#!/usr/bin/env python """ control_test.py This is a test to verify that a control node gets setup properly. We verify: 1) We can install the snap. 2) Nova services are not running 3) Other essential services are running 4) TODO: the horizon dashboard works. """ import sys import os import unittest sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) from tests.framework import Framework, check, check_output # noqa E402 class TestControlNode(Framework): INIT_FLAG = 'control' def test_control_node(self): """A control node has all services running, so this shouldn't be any different than our standard setup. """ print("Checking output of services ...") services = check_output( *self.PREFIX, 'systemctl', 'status', 'snap.microstack.*', '--no-page') print("services: @@@") print(services) self.assertTrue('neutron-' in services) self.assertTrue('keystone-' in services) self.passed = True if __name__ == '__main__': # Run our tests, ignoring deprecation warnings and warnings about # unclosed sockets. (TODO: setup a selenium server so that we can # move from PhantomJS, which is deprecated, to to Selenium headless.) unittest.main(warnings='ignore')