# MicroStack

[![Snap Status][snap-build-badge]][snap-build-status]

MicroStack is a single-machine, snap-deployed OpenStack cloud.

Common purposes include:

* Development and testing of OpenStack workloads
* Continuous integration (CI)
* IoT and appliances
* Edge clouds (experimental)
* Introducing new users to OpenStack

Currently provided OpenStack services are: Nova, Keystone, Glance, Horizon, and

MicroStack is frequently updated to provide the latest stable updates of the
most recent OpenStack release.

> **Requirements**:
  You will need at least 2 CPUs, 8 GiB of memory, and 100 GiB of disk space.

See the full [MicroStack documentation][microstack-docs].

## Installation

At this time you can install from the `--beta` or `--edge` snap channels:

    sudo snap install microstack --classic --beta

The edge channel is moving toward a strictly confined snap. At this time, it
must be installed in devmode:

    sudo snap install microstack --devmode --edge

## Initialisation

Initialisation will set up databases, networks, flavors, an SSH keypair, a
CirrOS image, and open ICMP/SSH security groups:

    sudo microstack.init --auto

## OpenStack client

The OpenStack client is bundled as `microstack.openstack`. For example:

    microstack.openstack network list
    microstack.openstack flavor list
    microstack.openstack keypair list
    microstack.openstack image list
    microstack.openstack security group rule list

## Creating an instance

To create an instance (called "awesome") based on the CirrOS image:

    microstack.launch cirros --name awesome

## SSH to an instance

The launch output will show you how to connect to the instance. For the CirrOS
image, the user account is 'cirros'.

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_microstack cirros@<ip-address>

## Horizon

The launch output will also provide information for the Horizon dashboard. The
username is 'admin' and the password can be obtained in this way:

    sudo snap get microstack config.credentials.keystone-password

## Removing MicroStack

To remove MicroStack, run:

    sudo microstack.remove --auto

This will clean up the Open vSwitch bridge device and uninstall
MicroStack. If you remove MicroStack with the `snap remove` command
instead, don't worry -- the Open vSwitch bridge will disappear the
next time that you reboot your system.

Note that you can pass any arguments that you'd pass to the `snap
remove` command to `microstack.remove`. To purge the snap,
for example, run:

    sudo microstack.remove --auto --purge

## LMA stack

Filebeat, Telegraf and NRPE are bundled as the snap systemd services.

## Customising and contributing

To customise services and settings, look in the `.d` directories under
`/var/snap/microstack/common/etc`. You can add services with your package
manager, or take a look at `CONTRIBUTING.md` and make a code based argument for
adding a service to the default list.

## Reporting a bug

Please report bugs to the [MicroStack][microstack] project on Launchpad.

<!-- LINKS -->

[microstack-docs]: https://microstack.run/docs/
[snap-build-badge]: https://build.snapcraft.io/badge/CanonicalLtd/microstack.svg
[snap-build-status]: https://build.snapcraft.io/user/CanonicalLtd/microstack
[microstack]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/microstack