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# Copyright 2016 Huawei Technologies Co.,LTD.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utilities and helper functions."""
import base64
import binascii
import contextlib
import eventlet
import functools
import inspect
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import traceback
from cryptography.hazmat import backends
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography import x509
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_context import context as common_context
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
import paramiko
import six
from mogan.common import exception
from mogan.common.i18n import _
from mogan.common import states
from mogan.conf import CONF
from mogan import objects
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
synchronized = lockutils.synchronized_with_prefix('mogan-')
profiler = importutils.try_import('osprofiler.profiler')
def safe_rstrip(value, chars=None):
"""Removes trailing characters from a string if that does not make it empty
:param value: A string value that will be stripped.
:param chars: Characters to remove.
:return: Stripped value.
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
LOG.warning("Failed to remove trailing character. Returning "
"original object. Supplied object is not a string: "
"%s,", value)
return value
return value.rstrip(chars) or value
def is_valid_mac(address):
"""Verify the format of a MAC address.
Check if a MAC address is valid and contains six octets. Accepts
colon-separated format only.
:param address: MAC address to be validated.
:returns: True if valid. False if not.
m = "[0-9a-f]{2}(:[0-9a-f]{2}){5}$"
return (isinstance(address, six.string_types) and
re.match(m, address.lower()))
def validate_and_normalize_mac(address):
"""Validate a MAC address and return normalized form.
Checks whether the supplied MAC address is formally correct and
normalize it to all lower case.
:param address: MAC address to be validated and normalized.
:returns: Normalized and validated MAC address.
:raises InvalidMAC: If the MAC address is not valid.
if not is_valid_mac(address):
raise exception.InvalidMAC(mac=address)
return address.lower()
def make_pretty_name(method):
"""Makes a pretty name for a function/method."""
meth_pieces = [method.__name__]
# If its a server method attempt to tack on the class name
if hasattr(method, '__self__') and method.__self__ is not None:
meth_pieces.insert(0, method.__self__.__class__.__name__)
except AttributeError:
return ".".join(meth_pieces)
def check_isinstance(obj, cls):
"""Checks that obj is of type cls, and lets PyLint infer types."""
if isinstance(obj, cls):
return obj
raise Exception(_('Expected object of type: %s') % (str(cls)))
def get_state_machine(start_state=None, target_state=None):
# Initialize state machine
fsm = states.machine.copy()
fsm.initialize(start_state=start_state, target_state=target_state)
return fsm
def process_event(fsm, server, event=None):
server.status = fsm.current_state
def get_wrapped_function(function):
"""Get the method at the bottom of a stack of decorators."""
if not hasattr(function, '__closure__') or not function.__closure__:
return function
def _get_wrapped_function(function):
if not hasattr(function, '__closure__') or not function.__closure__:
return None
for closure in function.__closure__:
func = closure.cell_contents
deeper_func = _get_wrapped_function(func)
if deeper_func:
return deeper_func
elif hasattr(closure.cell_contents, '__call__'):
return closure.cell_contents
return _get_wrapped_function(function)
def expects_func_args(*args):
def _decorator_checker(dec):
def _decorator(f):
base_f = get_wrapped_function(f)
arg_names, a, kw, _default = inspect.getargspec(base_f)
if a or kw or set(args) <= set(arg_names):
return dec(f)
raise TypeError("Decorated function %(f_name)s does not "
"have the arguments expected by the "
"decorator %(d_name)s" %
{'f_name': base_f.__name__,
'd_name': dec.__name__})
return _decorator
return _decorator_checker
def _get_fault_detail(exc_info, error_code):
details = ''
if exc_info and error_code == 500:
tb = exc_info[2]
if tb:
details = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))
return six.text_type(details)
def safe_truncate(value, length):
"""Safely truncates unicode strings such that their encoded length is
no greater than the length provided.
b_value = encodeutils.safe_encode(value)[:length]
decode_ok = False
# NOTE[ZhongLuyao] UTF-8 character byte size varies from 1 to 6. If
# truncating a long byte string to 255, the last character may be
# cut in the middle, so that UnicodeDecodeError will occur when
# converting it back to unicode.
while not decode_ok:
u_value = encodeutils.safe_decode(b_value)
decode_ok = True
except UnicodeDecodeError:
b_value = b_value[:-1]
return u_value
def add_server_fault_from_exc(context, server, fault, exc_info=None,
"""Adds the specified fault to the database."""
code = 500
if hasattr(fault, "kwargs"):
code = fault.kwargs.get('code', 500)
if not fault_message:
fault_message = fault.format_message()
except Exception:
fault_message = six.text_type(fault)
except Exception:
fault_message = None
if not fault_message:
fault_message = fault.__class__.__name__
message = safe_truncate(fault_message, 255)
fault_dict = dict(exception=fault)
fault_dict["message"] = message
fault_dict["code"] = code
fault_obj = objects.ServerFault(context=context)
fault_obj.server_uuid = server.uuid
code = fault_obj.code
fault_obj.detail = _get_fault_detail(exc_info, code)
def execute(*cmd, **kwargs):
"""Convenience wrapper around oslo's execute() method.
:param cmd: Passed to processutils.execute.
:param use_standard_locale: True | False. Defaults to False. If set to
True, execute command with standard locale
added to environment variables.
