Yathiraj Udupi 85ea4cc2f9 Added some updated code based reviewer comments,
simplified solver scheduler driver code.
2014-06-10 14:24:21 -07:00

225 lines
9.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
A reference solver implementation that models the scheduling problem as a
Linear Programming (LP) problem using the PULP modeling framework. This
implementation includes disk and memory constraints, and uses the free ram as
a cost metric to maximize or minimize for the LP problem.
from oslo.config import cfg
from pulp import constants
from pulp import pulp
from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from nova.scheduler import solvers as novasolvers
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF.import_opt('disk_allocation_ratio', 'nova.scheduler.filters.disk_filter')
CONF.import_opt('ram_allocation_ratio', 'nova.scheduler.filters.ram_filter')
CONF.import_opt('ram_weight_multiplier', 'nova.scheduler.weights.ram')
class HostsPulpSolver(novasolvers.BaseHostSolver):
"""A LP based constraint solver implemented using PULP modeler."""
def host_solve(self, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
"""This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
host_instance_tuples_list = []
if instance_uuids:
num_instances = len(instance_uuids)
num_instances = request_spec.get('num_instances', 1)
instance_uuids = ['unset_uuid%s' % i
for i in xrange(num_instances)]
num_hosts = len(hosts)
host_ids = ['Host%s' % i for i in range(num_hosts)]
LOG.debug(_("All Hosts: %s") % [ for h in hosts])
for host in hosts:
LOG.debug(_("Host state: %s") % host)
host_id_dict = dict(zip(host_ids, hosts))
instances = ['Instance%s' % i for i in range(num_instances)]
instance_id_dict = dict(zip(instances, instance_uuids))
# supply is a dictionary for the number of units of
# resource for each Host.
# Currently using only the disk_mb and memory_mb
# as the two resources to satisfy. Need to eventually be able to
# plug-in different resources. An example supply dictionary:
# supply = {"Host1": [1000, 1000],
# "Host2": [4000, 1000]}
supply = dict((host_ids[i],
self._get_usable_memory_mb(hosts[i]), ])
for i in range(len(host_ids)))
number_of_resource_types_per_host = 2
required_disk_mb = self._get_required_disk_mb(filter_properties)
required_memory_mb = self._get_required_memory_mb(filter_properties)
# demand is a dictionary for the number of
# units of resource required for each Instance.
# An example demand dictionary:
# demand = {"Instance0":[200, 300],
# "Instance1":[900, 100],
# "Instance2":[1800, 200],
# "Instance3":[200, 300],
# "Instance4":[700, 800], }
# However for the current scenario, all instances to be scheduled
# per request have the same requirements. Need to eventually
# to support requests to specify different instance requirements
demand = dict((instances[i],
[required_disk_mb, required_memory_mb, ])
for i in range(num_instances))
# Creates a list of costs of each Host-Instance assignment
# Currently just like the nova.scheduler.weights.ram.RAMWeigher,
# using host_state.free_ram_mb * ram_weight_multiplier
# as the cost. A negative ram_weight_multiplier means to stack,
# vs spread.
# An example costs list:
# costs = [ # Instances
# # 1 2 3 4 5
# [2, 4, 5, 2, 1], # A Hosts
# [3, 1, 3, 2, 3] # B
# ]
# Multiplying -1 as we want to use the same behavior of
# ram_weight_multiplier as used by ram weigher.
costs = [[-1 * host.free_ram_mb *
for i in range(num_instances)]
for host in hosts]
costs = pulp.makeDict([host_ids, instances], costs, 0)
# The PULP LP problem variable used to add all the problem data
prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",
all_host_instance_tuples = [(w, b)
for w in host_ids
for b in instances]
vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("IA", (host_ids, instances),
0, 1, constants.LpInteger)
# The objective function is added to 'prob' first
prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * costs[w][b]
for (w, b) in all_host_instance_tuples]),
# The supply maximum constraints are added to
# prob for each supply node (Host)
for w in host_ids:
for i in range(number_of_resource_types_per_host):
prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * demand[b][i]
for b in instances])
<= supply[w][i],
"Sum_of_Resource_%s" % i + "_provided_by_Host_%s" % w)
# The number of Hosts required per Instance, in this case it is only 1
for b in instances:
prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] for w in host_ids])
== 1, "Sum_of_Instance_Assignment%s" % b)
# The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for
# each demand node (Instance)
for b in instances:
for j in range(number_of_resource_types_per_host):
prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * demand[b][j]
for w in host_ids])
>= demand[b][j],
"Sum_of_Resource_%s" % j + "_required_by_Instance_%s" % b)
# The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver
if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
for v in prob.variables():
(host_id, instance_id) ='IA').lstrip(
if v.varValue == 1.0:
return host_instance_tuples_list
def _get_usable_disk_mb(self, host_state):
"""This method returns the usable disk in mb for the given host.
Takes into account the disk allocation ratio.
(virtual disk to physical disk allocation ratio).
free_disk_mb = host_state.free_disk_mb
total_usable_disk_mb = host_state.total_usable_disk_gb * 1024
disk_allocation_ratio = CONF.disk_allocation_ratio
disk_mb_limit = total_usable_disk_mb * disk_allocation_ratio
used_disk_mb = total_usable_disk_mb - free_disk_mb
usable_disk_mb = disk_mb_limit - used_disk_mb
return usable_disk_mb
def _get_required_disk_mb(self, filter_properties):
"""This method returns the required disk in mb from
the given filter_properties dictionary object.
requested_disk_mb = 0
instance_type = filter_properties.get('instance_type')
if instance_type is not None:
requested_disk_mb = 1024 * (instance_type.get('root_gb', 0) +
instance_type.get('ephemeral_gb', 0))
return requested_disk_mb
def _get_usable_memory_mb(self, host_state):
"""This method returns the usable memory in mb for the given host.
Takes into account the ram allocation ratio.
(Virtual ram to physical ram allocation ratio).
free_ram_mb = host_state.free_ram_mb
total_usable_ram_mb = host_state.total_usable_ram_mb
ram_allocation_ratio = CONF.ram_allocation_ratio
memory_mb_limit = total_usable_ram_mb * ram_allocation_ratio
used_ram_mb = total_usable_ram_mb - free_ram_mb
usable_ram_mb = memory_mb_limit - used_ram_mb
return usable_ram_mb
def _get_required_memory_mb(self, filter_properties):
"""This method returns the required memory in mb from
the given filter_properties dictionary object
required_ram_mb = 0
instance_type = filter_properties.get('instance_type')
if instance_type is not None:
required_ram_mb = instance_type.get('memory_mb', 0)
return required_ram_mb