#!/usr/bin/env python """ cluster_test.py This is a test to verify that we can setup a small, two node cluster. The host running this test must have at least 16GB of RAM, four cpu cores, a large amount of disk space, and the ability to run multipass vms. """ import json import os import sys import unittest sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) from tests.framework import Framework, check, check_output, call # noqa E402 os.environ['MULTIPASS'] = 'true' # TODO better way to do this. class TestCluster(Framework): def test_cluster(self): # After the setUp step, we should have a control node running # in a multipass vm. Let's look up its cluster password and ip # address. openstack = '/snap/bin/microstack.openstack' control_host = self.get_host() control_host.install() control_host.init(['--control']) control_prefix = control_host.prefix cluster_password = check_output(*control_prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'get', 'microstack', 'config.cluster.password') control_ip = check_output(*control_prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'get', 'microstack', 'config.network.control-ip') self.assertTrue(cluster_password) self.assertTrue(control_ip) compute_host = self.add_host() compute_host.install() compute_machine = compute_host.machine compute_prefix = compute_host.prefix # TODO add the following to args for init check(*compute_prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'set', 'microstack', 'config.network.control-ip={}'.format(control_ip)) check(*compute_prefix, 'sudo', 'microstack.init', '--compute', '--cluster-password', cluster_password, '--debug') # Verify that our services look setup properly on compute node. services = check_output( *compute_prefix, 'systemctl', 'status', 'snap.microstack.*', '--no-page') self.assertTrue('nova-compute' in services) self.assertFalse('keystone-' in services) check(*compute_prefix, '/snap/bin/microstack.launch', 'cirros', '--name', 'breakfast', '--retry', '--availability-zone', 'nova:{}'.format(compute_machine)) # TODO: verify horizon dashboard on control node. # Verify endpoints compute_ip = check_output(*compute_prefix, 'sudo', 'snap', 'get', 'microstack', 'config.network.compute-ip') self.assertFalse(compute_ip == control_ip) # Ping the instance ip = None servers = check_output(*compute_prefix, openstack, 'server', 'list', '--format', 'json') servers = json.loads(servers) for server in servers: if server['Name'] == 'breakfast': ip = server['Networks'].split(",")[1].strip() break self.assertTrue(ip) pings = 1 max_pings = 60 # ~1 minutes # Ping the machine from the control node (we don't have # networking wired up for the other nodes). while not call(*control_prefix, 'ping', '-c1', '-w1', ip): pings += 1 if pings > max_pings: self.assertFalse( True, msg='Max pings reached for instance on {}!'.format( compute_machine)) self.passed = True # Compute machine cleanup check('sudo', 'multipass', 'delete', compute_machine) if __name__ == '__main__': # Run our tests, ignoring deprecation warnings and warnings about # unclosed sockets. (TODO: setup a selenium server so that we can # move from PhantomJS, which is deprecated, to to Selenium headless.) unittest.main(warnings='ignore')