict===0.4.13;python_version=='2.7' +pycryptodomex===3.7.3 +anyjson===0.3.3 +requests-mock===1.5.2 +os-apply-config===10.3.0 +prometheus-client===0.6.0 +oslosphinx===4.18.0 +mox3===0.27.0 +gunicorn===19.9.0 +textfsm===0.4.1 +unittest2===1.1.0 +django-compressor===2.2 +libvirt-python===5.1.0 +python-zunclient===3.3.0 +asyncio===3.4.3;python_version=='3.4' +asyncio===3.4.3;python_version=='3.5' +asyncio===3.4.3;python_version=='3.6' +tzlocal===1.5.1 +python-novaclient===13.0.2 +bcrypt===3.1.6 +fixtures-git===0.1.0 +os-client-config===1.32.0 +XStatic-Angular-Gettext=== +XStatic-Hogan=== +XStatic-objectpath=== +python-manilaclient===1.27.0 +requests===2.21.0 +snowballstemmer===1.2.1 +Jinja2===2.10 +XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS=== +pyzabbix===0.7.5 +ptyprocess===0.6.0 +threadloop===1.0.2 +amqp===2.4.2 +ruamel.yaml===0.15.89 +websockify===0.8.0 +XStatic-JQuery.quicksearch=== +mpmath===1.1.0 +django-debreach===1.5.2 +sphinx-feature-classification===0.3.2 +XStatic-JQuery-Migrate=== +appdirs===1.4.3 +tinyrpc===0.9.4 +google-auth-httplib2===0.0.3 +Flask-SQLAlchemy===2.3.2 +daiquiri===1.5.0 +influxdb===5.1.0 +funcparserlib===0.3.6 +passlib===1.7.1 +dib-utils===0.0.11 +cliff===2.14.1 +os-brick===2.8.3 +ansible-runner===1.2.0 +trollius===2.2;python_version=='2.7' +scp===0.13.0 +python-zaqarclient===1.11.0 +funcsigs===1.0.2;python_version=='2.7' +zhmcclient===0.22.0 +lockfile===0.12.2 +dnspython3===1.15.0;python_version=='3.4' +dnspython3===1.15.0;python_version=='3.5' +dnspython3===1.15.0;python_version=='3.6' +ldappool===2.4.1 +termcolor===1.1.0 +hiredis===1.0.0 +google-api-python-client===1.7.8 +castellan===1.2.2 +oslo.versionedobjects===1.35.1 +webcolors===1.8.1 +aodhclient===1.2.0 +autobahn===19.2.1 +SQLAlchemy-Utils===0.33.11 +pluggy===0.9.0 +coverage===4.5.2 +freezegun===0.3.11 +python-pytun===2.3.0 +pyperclip===1.7.0 +cassandra-driver===3.17.0 +mox===0.5.3 +XStatic-Angular-Schema-Form=== +gabbi===1.45.0 +nwdiag===1.0.4 +XStatic-bootswatch=== +XStatic-JS-Yaml=== +XStatic-term.js=== +oslo.log===3.42.3 +nodeenv===1.3.3 +pylev===1.3.0 +python-searchlightclient===1.5.1 +oslo.middleware===3.37.1 +XStatic-mdi=== +django-pyscss===2.0.2 +uritemplate===3.0.0 +django-babel===0.6.2 +docutils===0.14 +notifier===1.0.3 +os-ken===0.3.1 +pycrypto===2.6.1 +ujson===1.35 +selenium===3.141.0 +python-glareclient===0.5.3 +mypy===0.670;python_version=='3.4' +mypy===0.670;python_version=='3.5' +mypy===0.670;python_version=='3.6' +mistral-lib===1.1.1 +Click===7.0 +dogtag-pki=== +XStatic-Angular-UUID=== +sphinxcontrib-seqdiag===0.8.5 +os-win===4.2.1 +dictdiffer===0.7.2 +retrying===1.3.3 +shade===1.31.0 +pathlib2===2.3.3 +pydotplus===2.0.2 +flask-oslolog===0.1 +jeepney===0.4;python_version=='3.4' +jeepney===0.4;python_version=='3.5' +jeepney===0.4;python_version=='3.6' +stestr===2.2.0 +singledispatch===;python_version=='2.7' +oslo.serialization===2.28.2 +warlock===1.3.0 +exabgp===4.0.10 +sphinxcontrib-httpdomain===1.7.0 +metalsmith===0.11.1 +thriftpy===0.3.9;python_version=='2.7' +text-unidecode===1.2 +murano-pkg-check===0.3.0 +oslo.vmware===2.32.2 +sqlalchemy-migrate===0.12.0 +python-monascaclient===1.15.0 +ldap3===2.5.2 +requests-ntlm===1.1.0 +python-string-utils===0.6.0 +automaton===1.16.0 +os-service-types===1.6.0 +keyring===18.0.0 +testscenarios===0.5.0 +sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme===0.9.0 +sadisplay===0.4.9 +enum34===1.1.6 +packaging===19.0 +flask-keystone===0.2 +nose-exclude===0.5.0 +psutil===5.6.0 +py===1.8.0 +txaio===18.8.1 +python-qinlingclient===2.1.0 +elasticsearch===2.4.1 +django-nose===1.4.6 +XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter=== +pifpaf===2.2.2 +pysmi===0.3.3 +blockdiag===1.5.4 +testtools===2.3.0 +Parsley===1.3 +XStatic-tv4=== +XStatic-JSEncrypt=== +python-cinderclient===4.2.1 +keystonemiddleware===6.0.0 +django-formtools===2.1 +python-ceilometerclient===2.9.0 +XStatic-Spin=== +openshift===0.8.6 +tap-as-a-service===3.0.0 +os-traits===0.11.0 +SecretStorage===2.3.1;python_version=='2.7' +SecretStorage===3.1.1;python_version=='3.4' +SecretStorage===3.1.1;python_version=='3.5' +SecretStorage===3.1.1;python_version=='3.6' +opentracing===1.3.0 +XStatic-Rickshaw=== +iso8601===0.1.12 +tooz===1.64.2 +linecache2===1.0.0 +oauth2client===4.1.3 +idna===2.8 +python-karborclient===1.2.0 +weakrefmethod===1.0.3;python_version=='2.7' +PuLP===1.6.9 +crc16===0.1.1 +protobuf===3.7.0 +os-dpm===1.1.0 +sushy===1.8.2 +python-neutronclient===6.12.1 +pika===0.13.0 +oslo.cache===1.33.3 +WebTest===2.0.33 +openstack.nose-plugin===0.11 +os-collect-config===10.3.1 +python-qpid-proton===0.27.0 +python-octaviaclient===1.8.1 +pysaml2===4.6.5 +requests-oauthlib===1.2.0 +oslo.reports===1.29.2 +ceilometermiddleware===1.4.0 +python-nss===1.0.1 +testrepository===0.0.20 +sympy===1.3 +sphinxmark===0.1.19 +PyNaCl===1.3.0 +osc-lib===1.12.1 +python-consul===1.1.0 +Faker===1.0.2 +more-itertools===5.0.0;python_version=='2.7' +more-itertools===6.0.0;python_version=='3.4' +more-itertools===6.0.0;python_version=='3.5' +more-itertools===6.0.0;python_version=='3.6' +seqdiag===0.9.6 +numpy===1.16.2 +msgpack===0.6.1 +Sphinx===1.8.4 +oslo.config===6.8.2 +tempest===20.0.0 +django-floppyforms===1.7.0 +openstackdocstheme===1.29.2 +osc-placement===1.5.0 +zake===0.2.2 +python-rsdclient===0.1.3 +python-magic===0.4.15 +python-solumclient===2.8.0 +PyMySQL===0.9.3 +kubernetes===8.0.1 +httplib2===0.12.1 +bottle===0.12.16 +betamax===0.8.1 +construct===2.8.22 +pyparsing===2.3.1 +dogpile.cache===0.7.1 +python-barbicanclient===4.8.1 +salt===2019.2.0 +tricircleclient===0.5.0 +WSME===0.9.3 +proboscis=== +fortiosclient===0.0.3 +oslo.upgradecheck===0.2.1 +stevedore===1.30.1 +botocore===1.12.108 +xmltodict===0.12.0 +pyasn1===0.4.5 +oslo.rootwrap===5.15.3 +Django===1.11.20;python_version=='2.7' +Django===2.0.13;python_version=='3.4' +Django===2.0.13;python_version=='3.5' +Django===2.0.13;python_version=='3.6' +pexpect===4.6.0 +cmd2===0.8.9 +redis===3.2.0 +jmespath===0.9.4 +atomicwrites===1.3.0 +docker-pycreds===0.4.0 +XStatic-smart-table=== +kuryr-lib===0.9.0 +scrypt===0.8.13 +jsonpatch===1.23 +python-daemon===2.2.3 +typed-ast===1.3.1;python_version=='3.4' +typed-ast===1.3.1;python_version=='3.5' +typed-ast===1.3.1;python_version=='3.6' +os-testr===1.0.0 +cotyledon===1.7.3 +stomp.py===4.1.21 +xattr===0.9.6 +systemd-python===234 +python-memcached===1.59 +openstacksdk===0.27.0 +six===1.12.0 +dulwich===0.19.11 +kombu===4.4.0 +distro===1.4.0 +betamax-matchers===0.4.0 +yaql===1.1.3 +requestsexceptions===1.4.0 +testresources===2.0.1 +falcon===1.4.1 +subprocess32===3.5.3;python_version=='2.7' +etcd3gw===0.2.4 +Flask-RESTful===0.3.7 +GitPython===2.1.11 +python-ironicclient===2.7.3 +XStatic===1.0.2 +XStatic-Angular-FileUpload=== +python-openstackclient===3.18.1 +pyzmq===18.0.1 +oslo.db===4.45.0 +simplegeneric===0.8.1 +python-pcre===0.7 +yappi===1.0 +abclient===0.2.3 +pymemcache===2.1.1 +wrapt===1.11.1 +oslo.privsep===1.32.2 +sphinxcontrib-apidoc===0.3.0 +oslo.policy===2.1.2 +python-muranoclient===1.2.0 +hvac===0.7.2 +pyeclib===1.5.0 +wsgi-intercept===1.8.0 +ndg-httpsclient===0.5.1;python_version=='2.7' +repoze.lru===0.7 +rfc3986===1.2.0 +tenacity===5.0.3 +python-designateclient===2.11.0 +future===0.17.1 +Paste===3.0.7 +jaeger-client===3.13.0 +XStatic-Json2yaml=== +boto===2.49.0 +functools32===3.2.3.post2;python_version=='2.7' +os-vif===1.15.2 +python-masakariclient===5.4.0 +Werkzeug===0.14.1 +backports.functools-lru-cache===1.5;python_version=='2.7' +pyasn1-modules===0.2.4 +entrypoints===0.3 +APScheduler===3.5.3 +monotonic===1.5 +python-smaugclient===0.0.8 +python-troveclient===2.17.1 +etcd3===0.8.1 +XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker=== +CouchDB===1.2 +netifaces===0.10.9 +cachetools===3.1.0 +ws4py===0.5.1 +backports-abc===0.5;python_version=='2.7' +keystoneauth1===3.13.1 +statsd===3.3.0 +XenAPI===1.2 +python-keystoneclient===3.19.0 +ceilometer===12.0.0 +demjson===2.2.4 +diskimage-builder===2.30.0 +heat-translator===1.3.1 +python-magnumclient===2.12.0 +docker===3.7.0 +qpid-python===1.36.0.post1;python_version=='2.7' +contextlib2===0.5.5;python_version=='2.7' +XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop=== +python-congressclient===1.12.0 +ovsdbapp===0.15.0 +aniso8601===5.1.0 +rjsmin===1.0.12 +icalendar===4.0.3 +configparser===3.7.3;python_version=='2.7' +decorator===4.3.2 +cffi===1.12.2 +futurist===1.8.1 +jsonschema===2.6.0 +python-blazarclient===2.1.0 +alembic===1.0.8 +glance-store===0.28.0 +sphinxcontrib-programoutput===0.13 +sphinx-testing===1.0.0 +dnspython===1.15.0;python_version=='3.4' +dnspython===1.15.0;python_version=='3.5' +dnspython===1.15.0;python_version=='3.6' +dnspython===1.16.0;python_version=='2.7' +oauthlib===3.0.1 +Babel===2.6.0 +logutils===0.3.5 +scandir===1.9.0;python_version=='2.7' +sphinxcontrib-fulltoc===1.2.0 +smmap2===2.0.5 +greenlet===0.4.15 +XStatic-Angular-Vis=== +confluent-kafka===0.11.6 +xvfbwrapper===0.2.9 +futures===3.2.0;python_version=='2.7' +tosca-parser===1.4.0 +Flask===1.0.2 +happybase===1.1.0;python_version=='2.7' +marathon===0.11.0 +fasteners===0.14.1 +sortedcontainers===2.1.0 +python-tackerclient===0.15.0 +python-heatclient===1.17.0 +kafka-python===1.4.4 +oslo.utils===3.40.5 +python-editor===1.0.4 +gitdb2===2.0.5 +requests-kerberos===0.12.0 +itsdangerous===1.1.0 +XStatic-jquery-ui=== +monasca-statsd===1.11.0 +python-dateutil===2.8.0 +virtualenv===16.4.3 +colorama===0.4.1 +ironic-lib===2.16.4 +pytz===2018.9 +XStatic-D3=== +actdiag===0.5.4 +sysv-ipc===1.0.0 +scikit-learn===0.20.3 +horizon===15.2.0 +uwsgi=== diff --git a/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config b/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config index 5ff0700..f66e909 100755 --- a/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config +++ b/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ snapctl set \ # Passwords, certs, etc. snapctl set \ config.credentials.os-password=keystone \ - config.credentials.key-pair=id_microstack \ + config.credentials.key-pair="/home/{USER}/snap/{SNAP_NAME}/common/.ssh/id_microstack" \ config.credentials.nova-password=nova \ config.credentials.neutron-password=neutron \ config.credentials.placement-password=placement \ @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ snapctl set \ # Host optimizations and fixes. snapctl set \ - config.host.ip-forwarding=true \ + config.host.ip-forwarding=false \ config.host.check-qemu=true \ ; diff --git a/snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit b/snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f14f713 --- /dev/null +++ b/snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -ex + +export HOME=$SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq + +$SNAP/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl add_user openstack rabbitmq || true +$SNAP/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*" diff --git a/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper b/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper index 0c276e5..b13aa75 100755 --- a/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper +++ b/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper @@ -13,4 +13,9 @@ mkdir -p ${OVS_LOGDIR} mkdir -p ${OVS_RUNDIR} mkdir -p ${OVS_SYSCONFDIR}/openvswitch +# if ! snapctl is-connected openvswitch-support; then +# echo "openvswitch-support is not connected. Exiting." +# exit 0 +# fi + exec $@ diff --git a/snap/hooks/install b/snap/hooks/install index 9d0bc94..a1bc84b 100755 --- a/snap/hooks/install +++ b/snap/hooks/install @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ set -ex # Initialize config set-default-config +mkdir -p $SNAP_DATA/lib/libvirt/images + # MySQL snapshot for speedy install # snapshot is a mysql data dir with # rocky keystone,nova,glance,neutron dbs. diff --git a/snapcraft.yaml b/snapcraft.yaml index ca19ae2..aac30c7 100644 --- a/snapcraft.yaml +++ b/snapcraft.yaml @@ -5,172 +5,206 @@ summary: OpenStack on your laptop. description: | Microstack gives you an easy way to develop and test OpenStack workloads on your laptop. -grade: stable -confinement: classic +grade: devel +confinement: strict environment: - # Edit the following lines with tools/update_path.py - LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $SNAP/lib:$SNAP/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET:$SNAP/usr/lib:$SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET:$SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pulseaudio - PATH: $SNAP/usr/sbin:$SNAP/usr/bin:$SNAP/sbin:$SNAP/bin:$PATH LC_ALL: C + PATH: $SNAP/usr/sbin:$SNAP/usr/bin:$SNAP/sbin:$SNAP/bin:$PATH OS_PLACEMENT_CONFIG_DIR: $SNAP/etc/nova/ +layout: + # Libvirt/Qemu libs + /usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ceph: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ceph + /usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/qemu: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/qemu + /usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pulseaudio: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pulseaudio + /usr/lib/libvirt: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/libvirt + /usr/share/libvirt: + bind: $SNAP/usr/share/libvirt + /usr/share/qemu: + bind: $SNAP/usr/share/qemu + # Keystone really wants to look here for its fernet keys for some reason + /etc/keystone/fernet-keys: + bind: $SNAP_COMMON/fernet-keys + apps: # Openstack openstack: command: openstack-wrapper openstack -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network # OpenStack Service Configuration init: - # This and other instances of /usr/bin/env are workarounds for - # https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1860369. We force snapcraft - # to put us in a wrapper. - command: /usr/bin/env microstack_init -# plugs: -# - network + command: microstack_init + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe # rabbitmq-ctl + - network-bind # rabbitmq-ctl? + - firewall-control # iptables + - network-control # iptables + - ssh-keys # write ssh key + - system-observe # rabbitmq ? + - hardware-observe # rabbitmq ? remove: - command: /usr/bin/env microstack_remove + command: microstack_remove # Keystone keystone-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch keystone-uwsgi + command: snap-openstack launch keystone-uwsgi daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network-bind + - network + - network-control keystone-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch keystone-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch keystone-manage + plugs: + - network # Nova nova-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-uwsgi + command: snap-openstack launch nova-uwsgi daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control nova-api: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-api-os-compute + command: snap-openstack launch nova-api-os-compute daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control nova-conductor: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-conductor + command: snap-openstack launch nova-conductor daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network + - network-control nova-scheduler: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-scheduler + command: snap-openstack launch nova-scheduler daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control nova-compute: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-compute + command: snap-openstack launch nova-compute daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - firewall-control -# - hardware-observe -# - libvirt -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - firewall-control + - hardware-observe nova-api-metadata: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-api-metadata + command: snap-openstack launch nova-api-metadata daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - firewall-control + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - firewall-control nova-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch nova-manage + plugs: + - network # Neutron neutron-api: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-server + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-server daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control neutron-openvswitch-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-openvswitch-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-openvswitch-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - network-observe -# - firewall-control -# - process-control -# - system-observe -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - network-observe + - firewall-control + - process-control + - system-observe neutron-l3-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-l3-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-l3-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - network-observe -# - firewall-control -# - process-control -# - system-observe -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - network-observe + - firewall-control + - process-control + - system-observe neutron-dhcp-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-dhcp-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-dhcp-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - network-observe -# - process-control -# - system-observe -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - network-observe + - process-control + - system-observe neutron-metadata-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-metadata-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-metadata-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control neutron-ovs-cleanup: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-ovs-cleanup -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-control -# - openvswitch + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-ovs-cleanup + plugs: + - network + - network-control neutron-netns-cleanup: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-netns-cleanup -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-control + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-netns-cleanup + plugs: + - network + - network-control neutron-db-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-db-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-db-manage + plugs: + - network # Glance glance-api: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch glance-api + command: snap-openstack launch glance-api daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - mount-observe + - network-control registry: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch glance-registry + command: snap-openstack launch glance-registry daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control glance-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch glance-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch glance-manage + plugs: + - network # Openstack Shared Services nginx: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nginx + command: snap-openstack launch nginx daemon: forking -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind # Openvswitch ovs-vswitchd: @@ -178,149 +212,174 @@ apps: stop-command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl --no-ovsdb-server stop after: [ovsdb-server] daemon: forking -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - openvswitch-support -# - process-control -# - system-trace + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - openvswitch-support + - process-control + - system-trace ovsdb-server: command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl --no-ovs-vswitchd --no-monitor --system-id=random start stop-command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl --no-ovs-vswitchd stop daemon: forking -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - openvswitch-support -# - process-control -# - system-trace + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - openvswitch-support + - process-control + - system-trace ovs-vsctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-vsctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-vsctl + plugs: + - network ovs-appctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-appctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-appctl + plugs: + - network ovs-ofctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-ofctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-ofctl + plugs: + - network ovs-dpctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-dpctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-dpctl + plugs: + - network external-bridge: command: wait-on-init setup-br-ex daemon: oneshot after: [ovs-vswitchd] -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network + - network-control # Libvirt/Qemu libvirtd: - command: /usr/bin/env libvirtd + command: usr/sbin/libvirtd --pid $SNAP_DATA/libvirt.pid daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - netlink-connector + - netlink-audit virtlogd: - command: /usr/bin/env virtlogd + command: virtlogd --pid $SNAP_DATA/virtlogd.pid daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control virsh: - command: /usr/bin/env virsh + command: virsh # MySQL mysqld: command: mysql-start-server daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - process-control -# - network -# - network-bind + plugs: + - process-control + - network + - network-bind mysql: command: mysql-start-client -# plugs: -# - process-control -# - network + plugs: + - process-control + - network # RabbitMQ rabbitmq-server: - command: /usr/bin/env rabbitmq-server + command: rabbitmq-server daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network-bind + - network + - mount-observe + - log-observe environment: HOME: $SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmqctl: - command: /usr/bin/env rabbitmqctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: rabbitmqctl + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe environment: HOME: $SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq-plugins: - command: /usr/bin/env rabbitmq-plugins + command: rabbitmq-plugins environment: HOME: $SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq # Memcached memcached: - command: /usr/bin/env memcached -u root -v + command: memcached -u root -v daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind # Cinder cinder-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-uwsgi -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-uwsgi + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - network-bind cinder-backup: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-backup -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-backup + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe cinder-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-manage + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe cinder-scheduler: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-scheduler -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-scheduler + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe cinder-volume: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-volume -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-volume + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe # Horizon horizon-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch horizon-uwsgi + command: snap-openstack launch horizon-uwsgi daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind # Utility to launch a vm. Creates security groups, floating ips, # and other necessities as well. launch: - command: /usr/bin/env microstack_launch -# plugs: -# - network + command: microstack_launch + plugs: + - network # Cluster cluster-server: - command: /usr/bin/env flask run -p 10002 --host= # TODO: run as a uwsgi app + command: flask run -p 10002 --host # TODO: run as a uwsgi app daemon: simple environment: LC_ALL: C.UTF-8 # Makes flask happy LANG: C.UTF-8 # Makes flask happy - FLASK_APP: ${SNAP}/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/daemon.py + FLASK_APP: $SNAP/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/daemon.py + plugs: + - network + - network-bind join: - command: /usr/bin/env python3 ${SNAP}/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/client.py + command: python3 $SNAP/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/client.py filebeat: @@ -357,9 +416,10 @@ parts: python-version: python3 after: - uca-sources + - libvirt - patches constraints: - - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/requirements/stable/stein/upper-constraints.txt + - ${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/patches/upper-constraints.txt source: http://tarballs.openstack.org/keystone/keystone-stable-stein.tar.gz python-packages: - libvirt-python @@ -375,18 +435,23 @@ parts: - python-cinderclient - python-openstackclient - python-swiftclient + # Workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1860768 + # This is a package required for the launch script, per the bug + # above. We include it here so that we don't try to rebuild dist + # stuff: + - petname build-packages: - gcc - git - libffi-dev - libssl-dev - - libvirt-dev - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev stage-packages: - conntrack - coreutils - haproxy + - libmagic1 - python3-dev - python3-systemd override-prime: | @@ -401,14 +466,11 @@ parts: --input "$patch" echo done - # Uncomment the below line for better python-libvirt debugging output. - # patch --batch --forward --strip 1 --input ../project/patches/nova/nova_log_error.patch # Now that everything is built, let's disable user site-packages # as stated in PEP-0370 sed -i usr/lib/python3.6/site.py -e 's/^ENABLE_USER_SITE = None$/ENABLE_USER_SITE = False/' - # This is the last step, let's now compile all our pyc files. - # Ignore errors due to syntax issues in foobar python 2. - ./usr/bin/python3.6 -m compileall . || true + # Uncomment the below line for better python-libvirt debugging output. + # patch --batch --forward --strip 1 --input ../project/patches/nova/nova_log_error.patch organize: lib/python3.6/site-packages/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py.example: lib/python3.6/site-packages/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py @@ -582,13 +644,46 @@ parts: done snapcraftctl build + nginx: + source: http://www.nginx.org/download/nginx-1.13.0.tar.gz + plugin: autotools + after: + - patches + configflags: + - --prefix=/usr + - "--http-log-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/log/nginx-access.log" + - "--error-log-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/log/nginx-error.log" + - "--lock-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lock/nginx.lock" + - "--pid-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/run/nginx.pid" + - "--http-client-body-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_client_body" + - "--http-proxy-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_proxy" + - "--http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_fastcgi" + - "--http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_uwsgi" + - "--http-scgi-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_scgi" + - --with-http_ssl_module + build-packages: + - libpcre3-dev + - libssl-dev + - python-six + override-build: | + # Apply patches + for patch in ${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/patches/nginx/*.patch; do + echo "Applying $(basename "$patch") ..." + patch \ + --batch \ + --forward \ + --strip 1 \ + --input "$patch" + echo + done + snapcraftctl build + # libvirt/qemu qemu: source: . source-subdir: qemu-3.1+dfsg plugin: autotools after: - - openstack-projects - uca-sources build-environment: # Workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1860766 @@ -596,6 +691,7 @@ parts: stage-packages: - seabios - ipxe-qemu + - freeglut3 # provides libglut.so.3 - try: - libnuma1 - libspice-server1 @@ -628,6 +724,7 @@ parts: - libvorbis0a - libvorbisenc2 - libx11-6 + - libxi6 - libxau6 - libxcb1 - libxdmcp6 @@ -668,7 +765,7 @@ parts: - gcc configflags: - --disable-blobs - - --prefix=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current + - --prefix=/usr - --localstatedir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - --sysconfdir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - --firmwarepath=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/share/seabios:/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/share/qemu:/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/lib/ipxe/qemu @@ -677,18 +774,12 @@ parts: - --enable-system - --target-list=x86_64-softmmu override-build: | - # I think that snapcraft is creating this dir, which breaks the below.xo + # I think that snapcraft is creating this dir, which breaks