Refactored test framework so that we have more flexibility in terms of installing various versions of microstack before and after running some tests. Moved in class "globals" into per instance variables, to avoid broken cases with incomplete cleanup. Added test_refresh.py, plus matching env in tox. Refresh tests will fail currently, because we have some pending issues that break refreshes. Fixing those is a subject for a different commit. Refactored cluster_test.py and control_test.py to use new framework. Should (and do) pass. Framework now cleans up multipass hosts regardless of whether or not the tests passed. Leaning on the .tar.gz for local troubleshooting helps us make it better for in gate troubleshooting. Change-Id: I6a45b39132f5959c2944fe1ebbe10f71408ee777
79 lines
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Executable File
79 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
Verify that existing installs can refresh to our newly built snap.
import json
import os
import sys
import unittest
from tests.framework import Framework, check, check_output, call # noqa E402
class TestRefresh(Framework):
"""Refresh from beta and from edge."""
def test_refresh_from_beta(self):
self.passed = True
def test_refresh_from_edge(self):
self.passed = True
def _refresh_from(self, refresh_from='beta'):
"""Refresh test
Like the basic test, but we refresh first.
print("Installing and verfying {} ...".format(refresh_from))
host = self.get_host()
host.install(snap="microstack", channel=refresh_from)
prefix = host.prefix
check(*prefix, '/snap/bin/microstack.launch', 'cirros',
'--name', 'breakfast', '--retry')
if 'multipass' in prefix:
self.verify_instance_networking(host, 'breakfast')
print("Upgrading ...")
host.install() # Install compiled snap
# Should not need to re-init
print("Verifying that refresh completed successfully ...")
# Check our existing instance, starting it if necessary.
if json.loads(check_output(*prefix, '/snap/bin/microstack.openstack',
'server', 'show', 'breakfast',
'--format', 'json'))['status'] == 'SHUTOFF':
print("Starting breakfast (TODO: auto start.)")
check(*prefix, '/snap/bin/microstack.openstack', 'server', 'start',
# Launch another instance
check(*prefix, '/snap/bin/microstack.launch', 'cirros',
'--name', 'lunch', '--retry')
# Verify networking
if 'multipass' in prefix:
self.verify_instance_networking(host, 'breakfast')
self.verify_instance_networking(host, 'lunch')
# Verify GUI
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run our tests, ignoring deprecation warnings and warnings about
# unclosed sockets. (TODO: setup a selenium server so that we can
# move from PhantomJS, which is deprecated, to to Selenium headless.)