From 5611bc9759a89041cda49107b5d81b20e04929ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pete Vander Giessen Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 02:29:20 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Strict confinement (devmode) Make MicroStack strictly confined, albeit in devmode for now. Addresses unpredictable breakages with apt package upgrades in eoan and focal, and sets the stage for a better isolated, less fragile snap going forward. We now use layouts to handle libvirt and qemu setting paths at compile time. This is cleaner than the organize hack. Moved away from calls to systemctl in init, as a strictly confined snap cannot call systemctl on a non snappy system. Disabled call to sysctl to set ipv4_fowarding, as we don't have access to sysctl in a strictly confined snap. This may break some users, and we need to figure out a way to address the breakage. Got rid of routine, moving rabbitmq setup into a bash script instead (it's just cleaner). Moved keypair creation into launch script, as it's difficult to do sensible things with keypair creation in the init script, which is running using sudo, and therefore doesn't have access to /home//snap Added (but commented out) code that will check to verify that plugs are connected before running microstack.init or ovs-vsctl. This code may go away entirely, as we plan on auto connecting all of our interfaces, and don't technically need to guard against not having them connected. Added temporary local upper-constraints file, to fix an issue where upstream upper-constraints was breaking pip install by setting a neutron version. This needs a better long term fix, but works for now. Closes-bug: 1860660 Change-Id: Iaf1f1482609f05285ed9061317b32e90bffd2da0 --- .gitignore | 1 + | 5 + patches/upper-constraints.txt | 573 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config | 4 +- snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit | 8 + snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper | 5 + snap/hooks/install | 2 + snapcraft.yaml | 528 ++++++++++++++---------- tests/ | 4 +- tools/init/init/ | 17 +- tools/init/init/questions/ | 108 +++-- tools/init/init/questions/ | 7 + tools/init/init/ | 28 +- tools/launch/launch/ | 48 ++- tox.ini | 2 +- 15 files changed, 1031 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-) create mode 100644 patches/upper-constraints.txt create mode 100755 snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 85679df..14ae0a4 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ prime/ snap/.snapcraft stage/ dump.tar.gz +squashfs-root # Emacs *~ diff --git a/ b/ index b28f3ec..0a2df47 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ At this time you can install from the `--beta` or `--edge` snap channels: sudo snap install microstack --classic --beta +The edge channel is moving toward a strictly confined snap. At this time, it +must be installed in devmode: + + sudo snap install microstack --devmode --edge + ## Initialisation Initialisation will set up databases, networks, flavors, an SSH keypair, a diff --git a/patches/upper-constraints.txt b/patches/upper-constraints.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3e330d --- /dev/null +++ b/patches/upper-constraints.txt @@ -0,0 +1,573 @@ +ntlm-auth===1.2.0 +voluptuous===0.11.5 +chardet===3.0.4 +rsa===4.0 +restructuredtext-lint===1.2.2 +netmiko===2.3.0 +instack-undercloud===9.4.0 +PasteDeploy===2.0.1 +typing===3.6.6 +python-saharaclient===2.2.1 +python-hnvclient===0.1.0 +Routes===2.4.1 +rtslib-fb===2.1.66 +XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap=== +paunch===4.5.2 +WebOb===1.8.5 +sphinxcontrib-actdiag===0.8.5 +docopt===0.6.2 +pecan===1.3.2 +ryu===4.30 +os-api-ref===1.6.0 +python-ldap===3.1.0 +oslo.concurrency===3.29.1 +websocket-client===0.55.0 +osprofiler===2.6.1 +os-resource-classes===0.3.0 +python-ironic-inspector-client===3.5.0 +lxml===4.3.2 +python-kingbirdclient===0.2.1 +setproctitle===1.1.10 +pytest===4.3.0 +python-etcd===0.4.5 +raven===6.10.0 +cursive===0.2.2 +oslo.service===1.38.1 +django-appconf===1.0.3 +pykerberos===1.2.1 +certifi===2018.11.29 +sphinxcontrib-nwdiag===0.9.5 +requests-aws===0.1.8 +alabaster===0.7.12 +pbr===5.1.3 +munch===2.3.2 +attrs===19.1.0 +microversion-parse===0.2.1 +Pint===0.9 +oslo.i18n===3.23.1 +jsonpath-rw-ext===1.2.0 +python-mistralclient===3.8.1 +oslo.context===2.22.1 +python-senlinclient===1.10.1 +rcssmin===1.0.6 +pycadf===2.9.0 +grpcio===1.15.0 +skydive-client===0.5.0 +pysendfile===2.0.1 +fixtures===3.0.0 +neutron-lib===1.25.1 +XStatic-FileSaver=== +pystache===0.5.4 +XStatic-Font-Awesome=== +nose===1.3.7 +nosehtmloutput===0.0.5 +waitress===1.2.1 +os-refresh-config===10.2.2 +pysnmp===4.4.9 +sphinxcontrib-websupport===1.1.0 +Mako===1.0.7 +XStatic-angular-ui-router=== +pyScss===1.3.4 +XStatic-jQuery=== +jsonmodels===2.4 +ddt===1.2.1 +pyserial===3.4 +ipaddress===1.0.22;python_version=='2.7' +python-freezerclient===2.1.0 +os-xenapi===0.3.4 +python-vitrageclient===2.7.0 +nosexcover===1.0.11 +krest===1.3.1 +psycopg2===2.7.7 +networkx===2.2 +bashate===0.6.0 +XStatic-Angular=== +pyngus===2.3.0 +Pillow===5.4.1 +zuul-sphinx===0.3.0 +python-mimeparse===1.6.0 +tripleo-common===10.8.2 +Tempita===0.5.2 +ply===3.11 +requests-toolbelt===0.9.1 +simplejson===3.16.0 +suds-jurko===0.6 +python-swiftclient===3.7.1 +pyOpenSSL===19.0.0 +monasca-common===2.13.0 +scipy===1.2.1 +mypy-extensions===0.4.1;python_version=='3.4' +mypy-extensions===0.4.1;python_version=='3.5' +mypy-extensions===0.4.1;python_version=='3.6' +rsd-lib===0.4.0 +XStatic-Jasmine=== +python-glanceclient===2.16.0 +pyinotify===0.9.6 +debtcollector===1.21.0 +requests-unixsocket===0.1.5 +asn1crypto===0.24.0 +croniter===0.3.29 +octavia-lib===1.1.1 +python-watcherclient===2.2.0 +MarkupSafe===1.1.1 +pypowervm===1.1.20 +doc8===0.8.0 +pymongo===3.7.2 +soupsieve===1.8 +sqlparse===0.2.4 +oslotest===3.7.1 +jsonpointer===2.0 +defusedxml===0.5.0 +relativetimebuilder===0.2.0 +netaddr===0.7.19 +pyghmi===1.2.16 +sphinxcontrib-blockdiag===1.5.5 +thrift===0.11.0 +gnocchiclient===7.0.5 +wcwidth===0.1.7 +sphinxcontrib.datatemplates===0.1.0 +jsonpath-rw===1.4.0 +prettytable===0.7.2 +vine===1.2.0 +taskflow===3.5.0 +traceback2===1.4.0 +semantic-version===2.6.0 +virtualbmc===1.4.0 +deprecation===2.0.6 +SQLAlchemy===1.2.18 +pyroute2===0.5.4 +google-auth===1.6.3 +kazoo===2.6.1 +XStatic-roboto-fontface=== +pyudev===0.21.0 +eventlet===0.24.1 +openstack-doc-tools===1.8.0 +frozendict===1.2 +oslo.messaging===9.5.1 +jira===2.0.0 +extras===1.0.0 +PyJWT===1.7.1 +zVMCloudConnector===1.4.0 +paramiko===2.4.2 +reno===2.11.2 +unicodecsv===0.14.1;python_version=='2.7' +imagesize===1.1.0 +pydot===1.4.1 +pathlib===1.0.1;python_version=='2.7' +urllib3===1.24.1 +graphviz===0.10.1 +PyKMIP===0.8.0 +whereto===0.4.0 +python-subunit===1.3.0 +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='3.4' +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='3.5' +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='3.6' +tornado===4.5.3;python_version=='2.7' +pycparser===2.19 +mock===2.0.0 +PyYAML===3.13 +beautifulsoup4===4.7.1 +os-net-config===10.4.2 +ovs===2.10.0 +cryptography===2.6.1 +adal===1.2.1 +backports.ssl-match-hostname===;python_version=='2.7' +openstack-release-test===1.4.2 +pylxd===2.2.9 +ruamel.ordereddict===0.4.13;python_version=='2.7' +pycryptodomex===3.7.3 +anyjson===0.3.3 +requests-mock===1.5.2 +os-apply-config===10.3.0 +prometheus-client===0.6.0 +oslosphinx===4.18.0 +mox3===0.27.0 +gunicorn===19.9.0 +textfsm===0.4.1 +unittest2===1.1.0 +django-compressor===2.2 +libvirt-python===5.1.0 +python-zunclient===3.3.0 +asyncio===3.4.3;python_version=='3.4' +asyncio===3.4.3;python_version=='3.5' +asyncio===3.4.3;python_version=='3.6' +tzlocal===1.5.1 +python-novaclient===13.0.2 +bcrypt===3.1.6 +fixtures-git===0.1.0 +os-client-config===1.32.0 +XStatic-Angular-Gettext=== +XStatic-Hogan=== +XStatic-objectpath=== +python-manilaclient===1.27.0 +requests===2.21.0 +snowballstemmer===1.2.1 +Jinja2===2.10 +XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS=== +pyzabbix===0.7.5 +ptyprocess===0.6.0 +threadloop===1.0.2 +amqp===2.4.2 +ruamel.yaml===0.15.89 +websockify===0.8.0 +XStatic-JQuery.quicksearch=== +mpmath===1.1.0 +django-debreach===1.5.2 +sphinx-feature-classification===0.3.2 +XStatic-JQuery-Migrate=== +appdirs===1.4.3 +tinyrpc===0.9.4 +google-auth-httplib2===0.0.3 +Flask-SQLAlchemy===2.3.2 +daiquiri===1.5.0 +influxdb===5.1.0 +funcparserlib===0.3.6 +passlib===1.7.1 +dib-utils===0.0.11 +cliff===2.14.1 +os-brick===2.8.3 +ansible-runner===1.2.0 +trollius===2.2;python_version=='2.7' +scp===0.13.0 +python-zaqarclient===1.11.0 +funcsigs===1.0.2;python_version=='2.7' +zhmcclient===0.22.0 +lockfile===0.12.2 +dnspython3===1.15.0;python_version=='3.4' +dnspython3===1.15.0;python_version=='3.5' +dnspython3===1.15.0;python_version=='3.6' +ldappool===2.4.1 +termcolor===1.1.0 +hiredis===1.0.0 +google-api-python-client===1.7.8 +castellan===1.2.2 +oslo.versionedobjects===1.35.1 +webcolors===1.8.1 +aodhclient===1.2.0 +autobahn===19.2.1 +SQLAlchemy-Utils===0.33.11 +pluggy===0.9.0 +coverage===4.5.2 +freezegun===0.3.11 +python-pytun===2.3.0 +pyperclip===1.7.0 +cassandra-driver===3.17.0 +mox===0.5.3 +XStatic-Angular-Schema-Form=== +gabbi===1.45.0 +nwdiag===1.0.4 +XStatic-bootswatch=== +XStatic-JS-Yaml=== +XStatic-term.js=== +oslo.log===3.42.3 +nodeenv===1.3.3 +pylev===1.3.0 +python-searchlightclient===1.5.1 +oslo.middleware===3.37.1 +XStatic-mdi=== +django-pyscss===2.0.2 +uritemplate===3.0.0 +django-babel===0.6.2 +docutils===0.14 +notifier===1.0.3 +os-ken===0.3.1 +pycrypto===2.6.1 +ujson===1.35 +selenium===3.141.0 +python-glareclient===0.5.3 +mypy===0.670;python_version=='3.4' +mypy===0.670;python_version=='3.5' +mypy===0.670;python_version=='3.6' +mistral-lib===1.1.1 +Click===7.0 +dogtag-pki=== +XStatic-Angular-UUID=== +sphinxcontrib-seqdiag===0.8.5 +os-win===4.2.1 +dictdiffer===0.7.2 +retrying===1.3.3 +shade===1.31.0 +pathlib2===2.3.3 +pydotplus===2.0.2 +flask-oslolog===0.1 +jeepney===0.4;python_version=='3.4' +jeepney===0.4;python_version=='3.5' +jeepney===0.4;python_version=='3.6' +stestr===2.2.0 +singledispatch===;python_version=='2.7' +oslo.serialization===2.28.2 +warlock===1.3.0 +exabgp===4.0.10 +sphinxcontrib-httpdomain===1.7.0 +metalsmith===0.11.1 +thriftpy===0.3.9;python_version=='2.7' +text-unidecode===1.2 +murano-pkg-check===0.3.0 +oslo.vmware===2.32.2 +sqlalchemy-migrate===0.12.0 +python-monascaclient===1.15.0 +ldap3===2.5.2 +requests-ntlm===1.1.0 +python-string-utils===0.6.0 +automaton===1.16.0 +os-service-types===1.6.0 +keyring===18.0.0 +testscenarios===0.5.0 +sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme===0.9.0 +sadisplay===0.4.9 +enum34===1.1.6 +packaging===19.0 +flask-keystone===0.2 +nose-exclude===0.5.0 +psutil===5.6.0 +py===1.8.0 +txaio===18.8.1 +python-qinlingclient===2.1.0 +elasticsearch===2.4.1 +django-nose===1.4.6 +XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter=== +pifpaf===2.2.2 +pysmi===0.3.3 +blockdiag===1.5.4 +testtools===2.3.0 +Parsley===1.3 +XStatic-tv4=== +XStatic-JSEncrypt=== +python-cinderclient===4.2.1 +keystonemiddleware===6.0.0 +django-formtools===2.1 +python-ceilometerclient===2.9.0 +XStatic-Spin=== +openshift===0.8.6 +tap-as-a-service===3.0.0 +os-traits===0.11.0 +SecretStorage===2.3.1;python_version=='2.7' +SecretStorage===3.1.1;python_version=='3.4' +SecretStorage===3.1.1;python_version=='3.5' +SecretStorage===3.1.1;python_version=='3.6' +opentracing===1.3.0 +XStatic-Rickshaw=== +iso8601===0.1.12 +tooz===1.64.2 +linecache2===1.0.0 +oauth2client===4.1.3 +idna===2.8 +python-karborclient===1.2.0 +weakrefmethod===1.0.3;python_version=='2.7' +PuLP===1.6.9 +crc16===0.1.1 +protobuf===3.7.0 +os-dpm===1.1.0 +sushy===1.8.2 +python-neutronclient===6.12.1 +pika===0.13.0 +oslo.cache===1.33.3 +WebTest===2.0.33 +openstack.nose-plugin===0.11 +os-collect-config===10.3.1 +python-qpid-proton===0.27.0 +python-octaviaclient===1.8.1 +pysaml2===4.6.5 +requests-oauthlib===1.2.0 +oslo.reports===1.29.2 +ceilometermiddleware===1.4.0 +python-nss===1.0.1 +testrepository===0.0.20 +sympy===1.3 +sphinxmark===0.1.19 +PyNaCl===1.3.0 +osc-lib===1.12.1 +python-consul===1.1.0 +Faker===1.0.2 +more-itertools===5.0.0;python_version=='2.7' +more-itertools===6.0.0;python_version=='3.4' +more-itertools===6.0.0;python_version=='3.5' +more-itertools===6.0.0;python_version=='3.6' +seqdiag===0.9.6 +numpy===1.16.2 +msgpack===0.6.1 +Sphinx===1.8.4 +oslo.config===6.8.2 +tempest===20.0.0 +django-floppyforms===1.7.0 +openstackdocstheme===1.29.2 +osc-placement===1.5.0 +zake===0.2.2 +python-rsdclient===0.1.3 +python-magic===0.4.15 +python-solumclient===2.8.0 +PyMySQL===0.9.3 +kubernetes===8.0.1 +httplib2===0.12.1 +bottle===0.12.16 +betamax===0.8.1 +construct===2.8.22 +pyparsing===2.3.1 +dogpile.cache===0.7.1 +python-barbicanclient===4.8.1 +salt===2019.2.0 +tricircleclient===0.5.0 +WSME===0.9.3 +proboscis=== +fortiosclient===0.0.3 +oslo.upgradecheck===0.2.1 +stevedore===1.30.1 +botocore===1.12.108 +xmltodict===0.12.0 +pyasn1===0.4.5 +oslo.rootwrap===5.15.3 +Django===1.11.20;python_version=='2.7' +Django===2.0.13;python_version=='3.4' +Django===2.0.13;python_version=='3.5' +Django===2.0.13;python_version=='3.6' +pexpect===4.6.0 +cmd2===0.8.9 +redis===3.2.0 +jmespath===0.9.4 +atomicwrites===1.3.0 +docker-pycreds===0.4.0 +XStatic-smart-table=== +kuryr-lib===0.9.0 +scrypt===0.8.13 +jsonpatch===1.23 +python-daemon===2.2.3 +typed-ast===1.3.1;python_version=='3.4' +typed-ast===1.3.1;python_version=='3.5' +typed-ast===1.3.1;python_version=='3.6' +os-testr===1.0.0 +cotyledon===1.7.3 +xattr===0.9.6 +systemd-python===234 +python-memcached===1.59 +openstacksdk===0.27.0 +six===1.12.0 +dulwich===0.19.11 +kombu===4.4.0 +distro===1.4.0 +betamax-matchers===0.4.0 +yaql===1.1.3 +requestsexceptions===1.4.0 +testresources===2.0.1 +falcon===1.4.1 +subprocess32===3.5.3;python_version=='2.7' +etcd3gw===0.2.4 +Flask-RESTful===0.3.7 +GitPython===2.1.11 +python-ironicclient===2.7.3 +XStatic===1.0.2 +XStatic-Angular-FileUpload=== +python-openstackclient===3.18.1 +pyzmq===18.0.1 +oslo.db===4.45.0 +simplegeneric===0.8.1 +python-pcre===0.7 +yappi===1.0 +abclient===0.2.3 +pymemcache===2.1.1 +wrapt===1.11.1 +oslo.privsep===1.32.2 +sphinxcontrib-apidoc===0.3.0 +oslo.policy===2.1.2 +python-muranoclient===1.2.0 +hvac===0.7.2 +pyeclib===1.5.0 +wsgi-intercept===1.8.0 +ndg-httpsclient===0.5.1;python_version=='2.7' +repoze.lru===0.7 +rfc3986===1.2.0 +tenacity===5.0.3 +python-designateclient===2.11.0 +future===0.17.1 +Paste===3.0.7 +jaeger-client===3.13.0 +XStatic-Json2yaml=== +boto===2.49.0 +functools32===3.2.3.post2;python_version=='2.7' +os-vif===1.15.2 +python-masakariclient===5.4.0 +Werkzeug===0.14.1 +backports.functools-lru-cache===1.5;python_version=='2.7' +pyasn1-modules===0.2.4 +entrypoints===0.3 +APScheduler===3.5.3 +monotonic===1.5 +python-smaugclient===0.0.8 +python-troveclient===2.17.1 +etcd3===0.8.1 +XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker=== +CouchDB===1.2 +netifaces===0.10.9 +cachetools===3.1.0 +ws4py===0.5.1 +backports-abc===0.5;python_version=='2.7' +keystoneauth1===3.13.1 +statsd===3.3.0 +XenAPI===1.2 +python-keystoneclient===3.19.0 +ceilometer===12.0.0 +demjson===2.2.4 +diskimage-builder===2.30.0 +heat-translator===1.3.1 +python-magnumclient===2.12.0 +docker===3.7.0 +qpid-python===1.36.0.post1;python_version=='2.7' +contextlib2===0.5.5;python_version=='2.7' +XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop=== +python-congressclient===1.12.0 +ovsdbapp===0.15.0 +aniso8601===5.1.0 +rjsmin===1.0.12 +icalendar===4.0.3 +configparser===3.7.3;python_version=='2.7' +decorator===4.3.2 +cffi===1.12.2 +futurist===1.8.1 +jsonschema===2.6.0 +python-blazarclient===2.1.0 +alembic===1.0.8 +glance-store===0.28.0 +sphinxcontrib-programoutput===0.13 +sphinx-testing===1.0.0 +dnspython===1.15.0;python_version=='3.4' +dnspython===1.15.0;python_version=='3.5' +dnspython===1.15.0;python_version=='3.6' +dnspython===1.16.0;python_version=='2.7' +oauthlib===3.0.1 +Babel===2.6.0 +logutils===0.3.5 +scandir===1.9.0;python_version=='2.7' +sphinxcontrib-fulltoc===1.2.0 +smmap2===2.0.5 +greenlet===0.4.15 +XStatic-Angular-Vis=== +confluent-kafka===0.11.6 +xvfbwrapper===0.2.9 +futures===3.2.0;python_version=='2.7' +tosca-parser===1.4.0 +Flask===1.0.2 +happybase===1.1.0;python_version=='2.7' +marathon===0.11.0 +fasteners===0.14.1 +sortedcontainers===2.1.0 +python-tackerclient===0.15.0 +python-heatclient===1.17.0 +kafka-python===1.4.4 +oslo.utils===3.40.5 +python-editor===1.0.4 +gitdb2===2.0.5 +requests-kerberos===0.12.0 +itsdangerous===1.1.0 +XStatic-jquery-ui=== +monasca-statsd===1.11.0 +python-dateutil===2.8.0 +virtualenv===16.4.3 +colorama===0.4.1 +ironic-lib===2.16.4 +pytz===2018.9 +XStatic-D3=== +actdiag===0.5.4 +sysv-ipc===1.0.0 +scikit-learn===0.20.3 +horizon===15.2.0 +uwsgi=== diff --git a/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config b/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config index 5ff0700..f66e909 100755 --- a/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config +++ b/snap-overlay/bin/set-default-config @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ snapctl set \ # Passwords, certs, etc. snapctl set \ config.credentials.os-password=keystone \ - config.credentials.key-pair=id_microstack \ + config.credentials.key-pair="/home/{USER}/snap/{SNAP_NAME}/common/.ssh/id_microstack" \ config.credentials.nova-password=nova \ config.credentials.neutron-password=neutron \ config.credentials.placement-password=placement \ @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ snapctl set \ # Host optimizations and fixes. snapctl set \ - \ + \ \ ; diff --git a/snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit b/snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f14f713 --- /dev/null +++ b/snap-overlay/bin/setup-rabbit @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -ex + +export HOME=$SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq + +$SNAP/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl add_user openstack rabbitmq || true +$SNAP/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*" diff --git a/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper b/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper index 0c276e5..b13aa75 100755 --- a/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper +++ b/snap-wrappers/ovs/ovs-wrapper @@ -13,4 +13,9 @@ mkdir -p ${OVS_LOGDIR} mkdir -p ${OVS_RUNDIR} mkdir -p ${OVS_SYSCONFDIR}/openvswitch +# if ! snapctl is-connected openvswitch-support; then +# echo "openvswitch-support is not connected. Exiting." +# exit 0 +# fi + exec $@ diff --git a/snap/hooks/install b/snap/hooks/install index 9d0bc94..a1bc84b 100755 --- a/snap/hooks/install +++ b/snap/hooks/install @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ set -ex # Initialize config set-default-config +mkdir -p $SNAP_DATA/lib/libvirt/images + # MySQL snapshot for speedy install # snapshot is a mysql data dir with # rocky keystone,nova,glance,neutron dbs. diff --git a/snapcraft.yaml b/snapcraft.yaml index ca19ae2..aac30c7 100644 --- a/snapcraft.yaml +++ b/snapcraft.yaml @@ -5,172 +5,206 @@ summary: OpenStack on your laptop. description: | Microstack gives you an easy way to develop and test OpenStack workloads on your laptop. -grade: stable -confinement: classic +grade: devel +confinement: strict environment: - # Edit the following lines with tools/ - LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $SNAP/lib:$SNAP/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET:$SNAP/usr/lib:$SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET:$SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pulseaudio - PATH: $SNAP/usr/sbin:$SNAP/usr/bin:$SNAP/sbin:$SNAP/bin:$PATH LC_ALL: C + PATH: $SNAP/usr/sbin:$SNAP/usr/bin:$SNAP/sbin:$SNAP/bin:$PATH OS_PLACEMENT_CONFIG_DIR: $SNAP/etc/nova/ +layout: + # Libvirt/Qemu libs + /usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ceph: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ceph + /usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/qemu: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/qemu + /usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pulseaudio: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/$SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pulseaudio + /usr/lib/libvirt: + bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/libvirt + /usr/share/libvirt: + bind: $SNAP/usr/share/libvirt + /usr/share/qemu: + bind: $SNAP/usr/share/qemu + # Keystone really wants to look here for its fernet keys for some reason + /etc/keystone/fernet-keys: + bind: $SNAP_COMMON/fernet-keys + apps: # Openstack openstack: command: openstack-wrapper openstack -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network # OpenStack Service Configuration init: - # This and other instances of /usr/bin/env are workarounds for - # We force snapcraft - # to put us in a wrapper. - command: /usr/bin/env microstack_init -# plugs: -# - network + command: microstack_init + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe # rabbitmq-ctl + - network-bind # rabbitmq-ctl? + - firewall-control # iptables + - network-control # iptables + - ssh-keys # write ssh key + - system-observe # rabbitmq ? + - hardware-observe # rabbitmq ? remove: - command: /usr/bin/env microstack_remove + command: microstack_remove # Keystone keystone-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch keystone-uwsgi + command: snap-openstack launch keystone-uwsgi daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network-bind + - network + - network-control keystone-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch keystone-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch keystone-manage + plugs: + - network # Nova nova-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-uwsgi + command: snap-openstack launch nova-uwsgi daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control nova-api: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-api-os-compute + command: snap-openstack launch nova-api-os-compute daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control nova-conductor: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-conductor + command: snap-openstack launch nova-conductor daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network + - network-control nova-scheduler: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-scheduler + command: snap-openstack launch nova-scheduler daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control nova-compute: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-compute + command: snap-openstack launch nova-compute daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - firewall-control -# - hardware-observe -# - libvirt -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - firewall-control + - hardware-observe nova-api-metadata: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-api-metadata + command: snap-openstack launch nova-api-metadata daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - firewall-control + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - firewall-control nova-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nova-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch nova-manage + plugs: + - network # Neutron neutron-api: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-server + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-server daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control neutron-openvswitch-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-openvswitch-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-openvswitch-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - network-observe -# - firewall-control -# - process-control -# - system-observe -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - network-observe + - firewall-control + - process-control + - system-observe neutron-l3-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-l3-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-l3-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - network-observe -# - firewall-control -# - process-control -# - system-observe -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - network-observe + - firewall-control + - process-control + - system-observe neutron-dhcp-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-dhcp-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-dhcp-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - network-observe -# - process-control -# - system-observe -# - openvswitch + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - network-observe + - process-control + - system-observe neutron-metadata-agent: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-metadata-agent + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-metadata-agent daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control neutron-ovs-cleanup: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-ovs-cleanup -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-control -# - openvswitch + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-ovs-cleanup + plugs: + - network + - network-control neutron-netns-cleanup: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-netns-cleanup -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-control + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-netns-cleanup + plugs: + - network + - network-control neutron-db-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch neutron-db-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch neutron-db-manage + plugs: + - network # Glance glance-api: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch glance-api + command: snap-openstack launch glance-api daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - mount-observe + - network-control registry: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch glance-registry + command: snap-openstack launch glance-registry daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control glance-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch glance-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch glance-manage + plugs: + - network # Openstack Shared Services nginx: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch nginx + command: snap-openstack launch nginx daemon: forking -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind # Openvswitch ovs-vswitchd: @@ -178,149 +212,174 @@ apps: stop-command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl --no-ovsdb-server stop after: [ovsdb-server] daemon: forking -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - openvswitch-support -# - process-control -# - system-trace + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - openvswitch-support + - process-control + - system-trace ovsdb-server: command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl --no-ovs-vswitchd --no-monitor --system-id=random start stop-command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl --no-ovs-vswitchd stop daemon: forking -# plugs: -# - network -# - network-bind -# - network-control -# - openvswitch-support -# - process-control -# - system-trace + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - openvswitch-support + - process-control + - system-trace ovs-vsctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-vsctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-vsctl + plugs: + - network ovs-appctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-appctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-appctl + plugs: + - network ovs-ofctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-ofctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-ofctl + plugs: + - network ovs-dpctl: - command: ovs-wrapper $SNAP/bin/ovs-dpctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: ovs-wrapper bin/ovs-dpctl + plugs: + - network external-bridge: command: wait-on-init setup-br-ex daemon: oneshot after: [ovs-vswitchd] -# plugs: -# - network + plugs: + - network + - network-control # Libvirt/Qemu libvirtd: - command: /usr/bin/env libvirtd + command: usr/sbin/libvirtd --pid $SNAP_DATA/ daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control + - netlink-connector + - netlink-audit virtlogd: - command: /usr/bin/env virtlogd + command: virtlogd --pid $SNAP_DATA/ daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - network-bind + - network-control virsh: - command: /usr/bin/env virsh + command: virsh # MySQL mysqld: command: mysql-start-server daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - process-control -# - network -# - network-bind + plugs: + - process-control + - network + - network-bind mysql: command: mysql-start-client -# plugs: -# - process-control -# - network + plugs: + - process-control + - network # RabbitMQ rabbitmq-server: - command: /usr/bin/env rabbitmq-server + command: rabbitmq-server daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network-bind + - network + - mount-observe + - log-observe environment: HOME: $SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmqctl: - command: /usr/bin/env rabbitmqctl -# plugs: -# - network + command: rabbitmqctl + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe environment: HOME: $SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq-plugins: - command: /usr/bin/env rabbitmq-plugins + command: rabbitmq-plugins environment: HOME: $SNAP_COMMON/lib/rabbitmq # Memcached memcached: - command: /usr/bin/env memcached -u root -v + command: memcached -u root -v daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind # Cinder cinder-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-uwsgi -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-uwsgi + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - network-bind cinder-backup: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-backup -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-backup + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe cinder-manage: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-manage -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-manage + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe cinder-scheduler: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-scheduler -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-scheduler + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe cinder-volume: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch cinder-volume -# daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network + command: snap-openstack launch cinder-volume + daemon: simple + plugs: + - network + - mount-observe # Horizon horizon-uwsgi: - command: /usr/bin/env snap-openstack launch horizon-uwsgi + command: snap-openstack launch horizon-uwsgi daemon: simple -# plugs: -# - network-bind + plugs: + - network + - network-bind # Utility to launch a vm. Creates security groups, floating ips, # and other necessities as well. launch: - command: /usr/bin/env microstack_launch -# plugs: -# - network + command: microstack_launch + plugs: + - network # Cluster cluster-server: - command: /usr/bin/env flask run -p 10002 --host= # TODO: run as a uwsgi app + command: flask run -p 10002 --host # TODO: run as a uwsgi app daemon: simple environment: LC_ALL: C.UTF-8 # Makes flask happy LANG: C.UTF-8 # Makes flask happy - FLASK_APP: ${SNAP}/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/ + FLASK_APP: $SNAP/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/ + plugs: + - network + - network-bind join: - command: /usr/bin/env python3 ${SNAP}/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/ + command: python3 $SNAP/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cluster/ filebeat: @@ -357,9 +416,10 @@ parts: python-version: python3 after: - uca-sources + - libvirt - patches constraints: - - + - ${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/patches/upper-constraints.txt source: python-packages: - libvirt-python @@ -375,18 +435,23 @@ parts: - python-cinderclient - python-openstackclient - python-swiftclient + # Workaround for + # This is a package required for the launch script, per the bug + # above. We include it here so that we don't try to rebuild dist + # stuff: + - petname build-packages: - gcc - git - libffi-dev - libssl-dev - - libvirt-dev - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev stage-packages: - conntrack - coreutils - haproxy + - libmagic1 - python3-dev - python3-systemd override-prime: | @@ -401,14 +466,11 @@ parts: --input "$patch" echo done - # Uncomment the below line for better python-libvirt debugging output. - # patch --batch --forward --strip 1 --input ../project/patches/nova/nova_log_error.patch # Now that everything is