the below. rm -Rf qemu-3.1+dfsg apt source qemu # Fix issue with running apt source as root dpkg-source --before-build qemu-3.1+dfsg snapcraftctl build - organize: - # Hack to shift installed qemu back to root of snap - # required to ensure that pathing to files etc works at - # runtime - # * is not used to avoid directory merge conflicts - snap/microstack/current/: ./ kvm-support: plugin: nil @@ -699,7 +790,6 @@ parts: source: . source-subdir: libvirt-5.0.0 after: - - openstack-projects - qemu - uca-sources plugin: autotools @@ -730,6 +820,7 @@ parts: stage-packages: - dmidecode - dnsmasq + - iptables - libxml2 - libyajl2 - try: [libnuma1] @@ -755,7 +846,7 @@ parts: - --without-storage-rbd - --without-storage-lvm - --without-selinux - - --prefix=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current + - --prefix=/usr - --localstatedir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - --sysconfdir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - DNSMASQ=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/sbin/dnsmasq @@ -770,12 +861,6 @@ parts: # Fix issue with running apt source as root dpkg-source --before-build libvirt-5.0.0 snapcraftctl build - organize: - # Hack to shift installed libvirt back to root of snap - # required to ensure that pathing to files etc works at - # runtime - # * is not used to avoid directory merge conflicts - snap/microstack/current/: ./ # MySQL mysql-server: @@ -832,6 +917,11 @@ parts: requirements: - requirements.txt # Relative to source path, so tools/init/req...txt source: tools/init + override-build: | + # Hack to avoid conflict between openstack-projects' + # site-customize and this one. + snapcraftctl build + rm $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3.6/sitecustomize.py # Launch script launch: @@ -839,10 +929,12 @@ parts: python-version: python3 requirements: - requirements.txt - stage-packages: - # Workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1860768 - - petname source: tools/launch + override-build: | + # Hack to avoid conflict between openstack-projects' + # site-customize and this one. + snapcraftctl build + rm $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3.6/sitecustomize.py # Clustering client and server cluster: @@ -850,7 +942,14 @@ parts: python-version: python3 requirements: - requirements.txt + constraints: + - ${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/patches/upper-constraints.txt source: tools/cluster + override-build: | + # Hack to avoid conflict between openstack-projects' + # site-customize and this one. + snapcraftctl build + rm $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3.6/sitecustomize.py ### LMA stack ### filebeat: @@ -910,3 +1009,12 @@ parts: source: ./checks organize: check_systemd.py: usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_systemd.py + + +hooks: + install: + plugs: [network] + configure: + plugs: [network] + post-refresh: + plugs: [network] diff --git a/tests/framework.py b/tests/framework.py index 947af8f..928e378 100644 --- a/tests/framework.py +++ b/tests/framework.py @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ class Host(): snap = self.snap print("Installing {}".format(snap)) - check(*self.prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'install', '--classic', - '--{}'.format(channel), snap) + check(*self.prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'install', + '--devmode', '--{}'.format(channel), snap) def init(self, flag='auto'): print("Initializing the snap with --{}".format(flag)) diff --git a/tools/init/init/main.py b/tools/init/init/main.py index 14356f3..2692f8b 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/main.py +++ b/tools/init/init/main.py @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import sys from functools import wraps from init.config import log -from init.shell import default_network, check, check_output +from init.shell import default_network, call, check, check_output from init import questions @@ -103,11 +103,25 @@ def process_init_args(args): return auto +def find_missing_plugs(): + missing = [] + if not call('snapctl', 'is-connected', 'openvswitch-support'): + missing.append("microstack:openvswitch-support") + return missing + + @requires_sudo def init() -> None: args = parse_init_args() auto = process_init_args(args) + # missing_plugs = find_missing_plugs() + # for plug in missing_plugs: + # log.critical("Missing {plug}. Please run snap connect " + # "{plug} to continue".format(plug=plug)) + # if missing_plugs: + # sys.exit(1) + question_list = [ questions.Clustering(), questions.Dns(), @@ -124,7 +138,6 @@ def init() -> None: questions.NovaControlPlane(), questions.NeutronControlPlane(), questions.GlanceSetup(), - questions.KeyPair(), questions.SecurityRules(), questions.PostSetup(), questions.ExtraServicesQuestion(), diff --git a/tools/init/init/questions/__init__.py b/tools/init/init/questions/__init__.py index ca06832..0eb2e4d 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/questions/__init__.py +++ b/tools/init/init/questions/__init__.py @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import json from time import sleep from os import path -from init.shell import (check, call, check_output, shell, sql, nc_wait, - log_wait, restart, download) +from init.shell import (check, call, check_output, sql, nc_wait, log_wait, + restart, download) from init.config import Env, log from init.questions.question import Question from init.questions import clustering, network, uninstall # noqa F401 @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class Clustering(Question): # Turn off cluster server # TODO: it would be more secure to reverse this -- only enable # to service if we are doing