:returns: (stdout, stderr) from process execution
:raises: UnknownArgumentError
:raises: ProcessExecutionError
use_standard_locale = kwargs.pop('use_standard_locale', False)
if use_standard_locale:
env = kwargs.pop('env_variables', os.environ.copy())
env['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
kwargs['env_variables'] = env
result = processutils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
LOG.debug('Execution completed, command line is "%s"',
' '.join(map(str, cmd)))
LOG.debug('Command stdout is: "%s"', result[0])
LOG.debug('Command stderr is: "%s"', result[1])
return result
def tempdir(**kwargs):
tempfile.tempdir = CONF.tempdir
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs)
yield tmpdir
except OSError as e:
LOG.error('Could not remove tmpdir: %s', e)
def mkfs(fs, path, label=None, run_as_root=False):
"""Format a file or block device
:param fs: Filesystem type (examples include 'swap', 'ext3', 'ext4'
'btrfs', etc.)
:param path: Path to file or block device to format
:param label: Volume label to use
if fs == 'swap':
args = ['mkswap']
args = ['mkfs', '-t', fs]
# add -F to force no interactive execute on non-block device.
if fs in ('ext3', 'ext4', 'ntfs'):
if label:
if fs in ('msdos', 'vfat'):
label_opt = '-n'
label_opt = '-L'
args.extend([label_opt, label])
execute(*args, run_as_root=run_as_root)
def trycmd(*args, **kwargs):
"""Convenience wrapper around oslo's trycmd() method."""
return processutils.trycmd(*args, **kwargs)
def check_string_length(value, name=None, min_length=0, max_length=None):
"""Check the length of specified string
:param value: the value of the string
:param name: the name of the string
:param min_length: the min_length of the string
:param max_length: the max_length of the string
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
if name is None:
msg = "The input is not a string or unicode"
msg = "%s is not a string or unicode" % name
raise exception.Invalid(message=msg)
if name is None:
name = value
if len(value) < min_length:
msg = _("%(name)s has a minimum character requirement of "
"%(min_length)s.") % {'name': name, 'min_length': min_length}
raise exception.Invalid(message=msg)
if max_length and len(value) > max_length:
msg = _("%(name)s has more than %(max_length)s "
"characters.") % {'name': name, 'max_length': max_length}
raise exception.Invalid(message=msg)
def _create_x509_openssl_config(conffile, upn):
content = ("distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name\n"
"extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth\n"
"subjectAltName = otherName:"";UTF8:%s\n")
with open(conffile, 'w') as file:
file.write(content % upn)
def generate_winrm_x509_cert(user_id, bits=2048):
"""Generate a cert for passwordless auth for user in project."""
subject = '/CN=%s' % user_id
upn = '%s@localhost' % user_id
with tempdir() as tmpdir:
keyfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'temp.key'))
conffile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'temp.conf'))
_create_x509_openssl_config(conffile, upn)
(certificate, _err) = execute(
'openssl', 'req', '-x509', '-nodes', '-days', '3650',
'-config', conffile, '-newkey', 'rsa:%s' % bits,
'-outform', 'PEM', '-keyout', keyfile, '-subj', subject,
'-extensions', 'v3_req_client',
(out, _err) = execute('openssl', 'pkcs12', '-export',
'-inkey', keyfile, '-password', 'pass:',
private_key = base64.b64encode(out)
fingerprint = generate_x509_fingerprint(certificate)
if six.PY3:
private_key = private_key.decode('ascii')
certificate = certificate.decode('utf-8')
return (private_key, certificate, fingerprint)
def generate_fingerprint(public_key):
pub_bytes = public_key.encode('utf-8')
# Test that the given public_key string is a proper ssh key. The
# returned object is unused since pyca/cryptography does not have a
# fingerprint method.
pub_bytes, backends.default_backend())
pub_data = base64.b64decode(public_key.split(' ')[1])
digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.MD5(), backends.default_backend())
md5hash = digest.finalize()
raw_fp = binascii.hexlify(md5hash)
if six.PY3:
raw_fp = raw_fp.decode('ascii')
return ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(raw_fp[::2], raw_fp[1::2]))
except Exception:
raise exception.InvalidKeypair(
reason=_('failed to generate fingerprint'))
def generate_x509_fingerprint(pem_key):
if isinstance(pem_key, six.text_type):
pem_key = pem_key.encode('utf-8')
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(
pem_key, backends.default_backend())
raw_fp = binascii.hexlify(cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA1()))
if six.PY3:
raw_fp = raw_fp.decode('ascii')
return ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(raw_fp[::2], raw_fp[1::2]))
except (ValueError, TypeError, binascii.Error) as ex:
raise exception.InvalidKeypair(
reason=_('failed to generate X509 fingerprint. '
'Error message: %s') % ex)
def generate_key_pair(bits=2048):
key = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(bits)
keyout = six.StringIO()
private_key = keyout.getvalue()
public_key = '%s %s Generated-by-Mogan' % (
key.get_name(), key.get_base64())
fingerprint = generate_fingerprint(public_key)
return (private_key, public_key, fingerprint)
def _serialize_profile_info():
if not profiler:
return None
prof = profiler.get()
trace_info = None
if prof:
# FIXME(DinaBelova): we'll add profiler.get_info() method
# to extract this info -> we'll need to update these lines
trace_info = {
"hmac_key": prof.hmac_key,
"base_id": prof.get_base_id(),
"parent_id": prof.get_id()
return trace_info
def spawn_n(func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Passthrough method for eventlet.spawn_n.
This utility exists so that it can be stubbed for testing without
interfering with the service spawns.
It will also grab the context from the threadlocal store and add it to
the store on the new thread. This allows for continuity in logging the
context when using this method to spawn a new thread.
_context = common_context.get_current()
profiler_info = _serialize_profile_info()
def context_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# NOTE: If update_store is not called after spawn_n it won't be
# available for the logger to pull from threadlocal storage.
if _context is not None:
if profiler_info and profiler:
func(*args, **kwargs)
eventlet.spawn_n(context_wrapper, *args, **kwargs)