# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import traceback import uuid import webob.exc from oslo_config import cfg from novajoin import base from novajoin import exception from novajoin.glance import get_default_image_service from novajoin.ipa import IPAClient from novajoin import keystone_client from novajoin.nova import get_instance from novajoin import util CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_join_resource(): return base.Resource(JoinController()) def response(code): """Attaches response code to a method. This decorator associates a response code with a method. Note that the function attributes are directly manipulated; the method is not wrapped. """ def decorator(func): func.wsgi_code = code return func return decorator class Join(base.APIRouter): """Route join requests.""" def _setup_routes(self, mapper, ext_mgr): self.resources['join'] = create_join_resource() mapper.connect('join', '/', controller=self.resources['join'], action='create') mapper.redirect('', '/') class Controller(object): """Default controller.""" _view_builder_class = None def __init__(self, view_builder=None): """Initialize controller with a view builder instance.""" if view_builder: self._view_builder = view_builder else: self._view_builder = None class JoinController(Controller): def __init__(self, ipaclient=IPAClient()): super(JoinController, self).__init__(None) self.ipaclient = ipaclient def _get_allowed_hostclass(self, project_name): """Get the allowed list of hostclass from configuration.""" try: group = CONF[project_name] except cfg.NoSuchOptError: # dynamically add the group into the configuration group = cfg.OptGroup(project_name, 'project options') CONF.register_group(group) CONF.register_opt(cfg.ListOpt('allowed_classes'), group=project_name) try: allowed_classes = CONF[project_name].allowed_classes except cfg.NoSuchOptError: LOG.error('No allowed_classes config option in [%s]', project_name) return [] else: if allowed_classes: return allowed_classes else: return [] @response(200) def create(self, req, body=None): """Generate the OTP, register it with IPA Options passed in but as yet-unused are and user-data. """ if not body: LOG.error('No body in create request') raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()) instance_id = body.get('instance-id') image_id = body.get('image-id') project_id = body.get('project-id') hostname_short = body.get('hostname') metadata = body.get('metadata', {}) if not instance_id: LOG.error('No instance-id in request') raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()) if not hostname_short: LOG.error('No hostname in request') raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()) if not image_id: LOG.error('No image-id in request') raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()) if not project_id: LOG.error('No project-id in request') raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()) enroll = metadata.get('ipa_enroll', '') if enroll.lower() != 'true': LOG.debug('IPA enrollment not requested in instance creation') context = req.environ.get('novajoin.context') image_service = get_default_image_service() image_metadata = {} try: image = image_service.show(context, image_id) except (exception.ImageNotFound, exception.ImageNotAuthorized) as e: msg = 'Failed to get image: %s' % e LOG.error(msg) raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)) else: image_metadata = image.get('properties', {}) # Check the image metadata to see if enrollment was requested if enroll.lower() != 'true': enroll = image_metadata.get('ipa_enroll', '') if enroll.lower() != 'true': LOG.debug('IPA enrollment not requested in image') return {} else: LOG.debug('IPA enrollment requested in image') else: LOG.debug('IPA enrollment requested as property') # Ensure this instance exists in nova and retrieve the # name of the user that requested it. instance = get_instance(instance_id) if instance is None: msg = 'No such instance-id, %s' % instance_id LOG.error(msg) raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)) # TODO(rcritten): Eventually may check the user for permission # as well using: # user = keystone_client.get_user_name(instance.user_id) hostclass = metadata.get('ipa_hostclass') if hostclass: # Only look up project_name when hostclass is requested to # save a round-trip with Keystone. project_name = keystone_client.get_project_name(project_id) if project_name is None: msg = 'No such project-id, %s' % project_id LOG.error(msg) raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)) allowed_hostclass = self._get_allowed_hostclass(project_name) LOG.debug('hostclass %s, allowed_classes %s' % (hostclass, allowed_hostclass)) if (hostclass not in allowed_hostclass and '*' not in allowed_hostclass): msg = "Not allowed to add to hostclass '%s'" % hostclass LOG.error(msg) raise base.Fault(webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)) else: project_name = None data = {} ipaotp = uuid.uuid4().hex data['hostname'] = util.get_fqdn(hostname_short, project_name) _, realm = self.ipaclient.get_host_and_realm() data['krb_realm'] = realm try: data['ipaotp'] = self.ipaclient.add_host(data['hostname'], ipaotp, metadata, image_metadata) if not data['ipaotp']: # OTP was not added to host, don't return one del data['ipaotp'] except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOG.error('adding host failed %s', e) LOG.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.ipaclient.start_batch_operation() # key-per-service managed_services = [metadata[key] for key in metadata.keys() if key.startswith('managed_service_')] if managed_services: self.handle_services(data['hostname'], managed_services) compact_services = util.get_compact_services(metadata) if compact_services: self.handle_compact_services(hostname_short, compact_services) self.ipaclient.flush_batch_operation() return data def handle_services(self, base_host, services): """Make any host/principal assignments passed into metadata.""" LOG.debug("In IPAHandleServices") hosts_found = list() services_found = list() for principal in services: principal_host = principal.split('/', 1)[1] # add host if not present if principal_host not in hosts_found: self.ipaclient.add_subhost(principal_host) hosts_found.append(principal_host) # add service if not present if principal not in services_found: self.ipaclient.add_service(principal) services_found.append(principal) self.ipaclient.service_add_host(principal, base_host) def handle_compact_services(self, base_host_short, service_repr): """Make any host/principal assignments passed from metadata This takes a dictionary representation of the services and networks where the services are listening on, and forms appropriate hostnames/service principals based on this information. The dictionary representation looks as the following: { "service1": [ "network1", "network2" ], "service2": [ "network2", "network3" ], } This function will then use the short hostname given for the node, and will form the service principals. So, for the example above, the resulting principals would be: service1/hostname-short.network1.novajoindomain service1/hostname-short.network2.novajoindomain service2/hostname-short.network2.novajoindomain service3/hostname-short.network2.novajoindomain assuming that the hostname given in the body of the request was "hostname-short" and that the domain is called "novajoindomain". This attempts to do a more compact representation since the nova metadta entries have a limit of 255 characters. """ LOG.debug("In handle compact services") hosts_found = list() services_found = list() base_host = util.get_fqdn(base_host_short) for service_name, net_list in service_repr.items(): for network in net_list: host_short = "%s.%s" % (base_host_short, network) principal_host = util.get_fqdn(host_short) principal = "%s/%s" % (service_name, principal_host) # add host if not present if principal_host not in hosts_found: self.ipaclient.add_subhost(principal_host) hosts_found.append(principal_host) # add service if not present if principal not in services_found: self.ipaclient.add_service(principal) services_found.append(principal) self.ipaclient.service_add_host(principal, base_host)