clustering. - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.cluster-server') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.cluster-server') class ConfigQuestion(Question): @@ -174,6 +174,10 @@ class NetworkSettings(Question): def yes(self, answer): log.info('Configuring networking ...') + # OpenvSwitch services may not have started up properly + restart('ovsdb-server') + restart('ovs-vswitchd') + network.ExtGateway().ask() network.ExtCidr().ask() @@ -267,6 +271,7 @@ class RabbitMq(Question): config_key = 'config.services.control-plane' def _wait(self) -> None: + restart('rabbitmq-server') # Restart server for plugs rabbit_port = check_output( 'snapctl', 'get', 'config.network.ports.rabbit') nc_wait(_env['control_ip'], rabbit_port) @@ -279,9 +284,7 @@ class RabbitMq(Question): (actions may have already been run, in which case we fail silently). """ # Configure RabbitMQ - call('microstack.rabbitmqctl', 'add_user', 'openstack', 'rabbitmq') - shell( - 'microstack.rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*"') + check('{SNAP}/bin/setup-rabbit'.format(**_env)) def yes(self, answer: str) -> None: log.info('Waiting for RabbitMQ to start ...') @@ -293,7 +296,7 @@ class RabbitMq(Question): def no(self, answer: str): log.info('Disabling local rabbit ...') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.rabbitmq-server') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.rabbitmq-server') class DatabaseSetup(Question): @@ -361,7 +364,7 @@ class DatabaseSetup(Question): '--keystone-group', 'root') check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'keystone-manage', 'db_sync') - restart('keystone-*') + restart('keystone-uwsgi') log.info('Bootstrapping Keystone ...') self._bootstrap() @@ -379,7 +382,7 @@ class DatabaseSetup(Question): check('snapctl', 'set', 'database.ready=true') log.info('Disabling local MySQL ...') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.mysqld') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.mysqld') class NovaHypervisor(Question): @@ -405,7 +408,7 @@ class NovaHypervisor(Question): def no(self, answer): log.info('Disabling nova compute service ...') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.nova-compute') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.nova-compute') class NovaControlPlane(Question): @@ -465,10 +468,6 @@ class NovaControlPlane(Question): # list automagically. for service in [ 'microstack.nova-api', - 'microstack.nova-api-metadata', - 'microstack.nova-conductor', - 'microstack.nova-scheduler', - 'microstack.nova-uwsgi', ]: check('snapctl', 'start', service) @@ -488,7 +487,16 @@ class NovaControlPlane(Question): check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'nova-manage', 'db', 'sync') - restart('nova-*') + restart('nova-api') + restart('nova-compute') + + for service in [ + 'microstack.nova-api-metadata', + 'microstack.nova-conductor', + 'microstack.nova-scheduler', + 'microstack.nova-uwsgi', + ]: + check('snapctl', 'start', service) nc_wait(_env['compute_ip'], '8774') @@ -501,13 +509,13 @@ class NovaControlPlane(Question): log.info('Disabling nova control plane services ...') for service in [ - 'snap.microstack.nova-uwsgi', - 'snap.microstack.nova-api', - 'snap.microstack.nova-conductor', - 'snap.microstack.nova-scheduler', - 'snap.microstack.nova-api-metadata']: + 'microstack.nova-uwsgi', + 'microstack.nova-api', + 'microstack.nova-conductor', + 'microstack.nova-scheduler', + 'microstack.nova-api-metadata']: - check('systemctl', 'disable', service) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', service) class NeutronControlPlane(Question): @@ -545,7 +553,14 @@ class NeutronControlPlane(Question): check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'neutron-db-manage', 'upgrade', 'head') - restart('neutron-*') + for service in [ + 'microstack.neutron-api', + 'microstack.neutron-dhcp-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-l3-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-metadata-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-openvswitch-agent', + ]: + check('snapctl', 'restart', service) nc_wait(_env['control_ip'], '9696') @@ -587,12 +602,12 @@ class NeutronControlPlane(Question): # Disable the other services. for service in [ - 'snap.microstack.neutron-api', - 'snap.microstack.neutron-dhcp-agent', - 'snap.microstack.neutron-metadata-agent', - 'snap.microstack.neutron-l3-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-api', + 'microstack.neutron-dhcp-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-metadata-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-l3-agent', ]: - check('systemctl', 'disable', service) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', service) class GlanceSetup(Question): @@ -652,7 +667,8 @@ class GlanceSetup(Question): check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'glance-manage', 'db_sync') - restart('glance*') + restart('glance-api') + restart('registry') nc_wait(_env['compute_ip'], '9292') @@ -661,37 +677,8 @@ class GlanceSetup(Question): self._fetch_cirros() def no(self, answer): - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.glance-api') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.registry') - - -class KeyPair(Question): - """Create a keypair for ssh access to instances. - - TODO: split the asking from executing of questions, as ask about - this up front. (This needs to run at the end, but for user - experience reasons, we really want to ask all the non auto - questions at the beginning.) - """ - _type = 'string' - config_key = 'config.credentials.key-pair' - - def yes(self, answer: str) -> None: - - if 'microstack' not in check_output('openstack', 'keypair', 'list'): - user = check_output('logname') - home = '/home/{}'.format(user) # TODO