#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # # This is a "basic" test script for Microstack. It will install the # microstack snap, spin up a test instance, and verify that the test # instance is accessible, and can access the Internet. # # The basic test accepts two command line arguments: # # -u # First installs a released snap from the named # # channel, in order to test basic upgrade functionality. # -m # Run tests in a multipass machine. # -d # Ubuntu distro of the multipass machine to run tests # # within. Defaults to bionic. # ############################################################################## # Configuration and checks set -e export PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH UPGRADE_FROM="none" FORCE_QEMU=false PREFIX="" DISTRO="bionic" HORIZON_IP="" while getopts u:d:mq option do case "${option}" in u) UPGRADE_FROM=${OPTARG};; q) FORCE_QEMU=true;; m) PREFIX="multipass";; esac done if [ ! -f microstack_ussuri_amd64.snap ]; then echo "microstack_ussuri_amd64.snap not found." echo "Please run snapcraft before executing the tests." exit 1 fi # Functions dump_logs () { export DUMP_DIR=/tmp if [ $(whoami) == 'zuul' ]; then export DUMP_DIR="/home/zuul/zuul-output/logs"; fi $PREFIX sudo journalctl -xe --no-pager > /tmp/journalctl.output $PREFIX sudo tar cvzf $DUMP_DIR/dump.tar.gz \ /var/snap/microstack/common/log \ /var/log/syslog \ /tmp/journalctl.output if [[ $PREFIX == *"multipass"* ]]; then multipass copy-files $MACHINE:/tmp/dump.tar.gz . fi } # Setup echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" echo "++ Starting tests on localhost ++" echo "++ Upgrade from: $UPGRADE_FROM ++" echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" # Possibly run in a multipass machine if [ "$PREFIX" == "multipass" ]; then sudo snap install --classic --edge multipass which petname || sudo snap install petname MACHINE=$(petname) PREFIX="multipass exec $MACHINE --" multipass launch --cpus 2 --mem 16G $DISTRO --name $MACHINE multipass copy-files microstack_ussuri_amd64.snap $MACHINE: HORIZON_IP=`multipass info $MACHINE | grep IPv4 | cut -d":" -f2 \ | tr -d '[:space:]'` fi # Possibly install a release of the snap before running a test. if [ "${UPGRADE_FROM}" != "none" ]; then $PREFIX sudo snap install --${UPGRADE_FROM} microstack fi # Install the snap under test -- try again if the machine is not yet ready. $PREFIX sudo snap install --dangerous microstack*.snap $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:libvirt $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:netlink-audit $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:firewall-control $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:hardware-observe $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:kernel-module-observe $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:kvm $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:log-observe $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:mount-observe $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:netlink-connector $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:network-observe $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:openvswitch-support $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:process-control $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:system-observe $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:network-control $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:system-trace $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:block-devices $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:raw-usb $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:hugepages-control # $PREFIX sudo snap connect microstack:microstack-support $PREFIX sudo /snap/bin/microstack.init --auto # Comment out the above and uncomment below to install the version of # the snap from the store. # TODO: add this as a flag. # $PREFIX sudo snap install --classic --edge microstack # If kvm processor extensions not supported, switch to qemu # TODO: just do this in the install step of the snap if ! [ $($PREFIX egrep "vmx|svm" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then FORCE_QEMU=true; fi if [ "$FORCE_QEMU" == "true" ]; then cat< /tmp/hypervisor.conf [DEFAULT] compute_driver = libvirt.LibvirtDriver [workarounds] disable_rootwrap = True [libvirt] virt_type = qemu cpu_mode = host-model EOF if [[ $PREFIX == *"multipass"* ]]; then multipass copy-files /tmp/hypervisor.conf $MACHINE:/tmp/hypervisor.conf fi $PREFIX sudo cp /tmp/hypervisor.conf \ /var/snap/microstack/common/etc/nova/nova.conf.d/hypervisor.conf $PREFIX sudo snap restart microstack fi # Run microstack.launch $PREFIX /snap/bin/microstack.launch breakfast || (dump_logs && exit 1) # Verify that endpoints are setup correctly # List of endpoints should contain if ! $PREFIX /snap/bin/microstack.openstack endpoint list | grep ""; then echo "Endpoints are not set to!"; exit 1; fi # List of endpoints should not contain localhost if $PREFIX /snap/bin/microstack.openstack endpoint list | grep "localhost"; then echo "Endpoints are not set to!"; exit 1; fi # Verify that microstack.launch completed IP=$($PREFIX /snap/bin/microstack.openstack server list | grep breakfast | cut -d" " -f9) echo "Waiting for ping..." PINGS=1 MAX_PINGS=40 # We might sometimes be testing qemu emulation, so we # want to give this some time ... until $PREFIX ping -c 1 $IP &>/dev/null; do PINGS=$(($PINGS + 1)); if test $PINGS -gt $MAX_PINGS; then echo "Unable to ping machine!"; exit 1; fi done; ATTEMPTS=1 MAX_ATTEMPTS=40 # See above for note about qemu USERNAME=$($PREFIX whoami | tr -d '\r') # Possibly get username from # remote host, for use in # composing home dir below. until $PREFIX ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i \ /home/$USERNAME/.ssh/id_microstack cirros@$IP -- \ ping -c 1; do ATTEMPTS=$(($ATTEMPTS + 1)); if test $ATTEMPTS -gt $MAX_ATTEMPTS; then echo "Unable to access Internet from machine!"; exit 1; fi sleep 5 done; echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" echo "++ Running Horizon GUI tests ++" echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" export HORIZON_IP if [[ $PREFIX == *"multipass"* ]]; then echo "Opening $HORIZON_IP:443 up to the outside world." cat< /tmp/_10_hosts.py # Allow all hosts to connect to this machine ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*',] EOF multipass copy-files /tmp/_10_hosts.py $MACHINE:/tmp/_10_hosts.py $PREFIX sudo cp /tmp/_10_hosts.py \ /var/snap/microstack/common/etc/horizon/local_settings.d/ $PREFIX sudo snap restart microstack fi tests/test_horizonlogin.py echo "Horizon tests complete!." unset HORIZON_IP # Cleanup echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" echo "++ Completed tests. Cleaning up ++" echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" unset IP if [[ $PREFIX == *"multipass"* ]]; then sudo multipass delete $MACHINE sudo multipass purge else sudo snap remove --purge microstack fi