.. -*- rst -*- ========= Flavors ========= Show and manage server flavors. Flavors are a way to describe the basic dimensions of a server to be created including how much ``cpu``, ``ram``, and ``disk space`` are allocated to a server built with this flavor. List Flavors ============ .. rest_method:: GET /flavors Lists all flavors accessible to your project. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403) Request ------- Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - flavors: flavors - name: flavor_name - links: links - description: flavor_description - resources: flavor_resources - resource_traits: flavor_resource_traits - resource_aggregates: flavor_aggregates - uuid: flavor_uuid - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at - is_public: flavor_is_public - disabled: flavor_disabled **Example List flavors** .. literalinclude:: samples/flavors/flavors-list-resp.json :language: javascript Create Flavor ============= .. rest_method:: POST /flavors Creates a flavor. Creating a flavor is typically only available to administrators of a cloud because this has implications for scheduling efficiently in the cloud. Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: flavor_name - description: flavor_description - resources: flavor_resources - resource_traits: flavor_resource_traits - resource_aggregates: flavor_aggregates - is_public: flavor_is_public_not_required - disabled: flavor_disabled **Example Create Flavor** .. literalinclude:: samples/flavors/flavor-create-post-req.json :language: javascript Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: flavor_name - links: links - description: flavor_description - resources: flavor_resources - resource_traits: flavor_resource_traits - resource_aggregates: flavor_aggregates - uuid: flavor_uuid - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at - is_public: flavor_is_public - disabled: flavor_disabled **Example Create flavor** .. literalinclude:: samples/flavors/flavor-create-post-resp.json :language: javascript Update Flavor ============= .. rest_method:: PATCH /flavors/{flavor_uuid} Updates a flavor. Updating a flavor is typically only available to administrators of a cloud because this has implications for scheduling efficiently in the cloud. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409) Request ------- The BODY of the PATCH request must be a JSON PATCH document, adhering to `RFC 6902 `_. .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - flavor_uuid: flavor_uuid_path **Example Update Flavor: JSON request** .. literalinclude:: samples/flavors/flavor-update-put-req.json :language: javascript Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: flavor_name - links: links - description: flavor_description - resources: flavor_resources - resource_traits: flavor_resource_traits - resource_aggregates: flavor_aggregates - uuid: flavor_uuid - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at - is_public: flavor_is_public - disabled: flavor_disabled **Example Update flavor** .. literalinclude:: samples/flavors/flavor-update-put-resp.json :language: javascript Show Server Flavor Details ========================== .. rest_method:: GET /flavors/{flavor_uuid} Shows details for a flavor. Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - flavor_uuid: flavor_uuid_path Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: flavor_name - links: links - description: flavor_description - resources: flavor_resources - resource_traits: flavor_resource_traits - resource_aggregates: flavor_aggregates - uuid: flavor_uuid - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at - is_public: flavor_is_public - disabled: flavor_disabled **Example Show Flavor Details** .. literalinclude:: samples/flavors/flavor-get-resp.json :language: javascript Delete Flavor ============= .. rest_method:: DELETE /flavors/{flavor_uuid} Deletes a flavor. This is typically an admin only action. Deleting a flavor that is in use by existing servers is not recommended as it can cause incorrect data to be returned to the user under some operations. Normal response codes: 204 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - flavor_uuid: flavor_uuid_path Response -------- No body content is returned on a successful DELETE.