make more portable! - - log.info('Creating microstack keypair (~/.ssh/{})'.format(answer)) - check('mkdir', '-p', '{home}/.ssh'.format(home=home)) - check('chmod', '700', '{home}/.ssh'.format(home=home)) - id_ = check_output('openstack', 'keypair', 'create', 'microstack') - id_path = '{home}/.ssh/{answer}'.format(home=home, answer=answer) - - with open(id_path, 'w') as file_: - file_.write(id_) - check('chmod', '600', id_path) - check('chown', '{}:{}'.format(user, user), id_path) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.glance-api') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.registry') class SecurityRules(Question): @@ -736,7 +723,8 @@ class PostSetup(Question): log.info('restarting libvirt and virtlogd ...') # This fixes an issue w/ logging not getting set. # TODO: fix issue. - restart('*virt*') + restart('libvirtd') + restart('virtlogd') # Start horizon check('snapctl', 'start', 'microstack.horizon-uwsgi') diff --git a/tools/init/init/questions/network.py b/tools/init/init/questions/network.py index 689614c..4510b4f 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/questions/network.py +++ b/tools/init/init/questions/network.py @@ -50,3 +50,10 @@ class IpForwarding(Question): log.info('Setting up ipv4 forwarding...') check('sysctl', 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1') + + def no(self, answer: str) -> None: + """This question doesn't actually work in a strictly confined snap, so + we default to the no and a noop for now. + + """ + pass diff --git a/tools/init/init/shell.py b/tools/init/init/shell.py index f9c85b3..88f7414 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/shell.py +++ b/tools/init/init/shell.py @@ -94,29 +94,6 @@ def call(*args: List[str], env: Dict = _env) -> bool: return not proc.returncode -def shell(cmd: str, env: Dict = _env) -> int: - """Execute a command, using the actual bourne again shell. - - Use this in cases where it is difficult to compose a comma - separate list that will get parsed into a succesful bash - command. (E.g., your bash command contains an argument like ".*" - ".*" ".*") - - :param cmd: the command to run. - :param env: defaults to our Env singleton; can be overriden. - - """ - proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, - universal_newlines=True, shell=True) - for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''): - log.debug(line) - proc.wait() - if proc.returncode: - raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd) - return proc.returncode - - def sql(cmd: str) -> None: """Execute some SQL! @@ -159,7 +136,7 @@ def restart(service: str) -> None: e.g. *rabbit* """ - check('systemctl', 'restart', 'snap.microstack.{}'.format(service)) + check('snapctl', 'restart', 'microstack.{}'.format(service)) def disable(service: str) -> None: @@ -169,8 +146,7 @@ def disable(service: str) -> None: e.g. *rabbit* """ - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.{}'.format(service)) - check('systemctl', 'mask', 'snap.microstack.{}'.format(service)) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.{}'.format(service)) def download(url: str, output: str) -> None: diff --git a/tools/launch/launch/main.py b/tools/launch/launch/main.py index 9870f5a..c60fcc1 100644 --- a/tools/launch/launch/main.py +++ b/tools/launch/launch/main.py @@ -53,6 +53,35 @@ def parse_args(): return args +def check_keypair(): + """ + Check for the microstack keypair's existence, creating it if it doesn't. + + """ + key_path = check_output( + 'snapctl', 'get', 'config.credentials.key-pair').format(**os.environ) + + if os.path.exists(key_path): + return key_path + + print('Creating local "microstack" ssh key at {}'.format(key_path)) + # TODO: make sure that we get rid of this path on snap + # uninstall. If we don't, check to make sure that MicroStack + # has a microstack ssh key, in addition to checking for the + # existence of the file. + key_dir = os.sep.join(key_path.split(os.sep)[:-1]) + check('mkdir', '-p', key_dir) + check('chmod', '700', key_dir) + + id_ = check_output('openstack', 'keypair', 'create', 'microstack') + + with open(key_path, 'w') as file_: + file_.write(id_) + check('chmod', '600', key_path) + + return key_path + + def create_server(name, args): cmd = [ @@ -131,6 +160,17 @@ def check_server(name, server_id, args): def launch(name, args): """Launch a server!""" + if args.key == 'microstack': + # Make sure that we have a default ssh key to hand off to the + # instance. + key_path = check_keypair() + else: + # We've been passed an ssh key with an unknown path. Drop in + # some placeholder text for the message at the end of this + # routine, but don't worry about verifying it. We trust the + # caller to have created it! + key_path = '/path/to/ssh/key' + print("Launching server ...") server_id = create_server(name, args) @@ -157,15 +197,11 @@ def launch(name, args): if 'cirros' in args.image.lower(): username = 'cirros' - ssh_key = '/path/to/ssh/key' - if args.key == 'microstack': - ssh_key = '$HOME/.ssh/id_microstack' - print("""\ Server {name} launched! (status is {status}) -Access it with `ssh -i {ssh_key} {username}@{ip}`\ -""".format(name=name, status=status, ssh_key=ssh_key, +Access it with `ssh -i {key_path} {username}@{ip}`\ +""".format(name=name, status=status, key_path=key_path, username=username, ip=ip)) gate = check_output('snapctl', 'get', 'config.network.ext-gateway') diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini index bb8f100..90cb376 100644 --- a/tox.ini +++ b/tox.ini @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt setenv = PATH = /snap/bin:{env:PATH} -passenv = HOME TERM DISTRO INTERACTIVE_DEBUG +passenv = HOME TERM DISTRO INTERACTIVE_DEBUG USER whitelist_externals = sudo /snap/bin/snapcraft