#!/bin/bash set -ex # Dependencies. TODO: move these into a testing harness command -v multipass > /dev/null || (echo "Please install multipass."; exit 1); command -v petname > /dev/null || (echo "Please install petname."; exit 1); if [ ! -f microstack_rocky_amd64.snap ]; then echo "microstack_rocky_amd64.snap not found." echo "Please run snapcraft before executing the tests." exit 1 fi MACHINE=$(petname) DISTRO=18.04 # Launch a machine and copy the snap to it. multipass launch --cpus 2 --mem 16G $DISTRO --name $MACHINE multipass copy-files microstack_rocky_amd64.snap $MACHINE: multipass exec $MACHINE -- \ sudo snap install --classic --dangerous microstack*.snap # Run microstack.launch multipass exec $MACHINE -- /snap/bin/microstack.launch breakfast # Verify that endpoints are setup correctly # List of endpoints should contain if ! multipass exec $MACHINE -- /snap/bin/microstack.openstack endpoint list | grep ""; then echo "Endpoints are not set to!"; exit 1; fi # List of endpoints should not contain localhost if multipass exec $MACHINE -- /snap/bin/microstack.openstack endpoint list | grep "localhost"; then echo "Endpoints are not set to!"; exit 1; fi # Verify that microstack.launch completed IP=$(multipass exec $MACHINE -- /snap/bin/microstack.openstack server list | grep breakfast | cut -d" " -f9) echo "Waiting for ping..." PINGS=1 MAX_PINGS=20 until multipass exec $MACHINE -- ping -c 1 $IP &>/dev/null; do PINGS=$(($PINGS + 1)); if test $PINGS -gt $MAX_PINGS; then echo "Unable to ping machine!"; exit 1; fi done; ATTEMPTS=1 MAX_ATTEMPTS=20 until multipass exec $MACHINE -- \ ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i .ssh/id_microstack cirros@$IP -- \ ping -c 1; do ATTEMPTS=$(($ATTEMPTS + 1)); if test $ATTEMPTS -gt $MAX_ATTEMPTS; then echo "Unable to access Internet from machine!"; exit 1; fi sleep 5 done; # Cleanup unset IP echo "Completed tests. Tearing down $MACHINE." multipass stop $MACHINE multipass purge # This is a little bit rude to do, but we assume that # we can beat up on the test machine a bit.