built, let's disable user site-packages # as stated in PEP-0370 sed -i usr/lib/python3.6/ -e 's/^ENABLE_USER_SITE = None$/ENABLE_USER_SITE = False/' - # This is the last step, let's now compile all our pyc files. - # Ignore errors due to syntax issues in foobar python 2. - ./usr/bin/python3.6 -m compileall . || true + # Uncomment the below line for better python-libvirt debugging output. + # patch --batch --forward --strip 1 --input ../project/patches/nova/nova_log_error.patch organize: lib/python3.6/site-packages/openstack_dashboard/local/ lib/python3.6/site-packages/openstack_dashboard/local/ @@ -582,13 +644,46 @@ parts: done snapcraftctl build + nginx: + source: + plugin: autotools + after: + - patches + configflags: + - --prefix=/usr + - "--http-log-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/log/nginx-access.log" + - "--error-log-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/log/nginx-error.log" + - "--lock-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lock/nginx.lock" + - "--pid-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/run/" + - "--http-client-body-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_client_body" + - "--http-proxy-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_proxy" + - "--http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_fastcgi" + - "--http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_uwsgi" + - "--http-scgi-temp-path=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common/lib/nginx_scgi" + - --with-http_ssl_module + build-packages: + - libpcre3-dev + - libssl-dev + - python-six + override-build: | + # Apply patches + for patch in ${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/patches/nginx/*.patch; do + echo "Applying $(basename "$patch") ..." + patch \ + --batch \ + --forward \ + --strip 1 \ + --input "$patch" + echo + done + snapcraftctl build + # libvirt/qemu qemu: source: . source-subdir: qemu-3.1+dfsg plugin: autotools after: - - openstack-projects - uca-sources build-environment: # Workaround for @@ -596,6 +691,7 @@ parts: stage-packages: - seabios - ipxe-qemu + - freeglut3 # provides - try: - libnuma1 - libspice-server1 @@ -628,6 +724,7 @@ parts: - libvorbis0a - libvorbisenc2 - libx11-6 + - libxi6 - libxau6 - libxcb1 - libxdmcp6 @@ -668,7 +765,7 @@ parts: - gcc configflags: - --disable-blobs - - --prefix=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current + - --prefix=/usr - --localstatedir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - --sysconfdir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - --firmwarepath=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/share/seabios:/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/share/qemu:/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/lib/ipxe/qemu @@ -677,18 +774,12 @@ parts: - --enable-system - --target-list=x86_64-softmmu override-build: | - # I think that snapcraft is creating this dir, which breaks the below.xo + # I think that snapcraft is creating this dir, which breaks the below. rm -Rf qemu-3.1+dfsg apt source qemu # Fix issue with running apt source as root dpkg-source --before-build qemu-3.1+dfsg snapcraftctl build - organize: - # Hack to shift installed qemu back to root of snap - # required to ensure that pathing to files etc works at - # runtime - # * is not used to avoid directory merge conflicts - snap/microstack/current/: ./ kvm-support: plugin: nil @@ -699,7 +790,6 @@ parts: source: . source-subdir: libvirt-5.0.0 after: - - openstack-projects - qemu - uca-sources plugin: autotools @@ -730,6 +820,7 @@ parts: stage-packages: - dmidecode - dnsmasq + - iptables - libxml2 - libyajl2 - try: [libnuma1] @@ -755,7 +846,7 @@ parts: - --without-storage-rbd - --without-storage-lvm - --without-selinux - - --prefix=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current + - --prefix=/usr - --localstatedir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - --sysconfdir=/var/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/common - DNSMASQ=/snap/$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current/usr/sbin/dnsmasq @@ -770,12 +861,6 @@ parts: # Fix issue with running apt source as root dpkg-source --before-build libvirt-5.0.0 snapcraftctl build - organize: - # Hack to shift installed libvirt back to root of snap - # required to ensure that pathing to files etc works at - # runtime - # * is not used to avoid directory merge conflicts - snap/microstack/current/: ./ # MySQL mysql-server: @@ -832,6 +917,11 @@ parts: requirements: - requirements.txt # Relative to source path, so tools/init/req...txt source: tools/init + override-build: | + # Hack to avoid conflict between openstack-projects' + # site-customize and this one. + snapcraftctl build + rm $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3.6/ # Launch script launch: @@ -839,10 +929,12 @@ parts: python-version: python3 requirements: - requirements.txt - stage-packages: - # Workaround for - - petname source: tools/launch + override-build: | + # Hack to avoid conflict between openstack-projects' + # site-customize and this one. + snapcraftctl build + rm $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3.6/ # Clustering client and server cluster: @@ -850,7 +942,14 @@ parts: python-version: python3 requirements: - requirements.txt + constraints: + - ${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/patches/upper-constraints.txt source: tools/cluster + override-build: | + # Hack to avoid conflict between openstack-projects' + # site-customize and this one. + snapcraftctl build + rm $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3.6/ ### LMA stack ### filebeat: @@ -910,3 +1009,12 @@ parts: source: ./checks organize: usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ + + +hooks: + install: + plugs: [network] + configure: + plugs: [network] + post-refresh: + plugs: [network] diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 947af8f..928e378 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ class Host(): snap = self.snap print("Installing {}".format(snap)) - check(*self.prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'install', '--classic', - '--{}'.format(channel), snap) + check(*self.prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'install', + '--devmode', '--{}'.format(channel), snap) def init(self, flag='auto'): print("Initializing the snap with --{}".format(flag)) diff --git a/tools/init/init/ b/tools/init/init/ index 14356f3..2692f8b 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/ +++ b/tools/init/init/ @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import sys from functools import wraps from init.config import log -from import default_network, check, check_output +from import default_network, call, check, check_output from init import questions @@ -103,11 +103,25 @@ def process_init_args(args): return auto +def find_missing_plugs(): + missing = [] + if not call('snapctl', 'is-connected', 'openvswitch-support'): + missing.append("microstack:openvswitch-support") + return missing + + @requires_sudo def init() -> None: args = parse_init_args() auto = process_init_args(args) + # missing_plugs = find_missing_plugs() + # for plug in missing_plugs: + # log.critical("Missing {plug}. Please run snap connect " + # "{plug} to continue".format(plug=plug)) + # if missing_plugs: + # sys.exit(1) + question_list = [ questions.Clustering(), questions.Dns(), @@ -124,7 +138,6 @@ def init() -> None: questions.NovaControlPlane(), questions.NeutronControlPlane(), questions.GlanceSetup(), - questions.KeyPair(), questions.SecurityRules(), questions.PostSetup(), questions.ExtraServicesQuestion(), diff --git a/tools/init/init/questions/ b/tools/init/init/questions/ index ca06832..0eb2e4d 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/questions/ +++ b/tools/init/init/questions/ @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import json from time import sleep from os import path -from import (check, call, check_output, shell, sql, nc_wait, - log_wait, restart, download) +from import (check, call, check_output, sql, nc_wait, log_wait, + restart, download) from init.config import Env, log from init.questions.question import Question from init.questions import clustering, network, uninstall # noqa F401 @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class Clustering(Question): # Turn off cluster server # TODO: it would be more secure to reverse this -- only enable # to service if we are doing clustering. - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.cluster-server') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.cluster-server') class ConfigQuestion(Question): @@ -174,6 +174,10 @@ class NetworkSettings(Question): def yes(self, answer):'Configuring networking ...') + # OpenvSwitch services may not have started up properly + restart('ovsdb-server') + restart('ovs-vswitchd') + network.ExtGateway().ask() network.ExtCidr().ask() @@ -267,6 +271,7 @@ class RabbitMq(Question): config_key = '' def _wait(self) -> None: + restart('rabbitmq-server') # Restart server for plugs rabbit_port = check_output( 'snapctl', 'get', '') nc_wait(_env['control_ip'], rabbit_port) @@ -279,9 +284,7 @@ class RabbitMq(Question): (actions may have already been run, in which case we fail silently). """ # Configure RabbitMQ - call('microstack.rabbitmqctl', 'add_user', 'openstack', 'rabbitmq') - shell( - 'microstack.rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*"') + check('{SNAP}/bin/setup-rabbit'.format(**_env)) def yes(self, answer: str) -> None:'Waiting for RabbitMQ to start ...') @@ -293,7 +296,7 @@ class RabbitMq(Question): def no(self, answer: str):'Disabling local rabbit ...') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.rabbitmq-server') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.rabbitmq-server') class DatabaseSetup(Question): @@ -361,7 +364,7 @@ class DatabaseSetup(Question): '--keystone-group', 'root') check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'keystone-manage', 'db_sync') - restart('keystone-*') + restart('keystone-uwsgi')'Bootstrapping Keystone ...') self._bootstrap() @@ -379,7 +382,7 @@ class DatabaseSetup(Question): check('snapctl', 'set', 'database.ready=true')'Disabling local MySQL ...') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.mysqld') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.mysqld') class NovaHypervisor(Question): @@ -405,7 +408,7 @@ class NovaHypervisor(Question): def no(self, answer):'Disabling nova compute service ...') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.nova-compute') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.nova-compute') class NovaControlPlane(Question): @@ -465,10 +468,6 @@ class NovaControlPlane(Question): # list automagically. for service in [ 'microstack.nova-api', - 'microstack.nova-api-metadata', - 'microstack.nova-conductor', - 'microstack.nova-scheduler', - 'microstack.nova-uwsgi', ]: check('snapctl', 'start', service) @@ -488,7 +487,16 @@ class NovaControlPlane(Question): check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'nova-manage', 'db', 'sync') - restart('nova-*') + restart('nova-api') + restart('nova-compute') + + for service in [ + 'microstack.nova-api-metadata', + 'microstack.nova-conductor', + 'microstack.nova-scheduler', + 'microstack.nova-uwsgi', + ]: + check('snapctl', 'start', service) nc_wait(_env['compute_ip'], '8774') @@ -501,13 +509,13 @@ class NovaControlPlane(Question):'Disabling nova control plane services ...') for service in [ - 'snap.microstack.nova-uwsgi', - 'snap.microstack.nova-api', - 'snap.microstack.nova-conductor', - 'snap.microstack.nova-scheduler', - 'snap.microstack.nova-api-metadata']: + 'microstack.nova-uwsgi', + 'microstack.nova-api', + 'microstack.nova-conductor', + 'microstack.nova-scheduler', + 'microstack.nova-api-metadata']: - check('systemctl', 'disable', service) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', service) class NeutronControlPlane(Question): @@ -545,7 +553,14 @@ class NeutronControlPlane(Question): check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'neutron-db-manage', 'upgrade', 'head') - restart('neutron-*') + for service in [ + 'microstack.neutron-api', + 'microstack.neutron-dhcp-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-l3-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-metadata-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-openvswitch-agent', + ]: + check('snapctl', 'restart', service) nc_wait(_env['control_ip'], '9696') @@ -587,12 +602,12 @@ class NeutronControlPlane(Question): # Disable the other services. for service in [ - 'snap.microstack.neutron-api', - 'snap.microstack.neutron-dhcp-agent', - 'snap.microstack.neutron-metadata-agent', - 'snap.microstack.neutron-l3-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-api', + 'microstack.neutron-dhcp-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-metadata-agent', + 'microstack.neutron-l3-agent', ]: - check('systemctl', 'disable', service) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', service) class GlanceSetup(Question): @@ -652,7 +667,8 @@ class GlanceSetup(Question): check('snap-openstack', 'launch', 'glance-manage', 'db_sync') - restart('glance*') + restart('glance-api') + restart('registry') nc_wait(_env['compute_ip'], '9292') @@ -661,37 +677,8 @@ class GlanceSetup(Question): self._fetch_cirros() def no(self, answer): - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.glance-api') - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.registry') - - -class KeyPair(Question): - """Create a keypair for ssh access to instances. - - TODO: split the asking from executing of questions, as ask about - this up front. (This needs to run at the end, but for user - experience reasons, we really want to ask all the non auto - questions at the beginning.) - """ - _type = 'string' - config_key = 'config.credentials.key-pair' - - def yes(self, answer: str) -> None: - - if 'microstack' not in check_output('openstack', 'keypair', 'list'): - user = check_output('logname') - home = '/home/{}'.format(user) # TODO make more portable! - -'Creating microstack keypair (~/.ssh/{})'.format(answer)) - check('mkdir', '-p', '{home}/.ssh'.format(home=home)) - check('chmod', '700', '{home}/.ssh'.format(home=home)) - id_ = check_output('openstack', 'keypair', 'create', 'microstack') - id_path = '{home}/.ssh/{answer}'.format(home=home, answer=answer) - - with open(id_path, 'w') as file_: - file_.write(id_) - check('chmod', '600', id_path) - check('chown', '{}:{}'.format(user, user), id_path) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.glance-api') + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.registry') class SecurityRules(Question): @@ -736,7 +723,8 @@ class PostSetup(Question):'restarting libvirt and virtlogd ...') # This fixes an issue w/ logging not getting set. # TODO: fix issue. - restart('*virt*') + restart('libvirtd') + restart('virtlogd') # Start horizon check('snapctl', 'start', 'microstack.horizon-uwsgi') diff --git a/tools/init/init/questions/ b/tools/init/init/questions/ index 689614c..4510b4f 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/questions/ +++ b/tools/init/init/questions/ @@ -50,3 +50,10 @@ class IpForwarding(Question):'Setting up ipv4 forwarding...') check('sysctl', 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1') + + def no(self, answer: str) -> None: + """This question doesn't actually work in a strictly confined snap, so + we default to the no and a noop for now. + + """ + pass diff --git a/tools/init/init/ b/tools/init/init/ index f9c85b3..88f7414 100644 --- a/tools/init/init/ +++ b/tools/init/init/ @@ -94,29 +94,6 @@ def call(*args: List[str], env: Dict = _env) -> bool: return not proc.returncode -def shell(cmd: str, env: Dict = _env) -> int: - """Execute a command, using the actual bourne again shell. - - Use this in cases where it is difficult to compose a comma - separate list that will get parsed into a succesful bash - command. (E.g., your bash command contains an argument like ".*" - ".*" ".*") - - :param cmd: the command to run. - :param env: defaults to our Env singleton; can be overriden. - - """ - proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, - universal_newlines=True, shell=True) - for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''): - log.debug(line) - proc.wait() - if proc.returncode: - raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd) - return proc.returncode - - def sql(cmd: str) -> None: """Execute some SQL! @@ -159,7 +136,7 @@ def restart(service: str) -> None: e.g. *rabbit* """ - check('systemctl', 'restart', 'snap.microstack.{}'.format(service)) + check('snapctl', 'restart', 'microstack.{}'.format(service)) def disable(service: str) -> None: @@ -169,8 +146,7 @@ def disable(service: str) -> None: e.g. *rabbit* """ - check('systemctl', 'disable', 'snap.microstack.{}'.format(service)) - check('systemctl', 'mask', 'snap.microstack.{}'.format(service)) + check('snapctl', 'stop', '--disable', 'microstack.{}'.format(service)) def download(url: str, output: str) -> None: diff --git a/tools/launch/launch/ b/tools/launch/launch/ index 9870f5a..c60fcc1 100644 --- a/tools/launch/launch/ +++ b/tools/launch/launch/ @@ -53,6 +53,35 @@ def parse_args(): return args +def check_keypair(): + """ + Check for the microstack keypair's existence, creating it if it doesn't. + + """ + key_path = check_output( + 'snapctl', 'get', 'config.credentials.key-pair').format(**os.environ) + + if os.path.exists(key_path): + return key_path + + print('Creating local "microstack" ssh key at {}'.format(key_path)) + # TODO: make sure that we get rid of this path on snap + # uninstall. If we don't, check to make sure that MicroStack + # has a microstack ssh key, in addition to checking for the + # existence of the file. + key_dir = os.sep.join(key_path.split(os.sep)[:-1]) + check('mkdir', '-p', key_dir) + check('chmod', '700', key_dir) + + id_ = check_output('openstack', 'keypair', 'create', 'microstack') + + with open(key_path, 'w') as file_: + file_.write(id_) + check('chmod', '600', key_path) + + return key_path + + def create_server(name, args): cmd = [ @@ -131,6 +160,17 @@ def check_server(name, server_id, args): def launch(name, args): """Launch a server!""" + if args.key == 'microstack': + # Make sure that we have a default ssh key to hand off to the + # instance. + key_path = check_keypair() + else: + # We've been passed an ssh key with an unknown path. Drop in + # some placeholder text for the message at the end of this + # routine, but don't worry about verifying it. We trust the + # caller to have created it! + key_path = '/path/to/ssh/key' + print("Launching server ...") server_id = create_server(name, args) @@ -157,15 +197,11 @@ def launch(name, args): if 'cirros' in args.image.lower(): username = 'cirros' - ssh_key = '/path/to/ssh/key' - if args.key == 'microstack': - ssh_key = '$HOME/.ssh/id_microstack' - print("""\ Server {name} launched! (status is {status}) -Access it with `ssh -i {ssh_key} {username}@{ip}`\ -""".format(name=name, status=status, ssh_key=ssh_key, +Access it with `ssh -i {key_path} {username}@{ip}`\ +""".format(name=name, status=status, key_path=key_path, username=username, ip=ip)) gate = check_output('snapctl', 'get', '') diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini index bb8f100..90cb376 100644 --- a/tox.ini +++ b/tox.ini @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt setenv = PATH = /snap/bin:{env:PATH} -passenv = HOME TERM DISTRO INTERACTIVE_DEBUG +passenv = HOME TERM DISTRO INTERACTIVE_DEBUG USER whitelist_externals = sudo /snap/bin/snapcraft