import argparse import json import os import subprocess import time import sys from typing import List def check(*args: List[str]) -> int: """Execute a shell command, raising an error on failed excution. :param args: strings to be composed into the bash call. """ return subprocess.check_call(args, env=os.environ) def check_output(*args: List[str]) -> str: """Execute a shell command, returning the output of the command. :param args: strings to be composed into the bash call. Include our env; pass in any extra keyword args. """ return subprocess.check_output(args, universal_newlines=True, env=os.environ).strip() def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('image', help='The name of the openstack image to use.') parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', help='The name of the instance') parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', help='ssh key to use', default='microstack') parser.add_argument('-f', '--flavor', help='Flavor to use.', default='m1.tiny') parser.add_argument('-t', '--net-id', help='Network', default='test') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wait', action='store_true', help='Wait for server to become active before exiting') parser.add_argument('-r', '--retry', action='store_true', help='Retry failed launch attempts') # TODO: add a passthrough for other openstack 'server create' # args. Manually specifying them here is a bit silly. For now, we # need to specify availability zone in some tests, so we add it # here. parser.add_argument('--availability-zone', help='passthrough to avail zone') args = parser.parse_args() return args def check_keypair(): """ Check for the microstack keypair's existence, creating it if it doesn't. """ key_path = check_output( 'snapctl', 'get', 'config.credentials.key-pair').format(**os.environ) if os.path.exists(key_path): return key_path print('Creating local "microstack" ssh key at {}'.format(key_path)) # TODO: make sure that we get rid of this path on snap # uninstall. If we don't, check to make sure that MicroStack # has a microstack ssh key, in addition to checking for the # existence of the file. key_dir = os.sep.join(key_path.split(os.sep)[:-1]) check('mkdir', '-p', key_dir) check('chmod', '700', key_dir) id_ = check_output('openstack', 'keypair', 'create', 'microstack') with open(key_path, 'w') as file_: file_.write(id_) check('chmod', '600', key_path) return key_path def create_server(name, args): cmd = [ 'openstack', 'server', 'create', '--flavor', args.flavor, '--image', args.image, '--nic', 'net-id={}'.format(args.net_id), '--key-name', args.key, name, '--format', 'json' ] if args.availability_zone: cmd += ['--availability-zone', args.availability_zone] ret = json.loads(check_output(*cmd)) return ret['id'] def delete_server(server_id): check('openstack', 'server', 'delete', server_id) def check_server(name, server_id, args): status = 'Unknown' retries = 0 max_retries = 10 waits = 0 max_waits = 1000 # 100 seconds + ~1000 calls to `openstack server list`. while True: status_ = check_output('openstack', 'server', 'list', '--format', 'json') status_ = json.loads(status_) for server in status_: if server['ID'] == server_id: status = server['Status'] if not status: # Something went wrong ... break if not args.wait and not args.retry: # Just return BUILD or ACTIVE or Unknown. break if waits < 1: print("Waiting for server to build ...") if status == 'BUILD': if waits <= max_waits: waits += 1 time.sleep(0.1) continue # Looks like we're stuck! Fall through to ERROR check # below. status = 'BUILD (stuck)' if status in ['ERROR', 'BUILD (stuck)']: if not args.retry or retries > max_retries: break print('Ran into an error launching server. Retrying ...') delete_server(server_id) server_id = create_server(name, args) waits = 0 # Reset waits retries += 1 continue if status == 'ACTIVE': break return (status, server_id) def launch(name, args): """Launch a server!""" if args.key == 'microstack': # Make sure that we have a default ssh key to hand off to the # instance. key_path = check_keypair() else: # We've been passed an ssh key with an unknown path. Drop in # some placeholder text for the message at the end of this # routine, but don't worry about verifying it. We trust the # caller to have created it! key_path = '/path/to/ssh/key' print("Launching server ...") server_id = create_server(name, args) status, server_id = check_server(name, server_id, args) if status not in ['BUILD', 'ACTIVE']: print('Uh-oh. Something went wrong launching {}. Status is {}.'.format( name, status)) sys.exit(1) print('Allocating floating ip ...') ip = check_output('openstack', 'floating', 'ip', 'create', '-f', 'value', '-c', 'floating_ip_address', 'external') check('openstack', 'server', 'add', 'floating', 'ip', server_id, ip) # We've launched! Make some guesses about usernames and the # location of the ssh key in the operator's system, so we can tell # the them how to access their new server. TODO: is it possible # to make this logic more sophisticated? username = '' if 'fedora' in args.image.lower(): username = 'fedora' if 'ubuntu' in args.image.lower(): username = 'ubuntu' if 'cirros' in args.image.lower(): username = 'cirros' print("""\ Server {name} launched! (status is {status}) Access it with `ssh -i {key_path} {username}@{ip}`\ """.format(name=name, status=status, key_path=key_path, username=username, ip=ip)) gate = check_output('snapctl', 'get', '') port = check_output('snapctl', 'get', '') print('You can also visit the OpenStack dashboard at http://{}:{}'.format( gate, port)) def main(): args = parse_args() # Call petname via bash, due to # name = or check_output( 'petname', '-d', '{}/usr/share/petname'.format( os.environ.get('SNAP', ''))) # Parse microstack.rc # TODO: we need a share lib that does this in a more robust way. mstackrc = '{SNAP_COMMON}/etc/microstack.rc'.format(**os.environ) with open(mstackrc, 'r') as rc_file: for line in rc_file.readlines(): if not line.startswith('export'): continue key, val = line[7:].split('=') os.environ[key.strip()] = val.strip() return launch(name, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()